subroutine mc_hms_hut (m2,p,x_fp,dx_fp,y_fp,dy_fp,ms_flag,wcs_flag, > decay_flag,dflag,resmult,ok_hut,zinit,pathlen) C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Monte-Carlo of HMS detector hut. C Note that we only pass on real*8 variables to the subroutine. C This will make life easier for portability. C C The particle is stepped through the detector (using project), and C multiple scattering is applied for each detector or air gap. C If particle decay in enabled, then project.f also checks for C decay of particle. The particle starts at z=zinit. This C needs to be before the first mult. scattering point (the exit window) C or the decay distance is negative, and things are BAD. C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none include '' include '' C Math constants real*8 pi,d_r,r_d,root parameter (pi = 3.141592654) parameter (d_r = pi/180.) parameter (r_d = 180./pi) parameter (root = 0.707106781) !square root of 1/2 real*8 grnd,gauss1 !external functions C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C HMS_MATERIALS C CTP parameter file containing the materials of all the HMS detectors. C For all materials AFTER the bend only have to do multiple scattering. C radlen = 1 radiation length (in cm) C thick = thickness in cm C In case a "+" is added to the comment, the thickness is a guess only. C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C spectrometer exit window, 15 mil Kevlar, 5 mil Mylar (use 20 mil,X0=53.3) real*8 hfoil_exit_radlen,hfoil_exit_thick parameter (hfoil_exit_radlen = 53.3) parameter (hfoil_exit_thick = 0.020*2.54) C spectrometer air gaps real*8 hair_radlen parameter (hair_radlen = 30420.) C chamber entrance foil, 1 mil of Mylar real*8 hdc_entr_radlen,hdc_entr_thick parameter (hdc_entr_radlen = 28.7) parameter (hdc_entr_thick = 0.001*2.54) C chamber gas, 50/50 ethane/argon real*8 hdc_radlen,hdc_thick parameter (hdc_radlen = 16700.0) parameter (hdc_thick = 1.8) C effective wire plane, 25 micron W+Be/Cu gives =pi*(.0025/2)**2 real*8 hdc_wire_radlen,hdc_wire_thick parameter (hdc_wire_radlen = 0.35) !Assuming all Tungsten parameter (hdc_wire_thick = 0.0000049) C effective cathode plane, Be/Cu real*8 hdc_cath_radlen,hdc_cath_thick parameter (hdc_cath_radlen = 7.2) !'Ave' of Be/Cu parameter (hdc_cath_thick = 0.000177) C chamber exit foil, 1 mil of Mylar real*8 hdc_exit_radlen,hdc_exit_thick parameter (hdc_exit_radlen = 28.7) parameter (hdc_exit_thick = 0.001*2.54) C hodoscopes real*8 hscin_radlen parameter (hscin_radlen = 42.4) C Cherenkov entrance foil, 40 mil of Al real*8 hcer_entr_radlen,hcer_entr_thick parameter (hcer_entr_radlen = 8.90) parameter (hcer_entr_thick = 0.040*2.54) C Cerenkov gas. real*8 hcer_radlen C 0.5 atm of CO2 for e/pi C parameter (hcer_radlen = 36620.0) C 0.5 atm of Freon for better e/pi parameter (hcer_radlen = 9620.0) C 2 atm of Freon for pi/p C parameter (hcer_radlen = 2405.0) C Cherenkov mirror, 75 mu plus 2 cm of Rotacell + real*8 hcer_mir_radlen,hcer_mir_thick parameter (hcer_mir_radlen = 400.0) parameter (hcer_mir_thick = 2.0) C Cherenkov exit foil real*8 hcer_exit_radlen,hcer_exit_thick parameter (hcer_exit_radlen = 8.90) parameter (hcer_exit_thick = 0.040*2.54) C shower counter real*8 hcal_radlen parameter (hcal_radlen = 2.50) C Wire chamber resolutions (sigma) real*8 hdc_sigma(1:12)/ 0.030,0.030,0.030,0.030,0.030,0.030, > 0.030,0.030,0.030,0.030,0.030,0.030/ C Wire plane positions, construct hdc_zpos