subroutine mc_shms(p_spec, th_spec, dpp, x, y, z, dxdz, dydz, > x_fp,dx_fp,y_fp,dy_fp,m2, > ms_flag, wcs_flag, decay_flag, resmult, fry, ok_spec, pathlen, spectr, cerflag) C+______________________________________________________________________________ ! ! Monte-Carlo of HMS spectrometer. ! Note that we only pass on real*8 variables to the subroutine. ! This will make life easier for portability. ! ! Author: David Potterveld, March-1993 ! ! Modification History: ! ! 11-Aug-1993 (D. Potterveld) Modified to use new transformation scheme in ! which each transformation begins at the pivot. ! ! 19-AUG-1993 (D. Potterveld) Modified to use COSY INFINITY transformations. ! ! 15-SEP-1997 MODIFY stepping through spectrometer so that all drifts ! use project.f (not transp.f), and so that project.f and ! transp.f take care of decay. Decay distances all assume ! the pathlength for the CENTRAL RAY. ! ! 28-APR-2006 Modified for shms with pre-bender magnet (Gaskell) C-______________________________________________________________________________ implicit none include '' include '' include '../' include '../' C Spectrometer definitions - for double arm monte carlo compatability integer*4 spectr C for SHMS, this is passed by SIMC (SSA tune = 5, LSA tune = 6) C parameter (spectr=5) ! SHMS in SSA tune is spec #5 C Math constants real*8 d_r,r_d,root parameter (d_r = pi/180.) parameter (r_d = 180./pi) parameter (root = 0.707106781) !square root of 1/2 C The arguments real*8 x,y,z !(cm) real*8 dpp !delta p/p (%) real*8 dxdz,dydz !X,Y slope in spectrometer real*8 x_fp,y_fp,dx_fp,dy_fp !Focal plane values to return real*8 p_spec,th_spec !spectrometer setting logical ms_flag, wcs_flag !particle, m_scat, wc_smear logical ok_spec !true if particle makes it logical decay_flag,dflag logical cerflag !true if use first cerenkov real*8 fry !fast raster y position. real*8 m2 !mass for call to mc_hms(sos). Changes if decay real*8 pathlen real*8 resmult !DC resolution factor c collimator real*8 h_entr,v_entr !horiz. and vert. 1/2 gap of fixed slit real*8 h_exit,v_exit !horiz. and vert. 1/2 gap of fixed slit real*8 y_off,x_off !horiz. and vert. position offset of slit real*8 z_off !offset in distance from target to front of slit. real*8 z_off_lsa,z_off_ssa parameter (h_entr = 43.536) parameter (v_entr = 49.002) parameter (h_exit = 43.708) parameter (v_exit = 49.444) parameter (x_off=+0.00) parameter (y_off=+0.00) parameter (z_off_ssa=+0.00) ! for SSA should be 0.0 parameter (z_off_lsa=-232.0) ! for LSA should be -232.0 ! z-position of important apertures. c real*8 z_entr,z_exit c Calculate these later, since z_off is tune-dependent c parameter (z_entr = 400.+ z_off) ! c parameter (z_exit = z_entr + 10.0d0) !10.0 cm thick c lengths of drift in different elements real*8 zd_q1in,zd_q1mid,zd_q1out real*8 zd_q2in,zd_q2mid,zd_q2out real*8 zd_q3in,zd_q3mid real*8 zd_q3d1trans real*8 zd_d1mid1,zd_d1mid2,zd_d1mid3,zd_d1mid4,zd_d1mid5,zd_d1mid6 real*8 zd_d1out real*8 zd_magout cdg real*8 zd_bpin,zd_bpout real*8 zd_fp parameter(zd_q1in = 232.575) parameter(zd_q1mid = 106.175) parameter(zd_q1out = 106.175) parameter(zd_q2in = 62.15) parameter(zd_q2mid = 106.175) parameter(zd_q2out = 106.175) parameter(zd_q3in = 