subroutine dbase_read(H) ! dbase_read reads the input file and sets the run-time flags for the run. ! Note that there are four INDEPENDENT ways to run SIMC. ! ! 1. doing_eep: (e,e'p) subcases:doing_hyd_elast, doing_deuterium, doing_heavy ! ! 2. doing_kaon:(e,e'K) subcases:doing_hydkaon, doing_deutkaon,doing_hekaon. ! which_kaon= 0/ 1/ 2 for Lambda/Sigam0/Sigma- quasifree. ! which_kaon=10/11/12 for Lambda/Sigam0/Sigma- coherent production. ! For bound hypernuclear states, set doing_hydkaon true for ALL ! targets (i.e. treat as a heavy proton) but with targ.Mtar_struck ! and targ.Mrec_struck set appropriatly. ! ! 3. doing_pion:(e,e'p) subcases:doing_hydpi, doing_deutpi,doing_hepi. ! which_pion = 0( 1) gives pi+ (pi-) quasifree production. ! which_pion = 10(11) gives pi+ (pi-) coherent production. ! This sets doing_hydpi true for ALL targets (i.e. treat as ! a heavy proton) but with targ.Mtar_struck and targ.Mrec_struck ! set appropriatly. ! ! 4. doing_phsp:Generate acceptance with radiation and cross section disabled, ! use doing_kaon or doing_pion to set hadron mass, then ! set doing_eep,doing_kaon and doing_pion to FALSE. ! May or may not be properly implemented. ! ! 5. doing_delta:(e,e'p)pi subcases:doing_hyddelta,doing_deutdelta,doing_hedelta. ! Identical to doing_pion, except for changes in mass parameters and ! cross section model. Initial implementation will be for proton target ! only (generation well be general, but cross section model will be ! a 'shortcut' version to start with. ! 6. doing_semi: H(e,e'pi)X (doing_semipi) and H(e,e'k)X (doing_semika) ! 7. doing_rho: H(e,e'rho)p implicit none include '' include '' include '' real*8 dum1,dum2,dum3,dum4,dum5,dum6,dum7 real*8 mrec_guess integer*4 iread, iq2, iang integer*4 i, j, k, ii integer*4 ierr, thload, thbook logical success character filename*80,tmpfile*80 character dbase_file*60 !needs to be shorter than filename type (histograms):: H ! ... Register CTP vars call regallvars ! ... read the dbase file. dbase_file=' ' extra_dbase_file=' ' write(6,*) 'Enter the input filename (assumed to be in infiles directory)' read(5,'(a)') dbase_file j=index(dbase_file,'/') if (j.eq.0) then !no path given write(filename,'(a)') 'infiles/'//dbase_file else write(filename,'(a)') dbase_file endif i=index(filename,'.') j=index(filename,'/') if(i.eq.0) then !add .inp if not included in filename i=index(filename,' ') if(i+2.le.len(filename)) write(filename(i:),'(''.inp'')') endif write(6,'(a10,a69)')'filename=',filename if ( base=filename(j+1:i-1) ! ... load and book input file ierr = thload(filename) if ( stop 'Loading problem! Not going to try again...wouldnt be prudent.' ierr = thbook() if ( stop ' Booking problem! Not going to try again...wouldnt be prudent' ! ... read the secondary dbase file. if (' ') then !new filename from dbase file write(filename,'(a)') 'infiles/'//extra_dbase_file i=index(filename,'.') j=index(filename,'/') if(i.eq.0) then !add .inp if not included in filename i=index(filename,' ') i f(i+2.le.len(filename)) write(filename(i:),'(''.inp'')') endif write(6,'(a10,a69)')'filename=',filename ierr = thload(filename) if ( stop ' Loading problem! Not going to try again...wouldnt be prudent.' ierr = thbook() if ( stop ' Booking problem! Not going to try again...wouldnt be prudent' endif !extra dbase input file C DJG: Ugly hack! This must come before the test on doing_pion if(doing_pion .and. doing_semi) then doing_semipi=.true. doing_semika=.false. doing_pion=.false. endif if(doing_kaon .and. doing_semi) then doing_semika=.true. doing_semipi=.false. doing_kaon=.false. endif C DJG: ! ... dbase field experiment. if (doing_pion) then Mh=Mpi if (nint(targ%A).eq.1 .and. which_pion.eq.1) > stop 'Pi- production from Hydrogen not allowed!' if (nint(targ%A).le.2 .and. > stop 'Coherent production from Hydrogen/Deuterium not allowed!' if (nint(targ%A).eq.3 .and. which_pion.eq.11) > stop 'Coherent Pi- production from 3He not allowed!' if (nint(targ%A).eq.4 .and. > stop 'Coherent production from 4He not allowed!' doing_hydpi = (nint(targ%A).eq.1) doing_deutpi = (nint(targ%A).eq.2) doing_hepi = (nint(targ%A).ge.3) doing_eep = .false. * quasifree production is default (which_pion=0,1 for pi+/pi0) * Treat (A+pi) final state as production from heavy proton (which_pion=10,11) if ( then doing_hydpi = .true. doing_deutpi = .false. doing_hepi = .false. endif else if (doing_kaon) then Mh=Mk if (nint(targ%A).eq.1 .and. which_kaon.eq.2) > stop 'Sigma- production from Hydrogen not allowed!' if (nint(targ%A).le.2 .and. > stop 'Coherent production from Hydrogen/Deuterium not allowed!' doing_hydkaon = (nint(targ%A).eq.1) doing_deutkaon = (nint(targ%A).eq.2) doing_hekaon = (nint(targ%A).ge.3) doing_eep = .false. * quasifree production is default (which_kaon=0,1,2 for lambda/sigma/sigma-). * Treat (A+pi) final state as production from heavy proton (+10 to which_kaon) if ( then doing_hydkaon = .true. doing_deutkaon = .false. doing_hekaon = .false. endif else if (doing_delta) then Mh=Mp if (nint(targ%A).ge.2) > write(6,*) 'WARNING: Delta cross section model only set up for proton target!' doing_hyddelta = (nint(targ%A).eq.1) doing_deutdelta = (nint(targ%A).eq.2) doing_hedelta = (nint(targ%A).ge.3) doing_eep = .false. else if (doing_semi) then if(doing_semipi) then Mh=Mpi elseif(doing_semika) then Mh=Mk endif doing_hydsemi = (nint(targ%A).eq.1) doing_deutsemi = (nint(targ%A).eq.2) if(doing_hydsemi.and.do_fermi) then write(6,*) 'WARNING: Cannot do Fermi motion for Hydrogen!' write(6,*) 'Do you mean to be running deuterium?' do_fermi = .false. endif doing_eep=.false. else if (doing_rho) then Mh = Mrho doing_hydrho = (nint(targ%A).eq.1) doing_deutrho = (nint(targ%A).eq.2) doing_herho = (nint(targ%A).eq.3) doing_eep=.false. else !doing_eep if nothing else set. Mh=Mp doing_eep = .true. doing_hyd_elast = (nint(targ%A).eq.1) doing_deuterium = (nint(targ%A).eq.2) doing_heavy = (nint(targ%A).ge.3) endif Mh2 = Mh*Mh Mh2_final = Mh2 if (doing_phsp) then rad_flag=0 doing_eep=.false. !need to set one of these to determine Mh, doing_pion=.false. !but doing_phsp is independent of others. doing_kaon=.false. doing_delta=.false. doing_rho=.false. endif ! ... dbase field kinematics_main dEbeam=Ebeam*dEbeam/100. spec%e%theta=abs(spec%e%theta)/degrad spec%e%cos_th=cos(spec%e%theta) spec%e%sin_th=sin(spec%e%theta) spec%p%theta=abs(spec%p%theta)/degrad spec%p%cos_th=cos(spec%p%theta) spec%p%sin_th=sin(spec%p%theta) ! ... Get phi for spectrometers. HMS/HRSr are on right, phi=3*pi/2 if (electron_arm.eq.1 .or. electron_arm.eq.3 .or. electron_arm.eq.7) then spec%e%phi = 3*pi/2. else if (electron_arm.eq.2 .or. electron_arm.eq.4 .or. > electron_arm.eq.5 .or. electron_arm.eq.6 .or. electron_arm.eq.8) then spec%e%phi = pi/2. else stop 'I dont know what phi should be for the electron arm' endif if (hadron_arm.eq.1 .or. hadron_arm.eq.3) then spec%p%phi = 3*pi/2. else if (hadron_arm.eq.2 .or. hadron_arm.eq.4 .or. > hadron_arm.eq.5 .or. hadron_arm.eq.6) then spec%p%phi = pi/2. else stop 'I dont know what phi should be for the hadron arm' endif ! ... dbase field target targ%N = targ%A - targ%Z targ%M = targ%mass_amu*amu targ%Mrec = targ%mrec_amu*amu ! ... improve precision for hydrogen and deuterium targets. For deuterium, ! ... need to wait to fill targ.Mrec until we know which nucleon was struck. if (nint(targ%A).eq.1) then !proton target if (abs(targ%M-Mp).gt.0.1) write(6,*) 'WARNING: forcing target mass to Mp!!!' if (abs(targ%Mrec).gt.0.1) write(6,*) 'WARNING: forcing recoil mass to zero!!!' targ%M = Mp targ%Mrec = 0. else if (nint(targ%A).eq.2) then !deuterium target if (abs(targ%M-Md).gt.0.1) write(6,*) 'WARNING: forcing target mass to Md!!!' targ%M = Md else !heavy target Mrec_guess = targ%M - Mp !approx A-1 mass, don't know mtar_struck yet if (abs(targ%Mrec-Mrec_guess).gt.100.) then !assume OK if within 100MeV. write(6,*) 'targ.Mrec=',targ%Mrec,' I was expecting closer to',Mrec_guess write(6,*) 'I AM REPLACING YOUR TARG.MREC WITH MY EXPECTATION!!!!!' targ%Mrec = Mrec_guess endif endif ! ... set target/recoil masses. if (doing_eep) then !Strike proton, no 'recoil' particle targ%Mtar_struck = Mp targ%Mrec_struck = 0.0 sign_hadron=1.0 else if (doing_delta) then !Strike (and detect) proton, pion 'recoil' targ%Mtar_struck = Mp targ%Mrec_struck = Mpi sign_hadron=1.0 else if(doing_semi) then ! For now, just assuming proton mass targ%Mtar_struck = Mp targ%Mrec_struck = Mp !must have at LEAST a recoiling proton !Probably more... if(doing_deutsemi) then targ%Mtar_struck = (Mp+Mn)/2.0 targ%Mrec_struck = (Mp+Mn)/2.0 endif if(doing_hplus) then sign_hadron=1.0 else sign_hadron=-1.0 endif else if(doing_rho) then targ%Mtar_struck = Mp targ%Mrec_struck = Mp if(doing_hplus) then sign_hadron=1.0 else sign_hadron=-1.0 endif ! ... for normal production, Strike p (n), recoil partile is n(p). ! ... for bound final state, use targ.Mrec if it appears to be OK (same A ! ... A as target, with one n->p or p->n. else if (doing_pion) then if (which_pion .eq. 0) then targ%Mtar_struck = Mp ! H(e,e'pi+)n or D(e,e'pi+)nn targ%Mrec_struck = Mn sign_hadron=1.0 else if (which_pion .eq. 1) then targ%Mtar_struck = Mn ! D(e,e'pi-) pp targ%Mrec_struck = Mp sign_hadron=-1.0 else if (which_pion .eq. 10) then targ%Mtar_struck = targ%M ! A(e,e'pi+)A' targ%Mrec_struck = targ%Mrec Mrec_guess = targ%M - Mp + Mn sign_hadron=1.0 else if (which_pion .eq. 11) then targ%Mtar_struck = targ%M ! A(e,e'pi-)A' targ%Mrec_struck = targ%Mrec Mrec_guess = targ%M - Mn + Mp sign_hadron=-1.0 else stop 'Bad value for which_pion' endif if (which_pion .ge. 10) then !Coherent pion production. if (abs(targ%Mrec_struck-Mrec_guess).gt.100.) then targ%Mrec_struck = Mrec_guess write(6,*) 'For coherent pion production, targ.mrec_amu should' write(6,*) 'be the mass of the final nucleus.' write(6,*) 'I AM REPLACING THE MASS FROM THE INPUT FILE WITH MY GUESS:' write(6,*) 'M_final = M_A + M_N(struck) - M_N(recoil) =',Mrec_guess endif targ%Mrec = 0. !no 'A-1' recoil system for coherent production. endif ! ... for normal production, Strike p(n), recoil is Lambda/Sigma/Sigma-. ! ... for bound final state, use targ.Mrec if it appears to be OK (same A ! ... A as target, with one n->p or p->n. else if (doing_kaon) then !Strike p(n), recoil is L0/S0(S-) if (which_kaon .eq. 0) then ! p(e,eK+)Lambda0 targ%Mtar_struck = Mp targ%Mrec_struck = Mlambda sign_hadron=1.0 else if (which_kaon .eq. 1) then ! p(e,eK+)Sigma0 targ%Mtar_struck = Mp targ%Mrec_struck = Msigma0 sign_hadron=1.0 else if (which_kaon .eq. 2) then ! n(e,eK+)Sigma- targ%Mtar_struck = Mn targ%Mrec_struck = Msigma_minus sign_hadron=1.0 else if (which_kaon .eq. 10) then !A(e,eK+)A_Lambda0 (bound hypernucleon) targ%Mtar_struck = targ%M targ%Mrec_struck = targ%Mrec Mrec_guess = targ%M - Mp + Mlambda sign_hadron=1.0 else if (which_kaon .eq. 11) then !A(e,eK+)A_Sigma0 (bound hypernucleon) targ%Mtar_struck = targ%M targ%Mrec_struck = targ%Mrec Mrec_guess = targ%M - Mp + Msigma0 sign_hadron=1.0 else if (which_kaon .eq. 12) then !A(e,eK+)A_Sigma- (bound hypernucleon) targ%Mtar_struck = targ%M targ%Mrec_struck = targ%Mrec Mrec_guess = targ%M - Mn + Msigma_minus sign_hadron=1.0 else stop 'Bad value for which_kaon' endif if (which_kaon .ge. 10) then !Coherent hypernucleus final state. if (abs(targ%Mrec_struck-Mrec_guess).gt.100.) then targ%Mrec_struck = Mrec_guess write(6,*) 'For coherent kaon production, targ.mrec_amu should' write(6,*) 'be the mass of the final hypernucleus.' write(6,*) 'I AM REPLACING THE MASS FROM THE INPUT FILE WITH MY GUESS:' write(6,*) 'M_hypernucleus = M_A - M_N + M_Y =',Mrec_guess endif targ%Mrec = 0. !no 'A-1' recoil system for coherent production. endif endif ! ... Now that we know targ.Mtar_struck, we can improve the precision of ! ... targ.Mrec for deuterium target. if (nint(targ%A).eq.2) then !force Mrec. Mrec_guess = Mp + Mn - targ%Mtar_struck if (abs(targ%Mrec-Mrec_guess).gt.0.1) write(6,*) > 'WARNING: forcing recoil mass to M_Nucleon' targ%Mrec = Mrec_guess endif targ%thick=targ%thick/1000. targ%length=targ%thick/targ%rho targ%angle=targ%angle/degrad targ_Bangle = targ_Bangle/degrad targ_Bphi = targ_Bphi/degrad if( then !liquid target if (abs(targ%angle) .gt. 0.0001) then targ%angle = 0.0 write(6,*) 'Forcing target angle to zero for cryotarget.' endif if ( .and. stop 'bad targ.can value' endif if(sin(targ%angle) .gt. 0.85) then write(6,*) 'BAD targ.angle (0 is perp. to beam, +ve is rotated towards SOS)' write(6,*) 'If the target really is >60 degrees from normal to the beam, then' write(6,*) 'comment out this error checking code.' stop endif ! ... dbase field spect_offset spec%e%offset%xptar=spec%e%offset%xptar/1000. spec%e%offset%yptar=spec%e%offset%yptar/1000. spec%p%offset%xptar=spec%p%offset%xptar/1000. spec%p%offset%yptar=spec%p%offset%yptar/1000. ! ... dbase fields e_arm_accep, p_arm_accep. Convert angles to radians. if (SPedge%e%delta%min.le.