subroutine trip_thru_target (narm, zpos, energy, theta, Eloss, radlen, & mass, typeflag) implicit none include '' integer narm integer typeflag !1=generate eloss, 2=min, 3=max, 4=most probable real*8 zpos, energy, mass, theta real*8 Eloss, radlen real*8 forward_path, side_path real*8 s_target, s_Al, s_kevlar, s_air, s_mylar ! distances travelled real*8 Eloss_target, Eloss_Al,Eloss_air ! energy losses real*8 Eloss_kevlar,Eloss_mylar ! (temporary) real*8 z_can,t,atmp,btmp,ctmp,costmp,th_can !for the pudding-can target. logical liquid s_Al = 0.0 liquid = if (abs(zpos) .gt. (targ.length/2.+1.d-5)) then write(6,*) 'call to trip_thru_target has |zpos| > targ.length/2.' write(6,*) 'could be numerical error, or could be error in target offset' write(6,*) 'zpos=',zpos,' targ.length/2.=',targ.length/2. endif ! Which particle are we interested in? goto (10,20,30) narm ! The incoming electron 10 continue s_target = (targ.length/2. + zpos) / abs(cos(targ.angle)) if (liquid) then !liquid target if (targ.can .eq. 1) then !beer can (2.8 mil endcap) s_Al = s_Al + 0.0028*inch_cm else if (targ.can .eq. 2) then !pudding can (5 mil Al, for now) s_Al = s_Al + 0.0050*inch_cm endif endif ! ... compute distance in radiation lengths and energy loss radlen = s_target/targ.X0_cm + s_Al/X0_cm_Al call enerloss_new(s_target,targ.rho,targ.Z,targ.A,energy,mass, & typeflag,Eloss_target) call enerloss_new(s_Al,rho_Al,Z_Al,A_Al,energy,mass,typeflag,Eloss_Al) Eloss = Eloss_target + Eloss_Al return ! The scattered electron ! ... compute distances travelled assuming HMS (SOS) ! ...... 16.0 (8.0) mil of Al-foil for the target chamber exit foil ! ......~15 cm air between scattering chamber and spectrometer vacuum ! ...... 15.0 (5.0) mil of kevlar + 5.0 (3.0) mil mylar for the ! ...... spectrometer entrance foil ! ...... ASSUMES liquid targets are 2.65" wide, and have 5.0 mil Al side walls. ! ... compute distances travelled assuming HRS (E. Schulte thesis) ! ...... 13.0 mil of Al-foil for the target chamber exit foil ! ...... WILD GUESS: ~15 cm air between scattering chamber and HRS vacuum ! ...... 10.0 mil of Kapton for spectrometer entrance (Use mylar, since ! ..... X0=28.6cm for Kapton, X0=28.7cm for Mylar) ! ...... ASSUMES liquid targets are 2.65" wide, and have 5.0 mil Al side walls. ! ... For SHMS, use SOS windows for now (just a space filler for now). 20 continue if (electron_arm.eq.1) then !electron is in HMS s_Al = 0.016*inch_cm s_air = 15 s_kevlar = 0.015*inch_cm s_mylar = 0.005*inch_cm forward_path = (targ.length/2.-zpos) / abs(cos(theta+targ.angle)) else if (electron_arm.eq.2) then !SOS s_Al = 0.008*inch_cm s_air = 15 s_kevlar = 0.005*inch_cm s_mylar = 0.003*inch_cm forward_path = (targ.length/2.-zpos) / abs(cos(theta-targ.angle)) else if (electron_arm.eq.3) then !HRS-R s_Al = 0.013*inch_cm s_air = 15 s_kevlar = 0.*inch_cm s_mylar = 0.010*inch_cm forward_path = (targ.length/2.-zpos) / abs(cos(theta-targ.angle)) else if (electron_arm.eq.4) then !HRS-L s_Al = 0.013*inch_cm s_air = 15 s_kevlar = 0.*inch_cm s_mylar = 0.010*inch_cm forward_path = (targ.length/2.-zpos) / abs(cos(theta-targ.angle)) else if (electron_arm.eq.5 .or. electron_arm.eq.6) then !SHMS s_Al = 0.008*inch_cm s_air = 15 s_kevlar = 0.005*inch_cm s_mylar = 0.003*inch_cm forward_path = (targ.length/2.