tgt_field.txt Glen A. Warren Feb. 2000 This file documents some of the "features" of the code that handles the optical transport of particles through a target field. Questions, complaints and praise should be send to me, Glen Warren, at INTRODUCTION Let me first say that the code is not truly a general purpose code. It is designed to handle the situation for the E93-026 experiment, GeN. This means that the only configuration addressed is electrons in HMS and the proton going into open space (i.e. using_P_arm_montecarlo = .false.). In addition, the target field input assumes cylindrical symmetry with the axis of symmetry arbitrarily oriented in the horizontal plane. Despite thes restrictions, it would be relatively easy for a motivated individual to follow the existing examples to modify the code to handle different situations. The second thing that I want to say is that Markus Muehlbauer should get much of the credit for this work. I simply cobbled together his code written for the engine to work in SIMC. This information, however, is of little use because Markus has since left physics. The last introductory point that I want to make is that as of the time of writting this file I am maintaining a web page that discusses some of my findings. The address is I can make no promises about the future maintaince of this page, but it might provide some background info. USAGE There are five input variables related to the target field code: targ.Bangle[real]: in beamandtargetinfo in the "extra" file. This is the angle of the target field with respect to the beam. Zero degrees means along the beam direction. Positive angle points in the direction of the electron spectrometer. using_tgt_field[0,1]: in simulate in the "extra" file. This turns on/off the target field code. It is useful for doing checks on the code for zero field. Clearly, if there is a target field, this parameter must be 1. tgt_field_file[string]: in simulate in the "extra" file. This is the file name of the target field data file. There are two special options. If tgt_field_file.eq.' ' then a test field of 5 T is used over a -26