subroutine s_one_ev_geometry * * This routine will get the detector position and size information from CTP, * then use this information for defining the different GEANT geometry structures * * August, 1994, Pat Welch, Oregon State University, * * Note: Subdivided volumes won't work for doing coordinate transforms. Or * at least I didn't see a method around them. So I have defined all * the subvolumes explicitly. (TPW) * * Modified from HMS version, h_one_ev_geometry, March 1995 by * Derek van Westrum ( * * $Log: s_one_ev_geometry.f,v $ * Revision 1.5 1996/11/22 15:37:10 saw * (SAW) Don't let U&V wires extend beyond chamber. Some code cleanup. * * Revision 1.4 1996/04/30 14:10:39 saw * (DVW) Code update * * Revision 1.3 1996/01/17 16:37:48 cdaq * (DVW) Tweak hodoscale * * Revision 1.2 1995/10/06 18:24:18 cdaq * (DVW) Changed to ctp geometry variables and eliminated call to s_one_ev.par. * * Revision 1.1 1995/07/31 15:23:38 cdaq * Initial revision * h_one_ev_geometry.f,v $ implicit none include 'sos_data_structures.cmn' include 'sos_geometry.cmn' include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn' include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn' real*4 SHUT_WIDTH,SHUT_HEIGHT parameter (SHUT_WIDTH = 100.) ! full width of the det. hut parameter (SHUT_HEIGHT = 800.) ! full height of the det. hut integer SHUTMEDIA ! non-sensitive tracking media integer DETMEDIA ! sensitive tracking media parameter (SHUTMEDIA = 1, DETMEDIA = 2) real*4 hodoscale parameter (hodoscale = 2.) real*4 wcscale * parameter (wcscale = 5.) parameter (wcscale = 1.) real*4 xwirelength real*4 ywirelength real*4 uwirelength real*4 vwirelength parameter(xwirelength = 40.0) parameter(ywirelength = 66.0) parameter(uwirelength = 80) != xwirelength/sin(60 degrees) parameter(vwirelength = 80) != xwirelength/sin(60 degrees) character*5 scinname character*5 layername character*5 planename character*5 plane character*5 wire character*5 blockname integer isector integer iplane integer iwire integer ichamber integer ilayer integer irow integer ivolu ! internal volume number real par(10) ! geometry parameters real x, y, z ! offset position for placement of dets integer i ! index variable real wspace ! Wire spacing temp variable real xtemp,ytemp ! Temporary variables for real xplus,yplus ! display correct wire lengths. real xminus,yminus real*4 raddeg parameter (raddeg = 3.14159265/180.) * First define two general media that everything is made of * one is insensitive, and the other is sensitive call gstmed (SHUTMEDIA, 'air', 15, 0, 0,0.,20.,1.,0.5,1.,1.,0,0) call gstmed (DETMEDIA, 'det', 15, 1, 0,0.,20.,1.,0.5,1.,1.,0,0) * Now define the mother volume that the detectors sit in par(1) = SHUT_WIDTH / 2. ! half width in x of mother volume par(2) = SHUT_WIDTH / 2. ! half width in y of mother volume par(3) = SHUT_HEIGHT / 2. ! half height in z of mother volume call g_ugsvolu ('SHUT', 'BOX ', SHUTMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) call gsatt ('SHUT', 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the hut * Now define the wire chambers as a collection of planes * First the U and V planes. * par(1) = ywirelength/2. par(2) = xwirelength/2. par(3) = wcscale * (sdc_zpos(2) - sdc_zpos(1))/ 2. ! half width of chamber planes do ichamber = 1,2 do iplane = 1,2 write(planename,'(a,a,a,a)') "W",char(64+ichamber),char(64+iplane),"U" call g_ugsvolu (planename, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) write(planename,'(a,a,a,a)') "W",char(64+ichamber),char(64+iplane),"V" call g_ugsvolu (planename, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) enddo enddo * * Now do the X planes. * par(1) = ywirelength/2. par(2) = xwirelength/2. par(3) = wcscale * (sdc_zpos(2) - sdc_zpos(1))/ 2. ! half width of chamber planes do ichamber = 1,2 do iplane = 1,2 write(planename,'(a,a,a,a)') "W",char(64+ichamber),char(64+iplane),"X" call g_ugsvolu (planename, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) enddo enddo ! make a volume for 6 planes. The size here should be cool. DVW 18 jul 95 par(1) = ywirelength/2. par(2) = xwirelength/2. par(3) = wcscale * (6./5. * (sdc_zpos(6) - sdc_zpos(1))) / 2. call g_ugsvolu ('WCHA', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Wire chamber call g_ugsvolu ('WCHB', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Wire chamber * Now place the planes within the wire chamber. Start with U z = - wcscale * (5. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1)) call gspos ('WAAU', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! U plane z = - wcscale * (3. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1)) call gspos ('WABU', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! U plane z = - wcscale * (5. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1)) call gspos ('WBAU', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! U plane z = - wcscale * (3. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1)) call gspos ('WBBU', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! U plane * z = - wcscale * (1. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1)) call gspos ('WAAX', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane z = wcscale * (1. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1)) call gspos ('WABX', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane z = - wcscale * (1. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1)) call gspos ('WBAX', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane z = wcscale * (1. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1)) call gspos ('WBBX', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane * z = wcscale * (3. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1)) call gspos ('WAAV', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! V plane z = wcscale * (5. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1)) call gspos ('WABV', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! V plane z = wcscale * (3. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1)) call gspos ('WBAV', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! V plane z = wcscale * (5. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1)) call gspos ('WBBV', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! V plane * Now place the wire chambers in the mother volume * x = sdc_xcenter(1) y = - sdc_ycenter(1) z = sdc_1_zpos call gspos ('WCHA', 1, 'SHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY') ! upper chamber x = sdc_xcenter(2) y = - sdc_ycenter(2) z = sdc_2_zpos call gspos ('WCHB', 1, 'SHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY') ! bottom chamber * * Define the individual wire cells * See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the * various detector elements * ***** *UUUU ***** par(1) = sdc_pitch(1) / 2./1000. ! make the cells "wire" thin par(2) = uwirelength/2. par(3) = (sdc_zpos(2) - sdc_zpos(1))/ 2./1000. ! half width of chamber planes wspace = sdc_pitch(1) / SIN(sdc_alpha_angle(1)) * * First define all the "boxes" for all the U wires in both chambers... * Then position the U wires plane by plane do ichamber=1,2 iplane = 1 x = -(sdc_nrwire(1) + 1.) / 2. * wspace do isector=1,4 if(isector.eq.3) then iplane = 2 x = -(sdc_nrwire(1) + 1.) / 2. * wspace endif write(plane,'(a,a,a,a)') 'W',char(64 + ichamber),char(64+iplane),'U' do iwire = 1,24 x = x + wspace ytemp = xwirelength/2.0 xtemp = ytemp/tan(sdc_alpha_angle(1)) + x if( then xplus = ywirelength/2.0 yplus = (xplus-x)*tan(sdc_alpha_angle(1)) else xplus = xtemp yplus = ytemp endif ytemp = -xwirelength/2.0 xtemp = ytemp/tan(sdc_alpha_angle(1)) + x if( then xminus = -ywirelength/2.0 yminus = (xminus-x)*tan(sdc_alpha_angle(1)) else xminus = xtemp yminus = ytemp endif par(2) = sqrt((xplus-xminus)**2+(yplus-yminus)**2)/2.0 write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'U', $ char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire) call g_ugsvolu (wire, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! U cell call gsatt (wire, 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the wire cells call gspos (wire, 1, plane, (xminus+xplus)/2 $ , (yminus+yplus)/2, 0., 3, 'ONLY') enddo enddo enddo * ***** *XXX ***** par(1) = sdc_pitch(3) / 2. /1000. ! half width of cell par(2) = xwirelength/2. ! the length of the xwirelengths par(3) = (sdc_zpos(4) - sdc_zpos(3))/ 2./1000. ! half width of chamber planes wspace = sdc_pitch(3) * * First define all the "boxes" for all the X wires in both chambers... * Then position the X wires plane by plane... * do ichamber=1,2 