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In the following we give the procedure for doing the HMS TOF fitting. You
can do the SOS by analogy (replace hoffset with soffset
with tof_sos, etc.).3
If you haven't used the code before you need to grab a copy. Type (in
your home directory, let's say)
source /group/hallc/packages/tof_calibration/tofup
[newdir] ,
where [newdir] is the
name of a (non-existent) directory where you want the code to go (tof,
let's say). The script will create the new directory, copy all the necessary
code there, and compile the code. The executables will be written in ~/tof/bin/Linux
(or SunOS, or HPUX)
depending on the platform you are using.
To refit TOF parameters for the HMS do the following:
In /replay/PARAM/hdebug.param,
set hdebugdumptof = 1 and
then analyze an appropriate run.45
sure that the tracking is good.6The
analyzer will create a file fort.37
(fort.38 for the SOS); copy
this file to /tof/indat/phchms_out.[run].
Remove the link phchms_out.dat
and go `ln -s phchms_out.[run] phchms_out.dat'
so the TOF programs will look at your new data. When you are done, set
= 0 so that future runs will not dump the (big) TOF
Copy the appropriate version of /replay/PARAM/hhodo.param
to indat/hhodo.param. Make
sure that the file ~/tof/include/hmsposition.inchas
the same parameters as the appropriate /replay/PARAM/hhodo.pos
Run hredall ( in the bin/Linux or SunOS direcotry).
This creates a bunch of files in the tmpdat
directory that contain information about timing offsets between pairs of
crossing (i.e., x and y) scintillators.
(Do this step only if
you need new pulse-height corrections) Run hphc.
This calculates the actual pulse-height coefficients.
In PAW (started in the /tof/paw
directory): Go `exe phc_hms'
and from the resulting plots, eyeball average values for each plane (i.e.,
just four values for the entire spectrometer). Manually paste these values
into the file indat/hhodo.param.
Run hoffset. This uses the tmpdat
files together with indat/hhodo.param
to create outdat/newhhodo.param.
This file differs from hhodo.param
only in the values for hhodo_pos(neg)_time_offsets.
Copy this file to indat/hhodo.param.
Then run htof.
In PAW again: To look at the TOF plots, execute the TOF kumac (`exe
tof_hms'). Make sure that the
chi-squared plot look reasonable.
If either the beta spectrum or the chi-squared plot doesn't look good (an
unusual occurrence) or you need really good timing resolution, you may
benefit from repeating steps 4
and 5
Finally, copy indat/hhodo.param
to your /replay/PARAM directory
and modify the database files so that the analyzer uses the new parameter
file for the appropriate runs.
this document ...Up:Hall
C Time ofPrevious:Introduction
Ioana Niculescu 2001-11-15