(file) Return to makereg.c CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / Analyzer / CTP

  1 saw   1.1 /* makereg.c version 1.0.  August 1994, Allen Boozer
  2              Report bugs to adb2y@virginia.edu
  3            $Log: makereg.c,v $
  4 jones 1.2  Revision  2007/09/10 21:32:47  pcarter
  5            Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
  7            Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:11  saw
  8            Initial setup
 10 saw   1.1  Revision 1.2  1995/01/09 15:10:44  saw
 11            Put titles in reg calls on a continuation line
 13            * Revision 1.1  1994/08/26  17:47:07  saw
 14            * Initial revision
 15            *
 16           */
 18           #include <stdio.h>
 19           #include <string.h>
 20           #include <ctype.h>
 21           #include <stdlib.h>
 22           #include <time.h>
 24           /*
 25              c%%                  - Put the current line in the fortran code
 26              c CTPTYPE = test     - Use "test" call statements
 27              c CTPTYPE = parm     - Use "parm" call statements
 28              c CTPTYPE = event    - Use "event" call statements
 29              c CTPTYPE = off      - Ignore all lines until CTYPE is set to test, parm, or event
 30           */
 31 saw   1.1 
 33           #define VERSION "v1.01"
 34 jones 1.2 #define BUFFER_LEN 256
 35 saw   1.1 #define NUM_TYPES 8
 37           #define CTPTEST  0
 38           #define CTPPARM  1
 39           #define CTPEVENT 2
 40           #define CTPOFF   3
 42           #define COMMON             -1
 43           #define PARAMETER          -2
 44           #define EQUIV              -3
 45           #define NOP                -4
 46           #define COMMON_CONTINUE    -5
 47           #define REGISTER_CONTINUE  -6
 48           #define MARK               -7
 49           #define IGNORE             -8
 50           #define SKIP               -9
 52           /*
 53              Two linked lists (the register list and the common list) are used to store
 54              information about variables that have been declared.  The register list
 55              stores variables which have been registered, and the common list stores
 56 saw   1.1    variables which have been defined in common blocks.  The elements of the
 57              linked lists are of type "node", as defined below:
 58           */
 60           struct node {
 61             int vartype;         /* A number which represents the type of the variable */
 62             int action;          /* A number which tells what to do with the variable */
 63             int calltype;        /* Use test, parm, or event calls */
 64             int line_number;     /* The line number on which the variable occurs */
 65             char *name;          /* The name of the variable */
 66             char *size;          /* The size of the array, or NULL if not an array */
 67             char *title;         /* The title string, or NULL if no title string */
 68             struct node *next;   /* Ptr to the next node, or NULL if last node */
 69           };
 71           struct node *register_start;  /* Ptr to the first node of the register list */
 72           struct node *common_start;    /* Ptr to the first node of the common list */
 74           /* Variable types (as they appear when variables are declared) */
 75           char types[NUM_TYPES][20] = {
 76             "logical",          "logical*4",
 77 saw   1.1   "integer",          "integer*4",
 78             "real",             "real*4", 
 79             "double precision", "real*8" };
 81           /* Variable types (as the appear in fortran call statements) */
 82           char type_names[5][10] = {"int", "int", "real", "double", "string"};
 84           char keywords[3][15] = {"common", "parameter", "equivalence"};
 85           char call_names[4][10] = {"test", "parm", "event", "off"};
 87 jones 1.2 int variable_flags[3][5] = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
 88           int array_flags[3][5] = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
 89 saw   1.1 
 90           FILE *input, *output, *error;
 91           char input_filename[BUFFER_LEN];
 92           char output_filename[BUFFER_LEN];
 93           char error_filename[BUFFER_LEN] = {""};
 94           char subroutine_name[BUFFER_LEN] = {""};
 95           char command_line[BUFFER_LEN];
 96           int current_calltype, current_line;
 98           void eprint (char string[]);
 99           void eprintn (char string[], int length);
100           void eprint_newline ();
101           void eprint_line (int line_num);
102           void memory_error ();
103           char *parse_array_size (char string[]);
104           void create (struct node *ptr, int vartype, char string[], char title[]);
105           int max (int a, int b);
106           int min (int a, int b);
107           void free_node (struct node *ptr);
108           void clear_list (struct node *ptr);
109           void copy (char dest[], char source[], int length);
110 saw   1.1 int strncmp_i (char str1[], char str2[], int length);
111           struct node *find_node (struct node *start, char string[]);
112           void mark_node (struct node *start, char string[], int new_action);
113           int determine_type (char string[]);
