subroutine gustep c c this subroutine was written by jpsullivan april 21-22, 1993 c the tracking realated part is relatively simple -- if the c particle leave the volume called 'targ', throw it away. c it also makes a bunch of histograms c c *keep,gctrak. *-- author : implicit none integer*4 mylast integer*4 nhu,nhv,nhx common/gctrak/vect(7),getot,gekin,vout(7),nmec,lmec(30),namec(30) + ,nstep ,maxnst,destep,destel,safety,sleng + ,step ,snext ,sfield + ,tofg ,gekrat,upwght,ignext,inwvol,istop ,idecad,iekbin + , ilosl, imull,ingoto,nldown,nlevin,nlvsav,istory c integer nmec,lmec,namec,nstep ,maxnst,ignext,inwvol,istop + ,idecad,iekbin,ilosl, imull,ingoto,nldown,nlevin + ,nlvsav,istory real vect,getot,gekin,vout,destep,destel,safety,sleng ,step + ,snext,sfield,tofg ,gekrat,upwght c end gctrak * keep,gcvolu. *-- author : common/gcvolu/nlevel,names(15),number(15), + lvolum(15),lindex(15),infrom,nlevmx,nldev(15),linmx(15), + gtran(3,15),grmat(10,15),gonly(15),glx(3) c integer nlevel,number,lvolum,lindex,infrom,nlevmx, + nldev,linmx character*4 names real gtran,grmat,gonly,glx c end gcvolu c * keep,gcbank. *-- author : integer iq,lq,nzebra,ixstor,ixdiv,ixcons,lmain,lr1 integer kwbank,kwwork,iws real gversn,zversn,fendq,ws,q c parameter (kwbank=69000,kwwork=5200) common/gcbank/nzebra,gversn,zversn,ixstor,ixdiv,ixcons,fendq(16) + ,lmain,lr1,ws(kwbank) dimension iq(2),q(2),lq(8000),iws(2) equivalence (q(1),iq(1),lq(9)),(lq(1),lmain),(iws(1),ws(1)) common/gclink/jdigi ,jdraw ,jhead ,jhits ,jkine ,jmate ,jpart + ,jrotm ,jrung ,jset ,jstak ,jgstat,jtmed ,jtrack,jvertx + ,jvolum,jxyz ,jgpar ,jgpar2,jsklt c integer jdigi ,jdraw ,jhead ,jhits ,jkine ,jmate ,jpart + ,jrotm ,jrung ,jset ,jstak ,jgstat,jtmed ,jtrack,jvertx + ,jvolum,jxyz ,jgpar,jgpar2 ,jsklt c * keep,gcking. *-- author : common/gcking/kcase,ngkine,gkin(5,100),tofd(100),iflgk(100) integer kcase,ngkine ,iflgk real gkin,tofd c end gcking c * keep,gckine. *-- author : *-- author : integer ikine,itra,istak,ivert,ipart,itrtyp,napart,ipaold real pkine,amass,charge,tlife,vert,pvert common/gckine/ikine,pkine(10),itra,istak,ivert,ipart,itrtyp + ,napart(5),amass,charge,tlife,vert(3),pvert(4),ipaold c end gckine c integer ihset,ihdet,iset,idet,idtype,nvname,numbv common/gcsets/ihset,ihdet,iset,idet,idtype,nvname,numbv(20) real x1,y1,z1,lpar,v1,v2,v3,newdist,x1new,y1new,z1new real xstr,ystr,zstr,xstrnew,ystrnew,zstrnew real rotmat2,rotmat3,rotmat4,rotmat1 c common/geomstep/rotmat1(3,3),rotmat2(3,3),rotmat3(3,3), & rotmat4(3,3) c include 'fpp_local.h' include 'geant_local.h' c include 'parameter.h' c include 'espace_type.h' c include 'detector.h' c include 'transport.h' c include 'option.h' c c integer i,make_hist,ioff,ihit,ieffcheck real pt_pi,ppar_pi,arg1,arg2,rapid_pi,pchmb,hits(6) real a,b,c,beta,z,y,straw,ypath,rndm(3),ycompare logical idflag real*8 d1uetemp,d1xetemp,d1vetemp c write(6,*)'entering gustep' c write(6,*)'inwvol =',inwvol c write(6,*)'position =',vect(1),vect(2),vect(3) c write(6,*)'names =',names(nlevel) c c c if ( ) then do i=1,nmec