From Fri Jun 1 11:03:18 2001 Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 13:35:36 +0200 (MET DST) From: "Omar Benhar - INFN, Roma - ++39-06-49914298" To: John R. Arrington Cc: Omar Benhar John: the tabulated 4He spectral function that I sent a while ago looks allright to me. The spectral function consists of two contributions: the two body breakup contribution, whose energy dependence is a delta-function, and the background, giving rise to a continuum starting at the three-body breakup threshold. The first bin in the table is indeed 1 MeV wide. It represents the delta-function contribution. The following bins, starting at 28.2 MeV, give the background. I have also checked that the normalization is correct to fractions of a percent. Attached are the files with the A=3 spectral functions, whose structure is explained below. Best Omar ******************************************************************************* The files are organized as follows *** 3He: Paris potential, Faddeev calculations of the Hannover group (see H. Meier-Hajduk, Ch. Hajduk, P.U. Sauer and W. Theis, Nucl. Phys. A395(1983)332). file '' *** - the first line gives the number of momentum and energy bins (65 and 15, respectively) - the central values of momentum bins (MeV) are given in lines 2-66 (GeV) - lines 67-81 give central values and size of the energy bins (GeV) - then follow 15 blocks of 34 lines each, giving the proton and neutron spectral functions as a function of momentum for each energy. The first 17 lines give the proton spectral function, while the next 17 lines give the neutron spectral function. For example, lines 82 iand 99 gives the proton and neutron spectral functions corresponding to the first energy bin and the first four momentum bins, respectively. - the spectral functions are given in units of GeV^-4 - the normalizations of the proton and neutron spectral functions are 4 \pi \int dE dk k^2*P_p(k,E) = 1 4 \pi \int dE dk k^2*P_n(k,E) = 1 *** 3He: Argonne v_14 + Urbana VII three-body force. Calculation carried out using the model described in O. Benhar and V.R. Pandharipande, Phys. Rev. C 47(1993)2218. file 'spec3he_mod.dat' *** - the file is organized in exactly the same way as that containing the Hannover spectral function. The only difference is that the proton and neutron spectral functions are normalized according to 4 \pi \int dE dk k^2*P_p(k,E) = 2 4 \pi \int dE dk k^2*P_n(k,E) = 1 ******************************************************************************** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Omar Benhar phone ++39-06-49914298 INFN, Sezione Roma 1 fax ++39-06-4454749 Piazzale Aldo Moro, 2 e-mail I-00185 Rome, Italy ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [ Part 2, "" Text/PLAIN (Name: "") 703 lines. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] [ Part 3, "" Text/PLAIN (Name: "spec3he_mod.dat") 1,247 lines. ] [ Unable to print this part. ]