\documentclass{chowto} \title{Run Monticello} \howtotype{user} %\experiment{Name of experiment} % Optional \author{Glen Warren} \category{beamline} %\maintainer{Name of person maintaining document} % Optional \date{April 7, 2003} % Can use \today as the argument \begin{document} \begin{abstract} This document describes how to run the MEDM screen monticello and how to access some of the most frequently used information. \end{abstract} \section{Starting Monticello} To start Monticello, log in as either \verb+cvxwrks@cdaqh1+ or \verb+cdaq@cdaqs3+. Once connected, there are two ways to start: \begin{enumerate} \item from the window manager, left click on a blank part of the screen and select Monticello from the pop menu; \item from the terminal, type \verb+runmonticello+. The script is located in \verb+~\bin\+. \end{enumerate} \section{Accessing information} Below is a description of how to access some of the most often used screens from Monticello: \begin{itemize} \item {\bf CEBAF overview:} Under the Comfort Screens drop-down menu button, choose ``General CEBAF overview.'' \item {\bf FSD overview:} Click the FSD drop-down menu button, there is no menu. \item {\bf FSD for target movement:} In the FSD overview screen, there is a box on the left side of the screen labeled ``Target Movement Masking.'' Click on the drop-down menu button and select ``Mask Hall C Target Movement.'' \item {\bf fast feedback:} Click on the left drop-down menu button for Hall C, choose ``Hall C Fast Feedback Control.'' \item {\bf fast raster info:} Under the left drop-down menu button for Hall C, choose ``Hall C Raster, Fast.'' \item {\bf Hall C overview:} Click on the left drop-down menu button for Hall C, choose ``Hall C General Info.'' \item {\bf ion chambers:} Click on the left drop-down menu button for RadCon, choose ``Hall C Ion Chamber Signals.'' \item {\bf polarized gun overview:} Click on the left drop-down menu button for Gun/Laser, choose ``PGun OPS Main.'' \end{itemize} If anyone would like to add to this list, please contact the author. \end{document} % Revision history: % $Log: run_monticello.tex,v $ % Revision 1.1 2003/04/15 18:57:21 saw % Initial copy from Glen Warren %