% % Master BibTeX file for Hall C Howtos and References % % Adapted from biblio.tex, the bibliography file from the % Hall C Ops manual. % % $Log: chowto.bib,v $ % Revision 1.4 2003/06/19 18:28:37 saw % Add Unser monitor reference % % Revision 1.3 2003/04/04 14:28:38 saw % Prohibit off site access to vendor manuals % % Revision 1.2 2003/03/19 21:27:29 saw % Remove ^M's that seem to have crept in % % Revision 1.1 2003/03/05 18:16:36 saw % Initial checkin with entries from Ops manual translated into BibTeX % % % %%% B. Foy, E. I. Dupont de Nemours and Co., private communication @Misc{rdup1, author = {B. Foy and E. I. Dupont de Nemours and Co.}, howpublished = {private communication} } %%% M. Mapes and W.J. Leonhardt, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A 11(4), @Article{rbrook1, author = {M. Mapes and W.J. Leonhardt}, journal = {J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A}, year = {1993}, volume = {11}, pages = {4}, month = {Jul/Aug} } %%% W.J. Leonhardt and M. Mapes, BNL-48238 @Misc{rbrook2, author = {W.J. Leonhardt and M. Mapes}, note = {BNL-48238}, } %%% B. Wojtsekhowski, private communication @Misc{rbogdan, author = {B. Wojtsekhowski}, howpublished = {private communication} } %%% T.T. Chiao, C.C. Chiao, and R.J. Sherry, Fracture Mechanics %%% and Technology, Vol. 1, 257-269 (1977) @Article{rllnl2, author = {T.T. Chiao and C.C. Chiao R.J. Sherry}, journal = {Fracture Mechanics and Technology}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, pages = {257-269} } %%% NASA Langley Materials Science Division, private communication @Misc{rnasa, author = {NASA Langley Materials Science Division}, howpublished = {private coummunication} } @Misc{rnswc, author = {H. Peritt}, note = {NSWC Report AD-B030932L} } %%% Occurrence Report, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1995 @Misc{rbrook3, title = {Occurrence Report}, note = {Brookhaven National Laboratory}, year = {1995} } %%% S.L. Phoenix and E.M. Wu, LLNL Report, 1983 @TechReport{rllnl, author = {S.L. Phoenix and E.M. Wu}, institution = {LLNL}, year = {1983}, } %%% %%% C. Yan, {\em et al.}, ``Preliminary User's Manual for the High %%% Momentum Spectrometer at JLab," JLab-R-92-002 (1992) @TechReport{bi:yan1, author = {C. Yan and etal}, title = {Preliminary User's Manual for the High Momentum Spectrometer at JLab}, institution = {JLab}, year = {1992}, number = {JLAB-R-92-002}, } %%% HMS Superconducting Magnet Safety Review - Quadrupoles (1994) @Misc{bi:hms1, title = {HMS Superconducting Magnet Safety Review - Quadrupoles}, year = {1994} } %%% C. Yan, ``HMS Upgrade - The Third Order Correction,'' %%% JLab-TN95-016 (1995) @TechReport{bi:yan2, author = {C. Yan}, title = {HMS Upgrade - The Third Order Correction}, number = {JLab-TN95-016}, year = {1995} } %%% Oxford Instruments User Manual Section 4.0, %%% ``Unpacking and Installation''. @Misc{bi:oxf1, title = {Oxford Instruments User Manual Section 4.0, ``Unpacking and Installation''} } %%% Oxford Instruments Tech. Manual Section 8.12, %%% ``HMS Quadrupole Interlock Test''. @Misc{bi:oxf2, title = {Oxford Instruments Tech. Manual Section 8.12, ``HMS Quadrupole Interlock Test''} } %%% Danfysik Magnet Power Supply 8000 Section 5,``Maintenance'' @Misc{bi:danf, title = {Danfysik Magnet Power Supply 8000 Section 5,``Maintenance''} } %%% HMS Superconducting Magnet Safety Review - Dipole (1994) @Misc{bi:hms2, title = {HMS Superconducting Magnet Safety Review - Dipole}, year = {1994} } %%% %\bibitem{bi:arr95} J. Arrington, ``Safety Assessment Document for the Counting %%% %Room C Electronics" %%% M.~Hoegerl, P.~Hood, and J.~H.~Mitchell, %%% ``Results of Hydrostatic Testing of the HMS Cerenkov Tank" @Misc{bi:tank, author = {M. Hoegerl and P. Hood and J.H. Mitchell}, title = {Results of Hydrostatic Testing of the HMS Cerenkov Tank} } %%% C.~D.~Cothran, M.~Hoegerl, P.~Hood, and J.~H.