-100.0) SPedge%e%delta%min=-99.99 if (SPedge%p%delta%min.le.-100.0) SPedge%p%delta%min=-99.99 SPedge%e%yptar%min = SPedge%e%yptar%min/1000. SPedge%e%yptar%max = SPedge%e%yptar%max/1000. SPedge%e%xptar%min = SPedge%e%xptar%min/1000. SPedge%e%xptar%max = SPedge%e%xptar%max/1000. SPedge%p%yptar%min = SPedge%p%yptar%min/1000. SPedge%p%yptar%max = SPedge%p%yptar%max/1000. SPedge%p%xptar%min = SPedge%p%xptar%min/1000. SPedge%p%xptar%max = SPedge%p%xptar%max/1000. ! ... dbase field simulate ! ... Set flags for e,e',hadron radiation tails. doing_tail(1) = one_tail.eq.0 .or. one_tail.eq.1 .or. > one_tail.eq.-2 .or. one_tail.eq.-3 doing_tail(2) = one_tail.eq.0 .or. one_tail.eq.2 .or. > one_tail.eq.-3 .or. one_tail.eq.-1 doing_tail(3) = one_tail.eq.0 .or. one_tail.eq.3 .or. > one_tail.eq.-1 .or. one_tail.eq.-2 if (.not.doing_tail(1) .or. .not.doing_tail(2)) then write(6,*) '**WARNING: Shutting off tails 1 or 2 not well defined' endif if (abs(one_tail).gt.3 .and. using_rad) > stop 'Moron! one_tail>3 turns radiation off, but using_rad wants it on.' if (.not.using_rad) then do i = 1, 3 doing_tail(i) = .false. enddo endif if ( then !use hardwired limits if gen_max > 0 hardwired_rad = .true. else hardwired_rad = .false. endif ! ... change angles to radians gen%e%yptar%min=gen%e%yptar%min/1000. gen%e%yptar%max=gen%e%yptar%max/1000. gen%p%yptar%min=gen%p%yptar%min/1000. gen%p%yptar%max=gen%p%yptar%max/1000. gen%e%xptar%min=gen%e%xptar%min/1000. gen%e%xptar%max=gen%e%xptar%max/1000. gen%p%xptar%min=gen%p%xptar%min/1000. gen%p%xptar%max=gen%p%xptar%max/1000. ! ... set some flags using_E_arm_montecarlo = .and. using_P_arm_montecarlo = .and. if (doing_pion .or. doing_kaon .or. doing_delta .or. > (cuts%Em%min.eq.cuts%Em%max) ) then cuts%Em%min = -1.d6 cuts%Em%max = 1.d6 endif if (abs(deForest_flag).gt.1) stop 'Idiot! check setting of deForest_flag' if (correct_Eloss .and. .not.using_Eloss) then write(6,*) 'using_Eloss is false, SO WE ARE FORCING CORRECT_ELOSS TO BE FALSE!!!' correct_Eloss = .false. endif if (nint(targ%Z).eq.1) using_Coulomb=.false. !no coulomb corr. for Z=1 ! ... target call target_init(using_Eloss, using_Coulomb, spec%e%theta, spec%p%theta, > spec%p%P, Mh2, Ebeam, spec%e%P) ! ... Read in the theory file (for A(e,e'p)) if (doing_deuterium .or. doing_heavy) then call theory_init(success) if (.not.success) stop 'THEORY_INIT failed!' endif ! ... Read in (and normalize) momentum distribution. Normalizing to one ! ... may not be correct if there is strength beyond p=p_max (MeV/c) if(doing_deutpi.or.doing_hepi.or.doing_deutkaon.or.doing_hekaon.or.doing_deutsemi) then if(doing_deutpi .or. doing_deutkaon .or. doing_deutsemi) open(1,file='deut.dat',status='old',form='formatted') if(doing_hepi .or. doing_hekaon) then if (nint(targ%A).eq.3) then open(1,file='he3.dat',status='old',form='formatted') else if (nint(targ%A).eq.4) then open(1,file='he4.dat',status='old',form='formatted') else if (nint(targ%A).eq.12) then open(1,file='c12.dat',status='old',form='formatted') else write(6,*) 'No Momentum Distribution for A = ',targ%A write(6,*) 'Defaulting to carbon momentum distribution' open(1,file='c12.dat',status='old',form='formatted') endif endif do ii=1,2000 read(1,*,end=999) pval(ii),mprob(ii) nump=ii enddo 999 continue do ii=1,nump mprob(ii)=mprob(ii)/mprob(nump) enddo close(1) endif ! ... Read in (and normalize) spectral function for A>2 electroproduction. ! ... Normalizing to one may not be correct if there is strength beyond ! ... Em_max,Pm_max. if(doing_hepi.or.doing_hekaon) then