subroutine ugeom c c define experimental setup. write for cebaf HALL a fpp. c august 17, 1994 - e.j. brash, rutgers. c implicit none c include 'fpp_local.h' include 'geant_local.h' c c include 'parameter.h' c include 'espace_type.h' c include 'detector.h' c include 'transport.h' c include 'experiment.h' c include 'option.h' c integer nHALL,iv_HALL,irot,irotnull,irotx,irotu,irotv,iv_targ integer nair,ncarbon,naira,nairb,nairc,naird integer naire, nairf, nairg, nairh, nairi integer nsci1, nsci2 ,nhch1,nhch2 integer nfch1,nfch2,nfch3,nfch4,nanl1,nanl2 integer nch2,nsci,nanalyz integer nt_ch2, nt_sci, nt_analyz c character*4 chnmsv(1),chnamh(6) c c variables used in calls to gstmed (which defines tracking material c parameters) integer nt_air,nt_carbon, ic, irot1, nt_anll, nt_anl2 integer ndim,nvac integer isvol,ifield,nwbuf real fieldm,tmaxfd,dmaxms,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf(10) real rotch1(6) real zhch1,zhch2 real zsci1, zsci2 ,zanl1,zfch1,zfch2,zanl2,zfch3,zfch4 real zaira, zairb, zairc, zaird real zaire, zairf, zairg, zairh real zairi c common / gugeompar / irot, irotnull c c ***ADD FOR SCI2 AND AIRI??*** parameter (ndim=3) parameter (nair=15) parameter (nvac=15) parameter (nHALL=100) parameter (ncarbon=6) parameter (naira=602) parameter (nairb=603) parameter (nairc=604) parameter (naird=605) parameter (naire=606) parameter (nairf=607) parameter (nairg=608) parameter (nairh=609) parameter (nsci1=616) parameter (nhch1=617) parameter (nhch2=618) parameter (nfch1=619) parameter (nfch2=620) parameter (nfch3=621) parameter (nfch4=622) parameter (nch2=625) parameter (nsci=626) real HALL_size(3) real aira_size(3),airb_size(3),airc_size(3),aird_size(3) real aire_size(3),airf_size(3),airg_size(3),airh_size(3) real airi_size(3) real sci1_size(3),hch1_size(3),hch2_size(3),anl1_size(3) real sci2_size(3) real anl2_size(3),fch1_size(3),fch2_size(3),fch3_size(3) real fch4_size(3) real nul_rot(6) real rotx(6) real rotu(6) real rotv(6) real theta(3),phi(3),rowmat(3) real sinth,costh,sinph,cosph real rotmat1, rtod logical rotate c common/geomstep/rotmat1(3,3) c c --- scintillator NE-102A --- real ane(2) /12.01,1.01/ real zne(2) /6.,1./ real wne(2) /1.,1.105/ real dne /1.0320/ c --- (CH2)2 --- real achh(2) /12.01,1.01/ real zchh(2) /6.,1./ real wchh(2) /1.,2./ real dchh /0.9350/ c c integer ihset,ihdet,iset,idet,idtype,nvname,numbv common/gcsets/ihset,ihdet,iset,idet,idtype,nvname,numbv(20) integer nbitsv(1) /13/ integer nbitsh(6) /5,6,16,16,18,18/ real orig(6) /0.,0.,0.,0.,200.,0./ real fact(6) /1.,1.,1.,100000.,500.,500./ c data chnmsv /'strw'/ data chnamh /'ipla','nhip','strn','dist','ysva','zsva'/ c c data HALL_size / 600., 600., 1000. / data nul_rot/ 90.0, 0.0, 90.0, 90.0, 0.0, 0.0 / !null rotation data rotx/ 180.0, 0.0, 90.0, 180.0, 90.0, 90.0 / !95 deg. rot for x-straws data rotv/ 180.0, 0.0, 90.0, 135.0, 90.0, 45.0 / !-45 deg. rot for v-straws data rotu/ 180.0, 0.0, 90.0, -135.0, 90.0, 135.0 / !45 deg. rot for u-straws c data rotch1/ 90.0, 0.0, 90.0, 90.0, 0.0, 0.0 / !ch1 rotation c data hch1_size/75.00,60.00,8.5345/ data aira_size/75.00,60.00,32.131/ data hch2_size/75.00,60.00,8.5345/ data airb_size/60.96,40.64,12.387/ data sci1_size/60.96,40.64,0.50/ data airc_size/60.96,40.64,9.297/ data sci2_size/60.96,40.64,0.50/ data aird_size/71.12,53.975,14.114/ data anl1_size/71.12,53.975,27.94/ data aire_size/83.0,67.0,2.542/ data fch1_size/83.0,67.0,5.60/ data airf_size/83.0,67.0,5.00/ data fch2_size/83.0,67.0,5.60/ data airg_size/71.12,53.975,2.277/ data anl2_size/71.12,53.975,27.94/ data airh_size/83.0,67.0,2.282/ data fch3_size/83.0,67.0,5.60/ data airi_size/83.0,67.0,5.00/ data fch4_size/83.0,67.0,5.60/ c zhch1=-51.562 zaira=zhch1+hch1_size(3)+aira_size(3) zhch2=zaira+aira_size(3)+hch2_size(3) zairb=zhch2+hch2_size(3)+airb_size(3) zsci1=zairb+airb_size(3)+sci1_size(3) zairc=zsci1+sci1_size(3)+airc_size(3) zsci2=zairc+airc_size(3)+sci2_size(3) zaird=zsci2+sci2_size(3)+aird_size(3) zanl1=zaird+aird_size(3)+anl1_size(3) zaire=zanl1+anl1_size(3)+aire_size(3) zfch1=zaire+aire_size(3)+fch1_size(3) zairf=zfch1+fch1_size(3)+airf_size(3) zfch2=zairf+airf_size(3)+fch2_size(3) zairg=zfch2+fch2_size(3)+airg_size(3)-0.1 