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Getting the Display to Show the Events You Want to See

This is where you tell the display what type of events you want to look at. It knows all the ctp variables, and uses the ctp syntax. This is best done by example:

Let's look at SOS events only when a track was found. At the prompt type: sntracks_fp==1. This changes the ``test'' to sntracks_fp==1. Note: this only shows events where it found one track; use the > symbol to find one or more tracks. Note that the test stays as the default until you change it. If you hit return again you will get another event with sntracks_fp==1.

Another common task is viewing a specific event number. The operative variable here is gen_event_ID_number. You would then just type gen_event_ID_number==xxxx. Pretty straightforward...

Note: Usually the first thing to do is get past the pedestal events. Do this by typing gen_event_ID_number>1000. After that type in any ctp conditions. If you just want to peruse, just hit return; all events will now pass the gen_event_ID_number>1000 test.

You can type in any test on any ctp variable using these delimiters:

Operator Operation  
|| or  
&& and  
> greater than  
< less than  
>= greater than or equal to  
<= less than or equal to  
!= not equal to  

and you can group with parentheses.

A note on multiple tracks: For events with more than one track, the ``good track'' (least chi squared), is colored red.

Note: If you type in a rare condition, the display may ``time out'' before it finds an appropriate event. You can change the timeout by typing MAXTIME= xxxx, where xxxx is the time in seconds before it gives up. The default is 100 seconds. The same holds for MAXEVENTS. This is useful if you accidentally type something ridiculous like sntracks_fp>100. Instead of analyzing all 200k events, it will time out. You may be tempted to hit Ctrl-C, but this will quit the whole program. Beware.

Note: On some keyboards typing ]'s or backspace will cause the event display to crash. If this seems to be the case, avoid hitting the weird keys, and try using Ctrl-H or the delete key instead of backspace.

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Ioana Niculescu 2001-11-19