iplane = 1 x = -(sdc_nrwire(3) + 1.) / 2. * wspace do isector=1,8 if(isector.eq.5) then iplane = 2 x = -(sdc_nrwire(3) + 1.) / 2. * wspace endif write (plane,'(a,a,a,a)') 'W',char(64 + ichamber),char(64+iplane),'X' do iwire = 1,16 x = x + wspace write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'X', $ char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire) call g_ugsvolu (wire, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! X cell call gsatt (wire, 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the wire cells call gspos (wire, 1, plane, x, 0., 0., 0, 'ONLY') enddo enddo enddo * * ***** *VVVV ***** par(1) = sdc_pitch(5) / 2./1000. ! half width of cell par(2) = vwirelength/2. par(3) = (sdc_zpos(6) - sdc_zpos(5))/ 2./1000. ! half width of chamber planes * wspace = sdc_pitch(5) / SIN(sdc_alpha_angle(5)) * First define all the "boxes" for all the V wires in both chambers... * Then position the V wires plane by plane... do ichamber=1,2 iplane =1 x = -(sdc_nrwire(5) + 1.) / 2. * wspace do isector=1,4 if(isector.eq.3) then iplane = 2 x = -(sdc_nrwire(5) + 1.) / 2. * wspace endif write (plane,'(a,a,a,a)') 'W',char(64 + ichamber),char(64+iplane),'V' do iwire = 1,24 x = x + wspace ytemp = -xwirelength/2.0 xtemp = ytemp/tan(sdc_alpha_angle(5)) + x if( then xplus = ywirelength/2.0 yplus = (xplus-x)*tan(sdc_alpha_angle(5)) else xplus = xtemp yplus = ytemp endif ytemp = xwirelength/2.0 xtemp = ytemp/tan(sdc_alpha_angle(5)) + x if( then xminus = -ywirelength/2.0 yminus = (xminus-x)*tan(sdc_alpha_angle(5)) else xminus = xtemp yminus = ytemp endif par(2) = sqrt((xplus-xminus)**2+(yplus-yminus)**2)/2.0 write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'V', $ char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire) call g_ugsvolu (wire, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! U cell call gsatt (wire, 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the wire cells c write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'V', c $ char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire) call gspos (wire, 1, plane, (xminus+xplus)/2 $ , (yminus+yplus)/2, 0., 4, 'ONLY') enddo enddo enddo * * * Now define the hodoscope layers * See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the * various detector elements par(1) = sscin_1x_size * sscin_1x_nr / 2. par(2) = sscin_1y_size * sscin_1y_nr / 2. par(3) = sscin_1x_dzpos * hodoscale / 2. call g_ugsvolu ('HDX1', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! X plane hodo call g_ugsvolu ('HDY1', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Y plane hodo call gsatt ('HDX1', 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the hodo box call gsatt ('HDY1', 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the hodo box par(1) = sscin_2x_size * sscin_2x_nr / 2. par(2) = sscin_2y_size * sscin_2y_nr / 2. par(3) = sscin_2x_dzpos * hodoscale /2. call g_ugsvolu ('HDX2', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! X plane hodo call g_ugsvolu ('HDY2', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Y plane hodo call gsatt ('HDX2', 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the hodo box call gsatt ('HDY2', 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the hodo box ! box for front hodos par(1) = sscin_1x_size * sscin_1x_nr / 2. par(2) = sscin_1y_size * sscin_1y_nr / 2. par(3) = sscin_1x_dzpos*hodoscale + (sscin_1y_zpos-sscin_1x_zpos)/2. call g_ugsvolu ('HOD1', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! hodoscope box call gsatt ('HOD1', 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the hodo box ! box for back hodos par(1) = sscin_2x_size * sscin_2x_nr / 2. par(2) = sscin_2y_size * sscin_2y_nr / 2. par(3) = sscin_2x_dzpos*hodoscale + (sscin_2y_zpos-sscin_2x_zpos)/2. call g_ugsvolu ('HOD2', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! hodoscope box call gsatt ('HOD2', 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the hodo box * added by Derek * x = -sscin_1x_offset y = sscin_1y_offset z = sscin_1x_zpos call gspos ('HOD1', 1, 'SHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY') ! lower hodo x = -sscin_2x_offset y = sscin_2y_offset z = sscin_2x_zpos call gspos ('HOD2', 1, 'SHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY') ! upper