123.575) parameter(zd_q3mid= 100.001) parameter(zd_q3d1trans = 100.00) parameter(zd_d1mid1= 50.597) parameter(zd_d1mid2= 50.353) parameter(zd_d1mid3= 50.10) parameter(zd_d1mid4= 50.007) parameter(zd_d1mid5= 50.1) parameter(zd_d1mid6= 50.356) parameter(zd_d1out = 50.595) parameter(zd_magout = 50.648) parameter(zd_fp = 275.92) c lengths of drift in different elements - SSA tune cdg real*8 zd_ssa_q1in,zd_ssa_q1mid,zd_ssa_q1out cdg real*8 zd_ssa_q2in,zd_ssa_q2mid,zd_ssa_q2out cdg real*8 zd_ssa_d1in,zd_ssa_d1mid,zd_ssa_d1out cdg real*8 zd_ssa_bpin,zd_ssa_bpout,zd_ssa_fp cdg parameter (zd_ssa_q1in = 464.575) ! cdg parameter (zd_ssa_q1mid = 0.0) ! cdg parameter (zd_ssa_q1out = 0.0) ! cdg parameter (zd_ssa_q2in = 111.15) ! cdg parameter (zd_ssa_q2mid = 10.0) ! cdg parameter (zd_ssa_q2out = 10.0) ! cdg parameter (zd_ssa_bpin = 86.842) ! cdg parameter (zd_ssa_d1in = 10.0) ! cdg parameter (zd_ssa_d1out = 10.0) ! cdg parameter (zd_ssa_bpout = 10.0) ! cccdg parameter (zd_ssa_fp = 308.267) ! c lengths of drift in different elements - LSA tune cdg real*8 zd_lsa_q1in,zd_lsa_q1mid,zd_lsa_q1out cdg real*8 zd_lsa_q2in,zd_lsa_q2mid,zd_lsa_q2out cdg real*8 zd_lsa_d1in,zd_lsa_d1mid,zd_lsa_d1out cdg real*8 zd_lsa_bpin,zd_lsa_bpout,zd_lsa_fp cdg parameter (zd_lsa_q1in = 232.575) ! cdg parameter (zd_lsa_q1mid = 10.0) ! cdg parameter (zd_lsa_q1out = 10.0) ! cdg parameter (zd_lsa_q2in = 111.15) ! cdg parameter (zd_lsa_q2mid = 10.0) ! cdg parameter (zd_lsa_q2out = 10.0) ! cdg parameter (zd_lsa_bpin = 61.519) ! cdg parameter (zd_lsa_d1in = 10.0) ! cdg parameter (zd_lsa_d1out = 10.0) ! cdg parameter (zd_lsa_bpout = 10.0) ! cdg parameter (zd_lsa_fp = 382.94) ! c C Local declarations. integer*4 chan/1/,n_classes logical first_time_here/.true./ real*8 dpp_recon,dth_recon,dph_recon !reconstructed quantities real*8 y_recon real*8 p !More kinematic variables. real*8 xt,yt !temporaries real*8 zdrift,x_transp,y_transp logical ok save !Remember it all! C ================================ Executable Code ============================= ! Initialize ok_spec to false ok_spec = .false. dflag = .false. shmsSTOP_trials = shmsSTOP_trials + 1 xt = th_spec !avoid 'unused variable' error for th_spec ! particle momentum dpps = dpp p = p_spec*(1.+dpps/100.) ! and the rest.... xs = x ys = y zs = z dxdzs = dxdz dydzs = dydz x_transp =xs y_transp =ys C Read in transport coefficients. Choose tune-dependent parameters. if (first_time_here) then if (spectr.eq.5) then z_off = 0.0 cdg z_off = z_off_ssa cdg zd_q1in = zd_ssa_q1in cdg zd_q1mid = zd_ssa_q1mid cdg zd_q1out = zd_ssa_q1out cdg zd_q2in = zd_ssa_q2in cdg zd_q2mid = zd_ssa_q2mid cdg zd_q2out = zd_ssa_q2out cdg zd_d1in = zd_ssa_d1in cdg zd_d1mid = zd_ssa_d1mid cdg zd_d1out = zd_ssa_d1out cdg zd_bpin = zd_ssa_bpin cdg zd_bpout = zd_ssa_bpout cdg zd_fp = zd_ssa_fp cdg zd_d1mid = zd_ssa_d1mid cdg zd_bpin = zd_ssa_bpin cdg zd_bpout = zd_ssa_bpout else write(6,*) 'LSA tune no longer in use!' stop cdg z_off = z_off_lsa cdg zd_q1in = zd_lsa_q1in cdg zd_q1mid = zd_lsa_q1mid cdg zd_q1out = zd_lsa_q1out cdg zd_q2in = zd_lsa_q2in cdg zd_q2mid = zd_lsa_q2mid cdg zd_q2out = zd_lsa_q2out cdg zd_d1in = zd_lsa_d1in cdg zd_d1mid = zd_lsa_d1mid cdg zd_d1out = zd_lsa_d1out cdg zd_bpin = zd_lsa_bpin cdg zd_bpout = zd_lsa_bpout cdg zd_fp = zd_lsa_fp endif cdg z_entr = 400.