array using these parameters integer*4 hdc_nr_cham,hdc_nr_plan parameter (hdc_nr_cham = 2) parameter (hdc_nr_plan = 6) real*8 hdc_1_zpos,hdc_1_left,hdc_1_right,hdc_1_top,hdc_1_bot real*8 hdc_1x_offset,hdc_1y_offset real*8 hdc_2_zpos,hdc_2_left,hdc_2_right,hdc_2_top,hdc_2_bot real*8 hdc_2x_offset,hdc_2y_offset real*8 hdc_del_plane parameter (hdc_1_zpos = -51.923) parameter (hdc_2_zpos = 29.299) parameter (hdc_del_plane = hdc_thick + hdc_wire_thick + hdc_cath_thick) parameter (hdc_1_left = 26.0) parameter (hdc_1_right = -26.0) parameter (hdc_1y_offset = 1.443) ! changed to match hdc.pos.nov95 parameter (hdc_1_top = -56.5) parameter (hdc_1_bot = 56.5) parameter (hdc_1x_offset = 1.670) parameter (hdc_2_left = 26.0) parameter (hdc_2_right = -26.0) parameter (hdc_2y_offset = 2.753) !changed as above,on 03/03,DD parameter (hdc_2_top = -56.5) parameter (hdc_2_bot = 56.5) parameter (hdc_2x_offset = 2.758) C Scintillator positions and thicknesses real*8 hscin_1x_zpos,hscin_1y_zpos real*8 hscin_1x_thick,hscin_1y_thick real*8 hscin_1x_left,hscin_1x_right,hscin_1x_offset real*8 hscin_1y_top,hscin_1y_bot,hscin_1y_offset real*8 hscin_2x_zpos,hscin_2y_zpos real*8 hscin_2x_thick,hscin_2y_thick real*8 hscin_2x_left,hscin_2x_right,hscin_2x_offset real*8 hscin_2y_top,hscin_2y_bot,hscin_2y_offset parameter (hscin_1x_zpos = 77.830) parameter (hscin_1y_zpos = 97.520) parameter (hscin_2x_zpos = 298.820) parameter (hscin_2y_zpos = 318.510) parameter (hscin_1x_thick = 1.067) !1 cm thick, 6.7% overlap parameter (hscin_1y_thick = 1.067) parameter (hscin_2x_thick = 1.067) parameter (hscin_2y_thick = 1.067) parameter (hscin_1x_left = 37.75) parameter (hscin_1x_right = -37.75) parameter (hscin_1x_offset = -1.55) parameter (hscin_1y_top = -60.25) parameter (hscin_1y_bot = 60.25) parameter (hscin_1y_offset = -0.37) parameter (hscin_2x_left = 37.75) parameter (hscin_2x_right = -37.75) parameter (hscin_2x_offset = -0.63) parameter (hscin_2y_top = -60.25) parameter (hscin_2y_bot = 60.25) parameter (hscin_2y_offset = -1.46) C Cherenkov position real*8 hcer_zentrance,hcer_zmirror,hcer_zexit parameter (hcer_zentrance = 110.000) parameter (hcer_zmirror = 245.000) parameter (hcer_zexit = 265.000) C Calorimeter position real*8 hcal_1pr_zpos,hcal_2ta_zpos,hcal_3ta_zpos,hcal_4ta_zpos real*8 hcal_left,hcal_right,hcal_top,hcal_bottom parameter (hcal_1pr_zpos = 338.69) parameter (hcal_2ta_zpos = 349.69) parameter (hcal_3ta_zpos = 360.69) parameter (hcal_4ta_zpos = 371.69) parameter (hcal_left = 35.00) !actual size of calorimeter parameter (hcal_right = -35.00) parameter (hcal_top = -69.66) parameter (hcal_bottom = 60.34) C The arguments real*8 p,m2 !momentum and mass of particle real*8 x_fp,y_fp,dx_fp,dy_fp !Focal plane values to return real*8 xcal,ycal !Position of track at calorimeter. real*8 zinit !Initial z-position (Not at F.P.) real*8 pathlen logical ms_flag !mult. scattering flag. logical wcs_flag !wire chamber smearing flag logical decay_flag !check for decay logical ok_hut !true if particle makes it C Local declarations. integer*4 i,iplane,jchamber,npl_off integer*4 scintrig, scincount parameter (scintrig = 3) !set trigger to 3/4 logical dflag !has particle decayed? real*8 resmult,tmpran,tmplim real*8 tmpran1,tmpran2 !temporary random numbers real*8 radw,drift real*8 nsig_max parameter(nsig_max=99.0d0) !max #/sigma for gaussian ran #s. C These have to be real*4 for the CERNLIB lfit routine. real*4 badf !temporaries real*4 xfp4,yfp4,dxfp4,dyfp4 !real*4 versions of fp track. real*4 xdc(12),ydc(12),zdc(12) !positions at d.c. planes C ================================ Executable Code ============================= C Initialize some variables C These come from Doug's examination of events with >6 hits per chamber. C In some fraction of events (~10% ?) there were >6 hits per chamber. C The position resolution for these event had approx. 