real*8 function sigep(vertex) ! elastic cross section, units are set by sigMott.f (microbarn/sr) implicit none include '' real*8 q4sq,qmu4mp,W1p,W2p,Wp,GE,GM,sigMott record /event/ vertex q4sq = vertex.Q2 call fofa_best_fit(-q4sq/hbarc**2,GE,GM) qmu4mp = q4sq/4./Mp2 W1p = GM**2*qmu4mp W2p = (GE**2+GM**2*qmu4mp)/(1.0+qmu4mp) Wp = W2p + 2.*W1p*tan(vertex.e.theta/2.)**2 sigep = sigMott(vertex.e.E,vertex.e.theta,vertex.q2) * > vertex.e.E/vertex.Ein * Wp if (debug(5)) write(6,*) 'sigMott',GE,GM return end !------------------------------------------------------------------------- real*8 function deForest(ev) implicit none include '' record /event/ ev real*8 q4sq,ebar,qbsq,GE,GM,f1,kf2,qmu4mp,sigMott,sin_gamma,cos_phi real*8 pbarp,pbarq,pq,qbarq,q2,f1sq,kf2_over_2m_allsq real*8 sumFF1,sumFF2,termC,termT,termS,termI,WC,WT,WS,WI,allsum ! Compute deForest sigcc cross-section, according to value of DEFOREST_FLAG: ! Flag = 0 -- use sigcc1 ! Flag = 1 -- use sigcc2 ! Flag = -1 -- use sigcc1 ONSHELL, replacing Ebar with E = E'-nu ! and qbar with q (4-vector) ! N.B. Beware of deForest's metric when taking all those 4-vector inner ! products in sigcc2 ... it is (-1,1,1,1)! ! Here, I've defined all the inner products with the regular signs, ! and then put them in the structure function ! formulas with reversed signs compared to deForest. ! ! Note that this can be called with either the vertex or recon event records, ! but like a good function, it does not modify anything in those records. ! ! JRA: Note, let me make a comment about the following, because I was badly ! confused about it the first time through. The 6-fold cross section is: ! d6sigma = K * S(E,p) * sigma_eN. This routine returns a quantity 'deForest' ! which is d6sigma/S(E,p) = K*sigma_eN ! = (E'*p')*sigma_mott*[sum of terms like a_i*W_i]. ! Each W_i term has E'/Ebar in it. In the following code, the E'/Ebar appears ! to have been removed from the W_i terms, and combined with the K=E'*p' term ! to give an overall p'/Ebar in the final expression. ! More importantly, since the Spectral Function has been divided out, the ! units are MeV^4 * the 6-fold cross section units, and so for sigma_mott ! in microbarn/sr, 'deForest' is in microbarn*MeV^2/sr^2, giving the correct ! cross seciton units once we multiply by S(E,p) which is in MeV^-4 q4sq = -ev.Q2 q2 = ev.q**2 if ( then ebar = sqrt(ev.Pm**2 + Mh2) qbsq = (ev.p.E-ebar)**2 - q2 else ebar = ev.p.E - qbsq = q4sq endif sin_gamma = 1. - (ev.uq.x*ev.up.x+ev.uq.y*ev.up.y+ev.uq.z*ev.up.z)**2 if ( then write(6,'(1x,''WARNING: deForest came up with sin_gamma = '',f10.3,'' at event '',i10)') sin_gamma, nevent sin_gamma = 0.0 endif sin_gamma = sqrt(sin_gamma) cos_phi = 0.0 if ( cos_phi=(ev.uq.y*(ev.uq.y*ev.up.z-ev.uq.z*ev.up.y) > - ev.uq.x*(ev.uq.z*ev.up.x-ev.uq.x*ev.up.z)) > / sin_gamma / sqrt(1.