real*8 function peepiX(vertex,vertex0,main,survivalprob,doing_cent) * Sept. 2003 D. Gaskell * Purpose: * This routine calculates p(e,e'pi+)X semi-iinclusive cross sections from * the CTEQ5M parton distribution functions and a simple parameterization * of the favored and unfavored fragmentation functions. * output: * sigma_eepiX !d3sigma/dEe'dOmegae'Omegapi (microbarn/MeV/sr^2) * * * October 3 2003 D. Gaskell * Replace simple fragmentation function paramterization with a slightly * more sophisticated treatment from Binnewies et. al.,PRD 52, p.4947 (1995). * This parameterization gives: D_u^(pi+ + pi-) = D_d^(pi+ + pi-) = D+ + D- * The separate favored and unfavored fragmentation functions are given by * the ratio D-/D+ from HERMES data (my fit to P. Geiger's results). * The D-/D+ fit is valid from z=0.25 to 0.9 or so, but behaves pretty well * at lower z (approaches simple form of Field and Feynman (1-z)/(1+z)). * * * October 4 2003 D. Gaskell * Add PI- functionality * * October 9 2003 D. Gaskell * Add deuterium functionality. Assume just an incoherent sum of parton * distributions from proton and neutron. Assume isospin symmetry so * d_neutron(x) = u_proton(x) * dbar_neutron(x) = ubar_proton(x) * u_neutron(x) = d_proton(x) * ubar_neutron(x) = dbar_proton(x) * * * March 2004 D. Gaskell * Add calculation of "central" cross section. This is convenient for * bin centering. * * April 8, 2004 D. Gaskell * Add conversion for jacobian so in ntuple: siglab/jacobian = dsig/dE dOe dz dPt2 dPhi * (units are MeV everywhere) * Add strange quark contributions and kaon fragmentation * April 15, 2004 D. Gaskell * Put in Fermi motion effects. Note that for now, if you use Fermi motion * the "central cross section" calculation stuff probably doesn't make much sense. implicit none include '' type(event_main):: main type(event):: vertex, vertex0 * PDFs integer iset !which set (1=cteq5m) integer ipart !particle u=1, ubar=-1, d=2, dbar=-2, s=3, sbar=-3 real*8 u,d,ubar,dbar,s,sbar real*8 qu,qd,qs ! u, d, and s quark charges real*8 D_fav, D_unfav, D_sum, R_D !favored,unfavored,sum,ratio of FFs real*8 D_sum_s, D_s ! strange frag. functions real*8 lambda, Q2zero ! scales for FF param real*8 sv !scaling variable for FF param real*8 N,a1,a2 !parameters for FF param real*8 Ns, a1s, a2s !parameters for strange FF param C Some local kinematic variables real*8 xbj,sx, Q2gev, Qgev, pt2gev !unitless or GeV real*8 b ! pt2 parameter for FFs real*8 nu,qx,qy,qz,mtar,Q2,Eb,Eprime,Epx,Epy,Epz !MeV real*8 pt2,zhad,Ehad,phad,mhad ! all in MeV real*8 cthpq real*8 kcent,klo,khi integer i real*8 sum_sq, dsigdz, sigsemi, jacobian, fac, sigma_eepiX real*8 sighad, sige real*8 