; This is a CTP file ; 'TF' stands for 'this field' ; ONE equals TRUE unless specified otherwise begin parm experiment ngen = 1000 ; POS: # of successes; NEG: # of tries EXPER.charge = 1.0 ; total charge (mC) doing_phsp = 0 ; (ONE = TRUE) doing_kaon = 1 ; (ONE = TRUE) which_kaon = 0 ; (0=p-->K+lamda0,1=p-->K+sigma0,2=n-->K+sigma) ; (+10 for bound hypernucleus in final state) doing_pion = 0 ; (ONE = TRUE) doing_decay = 0 ; 1=decay ON, 0=decay OFF. ctau = 371.3 ; decay length (cm). 780.4 for pi, 371.3 for K extra_dbase_file='extra_KAON' ; additional input parameters. end parm experiment begin parm kinematics_main Ebeam = 3244.8 ; (MeV) dEbeam = 0.05 ; beam energy variation (%) electron_arm = 1 ; 1=hms,2=sos,3=hrsr,4=hrsl hadron_arm = 2 ; 1=hms,2=sos,3=hrsr,4=hrsl spec.e.P = 1571.272 ; e arm central momentum (MeV/c) spec.e.theta = 14.92 ; e arm angle setting (degrees) spec.p.P = 1292.58 ; p arm central momentum (MeV/c) spec.p.theta = 13.399 ; p arm angle setting (degrees) end parm kinematics_main begin parm target targ.A = 4. ; target A targ.Z = 2. ; target Z targ.mass_amu = 4.0026 ; target mass in amu !!!CHECK THIS!!!! targ.mrec_amu = 3.015481 ; recoil mass in amu (eep=A-1 system,pion=A-2) targ.rho = 0.076944 ; target density (g/cm^3) targ.thick = 309.768 ; target thick (mg/cm^2) 4.00cm long targ.angle = 0. ; target angle (for solid target) (degrees) targ.abundancy = 100. ; target purity (%) targ.can = 2 ; 1=beer can (fpi), 2=pudding can (nucpi) end parm target begin parm debug ; (ONES give helpful debug info) debug(1) = 0 ; turns on output from brem.f debug(2) = 0 ; into/outa subs debug(3) = 0 ; spit out values (init. and main loop). debug(4) = 0 ; mostly comp_ev, gen_rad diagnostics. debug(5) = 0 ; a bit of everything end parm debug begin parm e_arm_accept SPedge.e.delta.min = -14.0 ; delta min (%) (SPECTROMETER ACCEPTANCE!) SPedge.e.delta.max = 14.0 ; delta max (%) SPedge.e.yptar.min = -60.0 ; yptar min = (mrad) SPedge.e.yptar.max = 60.0 ; yptar max = (mrad) SPedge.e.xptar.min = -100.0 ; xptar min = (mrad) SPedge.e.xptar.max = 100.0 ; xptar max = (mrad) end parm e_arm_accept begin parm p_arm_accept SPedge.p.delta.min = -22.0 ; delta min (%) (SPECTROMETER ACCEPTANCE!) SPedge.p.delta.max = 22.0 ; delta max (%) SPedge.p.yptar.min = -90.0 ; yptar min = (mrad) SPedge.p.yptar.max = 90.0 ; yptar max = (mrad) SPedge.p.xptar.min = -50.0 ; xptar min = (mrad) SPedge.p.xptar.max = 50.0 ; xptar max = (mrad) end parm p_arm_accept