+ z_off !Front of fixed slit. cdg z_exit = z_entr + 10.0d0 !10.0 cm thick. call transp_init(spectr,n_classes) close (unit=chan) cdg if ( stop 'SHMS, wrong number of transport classes' if ( stop 'Bender-SHMS, wrong number of transport classes' first_time_here = .false. endif C------------------------------------------------------------------------------C C Top of Monte-Carlo loop C C------------------------------------------------------------------------------C C Begin transporting particle. C Do transformations, checking against apertures. Cdg No collimator for now. Add later ! Check front of fixed slit, at about 4.0 meter cdg zdrift = z_entr cdg call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay cdg if (abs(ys-y_off).gt.h_entr) then cdg shmsSTOP_slit_hor = shmsSTOP_slit_hor + 1 cdg goto 500 cdg endif cdg if (abs(xs-x_off).gt.v_entr) then cdg shmsSTOP_slit_vert = shmsSTOP_slit_vert + 1 cdg goto 500 cdg endif cdg if (abs(xs-x_off).gt. (-v_entr/h_entr*abs(ys-y_off)+3*v_entr/2)) then cdg shmsSTOP_slit_oct = shmsSTOP_slit_oct + 1 cdg goto 500 cdg endif ! Check back of fixed slit, at about 4.010 meter * write (6, *) 'I am at the back of the fixed slit' cdg zdrift = z_exit-z_entr cdg call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay cdg if (abs(ys-y_off).gt.h_exit) then cdg shmsSTOP_slit_hor = shmsSTOP_slit_hor + 1 cdg goto 500 cdg endif cdg if (abs(xs-x_off).gt.v_exit) then cdg shmsSTOP_slit_vert = shmsSTOP_slit_vert + 1 cdg goto 500 cdg endif cdg if (abs(xs-x_off).gt. (-v_exit/h_exit*abs(ys-y_off)+3*v_exit/2)) then cdg shmsSTOP_slit_oct = shmsSTOP_slit_oct + 1 cdg goto 500 cdg endif ! restore xs to values at pivot. Needed for sequential transformations xs = x_transp ys = y_transp C leave it this way for all the matrix transformations ! Go to Q1 IN mag bound. ! Note that this transformation includes the splitter * write (6, *) 'I am at Q1' call transp(spectr,1,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_q1in,pathlen) if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q1*r_Q1) then shmsSTOP_Q1_in = shmsSTOP_Q1_in + 1 goto 500 endif ! Check aperture at 1/2 of Q1. * write (6,*) 'I am 1/2 of the way through Q1' call transp(spectr,2,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_q1mid,pathlen) if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q1*r_Q1) then shmsSTOP_Q1_mid = shmsSTOP_Q1_mid + 1 goto 500 endif ! Go to Q1 OUT mag boundary. * write (6,*) 'leaving Q1' call transp(spectr,3,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_q1out,pathlen) if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q1*r_Q1) then shmsSTOP_Q1_out = shmsSTOP_Q1_out + 1 goto 500 endif ! Go to Q2 IN mag bound. * write (6,*) 'entering Q2' call transp(spectr,4,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_q2in,pathlen) if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q2*r_Q2) then shmsSTOP_Q2_in = shmsSTOP_Q2_in + 1 goto 500 endif ! Check aperture at 1/2 of Q2. call transp(spectr,5,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_q2mid,pathlen) if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q2*r_Q2) then shmsSTOP_Q2_mid = shmsSTOP_Q2_mid + 1 goto 500 endif ! Go to Q2 