-zpos) / abs(cos(theta-targ.angle)) endif s_target = forward_path if (liquid) then if (targ.can .eq. 1) then !beer can side_path = 1.325*inch_cm / abs(sin(theta)) if ( then s_Al = s_Al + 0.005*inch_cm / abs(cos(theta)) else s_target = side_path s_Al = s_Al + 0.005*inch_cm / abs(sin(theta)) endif else if (targ.can .eq. 2) then !pudding can (5 mil Al, for now) ! this is ugly. Solve for z position where particle intersects can. The ! pathlength is then (z_intersect - z_scatter)/cos(theta) ! Angle from center to z_intersect is acos(z_intersect/R). Therefore the ! angle between the particle and wall is pi/2 - (theta - theta_intersect) t=tan(theta)**2 atmp=1+t btmp=-2*zpos*t ctmp=zpos**2*t-(targ.length/2.)**2 z_can=(-btmp+sqrt(btmp**2-4.*atmp*ctmp))/2./atmp side_path = (z_can - zpos)/abs(cos(theta)) s_target = side_path costmp=z_can/(targ.length/2.) if (abs(costmp).le.1) then th_can=acos(z_can/(targ.length/2.)) else if (abs(costmp-1.).le.0.000001) then th_can=0. !extreme_trip_thru_target can give z/R SLIGHTLY>1.0 else stop 'z_can > can radius in target.f !!!' endif s_Al = s_Al + 0.0050*inch_cm/abs(sin(target_pi/2 - (theta - th_can))) endif endif ! ... compute distance in radiation lengths and energy loss radlen = s_target/targ.X0_cm + s_Al/X0_cm_Al + s_air/X0_cm_air + > s_kevlar/X0_cm_kevlar + s_mylar/X0_cm_mylar call enerloss_new(s_target,targ.rho,targ.Z,targ.A,energy,mass, & typeflag,Eloss_target) call enerloss_new(s_Al,rho_Al,Z_Al,A_Al,energy,mass,typeflag,Eloss_Al) call enerloss_new(s_air,rho_air,Z_air,A_air,energy,mass,typeflag, & Eloss_air) call enerloss_new(s_kevlar,rho_kevlar,Z_kevlar,A_kevlar,energy, & mass,typeflag,Eloss_kevlar) call enerloss_new(s_mylar,rho_mylar,Z_mylar,A_mylar,energy,mass, & typeflag,Eloss_mylar) Eloss = Eloss_target + Eloss_Al + Eloss_air + Eloss_kevlar + Eloss_mylar return ! The scattered proton 30 continue if (hadron_arm.eq.1) then !proton in HMS s_Al = 0.016*inch_cm s_air = 15 s_kevlar = 0.015*inch_cm s_mylar = 0.005*inch_cm forward_path = (targ.length/2.-zpos) / abs(cos(theta+targ.angle)) else if (hadron_arm.eq.2) then !SOS s_Al = 0.008*inch_cm s_air = 15 s_kevlar = 0.005*inch_cm s_mylar = 0.003*inch_cm forward_path = (targ.length/2.-zpos) / abs(cos(theta-targ.angle)) else if (hadron_arm.eq.3) then !HRS-R s_Al = 0.013*inch_cm s_air = 15 s_kevlar = 0.*inch_cm s_mylar = 0.010*inch_cm forward_path = (targ.length/2.-zpos) / abs(cos(theta-targ.angle)) else if (hadron_arm.eq.4) then !HRS-L ! if (abs(zpos/targ.length).lt.0.00001) write(6,*) 'SOMEONE LEFT THE SAFETY WINDOW IN SIMC!!!!!!!' ! s_Al = 0.125*inch_cm s_Al = 0.013*inch_cm s_air = 15 s_kevlar = 0.*inch_cm s_mylar = 0.010*inch_cm forward_path = (targ.length/2.-zpos) / abs(cos(theta-targ.angle)) else if (hadron_arm.eq.5 .or. hadron_arm.eq.6) then !SHMS s_Al = 0.008*inch_cm s_air = 15 s_kevlar = 0.005*inch_cm s_mylar = 0.003*inch_cm forward_path = (targ.length/2.-zpos) / abs(cos(theta-targ.angle)) endif s_target = forward_path if (liquid) then if (targ.can .eq. 1) then !beer can side_path = 1.325*inch_cm/ abs(sin(theta)) if ( then s_Al = s_Al + 0.005*inch_cm / abs(cos(theta)) else s_target = side_path s_Al = s_Al + 0.005*inch_cm / abs(sin(theta)) endif else if (targ.can .eq. 2) then !pudding can (5 mil Al, for now) ! this is ugly. Solve for z position where particle intersects can. The ! pathlength is then (z_intersect - z_scatter)/cos(theta) ! Angle from center to z_intersect is acos(z_intersect/R). Therefore the ! angle between the particle and wall is pi/2 - (theta - theta_intersect) t=tan(theta)**2 atmp=1+t btmp=-2*zpos*t ctmp=zpos**2*t-(targ.length/2.)