; djm preliminary for Fall 2023 NPS run, based solely on BCM calibration run 1422 taken on Sept 25, 2023. ; The Unser gain is determined from the wire calibration in Run 911. See https://hallcweb.jlab.org/doc-private/ShowDocument?docid=1235 ; We hope to achieve +-1% uncertainty at high currents where the error is usually dominated by long term temperature drifts in the RF cables. (Winter is coming lol.) ; At low beam currents, the offset uncertainty of O(0.1) muA will dominate the error. Precision cross sections below 5 muA become difficult. ; The BCM current threshold is essential since the accelerator is trippy and unphysical current offsets could be integrated. But this can interfere with the analysis of low current production data. ; Note this parameter set includes a small but highly significant saturation correction for BCM1 and BCM2 that turns on above 50 muA (reaching ~1% at 70 muA). gNumBCMs=6 gBCM_Names = "BCM1 BCM2 Unser BCM4A BCM4B BCM4C" gBCM_Gain = 5826., 5676., 400.6, 9570., 43160., 1332. gBCM_Offset = 879., 249100., 359700., -1605., -13410., 250. gBCM_SatOffset = 50., 50., 1000., 1000., 1000., 1000. gBCM_SatQuadratic = 0.00175, 0.002, 0., 0., 0.0, 0.0 gBCM_Current_threshold = 2. ; index = 0 to gNumBCMs-1 gBCM_Current_threshold_index = 3