if ( lmec(i).eq.12 ) then c write ( 6,* ) ' gustep: hadronic interaction' c write ( 6,* ) ' nevent=',nevent end if end do mylast = min(100,ngkine) do i=1,mylast iflgk(i) = 1 if ( gkin(5,i).eq.4 ) iflgk(i) = 0 if ( gkin(4,i).gt.0.001 ) iflgk(i)=0 end do c n_2nd = n_2nd + ngkine endif c c the following call makes sure all of the secondary particles c get tracked too (provided the flag iflgk(i) for that particle c was set in the loop above -- this point is not correctly or c clearly documented in the version of the geant manual i have). c c if(sectrack) then c call gsking ( 0 ) c endif c c write(*,*)'In GUSTEP: ... names(nlevel) = ',names(nlevel) c write(*,*)'In GUSTEP: ... inwvol = ',inwvol make_hist = 0 if ( inwvol.eq.1 .and. names(nlevel).eq."hall" ) then make_hist=1 c c if we get here, the tracking is done for this track c (istop=1) but make a bunch of histograms before exitting c note that ipart=8 means a pi+ and 9 is a pi- c c istop = 1 else if ( names(nlevel).eq."aira" ) then make_hist=0 else if ( names(nlevel).eq."airb" ) then make_hist=0 else if ( names(nlevel).eq."airc" ) then make_hist=0 else if ( names(nlevel).eq."aird" ) then make_hist=0 else if ( names(nlevel).eq."aire" ) then make_hist=0 else if ( names(nlevel).eq."airf" ) then make_hist=0 else if ( names(nlevel).eq."airg" ) then c write(*,*)'In airg ... inwvol = ',inwvol c write(*,*)'Z-value = ',vect(3) if ( then make_hist=0 endif else if ( names(nlevel).eq."HALL" ) then c write(*,*)'In HALL ... inwvol = ',inwvol c write(*,*)'Z-value = ',vect(3) if ( then make_hist=0 endif else if ( names(nlevel).eq."airh" ) then make_hist=0 else if ( names(nlevel).eq."hch1" ) then make_hist=0 else if ( names(nlevel).eq."hch2" ) then c write(*,*)'In hch2' if(inwvol.eq.1) then c write(6,*)'Coordinates at hch2' c write(6,*)'x=',vect(1),' y=',vect(2),' z=',vect(3) xahch2=vect(1) yahch2=vect(2) zahch2=vect(3) endif if(inwvol.eq.2) then xbhch2=vect(1) ybhch2=vect(2) zbhch2=vect(3) endif if ( ) then make_hist=0 endif else if ( names(nlevel).eq."fch1" ) then c write(*,*)'In fch1 ... inwvol = ',inwvol if(inwvol.eq.1) then c write(6,*)'Coordinates at fch1' c write(6,*)'x=',vect(1),' y=',vect(2),' z=',vect(3) x1a=vect(1) y1a=vect(2) z1a=vect(3) endif if(inwvol.eq.2) then x1b=vect(1) y1b=vect(2) z1b=vect(3) call get_wire_numbers(x1a,y1a,z1a,x1b,y1b,z1b,nhu,nhx,nhv, & n1ua,n1xa,n1va,n1ub,n1xb,n1vb) nhu1=nhu nhx1=nhx nhv1=nhv if(nhu.eq.1.and.nhv.eq.1.and.nhx.eq.1) then idflag=.false. call get_drift_distance_ejb(x1a,y1a,z1a,x1b,y1b,z1b, & n1ua,n1xa,n1va,d1ue,d1xe,d1ve,idflag) call get_drift_distance(x1a,y1a,z1a,x1b,y1b,z1b, & n1ua,n1xa,n1va,d1u,d1x,d1v) else call get_drift_distance_ejb(x1a,y1a,z1a,x1b,y1b,z1b, & n1ua,n1xa,n1va,d1ue,d1xe,d1ve,idflag) d1uetemp=d1ue d1xetemp=d1xe d1vetemp=d1ve call get_drift_distance_ejb(x1a,y1a,z1a,x1b,y1b,z1b, & n1ub,n1xb,n1vb,d1ue,d1xe,d1ve,idflag) if(idflag) & write(*,*)'Drift Distance 1a: ', & d1uetemp,d1xetemp,d1vetemp if(idflag) & write(*,*)'Drift Distance 1b: ',d1ue,d1xe,d1ve call