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 1 saw   1.1 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 2            * Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
 3            *                         Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
 4            *
 5            * This software was developed under a United States Government license
 6            * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
 7            *
 8            * CEBAF Data Acquisition Group, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
 9            * Email: coda@cebaf.gov  Tel: (804) 249-7101  Fax: (804) 249-7363
10            *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11            * 
12            * Description:
13            *     header file for CODA readout language symbol hash table
14            *	
15            * Author:  Jie Chen, CEBAF Data Acquisition Group
16            *
17            * Revision History:
18            *   $Log:	crlHash.h,v $
19           *	  Revision 1.1  94/03/15  12:53:09  12:53:09  heyes (Graham Heyes)
20           *	  Initial revision
21           *	  
22 saw   1.1  *	  
23            */
24           #ifndef _crl_hash_h
25           #define _crl_hash_h
27           #define CTPHASH
28           #ifndef CTPHASH
29           typedef struct _symbol{
30             char *var_name;
31             int  var_type;      /*0: integer, 1: unsigned long */
32           }CrlSymbol;
33           #else
34           typedef void *CrlSymbol;
35           #endif
36           typedef struct _SLOT_ENTRY
37           {
38            CrlSymbol         crlSymbol;
39            struct _SLOT_ENTRY *next;
40           }symbolEntry;
42           extern void crlHashCreate(symbolEntry **hash_table_head);
43 saw   1.1 extern int  crlHashAdd(CrlSymbol symbol,symbolEntry **hash_table_head);
44           extern int  crlHashDelete(CrlSymbol symbol,symbolEntry **hash_table_head);
45           CrlSymbol *crlHashFind(CrlSymbol symbol,symbolEntry **hash_table_head);
46           extern void crlHashWalk(symbolEntry **hash_table_head,void (*action)());
47           /*extern int  crlHashDestroy();*/
48           /*extern void crlAddSymbols();*/
49           /*extern void isSymbolFound();*/
51           #define TABLE_SIZE 2053
54           #endif

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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