F1,F2,W1,W2,sin2th2,cos2th2,W2coeff real*8 Ctq5Pdf c external Ctq5Pdf C Variables for kaon decay stuff real*8 survivalprob ! this will be included in main.weight real*8 zaero,pathlen,p_kaon,betak,gammak logical first logical doing_cent,first_cent! flag for "central" cross section calc. parameter (iset=1) parameter (qu=2./3.) parameter (qd=-1./3.) parameter (qs=-1./3.) c parameter (b=3.76) !GeV^-2 c parameter (b=4.68) !GeV^-2 parameter (lambda=0.227) !0.227 GeV for NLO parameter (Q2zero=2.0) !Gev^2 for u,d,s,g data first /.TRUE./ data first_cent /.TRUE./ b = pt_b_param ! now parameter in input file C DJG: Setup stuff for doing "central" cross section calculation. Here, I'm C DJG: assuming we want the cross section at some "point" in Q2 and W space. C DJG: I allow for binning in either z or pt2 - holding the other constant. C DJG: Since the cross section has no phi-dependence, that part is easy - C DJG: I can just ignore it. if(doing_cent) then nu = vertex0%nu qx = vertex0%uq%x*vertex0%q qy = vertex0%uq%y*vertex0%q qz = vertex0%uq%z*vertex0%q Q2 = vertex0%Q2 Eb = vertex0%Ein Eprime = vertex0%e%E Epx = vertex0%ue%x*Eprime Epy = vertex0%ue%y*Eprime Epz = vertex0%ue%z*Eprime if(sigc_flag.eq.0) then ! binning in z kcent = vertex0%zhad pt2 = sigc_kin_ind*1.d6 zhad = 0.0 do i=1,sigc_nbin klo = sigc_kin_min+(i-1)*(sigc_kin_max-sigc_kin_min)/sigc_nbin khi = sigc_kin_min+i*(sigc_kin_max-sigc_kin_min)/sigc_nbin if( .and. vertex%zhad.le.khi) then zhad = klo + (khi-klo)/2. endif enddo elseif (sigc_flag.eq.1) then ! binning in pt2 kcent = vertex0%pt2 zhad = sigc_kin_ind pt2 = 0.0 do i=1,sigc_nbin klo = sigc_kin_min+(i-1)*(sigc_kin_max-sigc_kin_min)/sigc_nbin klo = klo*1.d6 khi = sigc_kin_min+i*(sigc_kin_max-sigc_kin_min)/sigc_nbin khi = khi*1.d6 if( .and. vertex%pt2.le.khi) then pt2 = klo + (khi-klo)/2. endif c write(6,*) 'chessy poofs',pt2,klo,khi enddo endif if(first_cent) then write(6,*) 'Central Kinematics:' write(6,*) 'Ebeam (GeV):',Eb/1000 write(6,*) 'nu (GeV) :',nu/1000 write(6,*) 'Q2 (GeV2) :',Q2/1d6 if(sigc_flag.eq.0) then write(6,*) 'Pt2 (GeV2) :',pt2/1d6 write(6,*) 'Binning in z from',sigc_kin_min, > 'to',sigc_kin_max elseif(sigc_flag.eq.1) then write(6,*) 'z :',zhad write(6,*) 'Binning in pt2 from',sigc_kin_min, > 'to',sigc_kin_max,'GeV2' endif first_cent=.false. endif else nu = vertex%nu qx = vertex%uq%x*vertex%q qy = vertex%uq%y*vertex%q qz = vertex%uq%z*vertex%q Q2 = vertex%Q2 Eb = vertex%Ein Eprime = vertex%e%E Epx = vertex%ue%x*Eprime Epy = vertex%ue%y*Eprime Epz = vertex%ue%z*Eprime pt2 = vertex%pt2 zhad = vertex%zhad endif if(doing_semipi) then mhad = Mpi else if(doing_semika) then mhad = Mk else write(6,*) 'semi_physics error: unknown hadron type' stop endif mtar = targ%Mtar_struck Ehad = zhad*nu phad = sqrt(Ehad**2-mhad**2) if(doing_cent) then cthpq = sqrt(1.