3 times worse resolution. C There was also some position (or delta) depdendence. The numbers below C are based on examining one set of runs. If you're going to use these C to try and reproduce tails in the resolution, you should probably C see if the fraction with >6 hits, the resolution, and the delta depdendance C are consistant with these numbers. C Note that if you play with the nominal DC resolutions, then you C may want to reduce the resolution multiplier here. ! These values are from Doug's analysis of resolutions for the Kaon run. ! tmpran = grnd() ! tmplim = 0.13+0.008666*abs(dpps) !fraction of events with >6 hits. ! if ( then ! resmult = 3.2 !resolution is 3.2x worse (both DCs) ! else ! resmult = 1.0 + 0.05333*dpps ! endif ! tmpran = grnd() ! These are more conservative values (some mix of Kaon and NucPi values). ! Best to check what you see in your experiment. tmpran = grnd() tmplim = 0.15 !fraction of events with >6 hits. if ( then resmult = 2.0 else resmult = 1.0 endif C Initialize ok_hut ok_hut = .false. C Initialize the xdc and ydc arrays to zero do i=1,12 xdc(i) = 0. ydc(i) = 0. enddo C Initialize scincount to zero scincount = 0 C------------------------------------------------------------------------------C C Top of loop through hut C C------------------------------------------------------------------------------C C Go to spectrometer exit foil, 25cm before DC1 (Drift forwards from zinit). C As usual, neglect effect of nonzero dydzs and dxdzs on radw. drift = (hdc_1_zpos-25.000)-zinit !Need to adjust number if known call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay radw = hfoil_exit_thick/hfoil_exit_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) C Go to first drift chamber set C For simplicity, perform air mult. scattering (probably negligeable) C before drifting instead of 1/2 way through. drift = (hdc_1_zpos - 0.5*hdc_nr_plan*hdc_del_plane) - > (hdc_1_zpos-25.000) radw = drift/hair_radlen call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay if(ms_flag) call musc_ext(m2,p,radw,drift,dydzs,dxdzs,ys,xs) jchamber = 1 radw = hdc_entr_thick/hdc_entr_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) npl_off = (jchamber-1)*hdc_nr_plan do iplane = 1,hdc_nr_plan radw = hdc_cath_thick/hdc_cath_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) drift = 0.5*hdc_thick radw = drift/hdc_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) drift = drift + hdc_cath_thick call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay radw = hdc_wire_thick/hdc_wire_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) if(wcs_flag) then tmpran1 = gauss1(nsig_max) !gaussian, truncated at 99 sigma. tmpran2 = gauss1(nsig_max) else tmpran1 = 0. tmpran2 = 0. endif xdc(npl_off+iplane)=xs+hdc_sigma(npl_off+iplane)*tmpran1*resmult ydc(npl_off+iplane)=ys+hdc_sigma(npl_off+iplane)*tmpran2*resmult if (iplane.eq.2 .or. iplane.eq.5) then xdc(npl_off+iplane) = 0. !y plane, no x information else ydc(npl_off+iplane) = 0. !x-like