114           char *skip_blanks (char string[]);
115           char *skip_nonblanks (char string[]);
116           char *find_char (char string[], char character);
117           int extract_text (char string[]);
118           void shift_left (char string[]);
119           void parse (char string[]);
120           void compare_lists ();
121           void write_fortran_header ();
122           void write_fortran_code ();
123           void set_call_type (char string[]);
125           /***************************************************************************
126           * Linked list functions
127           ***************************************************************************/
129           /* Print a character string to "error" */
130           void eprint (char string[]) {
131 saw   1.1   fprintf (error, "%s", string);
132             fprintf (output, "%s", string);
133           }
135           /* Print "length" characters of a character string to "error" */
136           void eprintn (char string[], int length) {
137             char	output_buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
139             copy (output_buffer, string, length);
140             fprintf (error, "%s", output_buffer);
141             fprintf (output, "%s", output_buffer);
142           }
144           /* Print a newline character to "error" */
145           void eprint_newline () {
146             fprintf (error, "\n");
147             fprintf (output, "\n*     ");
148           }
150           /* Print a line number to "error" */
151           void eprint_line (int line_num) {
152 saw   1.1   fprintf (error, "Line %d: ", line_num);
153             fprintf (output, "Line %d: ", line_num);
154           }
156           /* memory_error is called if malloc returns a NULL pointer */
157           void memory_error () {
158             printf ("Memory allocation error\n");
159             fclose (input);
160             fclose (output);
161             fclose (error);
162             exit (0);
163           }
165           /* Return a pointer to a string containing the array size */
166           char *parse_array_size (char string[]) {
167             char output_buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
168             int length;
169             char *size_string, *ptr = string;
171             memset (output_buffer, '\0', BUFFER_LEN);
172             ptr = find_char (ptr, '(');
173 saw   1.1   while (ptr < find_char(string,')')) {
174               if (strlen(output_buffer) != 0) strcat (output_buffer, "*");
175               length = min (find_char(ptr,',')-ptr, find_char(ptr,')')-ptr) - 1;
176               strcat (output_buffer, "(");
177               if (find_char(ptr,':')-ptr < length) {
178                 strcat (output_buffer, "1-");
179                 strncat (output_buffer, ptr, find_char(ptr,':')-ptr-1);
180                 strcat (output_buffer, "+");
181                 ptr = find_char (ptr, ':');
182                 length = min (find_char(ptr,',')-ptr, find_char(ptr,')')-ptr) - 1;
183               }
184               strncat (output_buffer, ptr, length);
185               strcat (output_buffer, ")");
186               ptr = skip_blanks (find_char (ptr, ','));
187             }
188             size_string = malloc (strlen(output_buffer)+1);
189             if (size_string == NULL) memory_error ();
190             strcpy (size_string, output_buffer);
191             return (size_string);
192           }
194 saw   1.1 /* Add a variable to a linked list */
195           void create (struct node *start, int vartype, char string[], char comment[]) {
196             struct node *end = start, *temp;
198             if (find_node (start, string) == NULL) {
199               /* Create a new node and add it to the end of the linked list */
200               while (end->next != NULL) end = end->next;
201               end->next = malloc (sizeof(struct node));
202               if (end->next == NULL) memory_error ();
203               end = end->next;
204               end->vartype = vartype;
205               end->action = NOP;
206               end->calltype = current_calltype;
207               end->line_number = current_line;
208               end->name = calloc (extract_text(string)+1, sizeof(char));
209               if (end->name == NULL) memory_error ();
210               copy (end->name, string, extract_text(string));
211               if ((find_char (string, '(') < find_char (string, ',')) &&
212           	(find_char (string, '(') < find_char (string, '!'))) {
213                 /* Variable is an array */
214                 if (start == common_start) {
215 saw   1.1 	/* Array is defined in a common block, so print a warning */
216           	eprint_newline ();
217           	eprint ("Warning - Array size defined in common block:");
218           	eprint_newline ();
219           	eprint_line (current_line);
220           	eprintn (string, find_char(string, ')') - string);
221           	eprint_newline ();
222           	temp = find_node (register_start, string);
223           	if (temp != NULL) {
224           	  if (temp->vartype > 0) array_flags[temp->calltype][temp->vartype]=1;
225           	  free (temp->size);
226           	  temp->size = parse_array_size (string);
227           	  end->size = NULL;