-pt2/phad**2) else cthpq = cos(vertex%theta_pq) endif sx = (2.*Eb*mtar + mtar**2)/1.d6 !convert to GeV2 if(do_fermi) then ! xbj = Q2/(2 P.q) xbj = Q2/2./(efer*nu - abs(pfer)*(pferx*qx + pfery*qy + pferz*qz)) if(.not.doing_cent) then ntup%xfermi = xbj endif else xbj = Q2/2./mtar/nu endif if( then write(6,*) 'XBj is too large!', xbj xbj=1.0 endif c if(do_fermi) then ! y = P.q/P.k_beam c y = (efer*nu - pferx*qx - pfery*qy - pferz*qz)/(efer*Eb) c else c y = nu/Eb c endif C DJG convert some stuff to GeV Q2gev = Q2/1.d6 Qgev = sqrt(Q2gev) pt2gev = pt2/1.d6 C Get the PDFs if(first) then call SetCtq5(iset) ! initialize Cteq5 (we're using cteq5m) first=.FALSE. endif ipart=1 u = Ctq5pdf (ipart , xbj, Qgev) ipart=-1 ubar = Ctq5pdf (ipart , xbj, Qgev) ipart=2 d = Ctq5pdf (ipart , xbj, Qgev) ipart=-2 dbar = Ctq5pdf (ipart , xbj, Qgev) ipart=3 s = Ctq5pdf (ipart , xbj, Qgev) ipart=-3 sbar = Ctq5pdf (ipart , xbj, Qgev) sum_sq = qu**2*(u+ubar) + qd**2*(d+dbar) + qs**2*(s+sbar) if (doing_deutsemi) then sum_sq = sum_sq + qu**2*(d+dbar) + qd**2*(u+ubar) + qs**2*(s+sbar) endif C Simple paramaterization from Kretzer et al (EPJC 22 p. 269) C for Q2=2.5. c D_fav = 0.689*vertex.zhad**(-1.039)*(1.0-vertex.zhad)**1.241 c D_unfav = 0.217*vertex.zhad**(-1.805)*(1.0-vertex.zhad)**2.037 C C Paramaterization from Binneweis et al (PRD 52 p.4947) C sv is their scaling variable = ln( ln(Q2/Lambda^2)/ln(Q2_0/Lambda^2) ) C Q_0 sets the scale - for light quarks (u,d,s) they get Q_0 = sqrt(2) GeV C Lambda is 227 MeV in NLO. sv = log( log(Q2gev/lambda**2)/log(Q2zero/lambda**2) ) C Form of parameterization is D = N z^a1 (1-z)^a2 if(doing_semipi) then N = 1.150 - 1.522*sv + 1.378*sv**2 - 0.527*sv**3 a1 = -0.740 - 1.680*sv + 1.546*sv**2 - 0.596*sv**3 a2 = 1.430 + 0.543*sv - 0.023*sv**2 Ns = 4.250 - 3.147*sv + 0.755*sv**2 a1s = -0.770 -0.573*sv + 0.117*sv**2 a2s = 4.48 + 0.890*sv - 0.138*sv**2 C This is Du (pi+ + pi-) = = Dd (pi+ + pi-) = D_favored + D_unfavored D_sum = N*zhad**a1*(1.0-zhad)**a2 C This is Ds (pi+ + pi-) D_sum_s = Ns*zhad**a1s*(1.0-zhad)**a2s C Ratio of D-/D+ from P. Geiger's thesis (HERMES) R_D = (1.0-zhad)**0.083583/(1.0+zhad)**1.9838 D_fav = D_sum/(1.0+R_D) D_unfav = D_sum/(1.0+1.0/R_D) C Assume Ds(pi+) = Ds(pi-) = Dsbar(pi+) = Dsbar(pi-) C Note that this contrdicted by the HERMES data, but shouldn't make much C difference for pions anyway. D_s = D_sum_s/2.0 if( then if(doing_hplus) then dsigdz = (qu**2*u*D_fav + qu**2*ubar*D_unfav + > qd**2*d*D_unfav + qd**2*dbar*D_fav + > qs**2*s*D_s + qs**2*sbar*D_s)/sum_sq else dsigdz = (qu**2*u*D_unfav + qu**2*ubar*D_fav + > qd**2*d*D_fav + qd**2*dbar*D_unfav + > qs**2*s*D_s + qs**2*sbar*D_s)/sum_sq endif if(doing_deutsemi) then if(doing_hplus) then dsigdz = dsigdz + (qu**2*d*D_fav + qu**2*dbar*D_unfav + > qd**2*u*D_unfav + qd**2*ubar*D_fav + > qs**2*s*D_s + qs**2*sbar*D_s)/sum_sq else dsigdz = dsigdz + (qu**2*d*D_unfav + qu**2*dbar*D_fav + > qd**2*u*D_fav + qd**2*ubar*D_unfav + > qs**2*s*D_s + qs**2*sbar*D_s)/sum_sq endif endif else dsigdz = 0.0 endif elseif (doing_semika) then N = 0.310 - 0.038*sv - 0.042*sv**2 a1 = -0.980 - 0.260*sv + 0.008*sv**2 a2 = 0.970 + 0.978*sv - 0.229*sv**2 Ns = 1.080 - 0.469*sv + 0.003*sv**2 a1s = -0.820 -0.240*sv - 0.035*sv**2 a2s = 2.550 + 1.026*sv - 0.246*sv**2 C This is Du (K+ + K-) = Ds(K+ + K-) = D_favored + D_unfavored (K+ + K-) D_sum = N*zhad**a1*(1.0-zhad)**a2 C This is Dd (K+ + K-) (for convenience, I still call it D_sum_s) D_sum_s = Ns*zhad**a1s*(1.0-zhad)**a2s C Here I make the wild assumption that the ratio of unfavored to favored C fragmentation functions for Kaons is the same as that for pions. C Ratio of D-/D+ from P. Geiger's thesis (HERMES) R_D = (1.0-zhad)**0.083583/(1.0+zhad)**1.9838 D_fav = D_sum/(1.0+R_D) D_unfav = D_sum/(1.0+1.0/R_D) C Assume Dd(K+) = Dd(K-) = Ddbar(K+) = Ddbar(K-) C Note that this contrdicted by the HERMES data, but shouldn't make much C difference for pions anyway. D_s = D_sum_s/2.0 if( then if(doing_hplus) then dsigdz = (qu**2*u*D_fav + qu**2*ubar*D_unfav + > qd**2*d*D_s + qd**2*dbar*D_s + > qs**2*s*D_unfav + qs**2+sbar*D_fav)/sum_sq else dsigdz = (qu**2*u*D_unfav + qu**2*ubar*D_fav + > qd**2*d*D_s + qd**2*dbar*D_s + > qs**2*s*D_fav + qs**2*sbar*D_unfav)/sum_sq endif if(doing_deutsemi) then if(doing_hplus) then dsigdz = dsigdz + (qu**2*d*D_fav + qu**2*dbar*D_unfav + > qd**2*u*D_s + qd**2*ubar*D_s + > qs**2*s*D_unfav + qs**2*sbar*D_fav)/sum_sq else dsigdz = dsigdz + (qu**2*d*D_unfav + qu**2*dbar*D_fav + > qd**2*u*D_s + qd**2*ubar*D_s + > qs**2*s*D_fav + qs**2*sbar*D_unfav)/sum_sq endif endif else dsigdz = 0.0 endif endif sighad = dsigdz*b*exp(-b*pt2gev)/2./pi C DJG: OK - I THINK I've got it right now. C DJG: Should be dsig/dOmega dE c sige = 2.*alpha**2*(y**2/2. + 1. - y - mtar*xbj*y/2./Eb)* c 1 (Eprime/1000.)/(Q2gev*y*(mtar/1000.)*(nu/1000.)) c 2 * sum_sq F2 = xbj*sum_sq F1 = F2/2./xbj W1 = F1/(mtar/1000.) W2 = F2/(nu/1000.) sin2th2 = Q2/4./Eb/Eprime cos2th2 = 1.-sin2th2 if(do_fermi) then W2coeff = (efer-abs(pfer)*pferz)*(efer-abs(pfer)*(pferx*Epx+pfery*Epy+pferz*Epz)/Eprime)/mtar**2 - sin2th2 else W2coeff = cos2th2 endif sige = 4.*alpha**2*(Eprime/1000)**2/Q2gev**2 * ( W2*W2coeff + 2.*W1*sin2th2) C DJG This dsig/(dOmega_e dE_e dz dpt**2 dPhi_had) in microbarn/GeV**3/sr sigsemi = sige*sighad*(hbarc/1000.)