subroutine rho_decay(orig,p_spec,epsilon,success) C+_____________________________________________________________________________ ! rho_decay: This routine takes the electroproduced rho0 and ! produces the decaying pi+ (or pi-) that we actually detect in the ! spectrometer. ! ! This routine should be called before mc_hms or mc_sos. ! ! The outgoing pion will be thrown flat in phi and according to ! sin(theta)**2+epsilon*R*cos(theta)**2 (normalized) in the rho ! rest frame. ! ! Note that this routine depends on R = sigma_L/sigma_T (and epsilon). C-_____________________________________________________________________________ implicit none include '' type(event):: orig C Local declarations. real*8 p_spec,ph real*8 rph,rth1,rth real*8 beta,gamma,dlen real*8 ef,pf,pxf,pyf,pzf,pxr,pyr,pzr real*8 bx,by,bz,er,pr real*8 th_oop,th_inp,cos_th_inp real*8 pzprime real*8 epsilon,R_rho real*8 ctaurho !do not use "real" ctau (i.e. for pion) since !we're doing rho decay here real*8 norm,dist real*8 grnd logical success parameter (ctaurho=1.31467d-13) C ============================= Executable Code ================================ C Calulate R = sigmaL/sigmaT C Warning! Note that if you change the parameterization of R in C rho-physics, do it here as well for self consistency! C This parameterization is taken from HERMES data... R_rho = 0.33*(orig%Q2/mrho2)**(0.61) ph = orig%p%P beta = ph/sqrt(ph**2+Mh2) gamma = 1./sqrt(1.-beta*beta) dlen=ctaurho*beta*gamma !1/e decay length (beta*c*tau*gamma) C Generate center/mass decay angles and momenta. rph = grnd()*2.*pi 100 rth1 = grnd()*2.-1. rth = acos(rth1) norm = (1.0+2.0*epsilon*R_rho)*grnd() dist = sin(rth)**2+2.0*epsilon*R_rho*cos(rth)**2 if( goto 100 c write(6,*) 'now decaying the rho',ctaurho,mh2 ntup%rhotheta=rth c er = 384.65 c pr = 358.4353 er = ntup%rhomass/2.0 if( then success=.false. return endif pr = sqrt(er**2-Mpi2) pxr = pr*sin(rth)*cos(rph) pyr = pr*sin(rth)*sin(rph) pzr = pr*cos(rth) C Boost to Lab frame, calculate new angles and momentum, finish drift bx = -beta * orig%up%x by = -beta * orig%up%y bz = -beta * orig%up%z call loren(gamma,bx,by,bz,er,pxr,pyr,pzr,ef,pxf,pyf,pzf,pf) C DJG check if pion is at least going toward to spectrometer! C DJG If not, I'm outta here. C DJG Need to rotate coordinate sytem counterclockwise (clockwise) by angle C DJG theta_spec about x-axis (points DOWN) for HMS (SOS). if(hadron_arm.eq.1.or.hadron_arm.eq.3) then pzprime = pzf*cos(spec%p%theta)-pyf*sin(spec%p%theta) elseif (hadron_arm.eq.2.or.hadron_arm.eq.4) then pzprime = pzf*cos(spec%p%theta)+pyf*sin(spec%p%theta) else write(6,*) 'Unknown spectrometer setup dude!' stop endif if( then c write(6,*) 'Pion from rho decay moving away from spectrometer' c write(6,*) 'I guess this event is a no-go!' success = .false. return endif C DJG If pion's heading for spectrometer, try to calculate xptar and yptar th_oop=asin(pxf/pf) cos_th_inp = pzf/pf/cos(th_oop) th_inp = acos(cos_th_inp) if(hadron_arm.eq.1.or.hadron_arm.eq.3) then if( then th_inp = spec%p%theta-th_inp else th_inp = spec%p%theta+th_inp endif elseif(hadron_arm.eq.2.or.hadron_arm.eq.4) then if( then th_inp = th_inp - spec%p%theta else th_inp = th_inp + spec%p%theta endif else write(6,*) 'Rho decay not set up for your spectrometer!' stop endif C DJG This should never happen!!! if(( then write(6,*) 'Decay pion going backwards - fahgettaboutit!' success=.false. return endif orig%up%x = pxf/pf orig%up%y = pyf/pf orig%up%z = pzf/pf orig%p%xptar = tan(th_oop) orig%p%yptar = tan(th_inp) orig%p%delta = 100.*(pf/p_spec-1.) orig%p%P = pf Mh = Mpi Mh2 = Mpi2 Mh2_final = Mh2 orig%p%E = sqrt(orig%p%P**2 + Mh2) C Calculate "physics" angles call physics_angles(spec%p%theta,spec%p%phi, & orig%p%xptar,orig%p%yptar,orig%p%theta,orig%p%phi) return end