* This include file contains all the variables required for s_physics * $Log: sos_physics_sing.cmn,v $ * Revision 1.2 1994/08/05 20:44:48 cdaq * (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=event,parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls * * Revision 1.1 1994/06/14 03:25:37 cdaq * Initial revision * * CTPTYPE=event * * Event varaibles to calculate REAL*4 SSELAS_COR ! Difference between momentum measured ! by tracking and elastic kinematics COMMON/SOS_PHYSICS_SING/ & SSELAS_COR * * CTPTYPE=parm * * initializiation paramters REAL*4 SPHYSICSA ! Coefficients of p3 in elastic cal REAL*4 SPHYSICSB ! REAL*4 SPHYSICAB2 ! REAL*4 SPHYSICSM3B ! REAL*4 COSSTHETAS ! COS(STHETA_LAB) REAL*4 SINSTHETAS ! SIN(STHETA_LAB) COMMON/SOS_PHYSICS_PARAM_R4/ & SPHYSICSA, & SPHYSICSB, & SPHYSICAB2, & SPHYSICSM3B, & COSSTHETAS, & SINSTHETAS * * Parameters that select the best track. Note these should be * loose cuts to make sure we select one track. The final * tighter cuts should be made with tests. REAL*4 ssel_chi2_fpperdegmax ! Maximun chi2 per degree of freedom ! at the focal plane REAL*4 ssel_dedx1min ! Minimum dedx in chamber 1 REAL*4 ssel_dedx1max ! Maximum dedx in chamber 1 REAL*4 ssel_betamin ! Minimum beta REAL*4 ssel_betamax ! Maximum beta REAL*4 ssel_etmin ! Minimum track et REAL*4 ssel_etmax ! Maximum track et INTEGER*4 ssel_ndegreesmin ! Minimum number of degrees of freedom * COMMON/sos_chose_one_track_r4/ & ssel_chi2_fpperdegmax, & ssel_dedx1min, & ssel_dedx1max, & ssel_betamin, & ssel_betamax, & ssel_etmin, & ssel_etmax * COMMON/sos_chose_one_track_i4/ & ssel_ndegreesmin