-ev.uq.z**2) if (abs(cos_phi).gt.1.) then !set to +/-1, warn if >1.d-10 cos_phi = sign(1.0,cos_phi) if ( (abs(cos_phi)-1.) .gt. 1.d-10) write(6,*) > 'WARNING: deForest give cos_phi = ',cos_phi,' at event',nevent endif call fofa_best_fit(q4sq/hbarc**2,GE,GM) qmu4mp = q4sq/4./Mp2 f1 = (GE-GM*qmu4mp)/(1.0-qmu4mp) kf2 = (GM-GE)/(1.0-qmu4mp) f1sq = f1**2 kf2_over_2m_allsq = kF2**2/4./Mh2 termC = (q4sq/q2)**2 termT = (tan(ev.e.theta/2.))**2 - q4sq/2./q2 termS = tan(ev.e.theta/2.)**2 - (q4sq/q2)*cos_phi**2 termI = (-q4sq/q2)*sqrt(tan(ev.e.theta/2.)**2-q4sq/q2)*cos_phi if (deForest_flag.le.0) then sumFF1 = (f1 + kf2)**2 sumFF2 = f1sq - qbsq*kf2*kf2/4./Mh2 WC = ((ebar+ev.p.E)**2)*sumFF2 - q2*sumFF1 WT = -2*qbsq*sumFF1 WS = 4*(ev.p.P**2)*(sin_gamma**2)*sumFF2 WI = -4*(ebar+ev.p.E)*ev.p.P*sin_gamma*sumFF2 else pbarp=ebar*ev.p.E-ev.p.p*(ev.up.x*ev.Pmx+ev.up.y*ev.Pmy+ev.up.z*ev.Pmz) pbarq=ebar**(ev.uq.x*ev.Pmx+ev.uq.y*ev.Pmy+ev.uq.z*ev.Pmz) pq = ev.p.E* - ev.p.p * ev.q * (ev.up.x*ev.uq.x + > ev.up.y*ev.uq.y + ev.up.z*ev.uq.z) qbarq = (ev.p.E-ebar)* - q2 WC = (ebar*ev.p.E+(-pbarp+Mh2)/2.) * f1sq - q2*f1*kf2/2. > - ( (-pbarq*ev.p.E-pq*ebar)* + ebar*ev.p.E*q4sq + > pbarq*pq - (-pbarp-Mh2)/2.*q2 ) * kf2_over_2m_allsq WT = - (-pbarp+Mh2)*f1sq - qbarq*f1*kF2 > + (2.*pbarq*pq + (-pbarp-Mh2)*q4sq) * kf2_over_2m_allsq WS = (ev.p.p*sin_gamma)**2 * (f1sq - q4sq*kf2_over_2m_allsq) WI = ev.p.p*sin_gamma * ( -(ebar+ev.p.E)*f1sq + ((-pbarq-pq)* >*q4sq)*kf2_over_2m_allsq ) endif allsum = termC*WC + termT*WT + termS*WS + termI*WI if (deForest_flag.le.0) allsum = allsum/4.0 deForest = sigMott(ev.e.E,ev.e.theta,ev.Q2)*ev.p.P*allsum/ebar !microbarn*(MeV/sr)**2 if (debug(5)) write(6,*) 'deForest',GE,GM return end !------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine fofa_best_fit(qsquar,GE,GM) * csa 9/14/98 -- This calculates the form factors Gep and Gmp using * Peter Bosted's fit to world data (Phys. Rev. C 51, 409, Eqs. 4 * and 5 or, alternatively, Eqs. 6) implicit none include '' real*8 qsquar,GE,GM,mu_p real*8 Q,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,denom mu_p = 2.793 Q2 = -qsquar*(hbarc**2.)*1.d-6 Q = sqrt(max(Q2,0.d0)) Q3 = Q**3. Q4 = Q**4. Q5 = Q**5. * Use Eqs 4, 5: denom = 1. + 0.62*Q + 0.68*Q2 + 2.8*Q3 + 0.83*Q4 GE = 1./denom denom = 1. + 0.35*Q + 2.44*Q2 + 0.5*Q3 + 1.04*Q4 + 0.34*Q5 GM = mu_p/denom * OR Eqs 6: * denom = 1. + 0.14*Q + 3.01*Q2 + 0.02*Q3 + 1.20*Q4 + 0.32*Q5 * GE = 1./denom * GM = mu_p/denom return end !------------------------------------------------------------------------- real*8 function sigMott(e0,theta,Q2) implicit none include '' real*8 e0,theta,Q2 real*8 sig ! The Mott cross section (for a point nucleus) in microbarns/sr. sig = (2.*alpha*hbarc*e0*cos(theta/2.)/Q2 )**2 sigMott = sig*1.d4 !fm**2 --> microbarns return end