get_drift_distance(x1a,y1a,z1a,x1b,y1b,z1b, & n1ua,n1xa,n1va,d1u,d1x,d1v) if(idflag) & write(*,*)'Drift Distance 1c: ',d1u,d1x,d1v call get_drift_distance(x1a,y1a,z1a,x1b,y1b,z1b, & n1ub,n1xb,n1vb,d1u,d1x,d1v) if(idflag) & write(*,*)'Drift Distance 1d: ',d1u,d1x,d1v endif c write(*,*)'Hit in first chamber ...' c write(*,*)'Wire Numbers: ',n1ua,n1xa,n1va endif if ( ) then make_hist=0 endif else if ( names(nlevel).eq."fch2" ) then c write(*,*)'In fch2 ... inwvol = ',inwvol c write(*,*)'Z-value = ',vect(3) if(inwvol.eq.1) then x2a=vect(1) y2a=vect(2) z2a=vect(3) endif if(inwvol.eq.2) then x2b=vect(1) y2b=vect(2) z2b=vect(3) call get_wire_numbers(x2a,y2a,z2a,x2b,y2b,z2b,nhu,nhx,nhv, & n2ua,n2xa,n2va,n2ub,n2xb,n2vb) nhu2=nhu nhx2=nhx nhv2=nhv if(nhu.eq.1.and.nhv.eq.1.and.nhx.eq.1) then call get_drift_distance_ejb(x2a,y2a,z2a,x2b,y2b,z2b, & n2ua,n2xa,n2va,d2ue,d2xe,d2ve,idflag) call get_drift_distance(x2a,y2a,z2a,x2b,y2b,z2b, & n2ua,n2xa,n2va,d2u,d2x,d2v) else call get_drift_distance_ejb(x2a,y2a,z2a,x2b,y2b,z2b, & n2ua,n2xa,n2va,d2ue,d2xe,d2ve,idflag) c write(*,*)'Drift Distance 2a: ',d2ue,d2xe,d2ve call get_drift_distance_ejb(x2a,y2a,z2a,x2b,y2b,z2b, & n2ub,n2xb,n2vb,d2ue,d2xe,d2ve,idflag) c write(*,*)'Drift Distance 2b: ',d2ue,d2xe,d2ve call get_drift_distance(x2a,y2a,z2a,x2b,y2b,z2b, & n2ua,n2xa,n2va,d2u,d2x,d2v) c write(*,*)'Drift Distance 2c: ',d2u,d2x,d2v call get_drift_distance(x2a,y2a,z2a,x2b,y2b,z2b, & n2ub,n2xb,n2vb,d2u,d2x,d2v) c write(*,*)'Drift Distance 2c: ',d2u,d2x,d2v endif call calc_theta_phi(xahch2,yahch2,zahch2, & xbhch2,ybhch2,zbhch2, & x1a,y1a,z1a,x2b,y2b,z2b, & theta_front,phi_front) c write(*,*)'Hit in first chamber ...' c write(*,*)'Wire Numbers: ',n2ua,n2xa,n2va endif c if ( ) then make_hist=0 endif else if ( names(nlevel).eq."fch3" ) then if(inwvol.eq.1) then x3a=vect(1) y3a=vect(2) z3a=vect(3) endif if(inwvol.eq.2) then x3b=vect(1) y3b=vect(2) z3b=vect(3) call get_wire_numbers(x3a,y3a,z3a,x3b,y3b,z3b,nhu,nhx,nhv, & n3ua,n3xa,n3va,n3ub,n3xb,n3vb) nhu3=nhu nhx3=nhx nhv3=nhv if(nhu.eq.1.and.nhv.eq.1.and.nhx.eq.1) then call get_drift_distance_ejb(x3a,y3a,z3a,x3b,y3b,z3b, & n3ua,n3xa,n3va,d3ue,d3xe,d3ve,idflag) call get_drift_distance(x3a,y3a,z3a,x3b,y3b,z3b, & n3ua,n3xa,n3va,d3u,d3x,d3v) else call get_drift_distance_ejb(x3a,y3a,z3a,x3b,y3b,z3b, & n3ua,n3xa,n3va,d3ue,d3xe,d3ve,idflag) c write(*,*)'Drift Distance 3a: ',d3ue,d3xe,d3ve call get_drift_distance_ejb(x3a,y3a,z3a,x3b,y3b,z3b, & n3ub,n3xb,n3vb,d3ue,d3xe,d3ve,idflag) c write(*,*)'Drift Distance 3b: ',d3ue,d3xe,d3ve call get_drift_distance(x3a,y3a,z3a,x3b,y3b,z3b, & n3ua,n3xa,n3va,d3u,d3x,d3v) c write(*,*)'Drift Distance 3c: ',d3u,d3x,d3v endif c write(*,*)'Hit in first chamber ...' c write(*,*)'Wire Numbers: ',n3ua,n3xa,n3va endif c if ( ) then make_hist=0 endif else if ( names(nlevel).eq."fch4" ) then if(inwvol.eq.1) then x4a=vect(1) y4a=vect(2) z4a=vect(3) endif if(inwvol.eq.2) then x4b=vect(1) y4b=vect(2) z4b=vect(3) call get_wire_numbers(x4a,y4a,z4a,x4b,y4b,z4b,nhu,nhx,nhv, & n4ua,n4xa,n4va,n4ub,n4xb,n4vb) nhu4=nhu nhx4=nhx nhv4=nhv