real*8 function peeK(vertex,main,survivalprob) * * Purpose: * This routine calculates N(e,e'K)Y cross sections. * * variables: * * output: * peeK !d5sigma/(dE_e'*dOmega_e'*Omega_K) - fm^2/MeV/sr^2 ??? * implicit none include '' type(event_main):: main type(event):: vertex real*8 S,phi real*8 sigma_eek,sigma_saghai real*8 k_eq,gtpr,fac real*8 tfcos,tfsin real*8 pathlen,zaero,betak,gammak,p_kaon real*8 survivalprob ! Variables calculated in transformation to gamma-NUCLEON center of mass. real*8 gstar,bstar,bstarx,bstary,bstarz !beta of boost to C.M. real*8 nustar,qstar,qstarx,qstary,qstarz !q in C.M. real*8 ekcm,pkcm,pkcmx,pkcmy,pkcmz !p_hadron in C.M. real*8 ebeamcm,pbeamcm,pbeamcmx,pbeamcmy,pbeamcmz !p_beam in C.M. real*8 etarcm,ptarcm,ptarcmx,ptarcmy,ptarcmz !p_fermi in C.M. real*8 thetacm,phicm,phiqn,jacobian,jac_old real*8 sig_factorized * Calculate velocity of PHOTON-NUCLEON C.M. system in the lab frame. Use beta * and gamma of the cm system (bstar and gstar) to transform particles into * c.m. frame. Define z along the direction of q, and x to be along the * direction of the pion momentum perpendicular to q. call transform_to_cm(vertex,main, & gstar,bstar,bstarx,bstary,bstarz, & nustar,qstar,qstarx,qstary,qstarz, & ekcm,pkcm,pkcmx,pkcmy,pkcmz, & ebeamcm,pbeamcm,pbeamcmx,pbeamcmy,pbeamcmz, & etarcm,ptarcm,ptarcmx,ptarcmy,ptarcmz, & thetacm,phicm,phiqn,jacobian,jac_old) * Jacobian goes from dt dphi_cm --> dOmega_lab * Cross section is in terms of dOmega_cm (not dt dphi_cm), so need * to include dOmega_cm --> dt dphi_cm jacobian (which is 1/2.*pk_cm*q_cm) jacobian = jacobian/(2.*pkcm*qstar) jac_old = jac_old/(2.*pkcm*qstar) main%thetacm = thetacm main%phicm = phicm main%pcm = pkcm main%davejac = jacobian main%johnjac = jac_old !approx. assuming collinear boost. ! write (6,*) jacobian,jac_old,100.*(jacobian-jac_old)/jacobian,'%' * calculate some kinematical variables * 'f' and 'fer' indicate fermi momenta. 'star' or 'cm' indicate CM system tfcos = pferx*vertex%uq%x+pfery*vertex%uq%y+pferz*vertex%uq%z if( tfsin = sqrt(1.-tfcos**2) s = (vertex%nu+efer)**2-(vertex%q+pfer*tfcos)**2-(pfer*tfsin)**2 main%wcm = sqrt(s) ******************************************************************************* * Get cross section in photon-nucleon center of mass. sigcm1 is Saghai * model (in eekeek.f). sigcm2 is factorized model (Doug Koltenuk). *NOTE: wants odd sign/units for s,q2,etc... Also, theta is calculated * above, but phi is not, SO WE ARE ALWAYS CALCULATING FOR PHI=0!! if ( then !lambda production. call eekeek(s/1.d6,vertex%q2,main%thetacm,main%theta_pq,phi,main%epsilon,sigma_saghai) else call eekeeks(s/1.d6,vertex%q2,main%thetacm,main%theta_pq,phi,main%epsilon,sigma_saghai) endif ntup%sigcm1 = sigma_saghai * Factorization model (CURRENTLY SET UP FOR HYDROGEN ONLY!!!) ntup%sigcm2 = sig_factorized(vertex%q2,main%wcm,main%t,pkcm,targ%Mrec_struck) * Choose the cross section model to use by default. ! sigma_eek = ntup.sigcm1 !Saghai sigma_eek = ntup%sigcm2 !Factorized model ntup%sigcm = sigma_eek * Virtual photon to electron