zanl2=zairg+airg_size(3)+anl2_size(3) zairh=zanl2+anl2_size(3)+airh_size(3) zfch3=zairh+airh_size(3)+fch3_size(3) zairi=zfch3+fch3_size(3)+airi_size(3) zfch4=zairi+airi_size(3)+fch4_size(3) c c write(*,*)'Minimum airg position = ',(zairg-airg_size(3)) c write(*,*)'Maximum fch2 position = ',(zfch2+fch2_size(3)) c rtod=180.0/3.14159265 c rotmat1(1,1)=cos(psoff1)*cos(thoff1)+sin(psoff1)*sin(thoff1) $ *sin(phoff1) rotmat1(1,2)=cos(psoff1)*sin(thoff1)-sin(psoff1)*cos(thoff1) $ *sin(phoff1) rotmat1(1,3)=sin(psoff1)*cos(phoff1) rotmat1(2,1)=-cos(phoff1)*sin(thoff1) rotmat1(2,2)=cos(phoff1)*cos(thoff1) rotmat1(2,3)=sin(phoff1) rotmat1(3,1)=-sin(psoff1)*cos(thoff1)+cos(psoff1)*sin(thoff1) $ *sin(phoff1) rotmat1(3,2)=-sin(psoff1)*sin(thoff1)-cos(psoff1)*cos(thoff1) $ *sin(phoff1) rotmat1(3,3)=cos(psoff1)*cos(phoff1) do ic=1,3 write(*,*)rotmat1(ic,1),rotmat1(ic,2),rotmat1(ic,3) enddo c do ic=1,3 rowmat(1)=real(rotmat1(ic,1)) rowmat(2)=real(rotmat1(ic,2)) rowmat(3)=real(rotmat1(ic,3)) call gfang(rowmat,costh,sinth,cosph,sinph,rotate) write(*,*)costh,sinth,cosph,sinph if(rotate) then if( then theta(ic)=atan(sinth/costh)*rtod else if( then theta(ic)=90.0 else if( then theta(ic)=-90.0 else theta(ic)=0.0 endif endif if( then phi(ic)=atan(sinph/cosph)*rtod else if( then phi(ic)=90.0 else if( then phi(ic)=-90.0 else phi(ic)=0.0 endif endif else theta(ic)=0.0 phi(ic)=0.0 endif write(6,*)'fpp rotation 1 =',ic,theta(ic),phi(ic) enddo irot1=5 call gsrotm(irot1,theta(1),phi(1),theta(2), & phi(2),theta(3),phi(3)) c c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c --- define the various mixtures for geant --- c write(6,*)'defining mixtures now' call gsmixt(nch2,'chtwo$',achh,zchh,dchh,-2,wchh) call gsmixt(nsci,'scint$',ane,zne,dne,-2,wne) c uncomment next line for density of hydrogen in (CH2)2 c call gsmate(nhy,'hydr$', 1.01, 1.0, 0.135, 865., 790.,0,0) c uncomment next line for normal density of carbon c call gsmate(ncarbo,'carbo$',12.01,6.0, 2.265, 18.8, 80.,0,0) c uncomment next line for density of carbon in (CH2)2 c call gsmate(ncarbo,'carbo$', 12.01,6.0, 0.800, 18.8, 80.,0,0) c write(*,*)'Finished defining these materials' ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c define the tracking medium parameters c nwbuf=10 c c *** definition of tracking medium for air: c write(6,*)'defining air medium now' nt_air = nvac ! tracking medium # same as material # isvol = 0 ! not sensitive ifield = 0 ! no magnetic field fieldm = 0.0 ! max field tmaxfd = 0.3 ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees dmaxms = 0.5 ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm) deemax = 0.2 ! max fractional energy loss in one step epsil = 0.01 ! tracking precision (cm) stmin = 0.01 ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm) ubuf(1)= 0. ! tracking stop switch write(6,*)'calling gstmed' call gstmed(nt_air,'HALL$',nvac,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, 1 dmaxms,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) write(6,*)'back from gstmed' c c *** definition of tracking medium for carbon: c c write(6,*)'defining carbon medium now' c nt_carbon = ncarbon ! tracking medium # same as material # c isvol = 0 ! not sensitive c ifield = 0 ! no magnetic field c fieldm = 0.0 ! max field c tmaxfd = 0.3 ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees c dmaxms = 0.5 ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm) c deemax = 0.2 ! max fractional energy loss in one step c epsil = 0.01 ! tracking precision (cm) c stmin = 0.01 ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm) c ubuf(1)= 0. ! tracking stop switch c write(6,*)'calling gstmed' c call gstmed(nt_carbon,'HALL$',ncarbon,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, c 1 dmaxms,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) c write(6,*)'back from gstmed' c c *** definition