(file) Return to daVarHandlers.c CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / Analyzer / CTP

  1 saw   1.1 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2            * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
  3            *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
  4            *
  5            * This software was developed under a United States Government license
  6            * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
  7            *
  8            * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
  9            * Email: saw@cebaf.gov  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
 10            *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 11            * 
 12            * Description:
 13            *  Handlers for RPC services.
 14            *	
 15            * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
 16            *
 17            * Revision History:
 18            *   $Log: daVarHandlers.c,v $
 19            *	  Revision 1.7  1995/01/09  15:59:53  saw
 20            *	  Move location of kill_trailing function in the file
 21            *
 22 saw   1.1  *	  Revision 1.6  1994/11/07  14:13:49  saw
 23            *	  Finish name change by include daVarHandlers.h instead of daVarServ.h
 24            *
 25            *	  Revision 1.5  1994/10/16  21:37:57  saw
 26            *	  Add RPC support for Fortran strings
 27            *	  Change name from daVarServ to daVarHandlers
 28            *
 29            *	  Revision 1.4  1994/06/03  21:04:45  saw
 30            *	  Add RPC support for doubles
 31            *
 32            *	  Revision 1.3  1993/08/12  15:03:49  saw
 33            *	  Add #include <rpc/rpc.h>
 34            *
 35            *	  Revision 1.2  1993/05/10  21:05:05  saw
 36            *	  Fix description
 37            *
 38            *	  Revision 1.1  1993/05/10  21:02:55  saw
 39            *	  Initial revision
 40            *
 41           */
 43 saw   1.1 /*
 44           If an index is put on a variable for a read, just that array element is read.
 45           If an index is put on a variable for a write, that array element is used as
 46           the starting point for however long a list of values is contained in the
 47           write call.  If the write  would go past the end of the array, nothing is
 48           written and an error is returned.
 50           A write of a string to a value (of the type string) will be allowed if the
 51           string to be written has a length <= to the allocated size specified in
 52           the ->size.
 54           If a string is written to a title, the existing string will be free'd and
 55           the new string written.  The new string may be any size.
 57           */
 59           #include <string.h>
 60           #include <rpc/rpc.h>
 62           #include "daVar.h"
 63           #include "daVarRpc.h"
 64 saw   1.1 #include "daVarHandlers.h"
 66           char *daVarRAtrList[]={"value","title","size","flag","type","watr","ratr",0};
 67           char *daVarWAtrList[]={"value","title",0};
 70           daVarStatus daVarClassFind(char *name, daVarStruct **varp);
 71           daVarStatus daVarAttributeFind(char *name, daVarStruct *varclass,
 72           			       daVarStruct **varp, char **attribute,
 73           			       int *index);
 74           void daVarRhandler(char *name, daVarStruct *varclass, any *retval);
 75           daVarStatus daVarWhandler(char *name,daVarStruct *varclass,any *setval);
 76           char *daVarMakeRAtrList();
 77           char *daVarMakeWAtrList();
 78           void daVarCopyAlist(char *nllist,char **list);
 80           static char *kill_trailing(char *s, char t)
 81           {
 82             char *e; 
 83             e = s + strlen(s);
 84             if (e>s) {                           /* Need this to handle NULL string.*/
 85 saw   1.1     while (e>s && *--e==t);            /* Don't follow t's past beginning. */
 86               e[*e==t?0:1] = '\0';               /* Handle s[0]=t correctly.       */
 87             }
 88             return s;
 89           }
 91           daVarStatus daVarWriteVar(char *name, any *setval)
 92           {
 93             daVarStruct *varclass;
 95             if(daVarClassFind(name,&varclass)!=S_SUCCESS){
 96               return(S_FAILURE);
 98             }
 99             if(varclass->whook){
100               return((varclass->whook)(name,varclass,setval));
101             } else {
102               return(daVarWhandler(name,varclass,setval));
103             }
104           }
106 saw   1.1 
107           void daVarReadVar(char *name, any *retval)
108           {
109             daVarStruct *varclass;
111             if(daVarClassFind(name,&varclass)!=S_SUCCESS){
112               retval->valtype = DAVARERROR_RPC;