beam flux conversion factor * DJG,2000: Replace targ.Mtar_struck in denominator of gammaflux with more * general efer-pfer*tfcos, for pfer =0 this reverts to old form ! k_eq = (s-targ%Mtar_struck**2)/2./(efer-pfer*tfcos) * JRA,2001: Go back to original version - more consistent with phase space used * in the subroutine (according to DJG - see k_eq = (main%wcm**2-targ%Mtar_struck**2)/2./targ%Mtar_struck * 'sig' is two-fold C.M. cross section: d2sigma/Omega_cm [ub/sr]. * Convert from dt dOmega_cm --> dOmega_lab using 'jacobian' [ub/sr] * Convert to 5-fold by multiplying by flux factor, gtpr [1/MeV] * to give d5sigma/dOmega_pi/dOmega_e/dE_e [ub/Mev/sr] * Note that 'jacobian' above is the full jacobian from generate_cm, * (dt dphi_cm --> dOmega_lab) times 2*pkcm*qcm (dOmega_cm --> dt dphi_cm). * * Note that there is an additional factor 'fac' included with gtpr. This * takes into account pieces in the flux factor that are neglected (=1) in * colinear collisions. The flux factor is |v_1-v_2| * 2E_1 * 2E_2. * For a stationary target, v_2=0 and so velocity term is v_1=1 (electron * beam), and E_2=M_2. For collinear boost, the flux factor can be expressed * in a way that is lorenz invariant, and so can be used for lab or C.M. * For a NON-COLLINEAR boost, there are two changes. First, the |v| term * becomes 1 - (z component of pfer)/efer. Second, E_2 isn't just the mass, * it becomes E_fermi, so we have to remove targ.Mtar_struck (which is used * for E_2 by default) and replace it with efer. Since the flux factor * comes in the denominator, we replace the usual flux factor (gtpr) with * gtpr*fac, where fac = 1/ ( (1-pfer_z/efer)* (efer/mtar_struck) ). fac = 1./(1.-pferz*pfer/efer) * targ%Mtar_struck/efer gtpr = alpha/2./(pi**2)*vertex%e%E/vertex%Ein*k_eq/vertex%q2/(1.-main%epsilon) peeK = sigma_eek*jacobian*(gtpr*fac) !ub/MeV^2/rad-->ub/sr-->ub/MeV/sr c If doing_decay=.false., generate survival probability for main.weight. c main.FP.p.path is dist. to back of detector, want decay prob. at aerogel. C NOTE THAT ZAERO IS TAKEN WITH RESPECT TO THE POSITION AT WHICH PATHLEN C IS CALCULATED (USUALLY THE BACK OF THE CALORIMETER). IF THE DRIFTS IN C MC_SOS_HUT ARE CHANGED, THEN THE STARTING POINT MAY BE DIFFERENT AND THESE C NUMBERS MAY BE WRONG. AERO BETWEEN S2Y AND S2X IN SOS. C Beta/Gamma for decay need to use momentum after radiation/eloss, not vertex C momentum. Get particle momentum from main%SP%p%delta if (.not.doing_decay) then if (hadron_arm.eq.1) then zaero = 0. !no aerogel yet, use full length. else if (hadron_arm.eq.2) then * zaero = -76. !aero at 270cm,last project=346(cal). zaero = -82.8 !From Rick: aero at 263.2cm,last project=346(cal). else if (hadron_arm.eq.3) then zaero = -183. !aero at 130cm,last project=313(S2) else if (hadron_arm.eq.4) then zaero = -183. endif pathlen = main%FP%p%path + zaero*(1+main%FP%p%dx**2+main%FP%p%dy**2) p_kaon = spec%p%P*(1.+main%SP%p%delta/100.) betak = spec%p%P/sqrt(spec%p%P**2+Mh2) gammak = 1./sqrt(1.