**2*10000.0 C Need to convert to dsig/ (dOmega_e dE_e dE_h dCos(theta) dPhi_had C This is just given by 1/omega * 2*p_h**2*cos(theta) jacobian = 1./(nu/1000.)*2.*(phad/1000.)**2*cthpq C The 1.d6 converts from microbarn/GeV^2 to microbarn/MeV^2 sigma_eepiX = sigsemi*jacobian/1.d6 * Note that there is an additional factor 'fac' included with the fermi-smeared cross * section. This takes into account pieces in the flux factor that are neglected (=1) in * colinear collisions. The flux factor is |v_1-v_2| * 2E_1 * 2E_2. * For a stationary target, v_2=0 and so velocity term is v_1=1 (electron * beam), and E_2=M_2. For collinear boost, the flux factor can be expressed * in a way that is lorenz invariant, and so can be used for lab or C.M. * For a NON-COLLINEAR boost, there are two changes. First, the |v| term * becomes 1 - (z component of pfer)/efer. Second, E_2 isn't just the mass, * it becomes E_fermi, so we have to remove targ.Mtar_struck (which is used * for E_2 by default) and replace it with efer. Since the flux factor * comes in the denominator, we replace the usual flux factor (gtpr) with * gtpr*fac, where fac = 1/ ( (1-pfer_z/efer)* (efer/mtar_struck) ). if(do_fermi) then fac = 1./(1.-pferz*pfer/efer) * mtar/efer else fac = 1.0 endif sigma_eepiX = sigma_eepiX*fac if(doing_cent) then main%johnjac = jacobian*1000.0 else main%davejac = jacobian*1000.0 ntup%sigcm = sighad endif peepiX = sigma_eepiX c If doing_decay=.false., generate survival probability for main.weight. c main.FP.p.path is dist. to back of detector, want decay prob. at aerogel. C NOTE THAT ZAERO IS TAKEN WITH RESPECT TO THE POSITION AT WHICH PATHLEN C IS CALCULATED (USUALLY THE BACK OF THE CALORIMETER). IF THE DRIFTS IN C MC_SOS_HUT OR MC_HMS_HUT ARE CHANGED, THEN THE STARTING POINT MAY BE DIFFERENT AND THESE C NUMBERS MAY BE WRONG. AERO BETWEEN S2Y AND S2X IN SOS AND BETWEEN DC2 S1X in HMS C Beta/Gamma for decay need to use momentum after radiation/eloss, not vertex C momentum. Get particle momentum from if (.not.doing_decay) then if (hadron_arm.eq.1) then zaero = -331.491 !aero at 40.199 cm, last project=371.69 cm else if (hadron_arm.eq.2) then * zaero = -76. !aero at 270cm,last project=346(cal). zaero = -82.8 !From Rick: aero at 263.2cm,last project=346(cal). else if (hadron_arm.eq.3) then zaero = -183. !aero at 130cm,last project=313(S2) else if (hadron_arm.eq.4) then zaero = -183. endif pathlen = main%FP%p%path + zaero*(1+main%FP%p%dx**2+main%FP%p%dy**2) p_kaon = spec%p%P*(1.+main%SP%p%delta/100.) betak = spec%p%P/sqrt(spec%p%P**2+Mh2) gammak = 1./sqrt(1.-betak**2) survivalprob = 1./exp(pathlen/(ctau*betak*gammak)) decdist = survivalprob !decdist in ntuple endif return end