SUBROUTINE t_hms(ABORT,err) *-------------------------------------------------------- * $Log: t_hms.f,v $ * Revision 1.1 1997/05/23 20:51:35 saw * Initial revision * * IMPLICIT NONE SAVE character*(*) here parameter (here= 't_hms') logical ABORT character*(*) err INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 't20_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par' INCLUDE 't20_hms.cmn' include 'hms_tracking.cmn' include 'gen_event_info.cmn' include 't20_misc.cmn' integer*4 ihit * GPBEAM : beam momentun (GEV/C) * HSENERGY : Lab total energy of chosen track in GeV * HSDELTA : Spectrometer delta of chosen track * HSYP_TAR : hstheta = htheta_lab*pi/180. - hsyp_tar * HSTHETA : Lab Scattering angle in radians if ( then !need at least one HMS track tsinhtheta = sin(hstheta/2.) te_v = sqrt(Gpbeam*Gpbeam + mass_electron*mass_electron) thms_td1 = te_v - hsenergy thms_td2 = te_v*(1. - 1./(1. + 2.*te_v*tsinhtheta**2/tpartmass)) tq2 = 2.*tpartmass*thms_td1 else tsinhtheta = 0. te_v = 0. thms_td1 = 0. thms_td2 = 0. tq2 = 0. endif do ihit=1,HMISC_TOT_HITS if(HMISC_RAW_ADDR1(ihit).eq.1) then ! hight precision tdc if(HMISC_RAW_ADDR2(ihit).eq.10) hr_start_hms=HMISC_RAW_DATA(ihit) endif enddo return end