-betak**2) survivalprob = 1./exp(pathlen/(ctau*betak*gammak)) decdist = survivalprob !decdist in ntuple endif return end real*8 function sig_factorized(q2,w,t,pk,mrec) * Purpose: * This routine calculates p(e,e'K+)Lambda cross sections using a * factorized cross section model from Doug Koltenuk's thesis. * * Cross section (at theta_cm=0, i.e. t=tmin) is F(W)*F(Q^2). * The t-dependance at fixed Q^2,W is F(t)~exp(-A*t), * so the cross section is F(W)*F(Q^2)*(F(t)/F(tmin))=F(W)*F(Q^2)*F(t-tmin) * * The model requires W, Q^2, t, and pkcm. real*8 q2,w,t,pk,mrec !all in Mev,MeV**2 real*8 nu,q,nucm,qcm,tmin,pktest real*8 w2val,q2val,tval,pkval,tminval !Vars. used in model (GeV) real*8 fact_w,fact_q,fact_t include '' ! Initialize some stuff. Start with intermediate variables, all in MeV. nu = ( w**2 + q2 - mp**2 )/2./Mp q = sqrt(q2+nu**2) qcm = q*(Mp/W) nucm = sqrt(qcm**2-q2) tmin = -1.*(Mk2 - q2 - 2*nucm*sqrt(pk**2+mk2) + 2*qcm*pk ) ! Check center of mass pk, since we can get it from w2 pktest = sqrt ( (w**2+mk2-mrec**2)**2/4./w**2 - mk2 ) if (abs((pktest-pk)/pk).gt.0.001) then write(6,*) 'Kaon C.M. momentum passed to sig_factorized does not agree with' write(6,*) 'the value calculated from W' write(6,*) 'Passed,calculated=',pk,pktest endif ! Parameters used by the model, all converted to GeV. q2val = q2/1.d6 w2val = w**2/1.d6 pkval = pk/1000. tval = t/1.d6 tminval = tmin/1.d6 if ( then !lambda production fact_q = 1./(q2val+2.67)**2 fact_t = exp(-2.1*(tval-tminval)) if ( then !=0 for central event!!! fact_w = 0.959*4.1959*pkval/(sqrt(w2val)*(w2val-0.93827**2)) fact_w = fact_w + (0.18*1.72**2*0.10**2) / > ( (w2val-1.72**2)**2 + 1.72**2*0.10**2 ) endif else fact_q = 1./(q2val+0.79)**2 fact_t = exp(-1.0*(tval-tminval)) if ( then !=0 for central event!!! fact_w = 0.959*4.1959*pkval/(sqrt(w2val)*(w2val-0.93827**2)) ! fact_w = fact_w + (0.18*1.72**2*0.10**2) / ! > ( (w2val-1.72**2)**2 + 1.72**2*0.10**2 ) endif endif sig_factorized = fact_q*fact_t*fact_w return end subroutine eekeek(ss,q22,angl,theta,phi,epsi,sigma_eep) implicit none include '' real*8 ss,q22,angl,theta,phi,epsi real*8 w,skc2,skc,q0,q0c,qr,aflx,aflxl,an,x,sx real*8 ps,qs,as double complex z1a,z2a,z3a,z4a,z7a,z8a,ur,ui real*8 dsigt00,dsigl00,dsigp00,dsigi00 c real*8 dsigp0,dsigi0,ctt real*8 zf(2,6),sigma_eep real*8 qv2,qv,qvc integer pn,pna(3) integer i c real*4 for compatability with CERNLIB routine fint. real*4 px(3),pa(50) real*4 fint w=sqrt(ss)*1000. skc2=(w**2-Mk2-targ%Mrec_struck**2)**2-4.*Mk2*targ%Mrec_struck**2 skc2=max(skc2,0.d0) skc=sqrt(skc2)/2./w q0=-(-q22-w**2+Mp2)/2./Mp q0c=(-q22+q0*Mp)/w qr=sqrt(q22)/q0c qv2=q22+q0**2 qv=sqrt(qv2) qvc=Mp/w*qv C ctt not used, and causes floating exception if skc=0 (i.e. skc2<0) C ctt=pi/skc/qvc*1.d+06 aflx=skc/2./w/(w**2-Mp2)*(hbarc)**2*10000. aflxl=aflx*qr**2 an=angl*180./pi x=cos(angl) sx=sin(angl) pn=3 px(1)=ss px(2)=q22/1.d+06 px(3)=an pna(1)=10 pna(2)=11 pna(3)=19 ps=2.6 qs=0.0 as=0.0 do i=1,10 pa(i)=ps ps=ps+0.3 enddo do i=11,21 pa(i)=qs qs=qs+0.2 enddo do i=22,40 pa(i)=as as=as+10. enddo