(file) Return to evfile.msg CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / Analyzer / CODA

 1 saw   1.1 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 2           !  Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
 3           !                          Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
 4           ! 
 5           !  This software was developed under a United States Government license
 6           !  described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
 7           ! 
 8           !  CEBAF Data Acquisition Group, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
 9           !  Email: coda@cebaf.gov  Tel: (804) 249-7101  Fax: (804) 249-7363
10           ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11           !  
12           !  Description:
13           ! 	Error message definitions for the Slow Controls package.
14           ! 	
15           !  Author:  Chip Watson, CEBAF Data Acquisition Group
16           ! 
17           !  Revision History:
18           !    $Log:	evfile.msg,v $
19           !    Revision 1.1  94/03/15  11:57:29  11:57:29  heyes (Graham Heyes)
20           !    Initial revision
21           !    
22 saw   1.1 ! Revision 1.1  1992/07/08  18:28:20  watson
23           ! Initial revision
24           !
25           ! 
27           .warn
28           TRUNC		1   	Event truncated on read
29           BADBLOCK    	2   	Bad block number encountered
31           .error
32           BADHANDLE	1	Bad handle (file/stream not open)
33           ALLOCFAIL	2	Failed to allocate event I/O structure
34           BADFILE	    	3	File format error
35           UNKOPTION	4	Unknown option specified
36           UNXPTDEOF	5	Unexpected end of file while reading event
37           BADSIZEREQ	6	Invalid buffer size request to evIoct

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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