**2 z_can=(-btmp+sqrt(btmp**2-4.*atmp*ctmp))/2./atmp side_path = (z_can - zpos)/abs(cos(theta)) s_target = side_path costmp=z_can/(targ.length/2.) if (abs(costmp).le.1) then th_can=acos(z_can/(targ.length/2.)) else if (abs(costmp-1.).le.0.000001) then th_can=0. !extreme_trip_thru_target can give z/R SLIGHTLY>1.0 else stop 'z_can > can radius in target.f !!!' endif s_Al = s_Al + 0.0050*inch_cm/abs(sin(target_pi/2 - (theta - th_can))) endif endif ! ... compute energy losses radlen = s_target/targ.X0_cm + s_Al/X0_cm_Al + s_air/X0_cm_air + > s_kevlar/X0_cm_kevlar + s_mylar/X0_cm_mylar call enerloss_new(s_target,targ.rho,targ.Z,targ.A,energy,mass, & typeflag,Eloss_target) call enerloss_new(s_Al,rho_Al,Z_Al,A_Al,energy,mass,typeflag,Eloss_Al) call enerloss_new(s_air,rho_air,Z_air,A_air,energy,mass,typeflag, & Eloss_air) call enerloss_new(s_kevlar,rho_kevlar,Z_kevlar,A_kevlar,energy,mass, & typeflag,Eloss_kevlar) call enerloss_new(s_mylar,rho_mylar,Z_mylar,A_mylar,energy,mass, & typeflag,Eloss_mylar) Eloss=Eloss_target+Eloss_Al+Eloss_air+Eloss_kevlar+Eloss_mylar return end !----------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine extreme_trip_thru_target(ebeam, the, thp, pe, pp, z, m) implicit none include '' include '' structure /limits/ real*8 min, max end structure record /limits/ the, thp, pe, pp, z, betap integer i real*8 th_corner, th_corner_min, th_corner_max real*8 E1, E2, E3, E4, t1, t2, t3, t4 real*8 zz, th1, th2, m real*8 ebeam, energymin, energymax logical liquid real*8 zero parameter (zero=0.0d0) !double precision zero for subroutine calls !Given limiting values for the electron/proton angles, the z-position in the !target, and beta for the proton, determine min and max losses in target (and !corresponding amounts of material traversed) This procedure requires knowledge !of the shape of the target, of course, that's why I've put it in here! !Bothering to compute this at all, given that it's going to be used for slop !limits, just proves what a glowing example of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder at !work i truly am. liquid = ! Incoming electron call trip_thru_target(1, z.max, ebeam, zero, targ.Eloss(1).max, & targ.teff(1).max, Me, 3) call trip_thru_target(1, z.min, ebeam, zero, targ.Eloss(1).min, & targ.teff(1).min, Me, 2) ! Scattered electron C Above a few MeV, the energy loss increases as a function of electron C energy, so for any energies we're dealing the max(min) energy loss should C correspond to the max(min) spectrometer energy. Note that this isn't C the perfect range, but it's easier than reproducing the generated limits here energymin=pe.min energymax=pe.max ! ... solid target is infinitely wide if (.not.liquid) then call trip_thru_target(2, z.min, energymax, the.max, & targ.Eloss(2).max, targ.teff(2).max, Me, 3) call trip_thru_target(2, z.max, energymin, the.min, & targ.Eloss(2).min, targ.teff(2).min, Me, 2) ! ... liquid else if (targ.can .eq. 1) then !beer can if ( then th_corner_max = target_pi/2. else th_corner_max = atan(1.25*inch_cm/(targ.length/2.-z.max)) endif th_corner_min = atan(1.25*inch_cm/(targ.length/2.