plane, no y info endif drift = 0.5*hdc_thick radw = drift/hdc_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) drift = drift + hdc_wire_thick call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay enddo radw = hdc_exit_thick/hdc_exit_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) if ( .or. > .or. > .or. > ) then hSTOP_dc1 = hSTOP_dc1 + 1 goto 500 endif radw = hdc_cath_thick/hdc_cath_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) C at last cathode foil of first drift chamber set, drift to next drift = (hdc_2_zpos - 0.5*hdc_nr_plan*hdc_del_plane) - > (hdc_1_zpos + 0.5*hdc_nr_plan*hdc_del_plane) radw = drift/hair_radlen call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay if(ms_flag) call musc_ext(m2,p,radw,drift,dydzs,dxdzs,ys,xs) jchamber = 2 radw = hdc_entr_thick/hdc_entr_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) npl_off = (jchamber-1)*hdc_nr_plan do iplane = 1,hdc_nr_plan radw = hdc_cath_thick/hdc_cath_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) drift = 0.5*hdc_thick radw = drift/hdc_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) drift = drift + hdc_cath_thick call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay radw = hdc_wire_thick/hdc_wire_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) if(wcs_flag) then tmpran1 = gauss1(nsig_max) !gaussian, truncated at 99 sigma. tmpran2 = gauss1(nsig_max) else tmpran1 = 0. tmpran2 = 0. endif xdc(npl_off+iplane)=xs+hdc_sigma(npl_off+iplane)*tmpran1*resmult ydc(npl_off+iplane)=ys+hdc_sigma(npl_off+iplane)*tmpran2*resmult if (iplane.eq.2 .or. iplane.eq.5) then xdc(npl_off+iplane) = 0. !y plane, no x information else ydc(npl_off+iplane) = 0. !x-like plane, no y info endif drift = 0.5*hdc_thick radw = drift/hdc_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) drift = drift + hdc_wire_thick call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay enddo radw = hdc_exit_thick/hdc_exit_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) if ( .or. > .or. > .or. > ) then hSTOP_dc2 = hSTOP_dc2 + 1 goto 500 endif radw = hdc_cath_thick/hdc_cath_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) C fit track to give new focal plane values, use LFIT from GENLIB do jchamber=1,hdc_nr_cham npl_off = (jchamber-1)*hdc_nr_plan do iplane=1,hdc_nr_plan if (jchamber.eq.1) zdc(npl_off+iplane) = hdc_1_zpos + > (iplane-0.5-0.5*hdc_nr_plan)*hdc_del_plane if (jchamber.eq.2) zdc(npl_off+iplane) = hdc_2_zpos + > (iplane-0.5-0.5*hdc_nr_plan)*hdc_del_plane enddo enddo call lfit(zdc,xdc,12,0,dxfp4,xfp4,badf) call lfit(zdc,ydc,12,0,dyfp4,yfp4,badf) x_fp = dble(xfp4) y_fp = dble(yfp4) dx_fp = dble(dxfp4) dy_fp = dble(dyfp4) C at last cathode foil of second drift chamber set, drift to hodoscopes drift = hscin_1x_zpos - hdc_2_zpos - 0.5*hdc_nr_plan*hdc_del_plane radw = drift/hair_radlen call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay if(ms_flag) call musc_ext(m2,p,radw,drift,dydzs,dxdzs,ys,xs) if ( .and. > .and. > .and. > ) scincount = scincount + 1 radw = hscin_1x_thick/hscin_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) drift = hscin_1y_zpos - hscin_1x_zpos radw = drift/hair_radlen call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay if(ms_flag) call musc_ext(m2,p,radw,drift,dydzs,dxdzs,ys,xs) if ( .and. > .and. > .and. > ) scincount = scincount + 1 radw = hscin_1y_thick/hscin_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) C finished first