OUT mag boundary. call transp(spectr,6,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_q2out,pathlen) if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_Q2*r_Q2) then shmsSTOP_Q2_out = shmsSTOP_Q2_out + 1 goto 500 endif ! Go to Q3 IN mag bound. ! Aperture is a 30 cm pipe - same as d1 in old shms * write (6,*) 'entering Q3' call transp(spectr,7,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_q3in,pathlen) if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_D1*r_D1) then shmsSTOP_Q3_in = shmsSTOP_Q3_in + 1 goto 500 endif ! Check aperture at 1/2 of Q3. call transp(spectr,8,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_q3mid,pathlen) if ((xs*xs + ys*ys).gt.r_D1*r_D1) then shmsSTOP_Q3_mid = shmsSTOP_Q3_mid + 1 goto 500 endif !This colinear dipole is kind of a complicated beast. Below is a note from !Dave Potterveld (DHP) describing the relevant apertures !DHP: SHMS colinear dipole apertures !DHP: !DHP: Each aperture is a tilted offset circle of 30 cm radius. !DHP: The X offset is the X coordinate of !DHP: the center of the circle in the standard SHMS coordinates, with X !DHP: orthogonal to the (curved) central ray, and pointing towards the floor. !DHP: Z is the direction of the central ray, and Y, parallel to the lab floor, !DHP: forms a right handed coordinate system. !DHP: !DHP: The tilt angle is the angle the circle is rotated about the Y axis. !DHP: Positive angles mean you would stub your toe before hitting your head. !DHP: !DHP: Aperture X offset (cm) Tilt angle (deg) !DHP: ------------------------------------------------- !DHP: 1 Q3/DIP 8.3626423 -9.1321001 !DHP: 2 DIPOLE 0.7486990 -8.0823002 !DHP: 3 DIPOLE -5.1099238 -5.1431999 !DHP: 4 DIPOLE -8.1272335 -1.7112000 !DHP: 5 DIPOLE -8.1141739 1.7406000 !DHP: 6 DIPOLE -5.0727034 5.1682000 !DHP: 7 DIPOLE 0.8021493 8.0931997 !DHP: 8 Yoke exit 8.4129658 9.1112003 !DHP: ------------------------------------------------- ! Go to Q3-Dipole transition. call transp(spectr,9,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_q3d1trans,pathlen) xt=xs yt=ys call rotate_haxis(9.1321001,xt,yt) xt = xt - 8.3626423 if ((xt*xt + yt*yt).gt.r_D1*r_D1) then shmsSTOP_D1_in = shmsSTOP_D1_in + 1 goto 500 endif ! Go to D1 IN mechanical boundary. Kind of. ! Find intersection with rotated aperture plane. ! Aperture has elliptical form. call transp(spectr,10,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_d1mid1,pathlen) xt=xs yt=ys call rotate_haxis(8.0823002,xt,yt) xt = xt - 0.7486990 if ((xt*xt + yt*yt).gt.r_D1*r_D1) then shmsSTOP_D1_mid1 = shmsSTOP_D1_mid1 + 1 goto 500 endif ! Go to Dipole interior 2 ! Find intersection with rotated aperture plane. call transp(spectr,11,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_d1mid2,pathlen) xt=xs yt=ys call rotate_haxis(5.1431999,xt,yt) xt = xt +5.1099238 if ((xt*xt + yt*yt).gt.r_D1*r_D1) then shmsSTOP_D1_mid2 = shmsSTOP_D1_mid2 + 1 goto 500 endif ! Go to dipole interior 3 call transp(spectr,12,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_d1mid3,pathlen) xt=xs yt=ys call rotate_haxis(1.7112,xt,yt) xt = xt +8.1272335 if ((xt*xt + yt*yt).gt.r_D1*r_D1) then shmsSTOP_D1_mid3 = shmsSTOP_D1_mid3 + 1 goto 500 endif ! Go to dipole interior 4 call