Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name Hovhannes

Log entry time 15:35:37 on January 26,2008

Entry number 149860

keyword=ROC 12 problem "resolution"

ROC 12 problem "resolution"::::

1 step:
On RunControl Computer locate terminal responsible for ROC12 (located in Second pad from the left ). Press enter. If you see "->" enter "i" "enter".

Search in STATUS column SUSP. If there is no SUSP most probably the problem with Hall-C switch.
In this case
1. reboot ROC12
2. go to web page http://hcreboot1
Login : apc
Password : apc
Find "Outlets"->"Control" Click on "Hall-C Switch"
Select in Action "Reboot Immediate" -> "Next" ->Follow instructions.
3. Kill RunControl and start the RunControl from the beginning.
If it does not solve the problem
restart all ROC's by writing reboot in terminals corresponding to ROC 1,2,11,12,13,14 and repeat steps 2,3 above.

It may take you several tries to fix the problem.

Also try the procedure under DAQ in

If the problem was not resolved It makes sense to go to the hall and reboot ROC 12.

The ROC 12 is located in Hall-C bunker on the left side.