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It is important for the user to make an hclog entry. The user should log the following
- The current of the arc dipole string MBSY3C.
- The Elog entry number of the Hall C Energy Measurement screen that MCC should make.
An example is Elog entry 1134263.
- The Elog entry number of the Hall C Superharp Analyzer screen that MCC should make.
An example is Elog entry 1134260.
- The uncorrected and corrected beam energies from the Hall C Superharp Analyzer screen. One
can calculate the uncorrected beam energy using the current of the arc dipole string MBSY3C and the
program magnet in the directory Beam_Energy in the cdaq account on the cdaql1
machine. An example session is :> pwd
/net/cdaqfs/hallc/home/cdaq/Beam_Energy> magnet
Include extrapolation uncertainty (<y> or <n>) ? :
do you want to do a calculation (<y> or <n>) ? :
enter current (amps) : 126.41194
Current: 126.41194 A
Bdl = 756226.317
P = (3.02898 +/- 0.00122) GeV/c
do you want to do a calculation (<y> or <n>) ? :
- The values for the epics variables HALLA:p and HALLC:p . These values
have been calibrated to previous energy measurements in Hall A and C and have been accurate in
the past. To get the values do the following on a cdaq computer:> caget halla_MeV
halla_MeV 5008.97> caget hallc_MeV
hallc_MeV 3028.39
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Mark Jones