113               retval->any_u.error = S_FAILURE;
114               return;
115             }
116             if(varclass->rhook){
117               (varclass->rhook)(name,varclass,retval);
118             } else {
119               daVarRhandler(name,varclass,retval);
120             }
121           }
123           daVarStatus daVarWhandler(char *name,daVarStruct *varclass,any *setval)
124           /* The default Write handler */
125           {
126             daVarStruct *varp;
127 saw   1.1   char *attribute;
128             daVarStatus status;
129             int index;
131             status = daVarAttributeFind(name, varclass, &varp, &attribute, &index);
132             if(status == S_SUCCESS)
133               status = daVarRegWatr(varp, attribute, index, setval);
134             /* A special handler would check more attributes if status != SUCCESS */
135             return(status);
136           }
138           void daVarRhandler(char *name, daVarStruct *varclass, any *retval)
139           /* The default Read handler */
140           {
141             daVarStruct *varp;
142             char *attribute;
143             daVarStatus status;
144             int index;
146             status = daVarAttributeFind(name, varclass, &varp, &attribute, &index);
147             status = daVarRegRatr(varp, attribute, index, retval);
148 saw   1.1   /* A special handler would check more attributes if status != SUCCESS */
149             return;
150           }
152           daVarStatus daVarRegRatr(daVarStruct *varp, char *attribute
153           			 ,int index, any *retval)
154           /* Regular Read Attribute routine.  Returns failure if attribute is not
155              of the standard set. */
156           {
157             int i;
159             if(*attribute == '\0' || strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_VALUE) == 0){
160               if(varp->type == DAVARINT){
161                 retval->valtype = DAVARINT_RPC;
162                 if(index ==  DAVAR_NOINDEX) {
163           	retval->any_u.i.i_len = varp->size;
164           	retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(int));
165           	for(i=0;i<varp->size;i++) {
166           	  retval->any_u.i.i_val[i] = ((DAINT *)varp->varptr)[i];
167           	  /*	printf("%d %d\n",i,retval->any_u.i.i_val[i]);*/
168           	}
169 saw   1.1       } else {
170           	retval->any_u.i.i_len = 1;
171           	retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
172           	retval->any_u.i.i_val[0] = ((DAINT *)varp->varptr)[index];
173                 }
174               } else if(varp->type == DAVARFLOAT){
175                 retval->valtype = DAVARFLOAT_RPC;
176                 if(index ==  DAVAR_NOINDEX) {
177           	retval->any_u.r.r_len = varp->size;
178           	retval->any_u.r.r_val = (float *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(float));
179           	for(i=0;i<varp->size;i++) {
180           	  retval->any_u.r.r_val[i] = ((DAFLOAT *)varp->varptr)[i];
181           	  /*	printf("%d %f\n",i,retval->any_u.r.r_val[i]);*/
182           	}
183                 } else {
184           	retval->any_u.r.r_len = 1;
185           	retval->any_u.r.r_val = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float));
186           	retval->any_u.r.r_val[0] = ((DAFLOAT *)varp->varptr)[index];
187                 }
188               } else if(varp->type == DAVARDOUBLE){
189                 /* Return a float type for now since doubles don't work with our RPC */
190 saw   1.1       retval->valtype = DAVARFLOAT_RPC;
191                 if(index ==  DAVAR_NOINDEX) {
192           	retval->any_u.r.r_len = varp->size;
193           	retval->any_u.r.r_val = (float *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(float));
194           	for(i=0;i<varp->size;i++) {
195           	  retval->any_u.r.r_val[i] = ((DADOUBLE *)varp->varptr)[i];
196           /*	  printf("%d %f\n",i,retval->any_u.r.r_val[i]);*/
197           	}
198                 } else {
199           	retval->any_u.r.r_len = 1;
200           	retval->any_u.r.r_val = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float));
201           	retval->any_u.r.r_val[0] = ((DADOUBLE *)varp->varptr)[index];
202                 }
203               } else if(varp->type == DAVARSTRING && index == DAVAR_NOINDEX){
204                 /* indices to strings not supported */
205                 retval->valtype = DAVARSTRING_RPC;
206                 retval->any_u.s = (char *) malloc(strlen((char *)varp->varptr) + 1);
207                 strcpy(retval->any_u.s,(char *)varp->varptr);
208                 /*      printf("%s\n",retval->any_u.s);*/
209               } else if(varp->type == DAVARFSTRING && index == DAVAR_NOINDEX){
210                 retval->valtype = DAVARSTRING_RPC;
