\documentclass{chowto} \title{SOS Nominal Settings: Voltages, Currents, Flows, etc.} \howtotype{reference} %\experiment{Name of experiment} % Optional \author{H. Fenker} \category{sos} % Subject area of this document %\maintainer{Name of person maintaining document} % Optional \date{March 12, 2003} % Can use \today as the argument \begin{document} \providecommand{\degg}{\ensuremath{^{\circ}\ }} \begin{abstract} This document collects the nominal setpoints for all SOS detector utility supplies. Phototube and wire chamber high voltages may change over time, of course. The values listed here were taken from the control system as found in March, 2003. \end{abstract} \section{Related {\it Howtos}} The following Hall-C {\it Howto} documents may be helpful. User Level Documents- \par \indent \indent Monitoring SOS ``Utilities'' Systems \cite{howto:sos_detector_monitoring} \par \indent \indent Base Equipment Checklist \cite{howto:base_equip_checklist} \par \indent \indent Monitoring Gas Mixing System and Interpreting Alarms \cite{howto:response_to_flam_gas_alarm} \par \indent \indent High Voltage System Use and Reconfiguration \cite{howto:CAEN_HV_operation} Expert Level Documents- \par \indent \indent Starting Up and Shutting Down the SOS Detectors \cite{howto:turn_on_sos} \par \indent \indent Drift Gas System \cite{howto:drift_gas_system} Reference Documents- \par \indent \indent Detector Signal and High Voltage Cable Map \cite{howto:cable_map} \par \indent \indent SOS Drift Chamber High Voltage and Signal Connections \cite{howto:hms_drift_map} \section{Tables of Typical / Nominal Readings} \begin{table}[h!] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|l|r|} \hline Chamber & Channel & Voltage \\ \hline 1 & wc1\_foil & 1975 \\ 1 & wc1\_pw & 1975 \\ 2 & wc2\_foil & 1975 \\ 2 & wc2\_pw & 1975 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Nominal SOS Drift Chamber High Voltage Setpoints (Volts). Normal currents for wire chamber high voltages are less than $10\mu A$. \label{tab:drift_hv_settings}} \end{table} \begin{table}[h!] \centering \small \begin{tabular}{|c|r|r|r|l|} \hline Item & Voltage & Tolerance & Current & Location\\ \hline +5 Preamp Supply & 5.0 & $\pm 0.2$ & ? A & SOS Hut \\ -5 Preamp Supply & 5.0 & $\pm 0.2$ & ? A & SOS Hut \\ $V_t$ & +4.0 & $\pm 0.1$ & 0 & CR Rack CH03B10\\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Nominal SOS drift chamber low voltages and currents \label{tab:sos_drift_lv_settings}} \end{table} \begin{table}[h!] \centering \small \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline Item & Nominal & Units &Tol. & Where to Look\\ \hline Ethane Bottle Pressure & \multicolumn{4}{|l|}{ Temperature Dependent -- {\it practically meaningless}}\\ Ethane Bottle Weight &\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{Full weight - (0 to 12) lbs} & above bottle\\ Ethane Supply Pressure & 20 & psig & -1 +5 & manifold outside\\ Argon Bottle Pressure & $> 200$ & psig & & manifold outside \\ Argon Supply Pressure & 30 & psig & -1 +5 & manifold outside \\ SOS Ethane Flow & 0.15 & slpm & $\pm 0.01$ & CRT channel 