Welcome to Hall C Event Display 1999!

What's new:

now written in C++
built on the ROOT Framework
3D Rotation and "Zooming"
a nice GUI

What's old:

Detector naming convention
-check out the quick reference sheet geometry.ps

The analyzer is still in fortran

What's not here (yet):

Getting individual values (such as typing in =HDC_TOT_HITS would
return the total drift chamber hits in the HMS wire chambers). But
this should be easy to implement, as it means just to read in a statement
(like =HDC_TOT_HITS) and then make the proper calls to CTP to evaluate it

Histograms, Steve Wood is working on those

The SOS wire chambers are messed up, they end up outside of the wire chamber,
the algorithm was adapted from Steve Wood's but I think it is a math error on
my part. Everything else in the SOS is fine and this probem is not effecting
the HMS.

The rotation code is just nasty, Phi modifes psi which modifies theta which
modifies phi...you get the point, you can always use the pre-defined views:
top,side,front,four or start x3d (make sure you set the current view to
HMS or SOS depending on what you want to see in x3d), rotate the
object(press 'm' for help), quit x3d, click on the pad and a new view should
appear. I know this is kind of annoying, but I hope the rotation code can
be hammered out

Things to know about adding your own code:

Getting values from the analyzer involves two functions:

cbnext(char *condition)

retrieves the next event which is true according to condition

cbget(char *name, int type)

returns the value of name from the analyzer. Type determines the return
value, 1 for float, 0 for int (rounds the float...I hope)

This Event Display is brought to you by the letters G and L,
the number 3 and detectors AXDI and BLRE and the Children's ROOT Workshop