211 saw   1.1       retval->any_u.s = (char *) malloc(varp->size+1);
212                 strncpy(retval->any_u.s,(char *)varp->varptr,varp->size);
213                 retval->any_u.s[varp->size] = '\0';
214                 kill_trailing(retval->any_u.s,' ');
215               } else {
216                 retval->valtype = DAVARERROR_RPC;
217                 retval->any_u.error = S_SUCCESS;
218               }
219               return(S_SUCCESS);
220             } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_TITLE) == 0){
221               retval->valtype = DAVARSTRING_RPC;
222               retval->any_u.s = (char *) malloc(strlen(varp->title) + 1);
223               strcpy(retval->any_u.s,varp->title);
224               /*    printf("%s\n",retval->any_u.s);*/
225               return(S_SUCCESS);
226             } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_SIZE) == 0){
227               retval->valtype = DAVARINT_RPC;
228               retval->any_u.i.i_len = 1;
229               retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
230               retval->any_u.i.i_val[0] = varp->size;
231               return(S_SUCCESS);
232 saw   1.1   } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_TYPE) == 0){
233               retval->valtype = DAVARINT_RPC;
234               retval->any_u.i.i_len = 1;
235               retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
236               retval->any_u.i.i_val[0] = varp->type;
237               return(S_SUCCESS);
238             } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_FLAG) == 0){
239               retval->valtype = DAVARINT_RPC;
240               retval->any_u.i.i_len = 1;
241               retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
242               retval->any_u.i.i_val[0] = varp->flag;
243               return(S_SUCCESS);
244             } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_WATR) == 0){
245               retval->valtype = DAVARSTRING_RPC;
246               retval->any_u.s = daVarMakeWAtrList();
247               return(S_SUCCESS);
248             } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_RATR) == 0){
249               retval->valtype = DAVARSTRING_RPC;
250               retval->any_u.s = daVarMakeRAtrList();
251               return(S_SUCCESS);
252             } else {
253 saw   1.1     retval->valtype = DAVARERROR_RPC;
254               retval->any_u.error = S_DAVAR_UNKATTR; /* Why success??? */
255               return(S_DAVAR_UNKATTR);
256             }
257           }  
259           char *daVarMakeRAtrList()
260                /* Caller must free up the allocated memory */
261           {
262             static int listsize=0;
263             char *nllist;
265             if(listsize==0) listsize=daVarGetAListSize(daVarRAtrList);
266             nllist = (char *) malloc(listsize+1);
267             daVarCopyAlist(nllist,daVarRAtrList);	/* Copy to \n delineated list */
268             return(nllist);
269           }
270           char *daVarMakeWAtrList()
271                /* Caller must free up the allocated memory */
272           {
273             static int listsize=0;
274 saw   1.1   char *nllist;
276             if(listsize==0) listsize=daVarGetAListSize(daVarWAtrList);
277             nllist = (char *) malloc(listsize+1);
278             daVarCopyAlist(nllist,daVarWAtrList);
279             return(nllist);
280           }
281           int daVarGetAListSize(char **list)
282           {
283             int len;
284             len = 0;
285             while(*list) len += strlen(*list++)+1;
286             return(len);
287           }
288           void daVarCopyAlist(char *nllist,char **list)
289           {
290             char *nlp;
291             char *lp;
293             nlp = nllist;
294             while(lp=*list++){
295 saw   1.1     while(*nlp = *lp++) nlp++;
296               *nlp++ = '\n';
297             }
298             *nlp = '\0';
299           }
301           daVarStatus daVarRegWatr(daVarStruct *varp, char *attribute
302           			 , int index, any *setval)
303           /* Regular Write Attribute routine.  Returns failure if attribute is not
304              of the standard set. */
305           {
306             int i;
309             if(*attribute == '\0' || strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_VALUE) == 0){
310               if(index == DAVAR_NOINDEX) index = 0;
311               if(setval->valtype == DAVARINT_RPC) {
312                 if(varp->size >= setval->any_u.i.i_len+index){
313           	if(varp->type == DAVARINT){
314           	  for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.i.i_len;i++){
315           	    ((DAINT *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = setval->any_u.i.i_val[i];
316 saw   1.1 	  }
317           	} else if(varp->type == DAVARFLOAT){