-z.min)) ! ... max loss: do we have access to a corner shot? try a hair on either ! ... side, front or side walls could be thicker (too lazy to check!) if (th_corner_min.le.the.max .and. then th_corner = max(th_corner_min,the.min) zz = targ.length/2. - 1.25*inch_cm/tan(th_corner) th1 = th_corner-.0001 th2 = th_corner+.0001 else zz = z.min th1 = the.min th2 = the.max endif call trip_thru_target(2, zz, energymax, th1, E1, t1, Me, 3) call trip_thru_target(2, zz, energymax, th2, E2, t2, Me, 3) targ.Eloss(2).max = max(E1,E2) targ.teff(2).max = max(t1,t2) ! ........ min loss: try all possibilities (in min case, no way ! ........ an intermediate z or th will do the trick). targ.Eloss(2).min = 1.d10 do i = 0, 3 call trip_thru_target (2, z.min+int(i/2)*(z.max-z.min), energymin, > the.min+mod(i,2)*(the.max-the.min), E1, t1, Me, 2) if (E1 .lt. targ.Eloss(2).min) then targ.Eloss(2).min = E1 targ.teff(2).min = t1 endif enddo else if (targ.can .eq. 2) then !pudding can ! ... for pudding can, max loss occurs at lowest scattering angle, where ! ... the outgoing particle leaves the can at z=0. Therefore, take minimum ! ... scattering angle, project back from z=0, x=radius to get z_init. ! ... Minimum z_init is -radius. zz = -(targ.length/2.)/tan(the.min) zz = max (zz,(-targ.length/2.)) call trip_thru_target(2, zz, energymax, the.min, targ.Eloss(2).max, & targ.teff(2).max, Me, 3) ! ........ min loss: try all possibilities (in min case, no way ! ........ an intermediate z or th will do the trick). Actually, this ! ........ may not be true for the pudding can target, but I'm leaving the ! ........ code alone, for now. targ.Eloss(2).min = 1.d10 do i = 0, 3 call trip_thru_target (2, z.min+int(i/2)*(z.max-z.min), energymin, > the.min+mod(i,2)*(the.max-the.min), E1, t1, Me, 2) if (E1 .lt. targ.Eloss(2).min) then targ.Eloss(2).min = E1 targ.teff(2).min = t1 endif enddo endif ! Scattered proton. As you can see I'm sufficiently lazy to make ! the code work out whether high or low beta ! maximizes or minimizes loss ... always lower beta --> higher ! losses, it seems ! ... compute extreme energy values energymin = sqrt(pp.min**2 + m**2) energymax = sqrt(pp.max**2 + m**2) ! ... compute extreme betap values betap.min = pp.min / sqrt(pp.min**2 + m**2) betap.max = pp.max / sqrt(pp.max**2 + m**2) ! ... solid target is infinitely wide if (.not.liquid) then call trip_thru_target (3, z.min, energymin, thp.max, E1, t1, m, 3) call trip_thru_target (3, z.min, energymax, thp.max, E2, t2, m, 3) targ.Eloss(3).max = max(E1,E2) targ.teff(3).max = max(t1,t2) call trip_thru_target (3, z.max, energymin, thp.min, E1, t1, m, 2) call trip_thru_target (3, z.max, energymax, thp.min, E2, t2, m, 2) targ.Eloss(3).min = min(E1,E2) targ.teff(3).min = min(t1,t2) ! ... liquid else if (targ.can .eq. 1) then !beer can if (z.max .ge. targ.length/2.) then th_corner_max = target_pi/2. else th_corner_max = atan(1.25*inch_cm/(targ.length/2.-z.max)) endif th_corner_min = atan(1.25*inch_cm/(targ.length/2.-z.min)) ! ........ max loss: do we have access to a corner shot? ! ........ try a hair on either side, front or side walls could be ! thicker (too lazy to check!) if (th_corner_min.le.thp.max .and. then th_corner = max(th_corner_min,thp.min) zz = targ.length/2. - 1.25*inch_cm/tan(th_corner) th1 = th_corner-.0001 th2 = th_corner+.0001 else zz = z.min th1 = thp.min th2 = thp.max endif call trip_thru_target (3, zz, energymin, th1, E1, t1, m, 3) call trip_thru_target (3, zz, energymin, th2, E2, t2, m, 3) call trip_thru_target (3, zz, energymax, th1, E3, t3, m, 3) call trip_thru_target (3, zz, energymax, th2, E4, t4, m, 3) targ.Eloss(3).max = max(E1,E2,E3,E4) targ.teff(3).max = max(t1,t2,t3,t4) ! ........ min loss: try all possibilities (in min case, no way ! ........ an intermediate z or th will do the trick) targ.Eloss(3).min = 1.d10 do i = 0, 3 call trip_thru_target (3, z.min+int(i/2)*(z.max-z.min), energymin, > thp.min+mod(i,2)*(thp.max-thp.min), E1, t1, m, 2) if (E1 .lt. targ.Eloss(3).min) then targ.Eloss(3).min = E1 targ.teff(3).min = t1 zz = z.min+int(i/2)*(z.max-z.min) th1 = thp.min+mod(i,2)*(thp.max-thp.min) endif enddo call trip_thru_target (3, zz, energymax, th1, E1, t1, m, 2) targ.Eloss(3).min = min(targ.Eloss(3).min, E1) else if (targ.can .eq. 2) then !pudding can ! ... for pudding can, max loss occurs at lowest scattering angle, where ! ... the outgoing particle leaves the can at z=0. Therefore, take minimum ! ... scattering angle, project back from z=0, x=radius to get z_init. ! ... Minimum z_init is -radius. zz = -(targ.length/2.)/tan(the.min) zz = max (zz,(-targ.length/2.)) call trip_thru_target (3, zz, energymin, thp.min, E1, t1, m, 3) call trip_thru_target (3, zz, energymax, thp.min, E2, t2, m, 3) targ.Eloss(3).max = max(E1,E2) targ.teff(3).max = max(t1,t2) ! ........ min loss: try all possibilities (in min case, no way ! ........ an intermediate z or th will do the trick). This may be ! ........ wrong for the pudding can targ. Check it out later. targ.Eloss(3).min = 1.d10 do i = 0, 3 call trip_thru_target (3, z.min+int(i/2)*(z.max-z.min), energymin, > thp.min+mod(i,2)*(thp.max-thp.min), E1, t1, m, 2) if (E1 .lt. targ.Eloss(3).min) then targ.Eloss(3).min = E1 targ.teff(3).min = t1 zz = z.min+int(i/2)*(z.max-z.min) th1 = thp.min+mod(i,2)*(thp.max-thp.min) endif enddo call trip_thru_target (3, zz, energymax, th1, E1, t1, m, 2) targ.Eloss(3).min = min(targ.Eloss(3).min, E1) endif *JRA*! Extreme multiple scattering *JRA* *JRA*! ........ don't consider multiple scattering of incoming electron *JRA* targ.musc_max(1) = 0. ! Extreme multiple scattering. Use nominal beam energy rather than minimum ! (should be close enough) call extreme_target_musc(ebeam,1.d0, > targ.teff(1).max,targ.musc_max(1),targ.musc_nsig_max) call extreme_target_musc(pe.min,1.d0, > targ.teff(2).max,targ.musc_max(2),targ.musc_nsig_max) call extreme_target_musc(pp.min,betap.min, > targ.teff(3).max,targ.musc_max(3),targ.musc_nsig_max) return end !------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine target_musc(p,beta,teff,dangles) implicit none real*8 Es, epsilon, nsig_max parameter (Es = 13.6) !MeV parameter (epsilon = 0.088) parameter (nsig_max = 3.5) real*8 p, beta, teff, dangles(2), dangle, r real*8 theta_sigma real*8 gauss1 if ( write(6,*) > 'Momentum passed to target_musc should be in MeV, but p=',p ! Compute rms value for planar scattering angle distribution, cf. PDB ! Note teff is thickness of material, in radiation lengths. theta_sigma = Es/p/beta * sqrt(teff) * (1+epsilon*log10(teff)) ! Compute scattering angles in perpendicular planes. ! Generate two Gaussian numbers BELOW nsig_max. dangles(1) = theta_sigma * gauss1(nsig_max) dangles(2) = theta_sigma * gauss1(nsig_max) return ! Return info about extreme multiple scattering entry extreme_target_musc(p, beta, teff, dangle, r) theta_sigma = Es/p/beta * sqrt(teff) * (1+epsilon*log10(teff)) dangle = theta_sigma * nsig_max r = nsig_max return end