zf(1,1)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zrff1)) zf(1,2)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zrff2)) zf(1,3)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zrff3)) zf(1,4)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zrff4)) zf(1,5)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zrff5)) zf(1,6)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zrff6)) zf(2,1)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,ziff1)) zf(2,2)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,ziff2)) zf(2,3)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,ziff3)) zf(2,4)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,ziff4)) zf(2,5)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,ziff5)) zf(2,6)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,ziff6)) ur=(1.D0,0.D0) ui=(0.D0,1.D0) z1a=zf(1,1)*ur+zf(2,1)*ui z2a=zf(1,2)*ur+zf(2,2)*ui z3a=zf(1,3)*ur+zf(2,3)*ui z4a=zf(1,4)*ur+zf(2,4)*ui z7a=zf(1,5)*ur+zf(2,5)*ui z8a=zf(1,6)*ur+zf(2,6)*ui c c calculate free cross section using Saghai's form. c dsigt00=aflx*(abs(z1a)**2+abs(z2a)**2 & +2.*real(conjg(z1a)*z2a)*x+0.5*sx**2*(abs(z3a)**2 & +abs(z4a)**2+2.*real(conjg(z1a)*z4a-conjg(z2a)*z3a & +conjg(z3a)*z4a*x))) dsigl00=aflxl*epsi*(abs(z7a)**2+abs(z8a)**2 & +2.*real(conjg(z7a)*z8a)*x) dsigp00=aflx*epsi*(sin(theta))**2*cos(2.*phi)* & (0.5*abs(z3a)**2+0.5*abs(z4a)**2+real(conjg(z1a)*z4a- & conjg(z2a)*z3a+conjg(z3a)*z4a*x)) dsigi00=aflx*sqrt(2.*qr**2*epsi*(1.+epsi))* & sin(theta)*cos(phi)*real((z7a)*(conjg(z3a)-conjg(z2a)+ & conjg(z4a)*x)+z8a*(conjg(z1a)+conjg(z3a)*x+conjg(z4a))) C dsigp0=aflx*epsi*(sin(theta))**2* C & (0.5*abs(z3a)**2+0.5*abs(z4a)**2+real(conjg(z1a)*z4a- C & conjg(z2a)*z3a+conjg(z3a)*z4a*x)) C dsigi0=aflx*sqrt(2.*qr**2*epsi*(1.+epsi))* C & sin(theta)*real(z7a*(conjg(z3a)-conjg(z2a)+ C & conjg(z4a)*x)+z8a*(conjg(z1a)+conjg(z3a)*x+conjg(z4a))) sigma_eep=dsigt00+dsigl00+dsigp00+dsigi00 c write(21,*) 'dsig',dsigt00,dsigl00/epsi,sigma_eep c write(21,*) 'dsig',dsigt00*ctt,dsigl00/epsi*ctt,sigma_eep*ctt c write(21,*) dsigp00,dsigi00,sigma_eep c write(21,*) dsigp0,dsigi0,sigma_eep return end subroutine eekeeks(ss,q22,angl,theta,phi,epsi,sigma_eep) include '' real*8 ss,q22,angl,theta,phi,epsi real*8 w,skc2,skc,q0,q0c,qr,aflx,aflxl,an,x,sx real*8 as double complex z1a,z2a,z3a,z4a,z7a,z8a,ur,ui real*8 dsigt00,dsigl00,dsigp00,dsigi00 real*8 zf(2,6),sigma_eep real*8 qv2,qv,qvc c real*8 ctt integer pn,pna(3),i c real*4 for compatability with CERNLIB routine fint. real*4 px(3),pa(50) real*4 fint w=sqrt(ss)*1000. skc2=(w**2-Mk2-targ%Mrec_struck**2)**2-4.*Mk2*targ%Mrec_struck**2 skc2=max(skc2,0.d0) skc=sqrt(skc2)/2./w q0=-(-q22-w**2+Mp2)/2./Mp q0c=(-q22+q0*Mp)/w qr=sqrt(q22)/q0c qv2=q22+q0**2 qv=sqrt(qv2) qvc=Mp/w*qv C ctt not used, and causes floating exception if skc=0 (i.e. skc2<0) C ctt=pi/skc/qvc*1.d+06 aflx=skc/2./w/(w**2-Mp2)*(hbarc)**2*10000. aflxl=aflx*qr**2 an=angl*180./pi x=cos(angl) sx=sin(angl) pn=3 px(1)=ss px(2)=q22/1.d+06 px(3)=an pna(1)=20 pna(2)=10 pna(3)=19 as=0.0 pa(1)=2.851 pa(2)=2.898 pa(3)=2.945 pa(4)=2.991 pa(5)=3.038 pa(6)=3.085 pa(7)=3.132 pa(8)=3.320 pa(9)=3.507 pa(10)=3.695 pa(11)=3.883 