of tracking medium for magnet: c c nt_mag = nmag ! tracking medium # same as material number c isvol = 0 ! not sensitive c ifield = 2 ! magnetic field defined in gufld.for - helix tracking c fieldm = 20.0 ! max field c tmaxfd = 0.3 ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees c dmaxms = 0.5 ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm) c deemax = 0.2 ! max fractional energy loss in one step c epsil = 0.01 ! tracking precision (cm) c stmin = 0.01 ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm) c ubuf(1)= 0. ! tracking stop switch c call gstmed(nt_mag,'magnet$',nvac,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, c 1 dmaxms,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) c c *** definition of tracking medium for pb shielding: c c nt_pb = npb ! tracking medium # same as material # c isvol = 1 ! sensitive c ifield = 0 ! no magnetic field c fieldm = 0.0 ! max field c tmaxfd = 0.3 ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees c dmaxms = 0.5 ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm) c deemax = 0.2 ! max fractional energy loss in one step c epsil = 0.01 ! tracking precision (cm) c stmin = 0.01 ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm) c ubuf(1)= 0. ! tracking stop switch c call gstmed(nt_pb,'HALL$',npb,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, c 1 dmaxms,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c *** definition of tracking medium for analyzer: c nt_analyz = 630 ! Choose Arbitrary Tracking Medium Number for Analyzer isvol = 1 ! sensitive ifield = 0 ! no magnetic field fieldm = 0.0 ! max field tmaxfd = 0.3 ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees dmaxms = 1.0 ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm) deemax = 0.1 ! max fractional energy loss in one step epsil = 0.01 ! tracking precision (cm) stmin = 0.05 ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm) ubuf(1)= 0. ! tracking stop switch c nanalyz=nch2 call gstmed(nt_analyz,'HALL$',nanalyz,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, 1 dmaxms,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) c nt_ch2 = nch2 ! tracking medium # same as material # c c *** definition of tracking medium for scintillator: c nt_sci = nsci ! tracking medium # same as material # isvol = 1 ! sensitive ifield = 0 ! no magnetic field fieldm = 0.0 ! max field tmaxfd = 0.3 ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees dmaxms = 1.0 ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm) deemax = 0.1 ! max fractional energy loss in one step epsil = 0.01 ! tracking precision (cm) stmin = 0.05 ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm) ubuf(1)= 0. ! tracking stop switch c call gstmed(nt_sci,'HALL$',nsci,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, 1 dmaxms,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c print the tracking media parameters c write(6,*)'printing tracking media params now' call gptmed ( 0 ) c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c the mother volume will be the HALL volume, it is filled with air c write(6,*)'defining volumes now' write(6,*)'defining HALL now' call gsvolu ( 'HALL', 'BOX ', nair, HALL_size, ndim, iv_HALL ) c if ( iv_HALL.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_HALL=',iv_HALL write ( 6,* ) ' HALL geometry setup failed' stop end if c c we do not see the HALL volume in the pictures c call gsatt ( 'HALL', 'SEEN', 0 ) c c define the null rotation c write(6,*)'defining null rot now' irot = 1 call gsrotm(irot,nul_rot(1),nul_rot(2),nul_rot(3), x nul_rot(4),nul_rot(5),nul_rot(6) ) irotnull = irot c c define the rotation necessary to position the x-straws c write(6,*)'defining rotx now' irotx = 2 call gsrotm(irotx,rotx(1),rotx(2),rotx(3), x rotx(4),rotx(5),rotx(6) ) c c c define the rotation necessary to position the u-straws c write(6,*)'defining rotu now' irotu = 3 call gsrotm(irotu,rotu(1),rotu(2),rotu(3), x rotu(4),rotu(5),rotu(6) ) c c c define the rotation necessary to position the v-straws c