if (nint(targ%A).eq.3) then write(6,*) 'Using the mod version of 3He S.F. rather than Paris.' tmpfile='benharsf_3mod.dat' else if (nint(targ%A).eq.4) then tmpfile='benharsf_4.dat' else if (nint(targ%A).eq.12) then tmpfile='benharsf_12.dat' else if (nint(targ%A).eq.56) then tmpfile='benharsf_56.dat' else if (nint(targ%A).eq.197) then tmpfile='benharsf_197.dat' else write(6,*) 'No spectral function for A = ',targ%A write(6,*) 'Defaulting to Carbon S.F.' tmpfile='benharsf_12.dat' endif ! Choos proton or neutron spectral function based on targ.Mtar_struck if (abs(targ%Mtar_struck-Mp).le.1.d-6) then call sf_lookup_init(tmpfile,.true.) !proton S.F. else if (abs(targ%Mtar_struck-Mn).le.1.d-6) then call sf_lookup_init(tmpfile,.false.) !neutron S.F. else write(6,*) 'targ%Mtar_struck = ',targ%Mtar_struck write(6,*) 'targ%Mtar_struck not equal to Mp or Mn' write(6,*) 'DEFAULTING TO PROTON SPECTRAL FUNCTION!!!' call sf_lookup_init(tmpfile,.true.) !proton S.F. endif endif ! ... Read in input file for kaon cross section model (saghai model). if (doing_kaon) then !read in model xsec info. open(1,file='weightc.dat',status='old',form='formatted') do i=1,50 do j=1,20 read(1,*) weightc(j,i) enddo enddo close(1) open(1,file='weightd.dat',status='old',form='formatted') do i=1,30 do j=1,40 do k=1,8 read(1,*) weightd(k,j,i) enddo enddo enddo close(1) open(3,file='saghai_proton.dat',status='old',form='formatted') do iread=1,10 do iq2=1,11 read(3,*) dum1,dum2 do iang=1,19 read(3,4005) dum3,dum4,dum5,dum6,dum7 read(3,4005) zrff1(iread,iq2,iang),ziff1(iread,iq2,iang), 1 zrff2(iread,iq2,iang),ziff2(iread,iq2,iang), 2 zrff3(iread,iq2,iang),ziff3(iread,iq2,iang) read(3,4005) zrff4(iread,iq2,iang),ziff4(iread,iq2,iang), 1 zrff5(iread,iq2,iang),ziff5(iread,iq2,iang), 2 zrff6(iread,iq2,iang),ziff6(iread,iq2,iang) enddo enddo enddo 4005 format(6e12.4) close(3) open(3,file='saghai_sigma0.dat',status='old',form='formatted') do iread=1,20 do iq2=1,10 do iang=1,19 read(3,*) dum1,dum2 read(3,4005) dum3,dum4,dum5,dum6,dum7 read(3,4005) zsrff1(iread,iq2,iang),zsiff1(iread,iq2,iang), 1 zsrff2(iread,iq2,iang),zsiff2(iread,iq2,iang), 2 zsrff3(iread,iq2,iang),zsiff3(iread,iq2,iang) read(3,4005) zsrff4(iread,iq2,iang),zsiff4(iread,iq2,iang), 1 zsrff5(iread,iq2,iang),zsiff5(iread,iq2,iang), 2 zsrff6(iread,iq2,iang),zsiff6(iread,iq2,iang) enddo enddo enddo close(3) endif !kaon input files. ! ... initialize limits on generation, cuts, edges call limits_init(H) ! ... some announcements if (doing_eep) then if (doing_hyd_elast) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- H(e,e''p) --------****' else if (doing_deuterium) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- D(e,e''p) --------****' else if (doing_heavy) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- A(e,e''p) --------****' else stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what (e,e''p) we''re doing!!!' endif else if (doing_semi) then if (doing_semipi) then if(doing_hydsemi) then if(doing_hplus) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- H(e,e''pi+)X --------****' else write(6,*) ' ****-------- H(e,e''pi-)X --------****' endif elseif (doing_deutsemi) then if(doing_hplus) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- D(e,e''pi+)X --------****' else write(6,*) ' ****-------- D(e,e''pi-)X --------****' endif endif else if (doing_semika) then if (doing_hydsemi) then if(doing_hplus) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- H(e,e''K+)X --------****' else write(6,*) ' ****-------- H(e,e''K-)X --------****' endif elseif(doing_deutsemi) then if(doing_hplus) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- D(e,e''K+)X --------****' else write(6,*) ' ****-------- D(e,e''K-)X --------****' endif endif else stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what (e,e''m)X we''re doing!!!' endif else if (doing_delta) then if (doing_hyddelta) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- H(e,e''p)pi --------****' else if (doing_deutpi) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- D(e,e''p)pi --------****' else if (doing_hepi) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- A(e,e''p)pi --------****' else stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what (e,e''p)pi we''re doing!!!' endif else if (doing_pion) then if (doing_hydpi) then if (targ%A .eq. 1) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- H(e,e''pi) --------****' else if (targ%A .ge. 3) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- A(e,e''pi) --------****' endif else if (doing_deutpi) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- D(e,e''pi) --------****' else if (doing_hepi) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- A(e,e''pi) --------****' else stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what (e,e''pi) we''re doing!!!' endif if (which_pion.eq.0 .or. which_pion.eq.10) then write(6,*) ' ****------- pi+ production -------****' else if (which_pion.eq.1 .or. which_pion.eq.11) then write(6,*) ' ****------- pi- production -------****' endif if (which_pion.eq.0 .or. which_pion.eq.1) then write(6,*) ' ****---- Quasifree Production ----****' else if (which_pion.eq.10 .or. which_pion.eq.11) then write(6,*) ' ****---- Coherent Production ----****' endif else if (doing_kaon) then if (doing_hydkaon) then if (targ%A .eq. 1) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- H(e,e''K) --------****' else if (targ%A .ge. 3) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- A(e,e''K) --------****' endif else if (doing_deutkaon) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- D(e,e''K) --------****' else if (doing_hekaon) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- A(e,e''K) --------****' else stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what (e,e''K) we''re doing!!!' endif if (which_kaon.eq.0) then write(6,*) ' ****----- LAMBDA Quasifree -----****' else if (which_kaon.eq.1) then write(6,*) ' ****----- SIGMA0 Quasifree -----****' else if (which_kaon.eq.2) then write(6,*) ' ****----- SIGMA- Quasifree -----****' else if (which_kaon.eq.10) then write(6,*) ' ****----- LAMBDA Coherent -----****' else if (which_kaon.eq.11) then write(6,*) ' ****----- SIGMA0 Coherent -----****' else if (which_kaon.eq.12) then write(6,*) ' ****----- SIGMA- Coherent -----****' else stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what (e,e''K) we''re doing!!!' endif else if (doing_rho) then if (doing_hydrho) then if (targ%A .eq. 1) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- H(e,e''rho) --------****' else if (targ%A .ge. 3) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- A(e,e''rho) --------****' write(6,*) ' **** ---- Not yet implemented -----****' stop endif else if (doing_deutrho) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- D(e,e''rho) --------****' write(6,*) ' **** ---- Not yet implemented -----****' stop else if (doing_herho) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- A(e,e''rho) --------****' write(6,*) ' **** ---- Not yet implemented -----****' stop else stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what (e,e''rho) we''re doing!!!' endif else if (doing_phsp) then write(6,*) ' ****-------- PHASE SPACE - NO physics, NO radiation --------****' else stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what we''re doing!!!' endif if (electron_arm.eq.1) then write(6,*) ' HMS is detecting electrons' else if (electron_arm.eq.2) then write(6,*) ' SOS is detecting electrons' else if (electron_arm.eq.3) then write(6,*) ' HRSR is detecting electrons' else if (electron_arm.eq.4) then write(6,*) ' HRSL is detecting electrons' else if (electron_arm.eq.5) then write(6,*) ' SHMS is detecting electrons (SSA TUNE)' else if (electron_arm.eq.6) then write(6,*) ' SHMS is detecting electrons (LSA TUNE)' else if (electron_arm.eq.7) then write(6,*) ' BIGCAL is detecting electrons (HMS side of beam)' else if (electron_arm.eq.8) then write(6,*) ' BIGCAL is detecting electrons (SOS side of beam)' endif if (hadron_arm.eq.1) then write(6,*) ' HMS is detecting hadrons' else if (hadron_arm.eq.2) then write(6,*) ' SOS is detecting hadrons' else if (hadron_arm.eq.3) then write(6,*) ' HRSR is detecting