pa(12)=4.070 pa(13)=4.258 pa(14)=4.446 pa(15)=4.633 pa(16)=4.821 pa(17)=5.009 pa(18)=5.196 pa(19)=5.384 pa(20)=5.572 pa(21)=0.0 pa(22)=0.250 pa(23)=0.376 pa(24)=0.520 pa(25)=0.750 pa(26)=1.000 pa(27)=1.250 pa(28)=1.500 pa(29)=1.750 pa(30)=2.000 do i=31,49 pa(i)=as as=as+10. enddo zf(1,1)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zsrff1)) zf(1,2)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zsrff2)) zf(1,3)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zsrff3)) zf(1,4)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zsrff4)) zf(1,5)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zsrff5)) zf(1,6)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zsrff6)) zf(2,1)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zsiff1)) zf(2,2)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zsiff2)) zf(2,3)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zsiff3)) zf(2,4)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zsiff4)) zf(2,5)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zsiff5)) zf(2,6)=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,zsiff6)) ur=(1.D0,0.D0) ui=(0.D0,1.D0) z1a=zf(1,1)*ur+zf(2,1)*ui z2a=zf(1,2)*ur+zf(2,2)*ui z3a=zf(1,3)*ur+zf(2,3)*ui z4a=zf(1,4)*ur+zf(2,4)*ui z7a=zf(1,5)*ur+zf(2,5)*ui z8a=zf(1,6)*ur+zf(2,6)*ui c c calculate free cross section using Saghai's form. c dsigt00=aflx*(abs(z1a)**2+abs(z2a)**2 & +2.*real(conjg(z1a)*z2a)*x+0.5*sx**2*(abs(z3a)**2 & +abs(z4a)**2+2.*real(conjg(z1a)*z4a-conjg(z2a)*z3a & +conjg(z3a)*z4a*x))) dsigl00=aflxl*epsi*(abs(z7a)**2+abs(z8a)**2 & +2.*real(conjg(z7a)*z8a)*x) dsigp00=aflx*epsi*(sin(theta))**2*cos(2.*phi)* & (0.5*abs(z3a)**2+0.5*abs(z4a)**2+real(conjg(z1a)*z4a- & conjg(z2a)*z3a+conjg(z3a)*z4a*x)) dsigi00=aflx*sqrt(2.*qr**2*epsi*(1.+epsi))* & sin(theta)*cos(phi)*real((z7a)*(conjg(z3a)-conjg(z2a)+ & conjg(z4a)*x)+z8a*(conjg(z1a)+conjg(z3a)*x+conjg(z4a))) sigma_eep=dsigt00+dsigl00+dsigp00+dsigi00 return end subroutine phspwght(delta,theta,phi,weight) include '' real*8 delta,theta,phi real*8 weight integer pn,pna(3),i real*8 ps,ts,ds c real*4 for compatability with CERNLIB routine fint. real*4 px(3),pa(78) real*4 fint if(electron_arm.eq.1 .and. hadron_arm.eq.2)then !e- in HMS, K in SOS pn=2 px(1)=theta px(2)=phi pna(1)=20 pna(2)=50 ts=-0.03325 ps=-0.0735 do i=1,20 pa(i)=ts ts=ts+0.0035 enddo do i=21,70 pa(i)=ps ps=ps+0.003 enddo weight=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,weightc)) else if (electron_arm.eq.2 .and. hadron_arm.eq.1) then !e- in SOS,K in HmS pn=3 px(1)=delta px(2)=theta px(3)=phi pna(1)=8 pna(2)=40 pna(3)=30 ts=-0.063375 ps=-0.0435 ds=-17.5 do i=1,8 pa(i)=ds ds=ds+5. enddo do i=9,48 pa(i)=ts ts=ts+0.00325 enddo do i=49,78 pa(i)=ps ps=ps+0.003 enddo weight=dble(fint(pn,px,pna,pa,weightd)) else write(6,*) 'electron_arm=',electron_arm,' and hadron_arm=',hadron_arm write(6,*) 'eekeek.f has a phase space factor that is only defined for' write(6,*) 'hms&sos case. Need to update for other spectrometers.' stop endif weight=max(weight,0.01D00) weight=max(100.D00/weight,1.0D00) return end