write(6,*)'defining rotv now' irotv = 4 call gsrotm(irotv,rotv(1),rotv(2),rotv(3), x rotv(4),rotv(5),rotv(6) ) c c write(6,*)'defining hch1 volume now' call gsvolu ( 'hch1', 'BOX ', nt_air, x hch1_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' hch1 geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(6,*)'defining aira volume now' call gsvolu ( 'aira', 'BOX ', nt_air, x aira_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' aira geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(6,*)'defining hch2 volume now' call gsvolu ( 'hch2', 'BOX ', nt_air, x hch2_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' hch2 geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(6,*)'defining airb volume now' call gsvolu ( 'airb', 'BOX ', nt_air, x airb_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' airb geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(6,*)'defining scintillator now' call gsvolu ( 'sci1', 'BOX ', nt_sci, x sci1_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c write(6,*)iv_targ if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' sci1 geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(6,*)'defining airc volume now' call gsvolu ( 'airc', 'BOX ', nt_air, x airc_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' airc geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(6,*)'defining the second scintillator now' call gsvolu ( 'sci2', 'BOX ', nt_sci, x sci2_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c write(6,*)iv_targ if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' sci2 geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(6,*)'defining aird volume now' call gsvolu ( 'aird', 'BOX ', nt_air, x aird_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' aird geometry setup failed' stop end if c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c write(6,*)'DEFINING THE FIRST ANALYZER NOW!' call gsvolu ( 'anl1', 'BOX ', nt_analyz, x anl1_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c write(6,*)nt_analyz,anl1_size,iv_targ c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' analyzer geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(*,*)'analyzer 1 thickness = ',anl1_size(3)*2.0 write(*,*)'nt_sci = ',nt_sci write(*,*)'nt_ch2 = ',nt_ch2 write(*,*)'nt_analyz = ',nt_analyz c c write(6,*)'defining aire volume now' call gsvolu ( 'aire', 'BOX ', nt_air, x aire_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' aire geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(6,*)'defining fch1 volume now' call gsvolu ( 'fch1', 'BOX ', nt_air, x fch1_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' fch1 geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(6,*)'defining airf volume now' call gsvolu ( 'airf', 'BOX ', nt_air, x airf_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' airf geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(6,*)'defining fch2 volume now' call gsvolu ( 'fch2', 'BOX ', nt_air, x fch2_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' fch2 geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(6,*)'defining airg volume now' call gsvolu ( 'airg', 'BOX ', nt_air, x airg_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' airg geometry setup failed' stop end if c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c write(6,*)'DEFINING THE SECOND ANALYZER NOW!' call gsvolu ( 'anl2', 'BOX ', nt_analyz, x anl2_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c write(6,*)nt_analyz,anl2_size,iv_targ c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' anl2 geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(*,*)'analyzer 2 thickness = ',anl2_size(3)*2.0 write(*,*)'nt_sci = ',nt_sci write(*,*)'nt_ch2 = ',nt_ch2 write(*,*)'nt_analyz = ',nt_analyz c c write(6,*)'defining airh volume now' call gsvolu ( 'airh', 'BOX ', nt_air, x airh_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' airh geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(6,*)'defining fch3 volume now' call gsvolu ( 'fch3', 'BOX ', nt_air, x