228           	}
229                 }
230                 else end->size = parse_array_size (string);
231               }
232               else (end->size = NULL);
233               if (comment != NULL) {
234                 end->title = calloc (strlen(comment), sizeof(char));
235                 if (end->title == NULL) memory_error ();
236 saw   1.1       copy (end->title, comment, strlen(comment)-1);
237               }
238               else end->title = NULL;
239               end->next = NULL;
240             }
241           }
243           /* Return the maximum of a and b */
244           int max (int a, int b) {
245             return ((a < b) ? b : a);
246           }
248           /* Return the minimum of a and b */
249           int min (int a, int b) {
250             return ((a < b) ? a : b);
251           }
253           /* Release the memory used by a node */
254           void free_node (struct node *ptr) {
255             free (ptr->name);
256             if (ptr->size != NULL) free (ptr->size);
257 saw   1.1   if (ptr->title != NULL) free (ptr->title);
258             free (ptr);
259           }
261           /* Release the memory used by each node in a linked list */
262           void clear_list (struct node* start) {
263             struct node *ptr = start->next, *old_ptr;
265             while (ptr != NULL) {
266               old_ptr = ptr;
267               ptr = ptr->next;
268               free_node (old_ptr);
269             }
270             start->next = NULL;
271           }
273           /* Copy length chars from "dest" to "source", terminate "dest" with a \0 */
274           void copy (char dest[], char source[], int length) {
275             memcpy (dest, source, length);
276             dest[length] = '\0';
277           }
278 saw   1.1 
279           /* Case insensitive string compare */
280           int strncmp_i (char str1[], char str2[], int length) {
281             int i;
283             for (i=0; i<length;i++) if (toupper(str1[i]) != toupper(str2[i])) return (1);
284             return (0);
285           }
287           /* Return a pointer to the node which has "string" as it's name field */
288           struct node *find_node (struct node *start, char string[]) {
289             int length, flag=1;
290             struct node *ptr = start;
292             do {
293               ptr = ptr->next;
294               if (ptr != NULL) {
295                 length = max (extract_text(string), strlen(ptr->name));
296                 flag = strncmp_i (ptr->name, string, length);
297               }
298             } while ((flag != 0) && (ptr != NULL));
299 saw   1.1   return (ptr);
300           }
302           /* Set the action of the node which has "string" as it's name field */
303           void mark_node (struct node *start, char string[], int new_action) {
304             struct node *node_ptr;
306             node_ptr = find_node (start, string);
307             if (node_ptr != NULL) node_ptr->action = new_action;
308           }
310           /***************************************************************************
311           * Parse functions
312           ***************************************************************************/
314           int determine_type (char string[]) {
315             int i, length;
317             for (i=0; i<NUM_TYPES; i++) {
318               length = max (strlen(types[i]), skip_nonblanks(string)-string);
319               if (strncmp_i(string, types[i], length) == 0) return (i/2);
320 saw   1.1   }
321             if (strncmp_i(string, "character", 9) == 0) return (4);
322             if (strncmp_i(string, "integer*2", 9) == 0) {
323               eprint_newline ();
324               eprint ("Warning - Type integer*2:");
325               eprint_newline ();
326               eprint_line (current_line);
327               eprintn (string, strlen(string) - 1);
328               eprint_newline ();
329               return (NOP);
330             }
331             for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
332               length = max (strlen(keywords[i]), extract_text(string));
333               if (strncmp_i(string, keywords[i], length) == 0) return (-i-1);
334             }
335             return (NOP);
336           }
338           /* Return a ptr to the first nonblank character in the string */
339           char *skip_blanks (char string[]) {
340             while (isspace (*string)) string++;
341 saw   1.1   return (string);
342           }
344           /* Return a ptr to the first blank character in the string */
345           char *skip_nonblanks (char string[]) {
346             while ((! isspace (*string)) && (*string != '\0')) string++;
347             return (string);
348           }
350           /* Return a ptr to the character after the first occurrence of "character" */
351           char *find_char (char string[], char character) {
352             while ((*string != character) && (*string != '\0')) string++;
353             if (*string == character) string++;
354             return (string);
355           }
357           /* Return the number of contiguous text characters in a string */
358           int extract_text (char string[]) {
359             int i=0;
361             while ((isalnum (string[i])) || (string[i] == '_')) i++;