1 \\ SOS Argon Flow & 0.15 & slpm & $\pm 0.01$ & CRTchannel 2 \\ Alcohol Temperature & 1 & $ \degg C $& $\pm 3~C \degg$&Temp. Control Box \\ Alcohol Level & about 2 & cm &$ \pm 1cm$ & Glass Flask in Ref. \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Nominal drift chamber gas supply readings. The equipment referenced is inside the gas shed and under the lean-to outside the gas shed. \label{tab:gas_shed_settings}} \end{table} \begin{table}[h!] \centering \small \begin{tabular}{|c|c||l|r||l|r|} \hline Plane & Paddle & Channel & Voltage & Channel & Voltage \\ \hline 1x & 1 & s1x1+ & 2793 & s1x1- & 2760 \\ 1x & 2 & s1x2+ & 2420 & s1x2- & 2450 \\ 1x & 3 & s1x3+ & 2520 & s1x3- & 2400 \\ 1x & 4 & s1x4+ & 2648 & s1x4- & 2438 \\ 1x & 5 & s1x5+ & 2950 & s1x5- & 2530 \\ 1x & 6 & s1x6+ & 2675 & s1x6- & 2500 \\ 1x & 7 & s1x7+ & 2422 & s1x7- & 2550 \\ 1x & 8 & s1x8+ & 2354 & s1x8- & 2980 \\ 1x & 9 & s1x9+ & 2585 & s1x9- & 2500 \\ \hline 1y & 1 & s1y1+ & 2305 & s1y1- & 2630 \\ 1y & 2 & s1y2+ & 2315 & s1y2- & 2537 \\ 1y & 3 & s1y3+ & 2554 & s1y3- & 2490 \\ 1y & 4 & s1y4+ & 2565 & s1y4- & 2747 \\ 1y & 5 & s1y5+ & 2490 & s1y5- & 2792 \\ 1y & 6 & s1y6+ & 2628 & s1y6- & 2830 \\ 1y & 7 & s1y7+ & 2785 & s1y7- & 2390 \\ 1y & 8 & s1y8+ & 2960 & s1y8- & 2535 \\ 1y & 9 & s1y9+ & 2315 & s1y9- & 2413 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Typical SOS Trigger Scintillator $1$ High Voltages as of March, 2003. All bases draw roughly 2.0-3.0~mA (loaded at $1-1.2M\Omega$). \label{tab:sos_scint1_hv}} \end{table} \begin{table}[h!] \centering \small \begin{tabular}{|c|c||l|r||l|r|} \hline Plane & Paddle & Channel & Voltage & Channel & Voltage \\ \hline 2x & 1 & s2x1+ & 2700 & s2x1- & 2950 \\ 2x & 2 & s2x2+ & 2667 & s2x2- & 2560 \\ 2x & 3 & s2x3+ & 2554 & s2x3- & 2498 \\ 2x & 4 & s2x4+ & 2660 & s2x4- & 2636 \\ 2x & 5 & s2x5+ & 2450 & s2x5- & 2769 \\ 2x & 6 & s2x6+ & 2304 & s2x6- & 2540 \\ 2x & 7 & s2x7+ & 2423 & s2x7- & 2587 \\ 2x & 8 & s2x8+ & 2975 & s2x8- & 2615 \\ 2x & 9 & s2x9+ & 2485 & s2x9- & 2420 \\ 2x & 10 & s2x10+ & 2469 & s2x10- & 2421 \\ 2x & 11 & s2x11+ & 2405 & s2x11- & 2542 \\ 2x & 12 & s2x12+ & 2341 & s2x12- & 2540 \\ 2x & 13 & s2x13+ & 2427 & s2x13- & 2585 \\ 2x & 14 & s2x14+ & 2698 & s2x14- & 2770 \\ 2x & 15 & s2x15+ & 2400 & s2x15- & 2418 \\ 2x & 16 & s2x16+ & 2541 & s2x16- & 2560 \\ \hline 2y & 1 & s2y1+ & 2865 & s2y1- & 2970 \\ 2y & 2 & s2y2+ & 2540 & s2y2- & 2675 \\ 2y & 3 & s2y3+ & 2470 & s2y3- & 2840 \\ 2y & 4 & s2y4+ & 2545 & s2y4- & 2638 \\ 2y & 5 & s2y5+ & 2800 & s2y5- & 2615 \\ 2y & 6 & s2y6+ & 2950 & s2y6- & 2922 \\ 2y & 7 & s2y7+ & 2510 & s2y7- & 2667 \\ 2y & 8 & s2y8+ & 2610 & s2y8- & 2463 \\ 2y & 9 & s2y9+ & 2735 & s2y9- & 2875 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Typical SOS Trigger Scintillator $2$ High Voltages as of March, 2003. All bases draw roughly 2.0-3.0~mA (loaded at $1-1.2M\Omega$). \label{tab:sos_scint2_hv}} \end{table} \begin{table}[h!] \centering \small \begin{tabular}{|c|r|} \hline Channel & Voltage \\ \hline SAERO01 & 2845 \\ SAERO02 & 2600 \\ SAERO03 & 2685 \\ SAERO04 & 2555 \\ SAERO05 & 2630 \\ SAERO06 & 