hadrons' else if (hadron_arm.eq.4) then write(6,*) ' HRSL is detecting hadrons' else if (hadron_arm.eq.5) then write(6,*) ' SHMS is detecting hadrons (SSA TUNE)' else if (hadron_arm.eq.6) then write(6,*) ' SHMS is detecting hadrons (LSA TUNE)' else if (hadron_arm.eq.7 .or. hadron_arm.eq.8) then write(6,*) ' Cannot use Bigcal for hadrons' stop endif if (hadron_arm.eq.electron_arm) then write(6,*) '**WARNING: SIMC works best with two DIFFERENT spectrometers!!!' else if ((hadron_arm+electron_arm).eq.3) then write(6,*) 'Rolf welcomes you to Hall C at Jefferson Lab - Get to work!' else if (electron_arm.eq.5 .or. hadron_arm.eq.5 .or. > electron_arm.eq.6 .or. hadron_arm.eq.6) then write(6,*) 'Grumpy Dutch Giant welcomes you to Hall C++ at JLab12 - Get to work!' else if ((hadron_arm+electron_arm).eq.7) then write(6,*) 'Kees welcomes you to Hall A at Jefferson Lab - Enjoy your stay!' else if ( electron_arm.eq.7 .and. hadron_arm .eq. 5) then write(6,*) ' Bigcal and SHMS' else if ( electron_arm.eq.8 .and. hadron_arm .eq. 1) then write(6,*) ' Bigcal and HMS' else write(6,*) '**WARNING: SIMC works best when both spectrometers are in the same hall!!' endif if (doing_phsp) write(6,*) '**WARNING: phsp option is not really implemented - buyer beware!!' if (doing_kaon .and. .not. doing_decay) write(6,*) 'NOTE: not doing decay, so a decay weight will be applied to WEIGHT' if (doing_semika .and. .not. doing_decay) write(6,*) 'NOTE: not doing decay, so a decay weight will be applied to WEIGHT' if(doing_deutsemi.and.do_fermi) write(6,*) 'NOTE: Fermi motion enabled for semi-incusive production from deuterium' if (.not.using_rad) write(6,*) 'NOTE: Will NOT be applying radiative corrections' if (.not.using_E_arm_montecarlo) write(6,*) 'NOTE: Will NOT be running events through the E arm Monte Carlo' if (.not.using_P_arm_montecarlo) write(6,*) 'NOTE: Will NOT be running events through the P arm Monte Carlo' if (.not.using_Eloss) write(6,*) 'NOTE: Will NOT be calculating energy loss in the target' if (.not.using_Coulomb) write(6,*) 'NOTE: Will NOT be calculating Coulomb correction (default for Hydrogen target)' if (.not.correct_Eloss) write(6,*) 'NOTE: Will NOT correct reconstructed data for energy loss' if (.not.correct_raster) write(6,*) 'NOTE: Will NOT use raster terms in reconstruction' return end !--------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine regallvars() implicit none include '' include '' integer*4 ierr integer*4 regparmint, regparmdouble integer*4 regparmintarray, regparmdoublearray integer*4 regparmstring ! integer*4 regparmreal * RESTSW if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'regallvars: entering' ierr = regparmint('mc_smear',mc_smear,0) ierr = regparmint('electron_arm',electron_arm,0) ierr = regparmint('hadron_arm',hadron_arm,0) ierr = regparmint('use_first_cer',use_first_cer,0) ierr = regparmstring('extra_dbase_file',extra_dbase_file,0) * EXPERIMENT ierr = regparmdouble('Ebeam',Ebeam,0) ierr = regparmdouble('dEbeam',dEbeam,0) ierr = regparmdouble('EXPER%charge',EXPER%charge,0) ierr = regparmint('doing_kaon',doing_kaon,0) ierr = regparmint('which_kaon',which_kaon,0) ierr = regparmint('doing_pion',doing_pion,0) ierr = regparmint('which_pion',which_pion,0) ierr = regparmint('doing_delta',doing_delta,0) ierr = regparmint('doing_semi', doing_semi,0) ierr = regparmint('doing_hplus', doing_hplus,1) ierr = regparmint('doing_rho',doing_rho,0) ierr = regparmint('doing_decay',doing_decay,0) ierr = regparmdouble('ctau',ctau,0) * DEBUG ierr = regparmintarray('debug',debug,6,0) * TARGET ierr = regparmdouble('targ%A',targ%A,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ%Z',targ%Z,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ%mass_amu',targ%mass_amu,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ%mrec_amu',targ%mrec_amu,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ%rho',targ%rho,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ%thick',targ%thick,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ%xoffset',targ%xoffset,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ%yoffset',targ%yoffset,0) ierr = regparmint('targ%fr_pattern',targ%fr_pattern,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ%fr1',targ%fr1,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ%fr2',targ%fr2,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ%zoffset',targ%zoffset,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ%angle',targ%angle,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ%abundancy',targ%abundancy,0) ierr = regparmint('targ%can',targ%can,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ_Bangle',targ_Bangle,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ_Bphi',targ_Bphi,0) ierr = regparmdouble('targ_pol',targ_pol,0) * E_ARM_MAIN ierr = regparmdouble('spec%e%P',spec%e%P,0) ierr = regparmdouble('spec%e%theta',spec%e%theta,0) * P_ARM_MAIN ierr = regparmdouble('spec%p%P',spec%p%P,0) ierr = regparmdouble('spec%p%theta',spec%p%theta,0) * E_ARM_OFFSET ierr = regparmdouble('gen%ywid',gen%ywid,0) ierr = regparmdouble('gen%xwid',gen%xwid,0) ierr = regparmdouble('spec%e%offset%x',spec%e%offset%x,0) ierr = regparmdouble('spec%e%offset%y',spec%e%offset%y,0) ierr = regparmdouble('spec%e%offset%z',spec%e%offset%z,0) ierr = regparmdouble('spec%e%offset%xptar',spec%e%offset%xptar,0) ierr = regparmdouble('spec%e%offset%yptar',spec%e%offset%yptar,0) * P_ARM_OFFSET ierr = regparmdouble('spec%p%offset%x',spec%p%offset%x,0) ierr = regparmdouble('spec%p%offset%y',spec%p%offset%y,0) ierr = regparmdouble('spec%p%offset%z',spec%p%offset%z,0) ierr = regparmdouble('spec%p%offset%xptar',spec%p%offset%xptar,0) ierr = regparmdouble('spec%p%offset%yptar',spec%p%offset%yptar,0) * MISC2INT ierr = regparmint('use_expon',use_expon,0) ierr = regparmint('one_tail',one_tail,0) ierr = regparmint('intcor_mode',intcor_mode,0) * SIMULATE ierr = regparmint('ngen',ngen,0) ierr = regparmint('hard_cuts',hard_cuts,0) ierr = regparmint('using_rad',using_rad,0) ierr = regparmint('spect_mode',spect_mode,0) ierr = regparmint('doing_phsp',doing_phsp,0) ierr = regparmdouble('cuts%Em%min',cuts%Em%min,0) ierr = regparmdouble('cuts%Em%max',cuts%Em%max,0) ierr = regparmint('using_Eloss',using_Eloss,0) ierr = regparmint('correct_Eloss',correct_eloss,0) ierr = regparmint('correct_raster',correct_raster,0) ierr = regparmint('deForest_flag',deForest_flag,0) ierr = regparmint('rad_flag',rad_flag,0) ierr = regparmint('extrad_flag',extrad_flag,0) ierr = regparmdoublearray('lambda',lambda,3,0) ierr = regparmint('using_cit_generation',using_cit_generation,0) ierr = regparmint('Nntu',Nntu,0) ierr = regparmint('using_Coulomb',using_Coulomb,0) ierr = regparmdouble('dE_edge_test',dE_edge_test,0) ierr = regparmint('use_offshell_rad',use_offshell_rad,0) ierr = regparmdouble('Egamma_gen_max',Egamma_gen_max,0) ierr = regparmint('do_fermi',do_fermi,0) ierr = regparmdouble('pt_b_param',pt_b_param,0) ierr = regparmint('sigc_flag',sigc_flag,0) ierr = regparmint('sigc_nbin',sigc_nbin,10) ierr = regparmdouble('sigc_kin_min',sigc_kin_min,0) ierr = regparmdouble('sigc_kin_max',sigc_kin_max,1.0) ierr = regparmdouble('sigc_kin_ind',sigc_kin_ind,0.0) ierr = regparmint('using_tgt_field',using_tgt_field,0) ierr = regparmstring('tgt_field_file',tgt_field_file,0) ierr = regparmdouble('drift_to_cal',drift_to_cal,0) * E_ARM_ACCEPT ierr = regparmdouble('SPedge%e%delta%min',SPedge%e%delta%min,0) ierr = regparmdouble('SPedge%e%delta%max',SPedge%e%delta%max,0) ierr = regparmdouble('SPedge%e%yptar%min',SPedge%e%yptar%min,0) ierr = regparmdouble('SPedge%e%yptar%max',SPedge%e%yptar%max,0) ierr = regparmdouble('SPedge%e%xptar%min',SPedge%e%xptar%min,0) ierr = regparmdouble('SPedge%e%xptar%max',SPedge%e%xptar%max,0) * P_ARM_ACCEPT ierr = regparmdouble('SPedge%p%delta%min',SPedge%p%delta%min,0) ierr = regparmdouble('SPedge%p%delta%max',SPedge%p%delta%max,0) ierr = regparmdouble('SPedge%p%yptar%min',SPedge%p%yptar%min,0) ierr = regparmdouble('SPedge%p%yptar%max',SPedge%p%yptar%max,0) ierr = regparmdouble('SPedge%p%xptar%min',SPedge%p%xptar%min,0) ierr = regparmdouble('SPedge%p%xptar%max',SPedge%p%xptar%max,0) if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'regallvars: ending' return end