E07-002 Run Plan

Bogdan Wojtsekhowski and David Hamilton

25 January 2008

1. Off Endpoint Kinematics

Ebeam = 4.591 GeV
Eγin = 4.1 GeV
Eγscatter = 2.8 GeV
θγ = 26.5o
DBigCal = 12.0 m
ppHMS = 2.02 GeV/c
θpHMS = 38.3o

2. Installation Plan (01/25 Day)

3.1 Pre-beam Preparation (01/25 Swing - D. Hamilton)

3.2 Check Beam (01/25 Swing - B. Wojtsekhowski)

3.3 Endpoint Commissioning Data (01/25 Swing/Owl)

3.4 Off-endpoint Production Data (01/26 Day)

Appendix A
Shift Schedule

  Owl Shift Day Shift Swing Shift
01/25Fri   SL: P. Bosted SL: K. Slifer
TO: M. Khandaker
OLA: D. Hamilton
01/26Sat SL:P. Markowitz
TO:S. Danagoulian
OLA:M. Meziane
SL:H. Baghdadaryan
TO:P. Bosted
OLA:E. Chudakov
SL:R. Lindgren
TO:K. Slifer
OLA:W. Luo
01/27Sun SL:P. Markowitz
TO:S. Danagoulian
OLA:M. Meziane
SL:H. Baghdadaryan
TO:G. Mbianda
OLA:R. Lindgren
SL:K. Slifer
TO:D. Day
OLA:W. Luo
01/28Mon SL:P. Markowitz
TO:J. Maxwell
OLA:A. Puckett
SL:R. Lindgren
TO:V. Mamyan
OLA:E. Chudakov
SL:D. Day
TO:M. Khandaker
OLA:W. Luo
01/29Tue SL:P. Markowitz
TO:J. Maxwell
OLA:A. Puckett
SL:K. Slifer
TO:V. Mamyan
OLA:E. Chudakov
SL:D. Day
TO:G. Mbianda
OLA:M. Meziane
01/30Wed SL:P. Markowitz
TO:M. Khandaker
OLA:W. Luo
SL:R. Lindgren
TO:G. Mbianda
OLA:E. Chudakov
SL:D. Day
TO:V. Mamyan
OLA:A. Puckett
01/31Thu SL:J. Miller
TO:J. Maxwell
OLA:W. Luo
SL:C. Perdrisat
TO:V. Punjabi
SL:H. Baghdadaryan
TO:V. Mamyan
OLA:A. Puckett
02/01Fri SL:J. Miller
TO:J. Maxwell
OLA:W. Luo

SL: Shift Leader
TO: Target Operator
OLA/3rd: Online Analysis/3rd

Appendix B: Contact Information

Run Experts

Name Responsibility Office Pager Cell/Home Email
B. Wojtsekhowski Run Coordinator 7191 584-7191 876-7191 bogdanw@jlab.org
  Program Deputy     876-7997  
S. Wood Hall C Leader 7367 584-7367 593-6656 saw@jlab.org
P. Bosted Physics Division Liaison 5851     bosted@jlab.org
D. Skopik Safety 7740 584-7740   skopik@jlab.org
B. Manzlak Safety 7556 584-7556 897-2051 manzlak@jlab.org
  RadCon     876-1743  

Hall C System Experts

Name Responsibility Office Pager Cell/Home Email
W. Kellner Technical 5512 584-5512 592-1527 kellner@jlab.org
M. Jones Computing/Beam Energy 7733 584-7733 220-2073 jones@jlab.org
G. Smith Target 5405 584-5405   smithg@jlab.org
S. Wood Hall C Leader (DAQ/Slow Controls) 7367 584-7367 593-6656 saw@jlab.org
B. Vulcan electricla (BigBite) 6271 584-6271   vulcan@jlab.org
D. Gaskell Moller 6092 584-6092   gaskelld@jlab.org
T. Horn Moller 7064     horn@jlab.org
H. Fenker Detectors 7431 584-7431   hcf@jlab.org
C. Yan Raster / Harp 7349     yan@jlab.org
J. Beaufait Electrical (BigBite) 7131 584-7131   beaufait@jlab.org
F. Wesselmann FPP 5566 584-5566   frw@jlab.org
D. Meekins Target 5434 584-5434   meekins@jlab.org
H. Mkrtchyan Detectors 7741     hamlet@jlab.org

GEp and WACS Experts

Name Responsibility Office Pager Cell/Home Email
B. Wojtsekhowski Run Coordinator 7191 584-7191 876-7191 bogdanw@jlab.org
C. Perdrisat GEp 5304 584-5304 715-8608 perdrisa@jlab.org
L. Pemtchev GEp / BigCal 7680 584-5462 508-3663 pentchev@jlab.org
A. Puckett BigCal / Analysis 5124/5362   784-1241 puckett@jlab.org
W. Luo BigCal / Analysis 5556   746-2224 weiluo@jlab.org
A. Meziane FPP / Analysis     812-5824 mezianem@jlab.org
A. Shahinyan Detectors 5516 584-5442   shahinyan@jlab.org
D. Hamilton Analysis 5516   +447912524884 dhamilto@jlab.org
R. Gilman WACS Spokesperson 7011     gilman@jlab.org

About this document ...

Run Plan for WACS E07-002
(January 25th - February 1st 2008)

This document largely converted by hand by R. Gilman from D. Hamilton latex, since LaTeX2html converters okay only for standard text, not math or tables.

David Hamilton 2008-01-25