subroutine rotate_haxis(rotang,xp0,yp0) C+______________________________________________________________________________ ! ! ROTATE_HAXIS- Calculate new trajectory coordinates in reference frame rotated ! about horizontal axis by angle ROTANG relative to central ray. ! ! *** Right-handed TRANSPORT coordinates are assumed! *** ! ! ROTANG is an angle about the negative Y-axis. ! For the SOS BM01 entrance, it is a negative number. ! ! Input trajectory is: X = XS + ALPHA*(Z-ZS) ! Y = YS + BETA *(Z-ZS) ! Z = ZS is current point. ! ! Output traject is: XP = XP0 + ALPHA_P*ZP ! YP = YP0 + BETA_P *ZP ! ZP = 0 gives intersection of track with rotated plane. ! ! ROTANG (R*4): Rotation angle in degrees. ! ! D. Potterveld, 15-Mar-1993. C-______________________________________________________________________________ implicit none include '../' real*8 rotang,xp0,yp0,xi real*8 alpha,beta,alpha_p,beta_p,sin_th,cos_th,tan_th real*8 rotang_rad, raddeg save C ============================= Executable Code ================================ C Sep. 2008 DJG: No equivaleent to sind etc. in gfortran. Convert to radians first. parameter (raddeg=0.017453292) rotang_rad = rotang*raddeg c1 tan_th = tand(rotang) c sin_th = sind(rotang) c cos_th = cosd(rotang) 1 tan_th = tan(rotang_rad) sin_th = sin(rotang_rad) cos_th = cos(rotang_rad) alpha = dxdzs beta = dydzs alpha_p= (alpha + tan_th)/(1. - alpha*tan_th) beta_p = beta/(cos_th - alpha*sin_th) xi = xp0 xp0 = xi*(cos_th + alpha_p*sin_th) yp0 = yp0 + xi*beta_p*sin_th return end