362 saw   1.1   return (i);
363           }
365           /* Shift a character string one character to the right */
366           void shift_left (char string[]) {
367             char *ptr = string;
369             while (*ptr != '\0') ptr++;
370             *(ptr+1) = '\0';
371             while (ptr != string) *ptr = *(--ptr);
372           }
374           /* Parse one line of text */
375           void parse (char string[]) {
376 jones 1.2   struct node *list_ptr /*, *node_ptr */;
377 saw   1.1   static int vartype = NOP, state = NOP;
378             char *ptr = string, *title_ptr, *temp;
380             if (((string[0] == ' ') && (strlen(string) > 6)) ||
381                 ((string[0] == '\t') && (strlen(string) > 2))) {
382               /* The current line is not a comment */
383               if (string[0] == '\t') ptr++;
384               else ptr += 5;
385               if ((isspace (*ptr)) || ((state != COMMON_CONTINUE) && (state != REGISTER_CONTINUE))) {
386                 ptr = skip_blanks (ptr);
387                 vartype = determine_type (ptr);
388                 state = vartype;
389                 if (strncmp_i("double precision", ptr, 16) == 0)
390           	ptr = skip_blanks (skip_nonblanks (ptr));
391               }
392               if ((vartype != NOP) && (vartype != PARAMETER) && (vartype != EQUIV)) {
393                 /* The current line is a list of variables */
394                 if (state == COMMON_CONTINUE) {
395           	/* The current line is the continuation of a common block */
396           	list_ptr = common_start;
397           	ptr++;
398 saw   1.1       }
399                 else if (state == COMMON) {
400           	/* The current line is a common block */
401           	list_ptr = common_start;
402           	ptr = find_char (find_char (ptr, '/'), '/');
403           	state = COMMON_CONTINUE;
404                 }
405                 else if (state == REGISTER_CONTINUE) {
406           	/* The current line is the continuation of a register statement */
407           	list_ptr = register_start;
408           	ptr++;
409                 }
410                 else {
411           	/* The current line contains variables to be registered */
412           	list_ptr = register_start;
413           	ptr = skip_nonblanks (ptr);
414           	state = REGISTER_CONTINUE;
415                 }
416                 ptr = skip_blanks (ptr);
418                 /* Obtain the title string */
419 saw   1.1       title_ptr = string;
420                 if (find_char (ptr, ',') > find_char (ptr, '!')) {
421           	while (*title_ptr != '!') title_ptr++;
422           	title_ptr = skip_blanks (title_ptr+1);
423           	if (*title_ptr == '\0') title_ptr = NULL;
424                 }
425                 else title_ptr = NULL;
426                 /* Convert ' to '' in title string */
427                 if (title_ptr != NULL) {
428           	temp = title_ptr;
429           	while (*temp != '\0') {
430           	  if (*temp == '\'') shift_left (temp++);
431           	  temp++;
432           	}
433                 }
435                 /* Add each variable to the linked list */
436                 while ((ptr < find_char (string, '!')) && (*ptr != '!')) {
437           	if ((find_char (ptr, '(') < find_char (ptr, ',')) &&
438           	    (find_char (ptr, '(') < find_char (ptr, '!'))) {
439           	  /* The variable is an array */
440 saw   1.1 	  create (list_ptr, vartype, ptr, title_ptr);
441           	  if (vartype >= 0) array_flags[current_calltype][vartype] = 1;
442           	  ptr = skip_blanks (find_char (find_char (ptr, ')'), ','));
443           	}
444           	else {
445           	  /* The variable is not an array */
446           	  create (list_ptr, vartype, ptr, title_ptr);
447           	  if (vartype >=0) variable_flags[current_calltype][vartype] = 1;
448           	  ptr = skip_blanks (find_char (ptr, ','));
449           	}
450                 }
451               }
452               if (vartype == PARAMETER)
453                 /* If the line is a parameter statement, then ignore the variable */
454                 mark_node (register_start, skip_blanks(find_char (ptr, '(')), IGNORE);
455               if (vartype == EQUIV) {
456                 /* If the line is an equivalence statement, then skip the variables */
457                 ptr = skip_blanks (find_char (ptr, '('));
458                 mark_node (register_start, ptr, SKIP);
459                 if (find_char(ptr,'(') < find_char(ptr,',')) ptr = find_char(ptr,')');
460                 ptr = skip_blanks (find_char (ptr, ','));
461 saw   1.1       mark_node (register_start, ptr, SKIP);
462               }
463             }
464           }
466           /* Compare the common list with the register list */
467           void compare_lists () {
468             struct node *ptr, *common_node;
470             eprint_newline ();
471             eprint ("Registered, but did not occur in a common block:");
472             eprint_newline ();
473             ptr = register_start->next;
474             while (ptr != NULL) {
475               common_node = find_node (common_start, ptr->name);
476               if (common_node != NULL) {
477                 common_node->action = MARK;
478                 if ((common_node->title != NULL) && (ptr->title == NULL)) {