transp(spectr,13,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_d1mid4,pathlen) xt=xs yt=ys call rotate_haxis(-1.7406,xt,yt) xt = xt +8.1141739 if ((xt*xt + yt*yt).gt.r_D1*r_D1) then shmsSTOP_D1_mid4 = shmsSTOP_D1_mid4 + 1 goto 500 endif ! Go to dipole interior 5 call transp(spectr,14,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_d1mid5,pathlen) xt=xs yt=ys call rotate_haxis(-5.16820,xt,yt) xt = xt +5.072703 if ((xt*xt + yt*yt).gt.r_D1*r_D1) then shmsSTOP_D1_mid5 = shmsSTOP_D1_mid5 + 1 goto 500 endif ! Go to diple interior 6 call transp(spectr,15,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_d1mid6,pathlen) xt=xs yt=ys call rotate_haxis(-8.0931997,xt,yt) xt = xt - 0.8021493 if ((xt*xt + yt*yt).gt.r_D1*r_D1) then shmsSTOP_D1_mid6 = shmsSTOP_D1_mid6 + 1 goto 500 endif ! Go to D1 OUT mechanical boundary. ! Find intersection with rotated aperture plane. call transp(spectr,16,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_d1out,pathlen) xt=xs yt=ys call rotate_haxis(-9.1112003,xt,yt) xt = xt - 8.4129658 if ((xt*xt + yt*yt).gt.r_D1*r_D1) then shmsSTOP_D1_out = shmsSTOP_D1_out + 1 goto 500 endif ! Go to end of field map call transp(spectr,17,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_magout,pathlen) ! Transport to focal plane. call transp(spectr,n_classes,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,zd_fp,pathlen) cdg! For the LSA tune, the focal plane is 1m sooner, so project 1m forward cdg! so that we start at same place w.r.t. detectors in mc_shms_hut.f cdg if (spectr.eq.6) then !SSA tune cdg zdrift = 100. cdg call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay cdg endif C For this tune, the focal plane is approximately at the 6 cm beyond the first drift chamber C This means we need to project ~34 cm further to be at "z=0" for mc_shms_hut C i.e., halfway between each drift chamber zdrift = 33.36 call project(xs,ys,zdrift,decay_flag,dflag,m2,p,pathlen) !project and decay C If we get this far, the particle is in the hut. * write (6,*) 'here I am and the particle has made it into the hut' shmsSTOP_hut = shmsSTOP_hut + 1 C and track through the detector hut call mc_shms_hut(m2,p,x_fp,dx_fp,y_fp,dy_fp,ms_flag,wcs_flag, > decay_flag,dflag,resmult,ok,0.0,pathlen,cerflag) if (.not. ok) goto 500 C for mc_shms_hut, the 'focal' plane is for the SSA tune. LSA is 100cm forward. cdg if (spectr.eq.6) then cdg x_fp = x_fp - 100.*dxdzs cdg y_fp = y_fp - 100.*dydzs cdg endif C Need to project from "xfp,yfp" at drift chambers back to real focal plane x_fp = x_fp - 33.36*dx_fp y_fp = y_fp - 33.36*dy_fp xs = x_fp ys = y_fp dxdzs = dx_fp dydzs = dy_fp C Reconstruct target quantities. c write (6,*) 'I am about to enter the reconstruction file',spectr call mc_shms_recon(dpp_recon,dth_recon,dph_recon,y_recon,fry,spectr) C Fill output to return to main code * write (6,*) 'I am filling the output to return to main code' dpp = dpp_recon dxdz = dph_recon C Apply by-hand correction to dth_recon dth_recon = dth_recon + ( -0.25176E-04 +0.52606E-03*dpps + 1 (-0.53025E-05)*dpps**2 + 0.39190E-07*dpps**3) dydz = dth_recon y = y_recon ok_spec = 1. shmsSTOP_successes = shmsSTOP_successes + 1 C We are done with this event, whether GOOD or BAD. 500 continue C ALL done! end