if(nhu.eq.1.and.nhv.eq.1.and.nhx.eq.1) then call get_drift_distance_ejb(x4a,y4a,z4a,x4b,y4b,z4b, & n4ua,n4xa,n4va,d4ue,d4xe,d4ve,idflag) call get_drift_distance(x4a,y4a,z4a,x4b,y4b,z4b, & n4ua,n4xa,n4va,d4u,d4x,d4v) else call get_drift_distance_ejb(x4a,y4a,z4a,x4b,y4b,z4b, & n4ua,n4xa,n4va,d4ue,d4xe,d4ve,idflag) c write(*,*)'Drift Distance 4a: ',d4ue,d4xe,d4ve call get_drift_distance_ejb(x4a,y4a,z4a,x4b,y4b,z4b, & n4ub,n4xb,n4vb,d4ue,d4xe,d4ve,idflag) c write(*,*)'Drift Distance 4b: ',d4ue,d4xe,d4ve call get_drift_distance(x4a,y4a,z4a,x4b,y4b,z4b, & n4ua,n4xa,n4va,d4u,d4x,d4v) c write(*,*)'Drift Distance 4c: ',d4u,d4x,d4v endif c write(*,*)'Hit in first chamber ...' c write(*,*)'Wire Numbers: ',n3ua,n3xa,n3va endif c if ( ) then make_hist=0 endif else if ( names(nlevel).eq."sci1" ) then make_hist=0 else if ( names(nlevel).eq."anl1" ) then if(inwvol.eq.1) then c write(6,*)'We have a hit in the fist analyzer at' c write(6,*)'x=',vect(1),' y=',vect(2),' z=',vect(3) xdet=vect(1) ydet=vect(2) zdet=vect(3) endif if ( ) then make_hist=0 endif end if c c c store current track parameters (including position ) in jxyz structure. c call gsxyz c c moved histograming stuff to gulast c c write(6,*)'done in gustep' 9999 return end subroutine get_wire_numbers(xa,ya,za,xb,yb,zb,nhu,nhx,nhv, % nu1,nx1,nv1,nu2,nx2,nv2) implicit none real*8 xa,ya,za,xb,yb,zb integer*4 nu1,nx1,nv1 integer*4 nu2,nx2,nv2 integer*4 nhu,nhx,nhv real*8 zc,zu,zx,zv,zt,xp,yp,xu,xx,xv,yu,yx,yv,uw,xw,vw real*8 anu,anx,anv nu2=0 nx2=0 nv2=0 c c We have the (x,y,z) coordinates of the entrance (a) and exit (b) points c of the track. We can use this information to calculate the wire numbers that c were hit in each plane. c zc=(zb-za)/2.0+za zu=zc-1.60 zx=zc zv=zc+1.60 zt=(zb-za) xp=(xb-xa)/zt yp=(yb-ya)/zt c c Project to the FRONT of the "cell" associated with each plane. c xu=xa+xp*(zu-za-0.8) yu=ya+yp*(zu-za-0.8) xx=xa+xp*(zx-za-0.8) yx=ya+yp*(zx-za-0.8) xv=xa+xp*(zv-za-0.8) yv=ya+yp*(zv-za-0.8) c c xu=xa c yu=ya c xx=xa c yx=ya c xv=xa c yv=ya c uw=(xu+yu)/sqrt(2.0) xw=xx vw=(-xv+yv)/sqrt(2.0) c c write(*,*)'********************' c write(*,*)'A: ',xa,ya,za c write(*,*)'B: ',xb,yb,zb c write(*,*)'U: ',xu,yu,zu c write(*,*)'X: ',xx,yx,zx c write(*,*)'V: ',xv,yv,zv c write(*,*)'W: ',uw,xw,vw c write(*,*)'********************' c anu=(-uw-3.592+104.0)/2.0 anx=(-xw-5.080+84.0)/2.0 anv=(vw-3.592+104.0)/2.0 c c write(*,*)'Wires: ',anu,anx,anv c write(*,*)'********************' nu1=anu nv1=anv nx1=anx if((anu-nu1).ge.0.500)nu1=nu1+1 if((anx-nx1).ge.0.500)nx1=nx1+1 if((anv-nv1).ge.0.500)nv1=nv1+1 c write(*,*)'using front of chamber: ',nu1,nx1,nv1 c c Now project to the BACK of the "cell" associated with each plane. c xu=xa+xp*(zu-za+0.8) yu=ya+yp*(zu-za+0.8) xx=xa+xp*(zx-za+0.8) yx=ya+yp*(zx-za+0.8) xv=xa+xp*(zv-za+0.8) yv=ya+yp*(zv-za+0.8) c c xu=xb c yu=yb c xx=xb c yx=yb c xv=xb c yv=yb c uw=(xu+yu)/sqrt(2.0) xw=xx vw=(-xv+yv)/sqrt(2.0) c c write(*,*)'********************' c write(*,*)'A: ',xa,ya,za c write(*,*)'B: ',xb,yb,zb c write(*,*)'U: ',xu,yu,zu c write(*,*)'X: ',xx,yx,zx c write(*,*)'V: ',xv,yv,zv c write(*,*)'W: ',uw,xw,vw c write(*,*)'********************' c anu=(-uw-3.592+104.0)/2.0 anx=(-xw-5.080+84.0)/2.0 anv=(vw-3.592+104.0)/2.0 c c write(*,*)'Wires: ',anu,anx,anv c write(*,*)'********************' nu2=anu nv2=anv nx2=anx if((anu-nu2).ge.0.500)nu2=nu2+1 if((anx-nx2).ge.0.500)nx2=nx2+1 if((anv-nv2).ge.0.500)nv2=nv2+1 nhu=1 nhx=1 nhv=1 if( if( if( return end c subroutine get_drift_distance_ejb(xa,ya,za,xb,yb,zb, c & nu,nx,nv,du,dx,dv) c c implicit none c c real*8 xa,ya,za,xb,yb,zb,du,dx,dv c integer*4 nu,nx,nv c real*8 tphi,ttheta c real*8 uw,xw,vw c real*8 c11,c12,c21,c22,d1,d2,a,zt,xt,yt c real*8 xu,yu,zu c real*8 xv,yv,zv c real*8 xx,yx,zx c c tphi=(xb-xa)/(zb-za) c ttheta=(yb-ya)/(zb-za) c c uw=-2.0*nu-3.592+104.0 c xw=-2.0*nx-5.080+84.0 c vw=2.0*nv+3.592-104.0 c zu=(zb+za)/2.0-1.60 c zv=(zb+za)/2.0+1.60 c zx=(zb+za)/2.0 c cc write(*,*)'W: ',uw,xw,vw cc write(*,*)'********************' c c c11=tphi-ttheta c c12=sqrt(2.0) c d1=-xa+ya c c21=tphi*tphi+ttheta*ttheta+1.0 c c22=-ttheta/sqrt(2.0)+tphi/sqrt(2.0) c d2=uw*(ttheta+tphi)/sqrt(2.0)-xa*tphi-ya*ttheta+zu-za c c a=(d1*c21-d2*c11)/(c21*c12-c22*c11) c zt=(d1-c12*a)/c11 cc write(*,*)'U Plane zt,a: ',zt,a c c xt=xa+zt*tphi c yt=ya+zt*ttheta c xu=(uw-a)/sqrt(2.0) c yu=(uw+a)/sqrt(2.0) c c zt=zt+za c c du=sqrt((xt-xu)**2+(yt-yu)**2+(zt-zu)**2) c c c11=tphi+ttheta c c12=-sqrt(2.0) c d1=-xa-ya c c21=tphi*tphi+ttheta*ttheta+1.0 c c22=-ttheta/sqrt(2.0)-tphi/sqrt(2.0) c d2=vw*(ttheta+tphi)/sqrt(2.0)-xa*tphi-ya*ttheta+zv-za c c a=(d1*c21-d2*c11)/(c21*c12-c22*c11) c zt=(d1-c12*a)/c11 cc write(*,*)'V Plane zt,a: ',zt,a c c xt=xa+zt*tphi c yt=ya+zt*ttheta c xv=-(vw-a)/sqrt(2.0) c yv=(vw+a)/sqrt(2.0) c c zt=zt+za c c dv=sqrt((xt-xv)**2+(yt-yv)**2+(zt-zv)**2) c c c11=tphi c c12=-1.0 c d1=-ya c c21=tphi*tphi+ttheta*ttheta+1.0 c c22=-ttheta c d2=xw*tphi-xa*tphi-ya*ttheta+zx-za c c a=(d1*c21-d2*c11)/(c21*c12-c22*c11) c zt=(d1-c12*a)/c11 cc write(*,*)'X Plane zt,a: ',zt,a c c xt=xa+zt*tphi c yt=ya+zt*ttheta c xx=xw c yx=a c c zt=zt+za c c dx=sqrt((xt-xx)**2+(yt-yx)**2+(zt-zx)**2) c cc if(( then c write(*,*)'Calculating Drift Distance ...' c write(*,*)'A: ',xa,ya,za c write(*,*)'B: ',xb,yb,zb cc write(*,*)'U: ',xu,yu,zu cc write(*,*)'V: ',xv,yv,zv cc write(*,*)'X: ',xx,yx,zx c write(*,*)'U Drift distance = ',du c write(*,*)'V Drift distance = ',dv c write(*,*)'X Drift distance = ',dx cc endif c c return c end subroutine get_drift_distance(xa,ya,za,xb,yb,zb, & nu,nx,nv,distu,distx,distv) c c This subroutine uses the entrance (a) and exit (b) c points of a chamber to define the line of the track. c It uses the wire number and wire direction to define c the wire line. It then uses these to build parallel c planes by computing a normal vector to both of the lines. c Finally, it calculates the distance between these two c planes which is the distance of shortest approach. c implicit none c real*8 xa,ya,za,xb,yb,zb real*8 distu,distx,distv,xp,yp,zc integer*4 nu,nx,nv real*8 uw,xw,vw