He-3(e,e'pi+)H-3 bound state production: Treat as production from heavy neutron giving heavy proton. 'nuff said. Infile: Set a flag for bound state (I use which_pion=...). Use normal Leave all target/recoil masses the same as for QF. DBASE.F: (have to override some of the masses). 1. set doing_hydpion = .true., doing_deutpi=doing_hepi=.false. 2. set targ.Mtar_pion = targ.M set targ.Mrec_pion = targ.M + Mp - Mn ( plus H3/He3 binding energy diff) set targ.Mrec = 0. Huh. Well, I guess that's it, according to my kaon code. Most of the changes are for D-N final state. Bound final state is easy.