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Making an hclog entry

It is important for the user to make an hclog entry. The user should log the following information.

  1. The current of the arc dipole string MBSY3C.
  2. The Elog entry number of the Hall C Energy Measurement screen that MCC should make. An example is Elog entry 1134263.
  3. The Elog entry number of the Hall C Superharp Analyzer screen that MCC should make. An example is Elog entry 1134260.
  4. The uncorrected and corrected beam energies from the Hall C Superharp Analyzer screen. One can calculate the uncorrected beam energy using the current of the arc dipole string MBSY3C and the program magnet in the directory Beam_Energy in the cdaq account on the cdaql1 machine. An example session is :> pwd
    /net/cdaqfs/hallc/home/cdaq/Beam_Energy> magnet
    Include extrapolation uncertainty (<y> or <n>) ? :
    do you want to do a calculation (<y> or <n>) ? :
    enter current (amps) : 126.41194
    Current: 126.41194 A
    Bdl =  756226.317
    P = (3.02898 +/- 0.00122) GeV/c
    do you want to do a calculation (<y> or <n>) ? :

  5. The values for the epics variables HALLA:p and HALLC:p . These values have been calibrated to previous energy measurements in Hall A and C and have been accurate in the past. To get the values do the following on a cdaq computer:> caget halla_MeV
    halla_MeV                     5008.97> caget hallc_MeV
    hallc_MeV                     3028.39

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Mark Jones 2003-04-24