318           	  for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.i.i_len;i++){
319           	    ((DAFLOAT *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = setval->any_u.i.i_val[i];
320           	  }
321           	} else if(varp->type == DAVARDOUBLE){
322           	  for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.i.i_len;i++){
323           	    ((DADOUBLE *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = setval->any_u.i.i_val[i];
324           	  }
325           	} else
326           	  return(S_DAVAR_ILLCONV);
327                 } else
328           	return(S_DAVAR_TOOMANY);
329                 } else if(setval->valtype == DAVARFLOAT_RPC) {
330           	if(varp->size >= setval->any_u.r.r_len+index){
331           	  if(varp->type == DAVARINT){
332           	    for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.r.r_len;i++){
333           	      ((DAINT *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = floatToLong(setval->any_u.r.r_val[i]);
334           	    }
335           	  } else if(varp->type == DAVARFLOAT){
336           	    for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.r.r_len;i++){
337 saw   1.1 	      ((DAFLOAT *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = setval->any_u.r.r_val[i];
338           	    }
339           	  } else if(varp->type == DAVARDOUBLE){
340           	    for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.r.r_len;i++){
341           	      ((DADOUBLE *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = setval->any_u.r.r_val[i];
342           	    }
343           	  } else
344           	    return(S_DAVAR_TOOMANY);
346           	} else
347           	return(S_DAVAR_ILLCONV);
348                 }
349           #ifdef DOUBLERPC
350                 else if(setval->valtype == DAVARDOUBLE_RPC) {
351           	if(varp->size >= setval->any_u.d.d_len+index){
352           	  if(varp->type == DAVARINT){
353           	    for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.d.d_len;i++){
354           	      ((DAINT *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = floatToLong(setval->any_u.d.d_val[i]);
355           	    }
356           	  } else if(varp->type == DAVARFLOAT){
357           	    for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.d.d_len;i++){
358 saw   1.1 	      ((DAFLOAT *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = setval->any_u.d.d_val[i];
359           	    }
360           	  } else if(varp->type == DAVARDOUBLE){
361           	    for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.d.d_len;i++){
362           	      ((DADOUBLE *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = setval->any_u.d.d_val[i];
363           	    }
364           	  } else
365           	    return(S_DAVAR_TOOMANY);
366           	} else
367           	  return(S_DAVAR_ILLCONV);
368                 }
369           #endif	  
370                 else if(setval->valtype == DAVARSTRING_RPC) {
371           	if(varp->type == DAVARSTRING) {
372           	  if(varp->size < strlen(setval->any_u.s)+index) {
373           	    return(S_DAVAR_TOOMANY); /* Maybe we should truncate strings??? */
374           	  }
375           	  strcpy(((char *) varp->varptr)+index, setval->any_u.s);
376           	} else if(varp->type == DAVARFSTRING) {
377           	  int in_len;
378           	  int blanks;
379 saw   1.1 	  char *p;
380           	  in_len = strlen(setval->any_u.s);
381           /*	  printf("|%s|\n",setval->any_u.s);*/
382           	  if(varp->size < in_len+index) {
383           	    return(S_DAVAR_TOOMANY);
384           	  }
385           	  strncpy(((char *) varp->varptr)+index,
386           		  setval->any_u.s,in_len);
387           	  blanks = varp->size - index - in_len;
388           	  p = ((char *) varp->varptr) + index + in_len;
389           	  while(blanks-- > 0) *p++ = ' ';	/* Blank pad */
390           	} else
391           	  return(S_DAVAR_ILLCONV);
392                 } else
393           	return(S_FAILURE);
394             } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_TITLE) == 0){
395               /* Index ignored for title attribute */
396           /*    printf("setval->valtype = %d\n",setval->valtype);*/
397               if(setval->valtype == DAVARSTRING_RPC) {
398                 varp->title = (char *) realloc(varp->title,strlen(setval->any_u.s) + 1);
399           /*      printf("Writing string %s\n",setval->any_u.s);*/
400 saw   1.1       strcpy(varp->title,setval->any_u.s);
401               } else
402                 return(S_DAVAR_ILLCONV);
403             } else {
404               return(S_DAVAR_UNKATTR);
405             }
406             return(S_SUCCESS);
407           }  
409           daVarStatus daVarClassFind(char *name, daVarStruct **varp)
410           /* Pass ptr to name of full variable.
