subroutine t_register_variables(ABORT,err) *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * CTP variable registration routine for T20 * * Purpose : Register all variables that are to be used by CTP, that are * connected with the SOS. This includes externally configured * parameters/contants, event data that can be a histogram source, and * possible test results and scalers. * * Output: ABORT - success or failure * : err - reason for failure, if any * * Created: 22-Jan-1997 Stephen A. Wood * * $Log: t_register_variables.f,v $ * Revision 1.1 1998/12/01 20:57:17 saw * Initial revision * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none save * character*20 here parameter (here='t_register_variables') * logical ABORT character*(*) err * logical FAIL character*1000 why * *-------------------------------------------------------- err= ' ' ABORT = .FALSE. * call r_t20_data_structures call r_t20_filenames call r_t20_test_detectors call r_t20_hodo call r_t20_reg_polder_structures call r_t20_misc call r_t20_hms call r_t_ntuple call t_register_param(FAIL,why) ! TRACKING ROUTINE IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN !keep warnings call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL * call t_ntuple_register(FAIL,why) ! Remove this when ctp files fixed IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN !keep warnings call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL * if(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err) * return end