hodoscope, drift to cherenkov drift = hcer_zentrance - hscin_1y_zpos radw = drift/hair_radlen call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay if(ms_flag) call musc_ext(m2,p,radw,drift,dydzs,dxdzs,ys,xs) radw = hcer_entr_thick/hcer_entr_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) drift = hcer_zmirror - hcer_zentrance radw = drift/hcer_radlen call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay if(ms_flag) call musc_ext(m2,p,radw,drift,dydzs,dxdzs,ys,xs) radw = hcer_mir_thick/hcer_mir_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) drift = hcer_zexit - hcer_zmirror radw = hcer_exit_thick/hcer_exit_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay radw = hcer_exit_thick/hcer_exit_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) C drift to second hodoscope drift = hscin_2x_zpos - hcer_zexit radw = drift/hair_radlen call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay if(ms_flag) call musc_ext(m2,p,radw,drift,dydzs,dxdzs,ys,xs) if ( .and. > .and. > .and. > ) scincount = scincount + 1 radw = hscin_2x_thick/hscin_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) drift = hscin_2y_zpos - hscin_2x_zpos radw = drift/hair_radlen call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay if(ms_flag) call musc_ext(m2,p,radw,drift,dydzs,dxdzs,ys,xs) if ( .and. > .and. > .and. > ) scincount = scincount + 1 radw = hscin_2y_thick/hscin_radlen if(ms_flag) call musc(m2,p,radw,dydzs,dxdzs) C Test on scintillator trigger (DJG 8/18/98) if( scincount .lt. scintrig ) then hSTOP_scin = hSTOP_scin + 1 goto 500 endif C Drift to back of calorimeter. This should be done even if we do not apply C any calorimeter cuts, so that pathlen is calculated to the back of the spec. drift = hcal_4ta_zpos - hscin_2y_zpos radw = drift/hair_radlen call project(xs,ys,drift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !drift and decay if(ms_flag) call musc_ext(m2,p,radw,drift,dydzs,dxdzs,ys,xs) C Note that even with the standard PID trigger, the calorimeter is NOT C required, since the trigger needs either the cerenkov OR the calorimeter. C If you require the calorimeter in you analysis, then you need to make C sure that the calorimeter is hit here, AND apply a seperate post-tracking C fiducial cut (whatever is required by the engine or in your analysis). C The fiducial cut comes later in the code. C C This cut simply requires that the event hit the calorimeter. It does C not insure that the event is within the good region of the calorimeter. C The seperate fiducial cut is required to insure that the entire shower C energy is contained in the calorimeter. Or, if you like, you can require C some distance between the track and the edge. 2-3 cm seems to be enough C to get most or all of the energy in the calorimeter !c if ( .or. .or. !c > .or. then ! if ( .or. .or. ! > .or. then ! hSTOP_cal = hSTOP_cal + 1 ! goto 500 ! endif C If you use a calorimeter cut in your analysis, the engine applied a C a fiducial cut at the calorimeter. This is based on the position of the C TRACK at the calorimeter, not the real position of the event. Go to the C back of the calorimeter since engine uses a FID cut at the back. C The standard fiducial cut is 5 cm from the edges of the block. xcal = x_fp + dx_fp * hcal_4ta_zpos ycal = y_fp + dy_fp * hcal_4ta_zpos ! if ( .or. .or. ! > .or. then ok_hut = .true. C We are done with this event, whether GOOD or BAD. 500 continue return end