~Mitchell, %%% ``Results of Safety Testing for the HMS Cerenkov Tank Windows" @Misc{bi:wind, title = {C.D. Cothran and M. Hoegerl and P. Hood and J.H. Mitchell} } %%% B. Kross, Gas Handling System Writeup and Operator's Manual. @Misc{bi:kross, author = {B. Kross}, title = {Gas Handling System Writeup and Operator's Manual} } %%% W.R. Smythe, ``JLab Hall C SOS Gas \v{C}erenkov %%% Detector Handbook.'' University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. @TechReport{bi:Smythe, author = {W.R. Smythe}, title = {JLab Hall C SOS Gas \v{C}erenkov Detector Handbook}, institution = {University of Colorado}, address = {Boulder, Colorado} } %%% Dale Woodin, ``Conceptual Design of a Gas %%% \v{C}erenkov Counter for the SOS Project.'' Western Michigan %%% University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. @TechReport{bi:Woodin, author = {Dale Woodin}, title = {Conceptual Design of a Gas \v{C}erenkov Counter for the SOS Project}, institution = {Western Michigan University}, address = {Kalamazoo, Michigan} } %%% % hydrogen properties %%% R.D. Mc Carty, "Hydrogen Technology Survey: Thermophysical %%% Properties," N76-11297, NBS 1975 @TechReport{bi:mc75, author = {R.D. Mc Carty}, title = {Hydrogen Technology Survey: Thermophysical Properties}, institution = {NBS}, year = {1975}, number = {N76-11297} } %%% %%% %helium properties %%% R.D. Mc Carty, "Thermophysical Properties of $^4$He from %%% 2 to 1500 K with Pressures to 1000 Atmospheres," COM 75-10334, NBS 1972 @TechReport{bi:mc72, author = {R.D. Mc Carty}, title = {Thermophysical Properties of ${}^4$He from 2 to 1500 K with Pressures to 1000 Atmospheres}, institution = {NBS}, year = {1972}, number = {COM 75-10334} } %%% R.M. Gibbons and D.I. Nathan, " Thermodynamic Data %%% of $^3$He ," Tech Report AFML-TR-67-173, Oct 1967 @TechReport{bi:gi67, author = {R.M. Gibbons and D.I. Nathan}, title = {Thermodynamic Data of ${}^3$He}, year = {1967}, number = {AFML-TR-67-173}, month = {October} } %%% B. Terburg, " Target Cell Pressure Test Results" @Misc{bi:test, author = {B. Terburg}, title = {Target Cell Pressure Test Results} } %%% W. Schmitt and C. Williamson " Boiloff Rates of %%% Cryogenic Targets Subjected to Catastrophic Vacuum Failure," %%% Bates Internal Report \# 90-02, Sept 1990 @Misc{bi:bates, author = {W. Schmitt and C. Williamson}, title = {Boiloff Rates of Cryogenic Targets Subjected to Catastrophic Vacuum Failure}, howpublished = {Bates Internal Report \# 90-02}, month = {September}, year = {1990} } %%% J. H. Mitchell, "Specifications for the Control System of %%% the Hall C Cryogenic Targets" @Misc{bi:tgts, author = {J. H. Mitchell}, title = {Specifications for the Control System of the Hall C Cryogenic Targets} } %%% %%% %\bibitem{bi:osp} J.H. Mitchell, R. Ent, and C.E. Keppel, "Operational %%% %Safety Procedure for Hall C" %%% C. D. Cothran, D. Day, and J. H. Mitchell, %%% ``Temporary Operating Safety %%% Procedure for the HMS Cerenkov Detector Pressure Testing" @Misc{bi:ctest, title = {Temporary Operating Safety Procedure for the HMS Cerenkov Detector Pressure Testing}, author = {C. D. Cothran and D. Day, and J. H. Mitchell} } %%% M. Mapes and W.J. Leonhardt, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. %%% 11, No. 4, Jul/Aug 199 @Article{bi:rbrook, author = {M. Mapes and W.J. Leonhardt}, journal = {J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, month = {July}, year = {1993}, pages = {1587-1592}, url = {http://ojps.aip.org/jvsta/} } %%% %%% %\bibitem{bi:saf} J. H. Mitchell, "Safety Assessment Document for the Hall C %%% %Cryogenic Targets" %%% %%% %%% %%% JLab EH&S Manual @Misc{bi:jlabehs, title = {Jefferson Lab Environment, Health, \& Safety Manual}, howpublished = {Jefferson Laboratory}, url= {http://www.jlab.org/ehs/manual/EHSbook.html} } @article{bi:unser, title = {A Toroidal DC Beam Current Transformer with High Resolution}, author = {K. Unser}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science}, volume = {NS-28}, number = {3}, month = {June}, year = {1981} }