SUBROUTINE UGLAST implicit none include '' include '' include '' include '' save character*80 arg CHARACTER*29 setupfile C C Termination routine to print histograms and statistics C integer*2 icycle C C write(*,*) 'Howdy uglast has run' CALL GLAST C C Save histograms to file C C call hrout(10,icycle,' ') call hrend('SANE') CLOSE(20) CLOSE(30) call getarg(1,arg) read(arg,'(i3)') iteration call getarg(2,arg) read(arg,'(i1)') particle ! write(setupfile, '("history/a1p_geant.",i3,".",i1,".setup")') write(setupfile, '("a1p_geant.",i3,".",i1,".setup")') 1 iteration,particle open(unit=23,file=setupfile,status='unknown') write(*,*) 'e beam = ',E_beam,'ebeam2 ',ebeam2 write(23,*) E_beam/1000.d0 write(23,*) theta_0 write(23,*) theta_Bfield write(23,*) theta_min write(23,*) theta_max write(23,*) phi_min write(23,*) phi_max write(23,*) p_min write(23,*) p_max write(23,*) cal_width write(23,*) cal_height write(23,*) cal_drift write(23,*) numevts write(23,*) 'mag hits = ',magcnt ! JDM - 5/07 write(23,*) 'kept events = ',keptevts ! NK 02/01/11 write(*,*) 'mag hits = ',magcnt close(23) END