2590 \\ SAERO07 & 2595 \\ SAERO08 & 2645 \\ SAERO09 & 2755 \\ SAERO10 & 2705 \\ SAERO11 & 2440 \\ SAERO12 & 2630 \\ SAERO13 & 2685 \\ SAERO14 & 2840 \\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Typical SOS Aerogel High Voltage Setpoints (Volts) as found in the HV.hvc configuration file. Tubes are Burle 8854 five inch PMT's. \label{tab:sos_aero_hv}} \end{table} \begin{table}[h!] \centering \small \begin{tabular}{|c|r|c|} \hline Channel & High Voltage & Gain$/10^6$ \\ \hline 1 & 2880 & 66.0 \\ 2 & 2900 & 67.9 \\ 3 & 2820 & 68.7 \\ 4 & 2675 & 71.0 \\ \hline Pressure & $|DP|<0.020$ & \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Nominal SOS Gas \v{C}erenkov Conditions. The PMT's are 5-inch Burle 8854. Maximum high voltage rating is 3000V. The voltages and gains shown are from log entry 9834 (February 12, 1999) and reflect an attempt to gain match the tubes. All photomultiplier tube bases draw approximately ??mA. {\it Pressure} indicates the maximum tolerable differential pressure across the windows. \label{tab:sos_gas_cer_hv}} \end{table} \begin{table}[h!] \centering \small \begin{tabular}{|c|c|l|r||c|c|l|r|} \hline Layer & Block & Channel & Voltage & Layer & Block & Channel & Voltage \\ \hline A & 1 & sA01 & 1534 & A & 1 & sA01+ & 1500 \\ A & 2 & sA02 & 1515 & A & 2 & sA02+ & 1500 \\ A & 3 & sA03 & 1564 & A & 3 & sA03+ & 1500 \\ A & 4 & sA04 & 1515 & A & 4 & sA04+ & 1500 \\ A & 5 & sA05 & 1400 & A & 5 & sA05+ & 1500 \\ A & 6 & sA06 & 1555 & A & 6 & sA06+ & 1600 \\ A & 7 & sA07 & 1530 & A & 7 & sA07+ & 1500 \\ A & 8 & sA08 & 1504 & A & 8 & sA08+ & 1500 \\ A & 9 & sA09 & 1400 & A & 9 & sA09+ & 1500 \\ A & 10 & sA10 & 1450 & A & 10 & sA10+ & 1500 \\ A & 11 & sA11 & 1555 & A & 11 & sA11+ & 1600 \\ \hline B & 1 & sB01 & 1460 & B & 1 & sB01+ & 1500 \\ B & 2 & sB02 & 1565 & B & 2 & sB02+ & 1500 \\ B & 3 & sB03 & 1440 & B & 3 & sB03+ & 1500 \\ B & 4 & sB04 & 1500 & B & 4 & sB04+ & 1500 \\ B & 5 & sB05 & 1535 & B & 5 & sB05+ & 1600 \\ B & 6 & sB06 & 1460 & B & 6 & sB06+ & 1500 \\ B & 7 & sB07 & 1600 & B & 7 & sB07+ & 1500 \\ B & 8 & sB08 & 1440 & B & 8 & sB08+ & 1500 \\ B & 9 & sB09 & 1580 & B & 9 & sB09+ & 1500 \\ B & 10 & sB10 & 1430 & B & 10 & sB10+ & 1600 \\ B & 11 & sB11 & 1550 & B & 11 & sB11+ & 1600 \\ \hline C & 1 & sC01 & 1430 & D & 1 & sD01 & 1490 \\ C & 2 & sC02 & 1520 & D & 2 & sD02 & 1360 \\ C & 3 & sC03 & 1520 & D & 3 & sD03 & 1470 \\ C & 4 & sC04 & 1440 & D & 4 & sD04 & 1400 \\ C & 5 & sC05 & 1470 & D & 5 & sD05 & 1520 \\ C & 6 & sC06 & 1370 & D & 6 & sD06 & 1460 \\ C & 7 & sC07 & 1560 & D & 7 & sD07 & 1560 \\ C & 8 & sC08 & 1440 & D & 8 & sD08 & 1580 \\ C & 9 & sC09 & 1560 & D & 9 & sD09 & 1500 \\ C & 10 & sC10 & 1415 & D & 10 & sD10 & 1400 \\ C & 11 & sC11 & 1480 & D & 11 & sD11 & 1480 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Typical SOS Shower Counter High Voltage Setpoints (Volts). All tube bases are loaded at $\sim 635 K\Omega$ and draw about 2.4~mA. \label{tab:sos_lg_hv}} \end{table} \clearpage \end{document} % Revision history: % $Log: sos_nominals.tex,v $ % Revision 1.1 2003/04/04 16:00:23 saw % Initial Checkin %