; This is a CTP file begin parm beamandtargetinfo gen.xwid = 0.008868 ; beam width - one sigma (cm) (89microns) gen.ywid = 0.004235 ; beam width - one sigma (cm) (42microns) targ.fr_pattern = 3. ; raster pattern: 1=square, 2=circular 3=square (flat) targ.fr1 = 0.015 ; horizontal size OR inner radius(2) targ.fr2 = 0.15 ; vertical size OR outer radius(2) targ.xoffset = 0.1 ; target x-offset (cm): +x = beam right targ.yoffset = 0.0 ; target y-offset (cm): +y = up targ.zoffset = -0.1 ; target z-offset (cm): +z = downstream ; zreal = znominal + zoffset end parm beamandtergetinfo ;These are offsets applied before the call to the single arm montecarlos. begin parm spect_offset spec.e.offset.x = 0. ; x offset (cm) spec.e.offset.y = 0. ; y offset (cm) spec.e.offset.z = 0. ; z offset (cm) spec.e.offset.xptar = 0. ; xptar offset (mr) !x(y)ptar is slope, so spec.e.offset.yptar = 0. ; yptar offset (mr) !it's really unitless. spec.p.offset.x = 0. ; x offset (cm) spec.p.offset.y = 0. ; y offset (cm) spec.p.offset.z = 0. ; z offset (cm) spec.p.offset.xptar = 2.62 ; xptar offset (mr) spec.p.offset.yptar = 0. ; yptar offset (mr) end parm spect_offset begin parm simulate hard_cuts = 0 ; (ONE = TRUE) SPedge and Em.max are hard cuts(ntuple) using_rad = 1 ; (ONE = TRUE) use_expon = 0 ; (LEAVE AT 0) one_tail = 0 ; 0=all, 1=e, 2=e', 3=p, -3=all but p intcor_mode = 1 ; (LEAVE AT 1) spect_mode = 0 ; 0=e+p arms, -1=p arm, -2=e arm only, 1=none cuts.Em.min = 0. ; (Em.min=Em.max=0.0 gives wide open cuts) cuts.Em.max = 0. ; Must be wider than cuts in analysis(elastic or e,e'p) using_Eloss = 1 ; (ONE = TRUE) correct_Eloss = 1 ; ONE = correct reconstructed events for eloss. correct_raster = 1 ; ONE = Reconstruct events using 'raster' matrix elements. mc_smear = 1 ; ONE = target & hut mult scatt AND DC smearing. deForest_flag = 0 ; 0=sigcc1, 1=sigcc2, -1=sigcc1 ONSHELL rad_flag = 0 ; (radiative option #1...see init.f) extrad_flag = 2 ; (rad. option #2...see init.f) lambda(1) = 0.0 ; if rad_flag.eq.4 then lambda(1) = {TF} lambda(2) = 0.0 ; if rad_flag.eq.4 then lambda(2) = {TF} lambda(3) = 0.0 ; if rad_flag.eq.4 then lambda(3) = {TF} Nntu = 1 ; ONE = generate ntuples using_Coulomb = 1 ; (ONE = TRUE) dE_edge_test = 0. ; (move around energy edges) use_offshell_rad = 1 ; (ONE = TRUE) Egamma_gen_max = 0. ; Set >0 to hardwire the Egamma limits. end parm simulate