real*8 zt,xt,yt real*8 xu,yu,zu real*8 xv,yv,zv real*8 xx,yx,zx c c the direction of each of the lines c vect1=track vectu=u wire real*8 vect1(1:3), vectu(1:3) real*8 vectx(1:3), vectv(1:3) c c the normal vector to both lines real*8 normu(1:3) real*8 normx(1:3) real*8 normv(1:3) c c the coefficients of the plane real*8 pvectu(1:4) real*8 pvectx(1:4) real*8 pvectv(1:4) c vect1(1)=xb-xa vect1(2)=yb-ya vect1(3)=zb-za c zu=(zb+za)/2.0-1.60 zv=(zb+za)/2.0+1.60 zx=(zb+za)/2.0 c c use line number to calculate distance relative to c wire plane, then convert to x and y c write(*,*)'nu nx nv',nu,nx,nv uw=-2.0*nu-3.592+104.0 xw=-2.0*nx-5.080+84.0 vw=2.0*nv+3.592-104.0 xu=uw/sqrt(2.0) yu=uw/sqrt(2.0) xx=xw yx=0 xv=-vw/sqrt(2.0) yv=vw/sqrt(2.0) c write(*,*)'uw xu yu zu',uw,xu,yu,zu c write(*,*)'xw xx yx zx',xw,xx,yx,zx c write(*,*)'vw xv yv zv',vw,xv,yv,zv c c define direction vector for wires, will be the same c for each wire in a given plane, and is known c for each plane vectu(1)=1.0/sqrt(2.0) vectu(2)=1.0/sqrt(2.0) vectu(3)=0.0 vectx(1)=0.0 vectx(2)=1.0 vectx(3)=0.0 vectv(1)=-1.0/sqrt(2.0) vectv(2)=1.0/sqrt(2.0) vectv(3)=0.0 c c write(*,*)'distance calculations .....' c write(*,*)xa,ya,za c write(*,*)vect1(1),vect1(2),vect1(3) c write(*,*)xu,yu,zu c write(*,*)vectu(1),vectu(2),vectu(3) c write(*,*)xx,yx,zx c write(*,*)vectx(1),vectx(2),vectx(3) c write(*,*)xv,yv,zv c write(*,*)vectv(1),vectv(2),vectv(3) c write(*,*)'distance calculations .....' c c cross product normu(1)=vect1(2)*vectu(3)-vect1(3)*vectu(2) normu(2)=vect1(1)*vectu(3)-vect1(3)*vectu(1) normu(3)=vect1(1)*vectu(2)-vect1(2)*vectu(1) normx(1)=vect1(2)*vectx(3)-vect1(3)*vectx(2) normx(2)=vect1(1)*vectx(3)-vect1(3)*vectx(1) normx(3)=vect1(1)*vectx(2)-vect1(2)*vectx(1) normv(1)=vect1(2)*vectv(3)-vect1(3)*vectv(2) normv(2)=vect1(1)*vectv(3)-vect1(3)*vectv(1) normv(3)=vect1(1)*vectv(2)-vect1(2)*vectv(1) c pvectu(1)=normu(1) pvectu(2)=normu(2) pvectu(3)=normu(3) pvectu(4)=normu(1)*(-xu)+normu(2)*(-yu)+normu(3)*(-zu) pvectx(1)=normx(1) pvectx(2)=normx(2) pvectx(3)=normx(3) pvectx(4)=normx(1)*(-xx)+normx(2)*(-yx)+normx(3)*(-zx) pvectv(1)=normv(1) pvectv(2)=normv(2) pvectv(3)=normv(3) pvectv(4)=normv(1)*(-xv)+normv(2)*(-yv)+normv(3)*(-zv) c c distance formula distu=(pvectu(1)*xa+pvectu(2)*ya+pvectu(3)*za+pvectu(4)) & /sqrt(normu(1)**2+normu(2)**2+normu(3)**2) distx=(pvectx(1)*xa+pvectx(2)*ya+pvectx(3)*za+pvectx(4)) & /sqrt(normx(1)**2+normx(2)**2+normx(3)**2) distv=(pvectv(1)*xa+pvectv(2)*ya+pvectv(3)*za+pvectv(4)) & /sqrt(normv(1)**2+normv(2)**2+normv(3)**2) c write(*,*)'Drift distance: ',distu, distx, distv c c write(*,*)'Brads routine ....' c write(*,*)xa,ya,za c write(*,*)xb,yb,zb c write(*,*)nu,nx,nv c write(*,*)uw,xw,vw c write(*,*)'Drift distance: ',distu, distx, distv return end subroutine get_drift_distance_ejb(xa,ya,za,xb,yb,zb, & nu,nx,nv,distu,distx,distv,idflag) c c Author: Ed Brash - December 15th, 2005 c Yet another attempt at a full drift distance calculation c implicit none c real*8 xa,ya,za,xb,yb,zb real*8 distu,distx,distv,xp,yp,zc