fch3_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' fch3 geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(6,*)'defining airi volume now' call gsvolu ( 'airi', 'BOX ', nt_air, x airi_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' airi geometry setup failed' stop end if c c write(6,*)'defining fch4 volume now' call gsvolu ( 'fch4', 'BOX ', nt_air, x fch4_size, ndim, iv_targ ) c if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ write ( 6,* ) ' fch4 geometry setup failed' stop end if c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c c make the target "SEEN" in the pictures and give it COLOr number 3 c (probably green) and then position it inside the mother volume c call gsatt ( 'aira', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'aira', 'COLO', 1 ) call gspos ( 'aira', 1, 'HALL', 0.,0.,real(zaira),irot,'only' ) call gsatt ( 'airb', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'airb', 'COLO', 1 ) call gspos ( 'airb', 1, 'HALL', 0.,0.,real(zairb),irot,'only' ) call gsatt ( 'airc', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'airc', 'COLO', 1 ) call gspos ( 'airc', 1, 'HALL', 0.,0.,real(zairc),irot,'only' ) call gsatt ( 'aird', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'aird', 'COLO', 1 ) call gspos ( 'aird', 1, 'HALL', -5.08,0.,real(zaird),irot,'only' ) call gsatt ( 'aire', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'aire', 'COLO', 1 ) call gspos ( 'aire', 1, 'HALL',-5.08,0.,real(zaire),irot,'only' ) call gsatt ( 'airf', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'airf', 'COLO', 1 ) call gspos ( 'airf', 1, 'HALL',-5.08,0.,real(zairf),irot,'only' ) call gsatt ( 'airg', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'airg', 'COLO', 1 ) call gspos ( 'airg', 1, 'HALL',-5.08,0.,real(zairg),irot,'only' ) call gsatt ( 'airh', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'airh', 'COLO', 1 ) call gspos ( 'airh', 1, 'HALL',-5.08,0.,real(zairh),irot,'only' ) call gsatt ( 'airi', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'airi', 'COLO', 1 ) call gspos ( 'airi', 1, 'HALL',-5.08,0.,real(zairi),irot,'only' ) c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c call gsatt ( 'anl1', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'anl1', 'COLO', 4 ) call gspos ( 'anl1', 1, 'HALL', -5.08,0.,real(zanl1),irot,'only' ) call gsatt ( 'anl2', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'anl2', 'COLO', 4 ) call gspos ( 'anl2', 1, 'HALL', -5.08,0.,real(zanl2),irot,'only' ) c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c call gsatt ( 'hch1', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'hch1', 'COLO', 2 ) call gspos ( 'hch1', 1, 'HALL', 0.,0.,real(zhch1),irot,'only' ) call gsatt ( 'hch2', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'hch2', 'COLO', 2 ) call gspos ( 'hch2', 1, 'HALL', 0.,0.,real(zhch2),irot,'only' ) c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c call gsatt ( 'fch1', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'fch1', 'COLO', 5 ) call gspos ( 'fch1', 1, 'HALL', -5.08,0.,real(zfch1),irot,'only' ) call gsatt ( 'fch2', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'fch2', 'COLO', 5 ) call gspos ( 'fch2', 1, 'HALL', -5.08,0.,real(zfch2),irot,'only' ) call gsatt ( 'fch3', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'fch3', 'COLO', 5 ) call gspos ( 'fch3', 1, 'HALL', -5.08,0.,real(zfch3),irot,'only' ) call gsatt ( 'fch4', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'fch4', 'COLO', 5 ) call gspos ( 'fch4', 1, 'HALL', -5.08,0.,real(zfch4),irot,'only' ) c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c call gsatt ( 'sci1', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'sci1', 'COLO', 3 ) call gspos ( 'sci1', 1, 'HALL', 0.,0.,real(zsci1),irot,'only' ) call gsatt ( 'sci2', 'SEEN', 1 ) call gsatt ( 'sci2', 'COLO', 3 ) call gspos ( 'sci2', 1, 'HALL', 0.,0.,real(zsci2),irot,'only' ) c c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc write(6,*) 'everything is positioned' return end