subroutine H_TRACK_FIT(ABORT,err,ierr) * primary track fitting routine for the HMS spectrometer * * Called by H_TRACK * * d.f. geesaman 17 January 1994 * modified * 17 Feb 1994 dfg * remove minuit. Make fit linear * still does not do errors properly * $Log: h_track_fit.f,v $ * Revision 1.6 1994/12/06 15:45:27 cdaq * (DJM) Take slices in Z to look for best focus * * Revision 1.5 1994/10/12 18:52:06 cdaq * (DJM) Initialize some variables * (SAW) Prettify indentation * * Revision 1.4 1994/09/01 12:29:07 cdaq * (DJM) Make registered versions of residuals * * Revision 1.3 1994/08/18 02:45:53 cdaq * (DM) Add calculation of residuals * * Revision 1.2 1994/02/22 05:25:00 cdaq * (SAW) Remove dfloat calls with floating args * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/19 06:20:53 cdaq * Initial revision * * implicit none include "gen_data_structures.cmn" include "hms_tracking.cmn" include "hms_geometry.cmn" external H_DPSIFUN * * * local variables * logical ABORT character*50 here parameter (here='H_TRACK_FIT') character*(*) err integer*4 itrack ! track loop index integer*4 ihit,ierr integer*4 hit,plane integer*4 i,j,k ! loop index real*4 z_slice real*8 H_DPSIFUN real*8 pos real*4 ray(hnum_fpray_param) real*8 ray1(4) real*8 ray2(4) real*8 TT(hnum_fpray_param) real*8 AA(hnum_fpray_param,hnum_fpray_param) real*8 dray(hnum_fpray_param) real*8 error(hnum_fpray_param) real*4 chi2,dummychi2 parameter (dummychi2 = 1.E4) * array to remap hplane_coeff to param number integer*4 remap(hnum_fpray_param) data remap/5,6,3,4/ save remap * ABORT= .FALSE. ierr=0 * initailize residuals do itrack=1,HNTRACKS_MAX do plane=1,HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES hdc_residual(itrack,plane)=1000 hdc_sing_res(itrack,plane)=1000 hdc1_sing_res(plane)=1000 hdc2_sing_res(plane)=1000 hdc1_dbl_res(plane)=1000 hdc2_dbl_res(plane)=1000 enddo enddo * test for no tracks if( then do itrack=1,HNTRACKS_FP chi2= dummychi2 htrack_fit_num=itrack * are there enough degrees of freedom HNFREE_FP(itrack)=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)-hnum_fpray_param if(HNFREE_FP(itrack).gt.0) then * initialize parameters do i=1,hnum_fpray_param TT(i)=0. do ihit=2,HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)+1 hit=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,ihit) plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit) TT(i)=TT(i)+((HDC_WIRE_COORD(hit)* & hplane_coeff(remap(i),plane)) & /(hdc_sigma(plane)*hdc_sigma(plane))) enddo enddo do i=1,hnum_fpray_param do j=1,hnum_fpray_param AA(i,j)=0. if( AA(i,j)=AA(j,i) else do ihit=2,HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)+1 hit=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,ihit) plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit) AA(i,j)=AA(i,j) + ( & hplane_coeff(remap(i),plane)*hplane_coeff(remap(j) $ ,plane)/(hdc_sigma(plane)*hdc_sigma(plane))) enddo ! end loop on ihit endif ! end test on j .lt. i enddo ! end loop on j enddo ! end loop on i * * solve four by four equations call solve_four_by_four(TT,AA,dray,ierr) * if( then dray(1)=10000. dray(2)=10000. dray(3)=2. dray(4)=2. else * calculate chi2 chi2=0. ray(1)=dray(1) ray(2)=dray(2) ray(3)=dray(3) ray(4)=dray(4) do ihit=2,HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)+1 hit=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,ihit) plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit) * note chi2 is single precision hdc_sing_res(itrack,plane)= & (HDC_WIRE_COORD(hit) & -hplane_coeff(remap(1),plane)*ray(1) & -hplane_coeff(remap(2),plane)*ray(2) & -hplane_coeff(remap(3),plane)*ray(3) & -hplane_coeff(remap(4),plane)*ray(4)) chi2=chi2+((hdc_sing_res(itrack,plane))**2 & )/(hdc_sigma(plane)*hdc_sigma(plane)) *djm if(itrack.eq.1 .and. .and. plane.le.6) & hdc1_sing_res(plane) = hdc_sing_res(itrack,plane) if(itrack.eq.2 .and. .and. plane.le.12) & hdc2_sing_res(plane) = hdc_sing_res(itrack,plane) enddo endif HX_FP(itrack)=ray(1) HY_FP(itrack)=ray(2) HZ_FP(itrack)=0. ! z=0 of tracking. HXP_FP(itrack)=ray(3) HYP_FP(itrack)=ray(4) endif ! end test on degrees of freedom HCHI2_FP(itrack)=chi2 enddo ! end loop over tracks endif * A reasonable selection of slices is presently -80,-60,-40,-20,0,20,40 * ,60,80. Zero is the nominal midplane between the chambers, -80 * corresponds closely to the exit flange position. This slice pattern * is created with hz_wild=-80., hdelta_z_wild=20., and hnum_zslice=9 if( do k=1,hnum_zslice z_slice = hz_wild + (k-1)*hdelta_z_wild hx_fp_wild(k) = hx_fp(1) + hxp_fp(1)*z_slice hy_fp_wild(k) = hy_fp(1) + hyp_fp(1)*z_slice enddo endif * calculate residuals for each chamber if in single stub mode * and there were 2 tracks found one in first chanber and one in the second if ( then if (HNTRACKS_FP.eq.2) then itrack=1 ihit=2 hit=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,ihit) plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit) if (plane.le.6) then itrack=2 hit=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,ihit) plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit) if ( then * condition of above met calculating residuals * assigning rays to tracks in each chamber * ray1 is ray from first chamber fit * ray2 is ray from second chamber fit ray1(1)=dble(HX_FP(1)) ray1(2)=dble(HY_FP(1)) ray1(3)=dble(HXP_FP(1)) ray1(4)=dble(HYP_FP(1)) ray2(1)=dble(HX_FP(2)) ray2(2)=dble(HY_FP(2)) ray2(3)=dble(HXP_FP(2)) ray2(4)=dble(HYP_FP(2)) itrack=1 * loop over hits in second chamber do ihit=1,HNTRACK_HITS(itrack+1,1) * calculate residual in second chamber from first chamber track hit=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack+1,ihit+1) plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit) pos=H_DPSIFUN(ray1,plane) hdc_residual(itrack,plane)=HDC_WIRE_COORD(hit)-pos * djm 8/31/94 stuff this variable into 1d array we can register hdc2_dbl_res(plane) = hdc_residual(1,plane) enddo itrack=2 * loop over hits in first chamber do ihit=1,HNTRACK_HITS(itrack-1,1) * calculate residual in first chamber from second chamber track hit=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack-1,ihit+1) plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit) pos=H_DPSIFUN(ray2,plane) hdc_residual(itrack,plane)=HDC_WIRE_COORD(hit)-pos * djm 8/31/94 stuff this variable into 1d array we can register hdc1_dbl_res(plane) = hdc_residual(2,plane) enddo endif ! end plane ge 7 endif ! end plane le 6 endif ! end HNTRACKS_FP eq 2 endif ! end hsignle_stub .ne. 0 * test if we want to dump out trackfit results if( then call h_print_tracks endif ! end test on zero tracks 1000 return end *