integer*4 nu,nx,nv real*8 uw,xw,vw real*8 zt,xt,yt real*8 xu,yu,zu real*8 xv,yv,zv real*8 xx,yx,zx logical idflag c c the direction of each of the lines c vect1=track vectu=u wire real*8 vect1(1:3), vectu(1:3) real*8 vectx(1:3), vectv(1:3) c the difference vector between the defining points real*8 du(1:3),dx(1:3),dv(1:3) c c the normal vector to both lines real*8 normu(1:3) real*8 normx(1:3) real*8 normv(1:3) real*8 normumag,normxmag,normvmag c c the coefficients of the distance vector real*8 dvectu(1:4) real*8 dvectx(1:4) real*8 dvectv(1:4) c idflag=.false. vect1(1)=xb-xa vect1(2)=yb-ya vect1(3)=zb-za c zu=(zb+za)/2.0-1.60 zv=(zb+za)/2.0+1.60 zx=(zb+za)/2.0 c c use line number to calculate distance relative to c wire plane, then convert to x and y c write(*,*)'nu nx nv',nu,nx,nv uw=-2.0*nu-3.592+104.0 xw=-2.0*nx-5.080+84.0 vw=2.0*nv+3.592-104.0 xu=uw/sqrt(2.0) yu=uw/sqrt(2.0) xx=xw yx=0 xv=-vw/sqrt(2.0) yv=vw/sqrt(2.0) c write(*,*)'uw xu yu zu',uw,xu,yu,zu c write(*,*)'xw xx yx zx',xw,xx,yx,zx c write(*,*)'vw xv yv zv',vw,xv,yv,zv c c define direction vector for wires, will be the same c for each wire in a given plane, and is known c for each plane vectu(1)=1.0/sqrt(2.0) vectu(2)=-1.0/sqrt(2.0) vectu(3)=0.0 vectx(1)=0.0 vectx(2)=1.0 vectx(3)=0.0 vectv(1)=1.0/sqrt(2.0) vectv(2)=1.0/sqrt(2.0) vectv(3)=0.0 c c write(*,*)'distance calculations .....' c write(*,*)xa,ya,za c write(*,*)vect1(1),vect1(2),vect1(3) c write(*,*)xu,yu,zu c write(*,*)vectu(1),vectu(2),vectu(3) c write(*,*)xx,yx,zx c write(*,*)vectx(1),vectx(2),vectx(3) c write(*,*)xv,yv,zv c write(*,*)vectv(1),vectv(2),vectv(3) c write(*,*)'distance calculations .....' c c cross product normu(1)=vect1(2)*vectu(3)-vect1(3)*vectu(2) normu(2)=vect1(3)*vectu(1)-vect1(1)*vectu(3) normu(3)=vect1(1)*vectu(2)-vect1(2)*vectu(1) normx(1)=vect1(2)*vectx(3)-vect1(3)*vectx(2) normx(2)=vect1(3)*vectx(1)-vect1(1)*vectx(3) normx(3)=vect1(1)*vectx(2)-vect1(2)*vectx(1) normv(1)=vect1(2)*vectv(3)-vect1(3)*vectv(2) normv(2)=vect1(3)*vectv(1)-vect1(1)*vectv(3) normv(3)=vect1(1)*vectv(2)-vect1(2)*vectv(1) c write(*,*)normu(1),normu(2),normu(3) c normumag=sqrt(normu(1)**2+normu(2)**2+normu(3)**2) normxmag=sqrt(normx(1)**2+normx(2)**2+normx(3)**2) normvmag=sqrt(normv(1)**2+normv(2)**2+normv(3)**2) normu(1)=normu(1)/normumag normu(2)=normu(2)/normumag normu(3)=normu(3)/normumag normx(1)=normx(1)/normxmag normx(2)=normx(2)/normxmag normx(3)=normx(3)/normxmag normv(1)=normv(1)/normvmag normv(2)=normv(2)/normvmag normv(3)=normv(3)/normvmag c write(*,*)normumag c du(1)=xa-xu du(2)=ya-yu du(3)=za-zu dx(1)=xa-xx dx(2)=ya-yx dx(3)=za-zx dv(1)=xa-xv dv(2)=ya-yv dv(3)=za-zv c c c distance formula distu=du(1)*normu(1)+du(2)*normu(2)+du(3)*normu(3) distx=dx(1)*normx(1)+dx(2)*normx(2)+dx(3)*normx(3) distv=dv(1)*normv(1)+dv(2)*normv(2)+dv(3)*normv(3) c if( & idflag=.true. if( write(*,*)'Problem Child !!!' write(*,*)'distance calculations .....' write(*,*)xa,ya,za c write(*,*)vect1(1),vect1(2),vect1(3) write(*,*)xu,yu,zu c write(*,*)vectu(1),vectu(2),vectu(3) write(*,*)xx,yx,zx