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All Rights Reserved userdict /Deneba_CanvasGraphics 300 dict put Deneba_CanvasGraphics begin /invalidcolortable? true def /level2 /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel 2 ge}{false} ifelse def /initialize {Deneba_CanvasGraphics {dup xcheck{bind}if pop pop}forall currentscreen /_sp exch def /_sa exch def /_sf exch def /DefaultScreen{_sf _sa /_sp load}def /DefaultScreenProc{ /_sp load}def /setstrokeadjust where{pop true}{false}ifelse {/sa /setstrokeadjust load def /li /lineto load def /mt /moveto load def /ct /curveto load def /lh { currentpoint exch pop lineto}bind def /lv { currentpoint pop exch lineto}bind def} {/sa{{currentdict StrokeAdjustDict ne{StrokeAdjustDict begin}if}{ currentdict StrokeAdjustDict eq{end}if}ifelse} bind def userdict /StrokeAdjustDict 100 dict put StrokeAdjustDict begin /_xl {transform .25 sub round .25 add exch .25 sub round .25 add exch itransform }bind def /li{ _xl lineto}bind def /mt{ _xl moveto}bind def /ct{ _xl curveto}bind def /lh { dup _xl pop 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0 0 1 5 -2 roll arcn closepath _cvmtx setmatrix}def /as{_cvmtx currentmatrix pop translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arcn _cvmtx setmatrix}def /ds {_penv _penh ne dup{stm _penh dup 0 le{pop 1}if _penv dup 0 le{pop 1}if scale}{_penh setlinewidth}ifelse stroke {rtm}if}def /df{fill}def /de{eofill}def /_gstk 5 array def /_gstkc 0 def /_gst{ 9 dict begin level2{/_ccs currentcolorspace def /_cc [currentcolor] def}{/_cc [currentrgbcolor]def}ifelse {currentpoint}stopped {/_cp null def}{ 2 array astore /_cp exch def}ifelse /_cf currentfont def /_clw currentlinewidth def /_clc currentlinecap def /_clj currentlinejoin def /_cml currentmiterlimit def currentdict end}def /hs{newpath gsave stm}def /hc{/_hr load exch get exec newpath}def /he{_gstk _gstkc _gst put /_gstkc _gstkc 1 add store grestore rtm /_gstkc _gstkc 1 sub store _gstk _gstkc get level2{dup /_ccs get setcolorspace dup /_cc get aload pop setcolor}{dup /_cc get aload pop setrgbcolor}ifelse dup /_cp get dup null eq not{aload pop 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ias2 /ASCII85Decode filter st0 readstring pop iaa} def /irles {0 ias2 /ASCII85Decode filter /RunLengthDecode filter st0 readstring pop iaa} def initialize end %%EndResource %%IncludeFont: TimesNewRomanPSMT Deneba_CanvasGraphics begin _encodArr 0 [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 128/bullet/bullet/quotesinglbase/florin/quotedblbase/ellipsis/dagger/daggerdbl/circumflex/perthousand/Scaron/guilsinglleft/OE/bullet/bullet/bullet /bullet/quoteleft/quoteright/quotedblleft/quotedblright/bullet/endash/emdash/tilde/trademark /scaron /guilsinglright/oe/bullet/bullet/Ydieresis /bullet/exclamdown/cent/sterling/currency/yen/brokenbar/section/dieresis/copyright/ordfeminine/guillemotleft/logicalnot/hyphen/registered/macron /degree/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior/acute/mu/paragraph/periodcentered/cedilla/onesuperior/ordmasculine/guillemotright/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters/questiondown /Agrave/Aacute/Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis /Aring /AE/Ccedilla/Egrave/Eacute/Egrave/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute/Icircumflex/Idieresis /Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute/Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis/multiply/Oslash/Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn/germandbls /agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis /aring /ae/ccedilla/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex/edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde/odieresis/divide/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex/udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis ] put _encodArr 1 [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 128/Adieresis/Aring/Ccedilla/Eacute/Ntilde/Odieresis/Udieresis/aacute /agrave/acircumflex/adieresis/atilde/aring/ccedilla/eacute/egrave /ecircumflex/edieresis/iacute/igrave/icircumflex/idieresis/ntilde/oacute /ograve/ocircumflex/odieresis/otilde/uacute/ugrave/ucircumflex/udieresis /dagger/degree/cent/sterling/section/bullet/paragraph/germandbls /registered/copyright/trademark/acute/dieresis/notequal/AE/Oslash /infinity/plusminus/lessequal/greaterequal/yen/mu/partialdiff/summation /product/pi/integral/ordfeminine/ordmasculine/Omega/ae/oslash /questiondown/exclamdown/logicalnot/radical/florin/approxequal/Delta/guillemotleft /guillemotright/ellipsis/blank/Agrave/Atilde/Otilde/OE/oe /endash/emdash/quotedblleft/quotedblright/quoteleft/quoteright/divide/lozenge /ydieresis/Ydieresis/fraction/currency/guilsinglleft/guilsinglright/fi/fl /daggerdbl/periodcentered/quotesinglbase/quotedblbase/perthousand/Acircumflex/Ecircumflex/Aacute /Edieresis/Egrave/Iacute/Icircumflex/Idieresis/Igrave/Oacute/Ocircumflex /apple/Ograve/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Ugrave/dotlessi/circumflex/tilde /macron/breve/dotaccent/ring/cedilla/hungarumlaut/ogonek/caron ] put mark /___FN3 /Times-Roman dup dup findfont dup /CharStrings known {begin CharStrings /Adieresis known { 1 }{-1} ifelse end} {pop -1} ifelse rf F debug 0 id 1 fd 0 675 translate 300 -300 scli %%EndSetup /DeviceCMYK scs 0.8359 0.7188 0.7188 0.9297 f4 0.1250 