411              Name is of form a.b.c.d.e..., searches for variable "a", then "a.b"
412              and so on until a registered variable is found. 
413              varp is the   pointer to the structure of the registered variable.
415              Must have write access to the string name (even though it will be left
416              unchanged.)
418           */
419           {
420             char c, *s, *t, *end;
421 saw   1.1   
422             s = name;
424             end = s + strlen(s);
425             if((t=strchr(s,'('))) if(t<end) end = t; /* ) (to keep c-mode happy) */
426             if((t=strchr(s,'['))) if(t<end) end = t; /* ] (to keep c-mode happy) */
427             c = *end;
428             *end = '\0';
430             while((t=strchr(s,'.'))){
431               *t = 0;
432               if(daVarLookupP(name, varp) == S_SUCCESS) {
433                 *t = '.';
434                 *end = c;
435                 return(S_SUCCESS);
436               }
437               *t = '.';
438               s = t + 1;
439             }
440             if(daVarLookupP(name, varp) == S_SUCCESS) {
441               *end = c;
442 saw   1.1     return(S_SUCCESS);
443             }
444             *end = c;
445             return(S_FAILURE);
446           }
447           daVarStatus daVarAttributeFind(char *name, daVarStruct *varclass, 
448           			daVarStruct **varp, char **attribute, int *index)
449                /* Return DAVAR_NOINDEX for index if none specified.   */
450           {
451             char *atptr;			/* Pointer to attribute string */
452             daVarStatus status;
453             char *end, *pptr, parenchar;
455             end = name + strlen(name);
456             if((status=thGetIndex(name, index, &pptr)) == S_SUCCESS) {
457               parenchar = *pptr;
458             } else if(status == S_DAVAR_NOINDEX) {
459               parenchar = *pptr;
460               *index = DAVAR_NOINDEX;
461             } else			/* Failed */
462               return(S_FAILURE);
463 saw   1.1   
464             *pptr = '\0';
465             atptr = pptr;
468             if(strcasecmp(name,varclass->name) == 0){ /* Lookup alread done */
469               *varp = varclass;
470               *attribute = end;		/* Point to null */
471             } else if(daVarLookupP(name, varp) == S_SUCCESS){ /* Fullly qualified name?*/
472               *attribute = end;		/* Point to null */
473             } else {			/* Start striping attributes off pptr */
474               int clnamlen;
475               clnamlen = strlen(varclass->name);
476               atptr--;
477               *varp = varclass;
478               while((atptr - name) > clnamlen) { /* Stop before "class" name */
479                 if(*atptr == '.'){
480           	*atptr = '\0';
481           	if(daVarLookupP(name, varp) == S_SUCCESS){
482           	  *atptr = '.';
483           	  break;
484 saw   1.1 	  *attribute = atptr + 1;
485           	} else
486           	  *atptr-- = '.';
487                 } else
488           	atptr--;
489               }
490               *attribute = atptr + 1;
491             }
492           /*  *pptr = parenchar;  Leave name null terminated at the left paren */
493             return(S_SUCCESS);
494           }  

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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