program stop c c this program was written april 21, 1993 by jpsullivan c to estimate the influence of secondary interactions of c pions in the na44 target on the observed pion spectrum. c c this program is no longer the simple version of john sullivan program c but modified by mohini rawool-sullivan to exclusively look at the energy loss c in two consecutive blocks of materials for pi- ---- oct 2' 1993 integer nwgean,nh,nwpaw parameter (nwpaw = 50000000) parameter (nwgean= 50000000) real geant integer ihist c c the following commons are for use by geant and hbook c c common / gcbank / geant(nwgean) c common / pawc / ihist(nwpaw) common / gcbank / q(nwgean) common / pawc / h(nwpaw) c call gzebra ( nwgean ) nh = -nwpaw call hlimit ( nh ) write(6,*)'hlimit: ',nwpaw,nh c c initialize graphics c call hplint(0) c c open the output metafile c c open ( 1,file='geant.metafile',form='unformatted' ) c call hplcap(-1) c c initialization phase c c call uginit c write(6,*)'back from initialization phase' c call gpawpp(nwgean,nwpaw) c c processing phase c c call grun c c termination phase c c call uglast c stop end