0.1250 sp 1 lc T sa stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 1 - Ref: 30, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 300.0004 450.0005 1800.0022 2250.0027 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 4.1667 4.1667 sp 0 lc 11.5 lm 0 lj np 300.0004 450.0005 1800.0022 2250.0027 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 2 - Ref: 5, Rectangle 0 0 0 0.0977 f4 np 600.0007 750.0009 1500.0018 1950.0024 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 600.0007 750.0009 1500.0018 1950.0024 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 3 - Ref: 6, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 1350.0016 600.0007 1500.0018 750.0009 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 1350.0016 600.0007 1500.0018 750.0009 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 4 - Ref: 8, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 600.0007 600.0007 750.0009 750.0009 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 600.0007 600.0007 750.0009 750.0009 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 5 - Ref: 2, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 450.0005 750.0009 600.0007 900.0011 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 450.0005 750.0009 600.0007 900.0011 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 6 - Ref: 7, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 450.0005 1800.0022 600.0007 1950.0024 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 450.0005 1800.0022 600.0007 1950.0024 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 7 - Ref: 10, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 1500.0018 750.0009 1650.002 900.0011 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 1500.0018 750.0009 1650.002 900.0011 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 8 - Ref: 11, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 1500.0018 1800.0022 1650.002 1950.0024 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 1500.0018 1800.0022 1650.002 1950.0024 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 9 - Ref: 15, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 1200.0015 600.0007 1350.0016 750.0009 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 1200.0015 600.0007 1350.0016 750.0009 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 10 - Ref: 16, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 750.0009 600.0007 900.0011 750.0009 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 750.0009 600.0007 900.0011 750.0009 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 11 - Ref: 17, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 1350.0016 1950.0024 1500.0018 2100.0026 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 1350.0016 1950.0024 1500.0018 2100.0026 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 12 - Ref: 18, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 600.0007 1950.0024 750.0009 2100.0026 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 600.0007 1950.0024 750.0009 2100.0026 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 13 - Ref: 19, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 1200.0015 1950.0024 1350.0016 2100.0026 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 1200.0015 1950.0024 1350.0016 2100.0026 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 14 - Ref: 20, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 750.0009 1950.0024 900.0011 2100.0026 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 750.0009 1950.0024 900.0011 2100.0026 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 15 - Ref: 21, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 450.0005 1050.0013 600.0007 1200.0015 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 450.0005 1050.0013 600.0007 1200.0015 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 16 - Ref: 12, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 450.0005 1200.0015 600.0007 1350.0016 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 450.0005 1200.0015 600.0007 1350.0016 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 17 - Ref: 9, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 450.0005 1350.0016 600.0007 1500.0018 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 450.0005 1350.0016 600.0007 1500.0018 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 18 - Ref: 13, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 450.0005 1500.0018 600.0007 1650.002 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 450.0005 1500.0018 600.0007 1650.002 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 19 - Ref: 22, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 1500.0018 1050.0013 1650.002 1200.0015 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 1500.0018 1050.0013 1650.002 1200.0015 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 20 - Ref: 23, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 1500.0018 1200.0015 1650.002 1350.0016 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 1500.0018 1200.0015 1650.002 1350.0016 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 21 - Ref: 24, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 1500.0018 1350.0016 1650.002 1500.0018 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 1500.0018 1350.0016 1650.002 1500.0018 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 22 - Ref: 25, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 1500.0018 1500.0018 1650.002 1650.002 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 1500.0018 1500.0018 1650.002 1650.002 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 23 - Ref: 14, Rectangle 0 0 0 0 f4 np 750.0009 900.0011 1350.0016 1800.0022 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 750.0009 900.0011 1350.0016 1800.0022 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 24 - Ref: 4, Line 0.0039 0.7109 0.4922 0 f4 np 1350.0016 1050.0013 mt 900.0011 1800.0022 li ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 25 - Ref: 27, Line 0.0039 0.7109 0.4922 0 f4 np 1200.0015 900.0011 mt 750.0009 1650.002 li ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 26 - Ref: 28, Line 0.0039 0.7109 0.4922 0 f4 np 750.4476 1050.2693 mt 1200.4481 1800.2702 li ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 27 - Ref: 29, Line 0.0039 0.7109 0.4922 0 f4 np 900.4477 900.2691 mt 1350.4483 1650.27 li ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 28 - Ref: 26, Line 0.0039 0.7109 0.4922 0 f4 np 750.0009 1050.0013 mt 1350.0016 1050.0013 li ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 29 - Ref: 31, Line 0.0039 0.7109 0.4922 0 f4 np 750.0009 1200.0015 mt 1350.0016 1200.0015 li ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 30 - Ref: 32, Line 0.0039 0.7109 0.4922 0 f4 np 750.0009 1350.0016 mt 1350.0016 1350.0016 li ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 31 - Ref: 33, Line 0.0039 0.7109 0.4922 0 f4 np 750.0009 1500.0018 mt 1350.0016 1500.0018 li ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 32 - Ref: 34, Line 0.0039 0.7109 0.4922 0 f4 np 750.0009 1650.002 mt 1350.0016 1650.002 li ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 33 - Ref: 37, Rectangle 0.0039 0.5117 0.3203 0 f4 np 975.0012 2081.2525 1125.0014 2156.2526 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 975.0012 2081.2525 1125.0014 2156.2526 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 34 - Ref: 39, Rectangle 0.0039 0.5117 0.3203 0 f4 stm 0.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3037.5114 -412.4947 cs np 1687.4962 1275.0092 1837.4964 1350.0093 rp rtm de 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 0.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3037.5114 -412.4947 cs np 1687.4962 1275.0092 1837.4964 1350.0093 rp rtm ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 35 - Ref: 40, Rectangle 0.0039 0.5117 0.3203 0 f4 stm 0.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3037.5114 -412.4947 cs np 1687.4962 2625.0109 1837.4964 2700.011 rp rtm de 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 0.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3037.5114 -412.4947 cs np 1687.4962 2625.0109 1837.4964 2700.011 rp rtm ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 36 - Ref: 41, Rectangle 0.0039 0.5117 0.3203 0 f4 np 975.0012 543.7507 1125.0014 618.7508 rp de 0 0 0 1. f4 np 975.0012 543.7507 1125.0014 618.7508 rp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 37 - Ref: 35, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0.1250 0.1250 sp 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 469.7506 851.4176 mt 0 0.2338 ta (U'3) 3 0 81.78 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 38 - Ref: 43, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 469.7506 1151.418 mt 0 0.2338 ta (X'1) 3 0 81.78 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 39 - Ref: 44, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 469.7506 1301.4182 mt 0 0.2338 ta (X'2) 3 0 81.78 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 40 - Ref: 45, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 469.7506 1451.4184 mt 0 0.2338 ta (X'3) 3 0 81.78 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 41 - Ref: 46, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 469.7506 1601.4185 mt 0 0.2338 ta (X'4) 3 0 81.78 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 42 - Ref: 47, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 469.7506 1901.4189 mt 0 0.4075 ta (V1) 2 0 71.27 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 43 - Ref: 48, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 638.5008 2051.4191 mt 0 0.4075 ta (V2) 2 0 71.27 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 44 - Ref: 49, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 788.501 2051.4191 mt 0 0.4075 ta (V3) 2 0 71.27 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 45 - Ref: 50, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1238.5015 2051.4191 mt 0 0.4075 ta (U1) 2 0 71.27 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 46 - Ref: 51, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1388.5017 2051.4191 mt 0 0.4075 ta (U2) 2 0 71.27 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 47 - Ref: 52, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1538.5019 1901.4189 mt 0 0.4075 ta (U3) 2 0 71.27 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 48 - Ref: 53, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1538.5019 1601.4185 mt 0 0.4075 ta (X1) 2 0 71.27 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 49 - Ref: 54, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1538.5019 1451.4184 mt 0 0.4075 ta (X2) 2 0 71.27 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 50 - Ref: 55, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1538.5019 1301.4182 mt 0 0.4075 ta (X3) 2 0 71.27 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 51 - Ref: 56, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1538.5019 1151.418 mt 0 0.4075 ta (X4) 2 0 71.27 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 52 - Ref: 57, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1538.5019 851.4176 mt 0 0.2338 ta (V'1) 3 0 81.78 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 53 - Ref: 58, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1369.7517 701.4174 mt 0 0.2338 ta (V'2) 3 0 81.78 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 54 - Ref: 59, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1219.7515 701.4174 mt 0 0.2338 ta (V'3) 3 0 81.78 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 55 - Ref: 60, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 769.751 701.4174 mt 0 0.2338 ta (U'1) 3 0 81.78 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 56 - Ref: 61, Text 0 0 0 1. f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 619.7508 701.4174 mt 0 0.2338 ta (U'2) 3 0 81.78 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 57 - Ref: 63, Polygon 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 8.3333 8.3333 sp 14.3 lm 0 lj np 1028.7426 562.5007 mt 1028.7426 412.5005 li 262.5003 412.5005 li 262.5003 2287.5028 li 1031.2513 2287.5028 li 1031.2513 2137.5026 li ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 58 - Ref: 42, Polygon 0 0 0 0 f4 np 337.5004 2587.5032 mt 337.5004 2587.5032 li cp de 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 4.1667 4.1667 sp np 337.5004 2587.5032 mt 337.5004 2587.5032 li cp ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 59 - Ref: 64, Polygon 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 8.3333 8.3333 sp np 1765.9224 1313.0224 mt 1903.1304 1313.0224 li 1903.1304 375.1677 li 188.0309 375.1677 li 188.0309 1350.5225 li 356.2504 1350.5225 li ds %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 60 - Ref: 62, Line 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 np 1068.7513 562.5007 mt 1068.7513 337.5004 li ds gs 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 np 1089.2371 364.9117 mt 1075.5155 370.123 1061.9873 370.123 1048.2659 364.9114 ct 1068.7519 306.1807 li 1089.2371 364.9117 li cp de gr %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 61 - Ref: 65, Line 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 np 1762.5022 1368.7517 mt 1987.5024 1368.7517 li ds gs 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 np 1960.0912 1389.2374 mt 1954.8799 1375.5158 1954.8799 1361.9875 1960.0915 1348.2661 ct 2018.8222 1368.7522 li 1960.0912 1389.2374 li cp de gr %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 62 - Ref: 66, Text 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0.1250 0.1250 sp 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 938.5012 288.9169 mt 0 0.2177 ta (To ) 3 1 79.35 tf T sa rtm 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1018.0724 288.9169 mt 0 0.2177 ta (HVPS) 4 0 148.92 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 63 - Ref: 69, Text 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1894.7523 1451.4184 mt 0 0.2177 ta (To ) 3 1 79.35 tf T sa rtm 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1974.3235 1451.4184 mt 0 0.2177 ta (HVPS) 4 0 148.92 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 64 - Ref: 68, Text 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 41.6667 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 957.2512 667.8341 mt 0 0.2963 ta (Potential) 9 0 148.08 tf T sa rtm 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm F sa 957.2512 727.9486 mt 0 0.4103 ta (Wire ) 5 1 93.79 tf T sa rtm 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1051.453 727.9485 mt 0 0.4103 ta (HV) 2 0 59.61 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 65 - Ref: 70, Text 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 41.6667 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1688.5021 1474.0851 mt 0 0.3582 ta (Foil) 4 0 67.13 tf T sa rtm 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1688.5021 1534.1996 mt 0 0.963 ta (HV) 2 0 60.18 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 66 - Ref: 71, Text 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 41.6667 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 338.5004 1474.0851 mt 0 0.3582 ta (Foil) 4 0 67.13 tf T sa rtm 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 338.5004 1534.1996 mt 0 0.963 ta (HV) 2 0 60.18 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 67 - Ref: 72, Text 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 41.6667 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 957.2512 1999.0858 mt 0 0.2963 ta (Potential) 9 0 148.08 tf T sa rtm 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm F sa 957.2512 2059.2002 mt 0 0.4103 ta (Wire ) 5 1 93.79 tf T sa rtm 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 1051.453 2059.2003 mt 0 0.4103 ta (HV) 2 0 59.61 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm stm %% DSIBeginObject: # 68 - Ref: 67, Text 0 0.9492 0.8242 0 f4 0 0 0 1. f4 stm 58.3334 fts /___FN3 cvsf 0 0 0 1. f4 F sa 751.0009 2407.6695 mt 0 0.1657 ta (Viewed from Upstream) 20 2 550.57 tf T sa rtm %%DSIEndObject rtm terminate showpage