hodo z= -(sscin_1x_offset*hodoscale + (sscin_1y_zpos-sscin_1x_zpos))/2. call gspos ('HDX1', 1, 'HOD1', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane call gspos ('HDY1', 1, 'HOD1', 0., 0., -z, 0, 'ONLY') ! Y plane z= -(sscin_2x_offset*hodoscale + (sscin_2y_zpos-sscin_2x_zpos))/2. call gspos ('HDX2', 1, 'HOD2', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane call gspos ('HDY2', 1, 'HOD2', 0., 0., -z, 0, 'ONLY') ! Y plane * Now define the strips for the hodoscopes x = (sscin_1x_nr + 1.) * sscin_1x_size / 2. ! starting loci do i = 1, sscin_1x_nr x = x - sscin_1x_size write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + i) par(1) = sscin_1x_size / 2. ! half width of X strips par(2) = sscin_1y_size * sscin_1y_nr / 2. par(3) = sscin_1x_dzpos * hodoscale / 2. !half thickness of hodoscope in z call g_ugsvolu (scinname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! X plane hodo call gspos (scinname, i, 'HDX1', x, 0., 0., 0, 'ONLY') enddo y = (sscin_1y_nr + 1.) * sscin_1y_size / 2. ! starting loci do i = 1, sscin_1y_nr y = y - sscin_1y_size write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + i) par(1) = sscin_1x_size * sscin_1x_nr / 2. ! half width of hodoscope in x par(2) = sscin_1y_size / 2. ! half width of X strips par(3) = sscin_1y_dzpos * hodoscale / 2. !half thickness of hodoscope in z call g_ugsvolu (scinname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Y plane hodo call gspos (scinname, i, 'HDY1', 0., y, 0., 0, 'ONLY') enddo x = (sscin_2x_nr + 1.) * sscin_2x_size / 2. ! starting loci do i = 1,sscin_2x_nr x = x - sscin_2x_size write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2X',char(64 + i) par(1) = sscin_2x_size / 2. ! half width of X strips par(2) = sscin_2y_size * sscin_2y_nr / 2. par(3) = sscin_2x_dzpos * hodoscale / 2. !half thickness of hodoscope in z call g_ugsvolu (scinname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! X plane hodo call gspos (scinname, i, 'HDX2', x, 0., 0., 0, 'ONLY') enddo y = (sscin_2y_nr + 1.) * sscin_2y_size / 2. ! starting loci do i = 1, sscin_2y_nr y = y - sscin_2y_size write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2Y',char(64 + i) par(1) = sscin_2x_size * sscin_2x_nr / 2. par(2) = sscin_2y_size / 2. ! half width of X strips par(3) = sscin_2y_dzpos * hodoscale / 2. !half thickness of hodoscope in z call g_ugsvolu (scinname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Y plane hodo call gspos (scinname, i, 'HDY2', 0., y, 0., 0, 'ONLY') enddo * Now define the shower detector * See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the * various detector elements ! half width of the shower in x par(1) = smax_cal_rows * scal_block_zsize / 2. ! half width of the shower in y par(2) = scal_block_ysize / 2. ! half height of the shower detector par(3) = smax_cal_columns * scal_block_xsize / 2. call g_ugsvolu ('SHOW', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) !for the x offset, we take the center of the top and bottom blocks !This assumes that all the blocks are !the same heighth and width as scal_1pr x = -(scal_block_xc(1) + scal_block_xc(smax_cal_rows))/2 y = scal_block_yc(1) z = scal_1pr_zpos + smax_cal_columns*scal_block_xsize/2. call gspos ('SHOW', 1, 'SHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY') call gsatt ('SHOW','SEEN',0) par(1) = smax_cal_rows * scal_block_zsize / 2.! half width of shower in x par(2) = scal_block_ysize / 2. ! half width of the shower in y par(3) = scal_block_xsize / 2. ! half height of the shower detector z = -(smax_cal_columns + 1.) / 2. * scal_block_xsize do ilayer =1,smax_cal_columns z = z + scal_block_xsize write (layername,'(a,i1)') 'LAY',ilayer par(1) = smax_cal_rows * scal_block_zsize / 2. ! half width of shower call g_ugsvolu (layername, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) call gspos(layername, 1, 'SHOW', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') par(1) = scal_block_zsize / 2. ! half width of a block x = (smax_cal_rows - 1.) / 2. * scal_block_zsize do irow = 1, smax_cal_rows write (blockname,'(a,i1,a)') 'BL',ilayer,char(64 + irow) call g_ugsvolu (blockname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) call gspos(blockname, 1, layername, x, 0., 0., 0, 'ONLY') x = x - scal_block_zsize enddo enddo * end