subroutine sf_lookup_init(infile,protonflag) ! Read in spectral function. First line has to have # of Pm,Em bins. ! Subsequent lines (number of lines = numPm*numEm) are of the form: ! ! ! ! where Pmvalue/Emvalue are the center of the Pm/Em bins, dPm/dEm are widths, ! and is the integrated spectral function within that bin, ! (SF_PROB = SF * dE * P**2 * dP * 4 * pi), and is the probability within ! the Em/Pm bin, IF the spectral function is normalized to 1. ! implicit none include '' include '' include '' real*8 tmpPm,tmpEm,tmpsfp,tmpsfn,tmpdEm,tmpdPm integer*4 iPm,iEm character infile*80 logical protonflag open(unit=55,file=infile,status='old') read (55,*) numPm , numEm do iPm = 1 , numPm do iEm = 1 , numEm read (55,*) tmpPm,tmpEm,tmpsfp,tmpsfn,tmpdPm,tmpdEm ! Choose proton or neutron spectral function. if (protonflag) then sfval(iEm,iPm)=tmpsfp else sfval(iEm,iPm)=tmpsfn endif ! Check that Pm value is consistent with others in same bin if (iEm.eq.1) then Pmval(iPm)=tmpPm dPm(iPm)=tmpdPm else if (abs(tmpPm-Pmval(iPm)).gt.0.01) then write(6,*) 'Bad Pm value, line number is approx',(numEm*(iPm-1)+iEm) write(6,*) 'iPm,oldPm,newPm=',iPm,Pmval(iPm),tmpPm endif endif ! Check that Em value is consistent with others in same bin if (iPm.eq.1) then Emval(iEm)=tmpEm dEm(iEm)=tmpdEm else if (abs(tmpEm-Emval(iEm)).gt.0.01) then write(6,*) 'Bad Em value, line number is approx',(numEm*(iPm-1)+iEm) write(6,*) 'iEm,oldEm,newEm=',iEm,Emval(iEm),tmpEm endif endif enddo enddo sftotnorm = 0.0 do iPm = 1 , numPm sfnorm(iPm) = 0.0 do iEm = 1 , numEm sfnorm(iPm) = sfnorm(iPm) + sfval(iEm,iPm) sftotnorm = sftotnorm + sfval(iEm,iPm) enddo ! write(6,*) 'Pm=',Pmval(iPm),' has normalization=',sfnorm(iPm) enddo write(6,*) 'Uncorrected S.F. has normalization=',sftotnorm do iPm = 1 , numPm do iEm = 1 , numEm sfval(iEm,iPm) = sfval(iEm,iPm) / sftotnorm enddo enddo return end !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine sf_lookup(Em,Pm,SF) ! Get value of spectral function at Em, Pm. ! ! Where is the integrated spectral function within that bin, ! (SF_PROB = SF * dE * P**2 * dP * 4 * pi), and is the probability within ! the Em/Pm bin, once the spectral function has been normalized to 1. ! implicit none include '' integer*4 ind,iPm,iEm real*8 Em,Pm real*8 Em1,Em2,sf1,sf2,logsf,w1,w2 real*8 SF !find nearest Pm value if ( then iPm=numPm-1 w1=0 w2=1 else if (Pm.le.Pmval(1)) then iPm=1 w1=1 w2=0 else ind=1 do while( ind = ind + 1 enddo iPm=ind w2=(Pm-Pmval(iPm))/(Pmval(iPm+1)-Pmval(iPm)) w1=(Pmval(iPm+1)-Pm)/(Pmval(iPm+1)-Pmval(iPm)) if (abs(w1*Pmval(iPm)+w2*Pmval(iPm+1)-Pm).gt.0.0001) then write(6,*) 'w1,w2,Pm,Pmval(iPm)=',w1,w2,Pm,Pmval(iPm) stop endif ! write(6,*) 'Pm,iPm,Pm,w1,w2=',Pm,iPm,Pmval(iPm),w1,w2 ! do ind=1,numPm ! if ( then ! iPm=ind ! w2=(Pm-Pmval(iPm))/(Pmval(iPm+1)-Pmval(iPm)) ! w1=(Pmval(iPm+1)-Pm)/(Pmval(iPm+1)-Pmval(iPm)) ! if (abs(w1*Pmval(iPm)+w2*Pmval(iPm+1)-Pm).gt.0.0001) then ! write(6,*) 'w1,w2,Pm,Pmval(iPm)=',w1,w2,Pm,Pmval(iPm) ! stop ! endif ! write(6,*) 'Pm,iPm,Pm,w1,w2=',Pm,iPm,Pmval(iPm),w1,w2 ! endif ! enddo endif if (abs(w1+w2-1).gt.0.0001) then write(6,*) 'iPm,Pm,w1+w2=',iPm,Pm,w1+w2 stop endif if (Em.le.Emval(1)) then !linear extrapolation of LOG(f(Em)). Em1=Emval(1) Em2=Emval(2) sf1=w1*sfval(1,iPm)+w2*sfval(1,iPm+1) sf2=w1*sfval(2,iPm)+w2*sfval(2,iPm+1) else if ( then !linear extrapolation of LOG(f(Em)) Em1=Emval(numEm-1) Em2=Emval(numEm) sf1=w1*sfval(numEm-1,iPm)+w2*sfval(numEm-1,iPm+1) sf2=w1*sfval(numEm,iPm)+w2*sfval(numEm,iPm+1) else do iEm=1,numEm-1 if ( .and. then Em1=Emval(iEm) Em2=Emval(iEm+1) sf1=w1*sfval(iEm,iPm)+w2*sfval(iEm,iPm+1) sf2=w1*sfval(iEm+1,iPm)+w2*sfval(iEm+1,iPm+1) ! write(6,*) 'iEm,w1,w2=',iEm,w1,w2 endif enddo endif logsf=(sf1 + (Em-Em1)*(sf2-sf1)/(Em2-Em1)) SF=logsf if ( SF=0 return end !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine generate_em(Pm,Em) ! Generate a missing energy for an event with a given Pm. ! ! Have to get spectral function for several Em bins, at the given value ! of Pm. Then, select Em according to the energy distribution at fixed Pm. ! implicit none include '' integer*4 ind,iEm real*8 Pm,Em !input Pm value, generated Em value. real*8 x(nEmmax),y(nEmmax) real*8 ynorm real*8 ranprob real*8 grnd ! Determine Em distribution at fixed Pm (integrated SF up to Em). ynorm = 0. x(1) = Emval(1) call sf_lookup(x(1),Pm,y(1)) do iEm = 2 , numEm x(iEm) = Emval(iEm) call sf_lookup(x(iEm),Pm,y(iEm)) y(iEm) = y(iEm) + y(iEm-1) enddo ! Normalize the Em distribution. do iEm = 1 , numEm y(iEm) = y(iEm) / y(numEm) enddo ! Generate Em. ranprob = grnd() ind = 1 do while ( ind = ind + 1 enddo Em = Emval(ind) + dEm(ind)*(grnd()-0.5) ! CHECK NORMALIZATION, HAVE CODE SAVE EM/PM DISTRIBUTIONS TO CHECK. ! MAKE SURE EM IS NOT BELOW EM_MIN. ! write(99,'(2f8.2)') Pm,Em return end