subroutine mc_hrsr (p_spec, th_spec, dpp, x, y, z, dxdz, dydz, > x_fp, dx_fp, y_fp, dy_fp, m2, > ms_flag, wcs_flag, decay_flag, resmult, fry, ok_spec, pathlen) C+______________________________________________________________________________ ! ! Monte-Carlo of HRSR spectrometer. (USED TO BE 'HADRON ARM'). ! ! ! Author: David Meekins April 2000 ! based on code by David Potterveld ! ! Modification History: ! ! units for this file are percents, cm, and mrads. ! C-______________________________________________________________________________ implicit none include '' include '' include '' include '../' include '../' C Spectrometer definitions - for double arm monte carlo compatability integer*4 spectr parameter (spectr = 3) !hrs-right is spec #3. C Collimator (rectangle) dimensions and offsets. real*8 h_entr,v_entr !horiz. and vert. 1/2 gap of fixed slit real*8 h_exit,v_exit !horiz. and vert. 1/2 gap of fixed slit real*8 y_off,x_off !horiz. and vert. position offset of slit real*8 z_off !offset in distance from target to front of sli+ ! Option for mock sieve slit. Just take particles and forces trajectory ! to put the event in the nearest hole. Must choose the "No collimator" ! values for the h(v)_entr and h(v)_exit values. ! Note that this will mess up the physics distributions somewhat, but it ! should still be pretty good for optics. Physics limits (e.g. elastic ! peak at x<=1) will not be preserved. logical use_sieve /.false./ !use a fake sieve slit. ! No collimator - wide open ! parameter (h_entr = 99.) ! parameter (v_entr = 99.) ! parameter (h_exit = 99.) ! parameter (v_exit = 99.) ! Large collimator: ( parameter (h_entr = 3.145) parameter (v_entr = 6.090) parameter (h_exit = 3.340) !0.1mm wider than 'electron arm' parameter (v_exit = 6.485) parameter (y_off = 0.0) parameter (x_off = 0.0) parameter (z_off = 0.0) ! z-position of important apertures. real*8 z_entr,z_exit parameter (z_entr = 110.0d0 + z_off) !nominally 1.100 m parameter (z_exit = z_entr + 8.0d0) !8.0 cm thick C Math constants real*8 d_r,r_d parameter (d_r = pi/180.) parameter (r_d = 180./pi) C The arguments real*8 x,y,z !(cm) real*8 dpp !delta p/p (%) real*8 dxdz,dydz !X,Y slope in spectrometer real*8 x_fp,y_fp,dx_fp,dy_fp !Focal plane values to return real*8 p_spec, th_spec !spectrometer setting real*8 fry !vertical position@tgt (+y=down) real*8 pathlen logical ms_flag !mult. scattering flag logical wcs_flag !wire chamber smearing flag logical decay_flag !check for particle decay logical ok_spec !true if particle makes it C Local declarations. integer*4 chan/1/,n_classes logical*4 first_time_here/.true./ real*8 dpp_recon,dth_recon,dph_recon !reconstructed quantities real*8 y_recon real*8 p,m2 !More kinematic variables. real*8 xt,yt,rt,tht !temporaries real*8 resmult !DC resolution factor (unused) real*8 zdrift,ztmp logical dflag !has particle decayed? logical ok real*8 grnd save !Remember it all! C ================================ Executable Code ============================= ! Initialize ok_spec to .flase., restet decay flag ok_spec = .false. dflag = .false. !particle has not decayed yet rSTOP_trials = rSTOP_trials + 1 xt = th_spec !avoid 'unused variable' error for th_spec ! Force particles to go through the sieve slit holes, for mock sieve option. ! Use z_exit, since sieve slit is ~8cm behind normal collimator. if (use_sieve) then xt = x + z_exit * dxdz !project to collimator yt = y + z_exit * dydz xt = 2.50*nint(xt/2.50) !shift to nearest hole. yt = 1.25*nint(yt/1.25) rt = 0.1*sqrt(grnd()) !distance from center of hole(r=1.0mm) tht= 2*pi*grnd() !angle of offset. dxdz = (xt-x)/z_exit !force to correct angle. dydz = (yt-y)/z_exit endif ! Save spectrometer coordinates. xs = x ys = y zs = z dxdzs = dxdz dydzs = dydz ! particle momentum dpps = dpp p = p_spec*(1.+dpps/100.) C Read in transport coefficients. if (first_time_here) then call transp_init(spectr,n_classes) close (unit=chan) if ( stop 'MC_HRSR, wrong number of transport classes' first_time_here = .false. endif ! Begin transporting particle. ! Do transformations, checking against apertures. ! Circular apertures before slitbox (only important for no collimator) zdrift = 65.686 ztmp = zdrift call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) if (sqrt(xs*xs+ys*ys).gt.7.3787) then rSTOP_slit_hor = rSTOP_slit_hor + 1 stop_where=20. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif zdrift = 80.436 - ztmp ztmp = 80.436 call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) if (sqrt(xs*xs+ys*ys).gt.7.4092) then rSTOP_slit_hor = rSTOP_slit_hor + 1 stop_where=21. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Check front of fixed slit. zdrift = z_entr - ztmp call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) if (abs(ys-y_off).gt.h_entr) then rSTOP_slit_hor = rSTOP_slit_hor + 1 stop_where=1. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif if (abs(xs-x_off).gt.v_entr) then rSTOP_slit_vert = rSTOP_slit_vert + 1 stop_where=2. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Check back of fixed slit. zdrift = z_exit - z_entr call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) if (abs(ys-y_off).gt.h_exit) then rSTOP_slit_hor = rSTOP_slit_hor + 1 stop_where=3. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif if (abs(xs-x_off).gt.v_exit) then rSTOP_slit_vert = rSTOP_slit_vert + 1 stop_where=4. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Aperture before Q1 (can only check this if next transformation is DRIFT). ztmp = 135.064 zdrift = ztmp - z_exit call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay if (sqrt(xs*xs+ys*ys).gt.12.5222) then rSTOP_Q1_in = rSTOP_Q1_in + 1 stop_where=22. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Go to Q1 IN mag bound. if (.not.adrift(spectr,1)) write(6,*) 'Transformation #1 is NOT a drift' zdrift = driftdist(spectr,1) - ztmp call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q1*r_Q1) then rSTOP_Q1_in = rSTOP_Q1_in + 1 stop_where=5. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Check aperture at 2/3 of Q1. call transp(spectr,2,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,62.75333333d0,pathlen) if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q1*r_Q1) then rSTOP_Q1_mid = rSTOP_Q1_mid + 1 stop_where=6. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Go to Q1 OUT mag boundary. call transp(spectr,3,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,31.37666667d0,pathlen) if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q1*r_Q1) then rSTOP_Q1_out = rSTOP_Q1_out + 1 stop_where=7. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Apertures after Q1, before Q2 (can only check this if next trans. is DRIFT). zdrift = 300.464 - 253.16 !Q1 exit is z=253.16 ztmp = zdrift !distance from Q1 exit call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay if (sqrt(xs*xs+ys*ys).gt.14.9225) then rSTOP_Q1_out = rSTOP_Q1_out + 1 stop_where=23. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif zdrift = 314.464 - 300.464 ztmp = ztmp + zdrift !distance from Q1 exit. call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay if (sqrt(xs*xs+ys*ys).gt.20.9550) then rSTOP_Q2_in = rSTOP_Q2_in + 1 stop_where=24. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Go to Q2 IN mag bound. if (.not.adrift(spectr,4)) write(6,*) 'Transformation #4 is NOT a drift' zdrift = driftdist(spectr,4) - ztmp call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q2*r_Q2) then rSTOP_Q2_in = rSTOP_Q2_in + 1 stop_where=8. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Check aperture at 2/3 of Q2. call transp(spectr,5,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,121.77333333d0,pathlen) if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q2*r_Q2) then rSTOP_Q2_mid = rSTOP_Q2_mid + 1 stop_where=9. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Go to Q2 OUT mag boundary. call transp(spectr,6,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,60.88666667d0,pathlen) if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q2*r_Q2) then rSTOP_Q2_out = rSTOP_Q2_out + 1 stop_where=10. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Apertures after Q2, before D1 (can only check this if next trans. is DRIFT). zdrift = 609.664 - 553.020 !Q2 exit is z=553.02 ztmp = zdrift !distance from Q2 exit call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay if (sqrt(xs*xs+ys*ys).gt.30.0073) then rSTOP_Q2_out = rSTOP_Q2_out + 1 stop_where=25. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif zdrift = 641.800 - 609.664 ztmp = ztmp + zdrift !distance from Q2 exit. call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay if (sqrt(xs*xs+ys*ys).gt.30.0073) then rSTOP_Q2_out = rSTOP_Q2_out + 1 stop_where=26. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif zdrift = 819.489 - 641.800 ztmp = ztmp + zdrift !distance from Q2 exit. call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay if (abs(xs).gt.50.0 .or. abs(ys).gt.15.0) then rSTOP_D1_in = rSTOP_D1_in + 1 stop_where=27. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Go to D1 IN magnetic boundary, Find intersection with rotated aperture plane. if (.not.adrift(spectr,7)) write(6,*) 'Transformation #7 is NOT a drift' zdrift = driftdist(spectr,7) - ztmp call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay xt=xs yt=ys call rotate_haxis(-30.0,xt,yt) if (abs(xt-2.500).gt.52.5) then ! -50 < x < +55 rSTOP_D1_in = rSTOP_D1_in + 1 stop_where=11. x_stop=xt y_stop=yt goto 500 endif if ( (abs(yt)+0.01861*xt) .gt. 12.5 ) then !tan(1.066) ~ 0.01861 rSTOP_D1_in = rSTOP_D1_in +1 stop_where=12. x_stop=xt y_stop=yt goto 500 endif ! Go to D1 OUT magnetic boundary. ! Find intersection with rotated aperture plane. call transp(spectr,8,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,659.73445725d0,pathlen) xt=xs yt=ys call rotate_haxis(30.0,xt,yt) if (abs(xt-2.500).gt.52.5) then ! -50 < x < +55 rSTOP_D1_out = rSTOP_D1_out + 1 stop_where=13. x_stop=xt y_stop=yt goto 500 endif if ( (abs(yt)+0.01861*xt) .gt. 12.5 ) then !tan(1.066) ~ 0.01861 rSTOP_D1_out = rSTOP_D1_out + 1 stop_where=14. x_stop=xt y_stop=yt goto 500 endif ! Apertures after D1, before Q3 (can only check this if next trans. is DRIFT). zdrift = 1745.33546 - 1655.83446 !D1 exit is z=1655.83446 ztmp = zdrift !distance from D1 exit call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay if (sqrt(xs*xs+ys*ys).gt.30.3276) then rSTOP_D1_out = rSTOP_D1_out + 1 stop_where=28. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif if (abs(xs).gt.50.0 .or. abs(ys).gt.15.0) then rSTOP_D1_out = rSTOP_D1_out + 1 stop_where=29. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif zdrift = 1759.00946 - 1745.33546 ztmp = ztmp + zdrift !distance from D1 exit call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay if (sqrt(xs*xs+ys*ys).gt.30.3276) then rSTOP_Q3_in = rSTOP_Q3_in + 1 stop_where=30. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Go to Q3 IN mag bound. if (.not.adrift(spectr,9)) write(6,*) 'Transformation #9 is NOT a drift' zdrift = driftdist(spectr,9) - ztmp call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q3*r_Q3) then rSTOP_Q3_in = rSTOP_Q3_in + 1 stop_where=15. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Check aperture at 2/3 of Q3. call transp(spectr,10,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,121.7866667d0,pathlen) if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q3*r_Q3) then rSTOP_Q3_mid = rSTOP_Q3_mid + 1 stop_where=16. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Go to Q3 OUT mag boundary. call transp(spectr,11,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,60.89333333d0,pathlen) if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q3*r_Q3) then rSTOP_Q3_out = rSTOP_Q3_out + 1 stop_where=17. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Apertures after Q3 (can only check this if next trans. is DRIFT). zdrift = 2080.38746 - 1997.76446 !Q3 exit is z=1997.76446 ztmp = zdrift !distance from Q3 exit call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay if (abs(xs).gt.35.56 .or. abs(ys).gt.17.145) then rSTOP_Q3_out = rSTOP_Q3_out + 1 stop_where=31. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! Vacuum window is 15.522cm before FP (which is at VDC1) zdrift = 2327.47246 - 2080.38746 ztmp = ztmp + zdrift !distance from Q3 exit call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay if (abs(xs).gt.99.76635 .or. abs(ys).gt.17.145) then rSTOP_Q3_out = rSTOP_Q3_out + 1 stop_where=32. x_stop=xs y_stop=ys goto 500 endif ! If we get this far, the particle is in the hut. rSTOP_hut = rSTOP_hut + 1 if (.not.adrift(spectr,12)) write(6,*) 'Transformation #12 is NOT a drift' zdrift = driftdist(spectr,12) - ztmp !distance left to go. call mc_hrsr_hut(m2,p,x_fp,dx_fp,y_fp,dy_fp,ms_flag,wcs_flag, > decay_flag,dflag,resmult,ok,-zdrift,pathlen) if (.not.ok) goto 500 ! replace xs,ys,... with 'tracked' quantities. xs=x_fp ys=y_fp dxdzs=dx_fp dydzs=dy_fp ! Apply offset to y_fp (detectors offset w.r.t optical axis). ! In ESPACE, the offset is taken out for recon, but NOT for y_fp in ntuple, ! so we do not apply it to ys (which goes to recon), but do shift it for y_fp. ! IF THIS IS TRUE OFFSET, WE SHOULD SHIFT DETECTOR APERTURES - NEED TO CHECK!!!! ! But in general the dectectors don't limit the acceptance, so we should be OK. y_fp = y_fp - 0.48 !VDC center is at +4.8mm. C Reconstruct target quantities. call mc_hrsr_recon(dpp_recon,dth_recon,dph_recon,y_recon,fry) if (.not.ok) then write(6,*) 'mc_hrsr_recon returned ok=',ok goto 500 endif C Fill output to return to main code dpp = dpp_recon dxdz = dph_recon dydz = dth_recon y = y_recon ok_spec = .true. rSTOP_successes = rSTOP_successes + 1 C We are done with this event, whether GOOD or BAD. 500 continue C ALL done! return end