c write(*,*)vectx(1),vectx(2),vectx(3) write(*,*)xv,yv,zv c write(*,*)vectv(1),vectv(2),vectv(3) write(*,*)'normalization factors' write(*,*)normu(1),normu(2),normu(3) write(*,*)normumag write(*,*)normx(1),normx(2),normx(3) write(*,*)normxmag write(*,*)normv(1),normv(2),normv(3) write(*,*)normvmag write(*,*)'Drift distance: ',distu, distx, distv endif c return end subroutine calc_theta_phi(xin1,yin1,zin1,xin2,yin2,zin2, & xsc1,ysc1,zsc1,xsc2,ysc2,zsc2,theta,phi) c implicit none include 'fpp_local.h' include 'geant_local.h' c real*8 xin1,yin1,zin1,xin2,yin2,zin2 real*8 xsc1,ysc1,zsc1,xsc2,ysc2,zsc2,theta,phi real*8 ftheta, fphi, fpsi real*8 lin,lout,theta_ejb,phi_ejb c real invect(1:3) real scvect(1:3) real scvect2(1:3) real in(1:3) real out(1:3) real scat(1:3) c invect(1)=xin2-xin1 invect(2)=yin2-yin1 invect(3)=zin2-zin1 scvect(1)=xsc2-xsc1 scvect(2)=ysc2-ysc1 scvect(3)=zsc2-zsc1 c write(*,*)'INCOMING: ',invect(1),invect(2),invect(3) c write(*,*)'SCATTERED: ',scvect(1),scvect(2),scvect(3) c c EJB calculation of theta and phi c in(1)=invect(1)/invect(3) in(2)=invect(2)/invect(3) in(3)=invect(3)/invect(3) out(1)=scvect(1)/scvect(3) out(2)=scvect(2)/scvect(3) out(3)=scvect(3)/scvect(3) lin=sqrt(in(1)**2+in(2)**2+in(3)**2) lout=sqrt(out(1)**2+out(2)**2+out(3)**2) scat(1)=out(1)-in(1) scat(2)=out(2)-in(2) scat(3)=out(3) x_ejb=scat(1) y_ejb=scat(2) z_ejb=scat(3) if(scat(1).ge.0.0.and.scat(2).gt.0.0)then phi_ejb=atan(scat(1)/scat(2))*57.2957795 else if(scat(1).ge.0.0.and.scat(2).lt.0.0)then phi_ejb=atan(scat(1)/scat(2))*57.2957795+180.00 else if(scat(1).le.0.0.and.scat(2).lt.0.0)then phi_ejb=atan(scat(1)/scat(2))*57.2957795+180.00 else if(scat(1).le.0.0.and.scat(2).gt.0.0)then phi_ejb=atan(scat(1)/scat(2))*57.2957795+360.00 endif c theta_ejb=acos((in(1)*out(1)+in(2)*out(2)+in(3)*out(3))/ & (lin*lout))*57.2957795 c write(*,*)'EJB Incoming Vector = ',in(1),in(2),in(3) c write(*,*)'EJB Outgoing Vector = ',out(1),out(2),out(3) c write(*,*)'EJB Scattered Vector = ',scat(1),scat(2),scat(3) c write(*,*)'EJB Thetas = ',theta_ejb,phi_ejb c c end EJB calculation c ftheta=acos(invect(3)/sqrt(invect(1)**2+invect(3)**2)) fphi=acos(invect(3)/sqrt(invect(2)**2+invect(3)**2)) fpsi=acos(sqrt(invect(2)**2+invect(3)**2)/sqrt(invect(1)**2 & +invect(2)**2+invect(3)**2)) c c write(*,*)'ftheta, fphi, fpsi', c & ftheta*57.296,fphi*57.296,fpsi*57.296 scvect2(1)=scvect(1)*cos(fpsi)-sin(fpsi)*(scvect(2)*sin(fphi) & +scvect(3)*cos(fphi)) scvect2(2)=scvect(2)*cos(fphi)-scvect(3)*sin(fphi) scvect2(3)=scvect(1)*sin(fpsi)+cos(fpsi)*(scvect(2)*sin(fphi) & +scvect(3)*cos(fphi)) c c write(*,*)'SCATTERED 2: ',scvect2(1),scvect2(2),scvect2(3) theta=atan(sqrt(scvect2(1)**2+scvect2(2)**2)/scvect2(3))*57.2957795 phi=atan(scvect2(1)/scvect2(2))*57.2957795 if (scvect2(1).lt.0.0.and.scvect2(2).gt.0.0) & phi=phi+360.00 if (scvect2(1).lt.0.0.and.scvect2(2).lt.0.0) & phi=phi+180.00 if (scvect2(1).gt.0.0.and.scvect2(2).lt.0.0) & phi=phi+180.00 c write(*,*)'Theta,phi =',theta,phi theta=theta_ejb phi=phi_ejb c return end