479           	ptr->title = malloc (strlen(common_node->title)+1);
480           	if (ptr->title == NULL) memory_error ();
481           	strcpy (ptr->title, common_node->title);
482 saw   1.1       }
483               }
484               else if ((ptr->action != IGNORE) && (ptr->action != SKIP)) {
485                 eprint_line (ptr->line_number);
486                 eprint (ptr->name);
487                 eprint_newline ();
488               }
489               ptr = ptr->next;
490             }
492             eprint_newline ();
493             eprint ("Occurred in a common block, but were not registered:");
494             ptr = common_start->next;
495             while (ptr != NULL) {
496               if (ptr->action != MARK) {
497                 eprint_newline ();
498                 eprint_line (ptr->line_number);
499                 eprint (ptr->name);
500               }
501               ptr = ptr->next;
502             }
503 saw   1.1   eprint ("\n\n");
504           }
506           /* Write a header to the output file */
507           void write_fortran_header () {
508             time_t current_time = time (NULL);
510             fprintf (output, "******************************************************");
511             fprintf (output, "*************************\n");
512             fprintf (output, "*     This file (%s) was generated ", output_filename);
513             fprintf (output, "from %s by makereg %s\n", input_filename, VERSION);
514             fprintf (output, "*     This file was created on ");
515             fprintf (output, "%s", asctime (localtime (&current_time)));
516             fprintf (output, "*\n");
517             fprintf (output, "*     The command used to create this file was:\n");
518             fprintf (output, "*     %s\n", command_line);
519             fprintf (output, "*\n");
520             fprintf (output, "*     Do not edit this file.\n");
521             fprintf (output, "******************************************************");
522             fprintf (output, "*************************\n\n");
523             fprintf (output, "      subroutine %s\n\n", subroutine_name);
524 saw   1.1   fprintf (output, "      implicit none\n\n");
525           }
527           /* Write the fortran code to an output file */
528           void write_fortran_code () {
529             struct node *ptr = register_start->next;
530             int i, j;
532             for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
533               if (variable_flags[j][0] == 1) variable_flags[j][1] = 1;
534               if (array_flags[j][0] == 1) array_flags[j][1] = 1;
535             }
537             fprintf (output, "      include '%s'\n\n", input_filename);
538             for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
539               for (i=1; i<5; i++) {
540                 if (variable_flags[j][i] == 1) {
541           	fprintf (output, "c      integer ");
542           	fprintf (output, "reg%s%s\n", call_names[j], type_names[i]);
543           	fprintf (output, "c      external ");
544           	fprintf (output, "reg%s%s\n", call_names[j], type_names[i]);
545 saw   1.1       }
546                 if (array_flags[j][i] == 1) {
547           	fprintf (output, "c      integer ");
548           	fprintf (output, "reg%s%sarray\n", call_names[j], type_names[i]);
549           	fprintf (output, "c      external ");
550           	fprintf (output, "reg%s%sarray\n", call_names[j], type_names[i]);
551                 }
552               }
553             }
554             fprintf (output, "\n");
556             /* Loop to output the reg calls */
557             while (ptr != NULL) {
558               if (ptr->action != IGNORE) {
559                 fprintf (output, "      call reg%s", call_names[ptr->calltype]);
560                 fprintf (output, "%s", type_names[ptr->vartype]);
561                 if (ptr->size == NULL)
562           	fprintf (output, "('%s',%s,", ptr->name, ptr->name);
563                 else
564           	fprintf (output, "array('%s',%s,%s,", ptr->name, ptr->name, ptr->size);
565                 if (ptr->title == NULL) fprintf (output, "0)\n");
566 saw   1.1       else {
567           	fprintf (output, "\n     & ");
568           	fprintf (output, "'%s')\n", ptr->title);
569                 }
570               }
571               ptr = ptr->next;
572             }
574             fprintf (output, "\n");
575             fprintf (output, "      return\n");
576             fprintf (output, "      end\n");
577           }
579           /* Set the call type to "test", "parm", or "event" */
580           void set_call_type (char string[]) {
581             int i;
582             char *ptr;
584             if (strlen (string) != 0) {
585               ptr = skip_blanks (string+1);
586               if (strncmp_i(ptr, "CTPTYPE", 7) == 0) {
587 saw   1.1       while (isalpha(*ptr) && (*ptr != '\0')) ptr++;
588                 while ((! isalpha(*ptr)) && (*ptr != '\0')) ptr++;
589                 if (*ptr != '\0')
590           	for (i=0; i<4; i++)
591           	  if (strncmp_i(ptr, call_names[i], 3) == 0) current_calltype = i;
592               }
593             }
594           }
596           void print_usage () {
597               printf ("Usage:  makereg infile [-o outfile] [-e errorfile] ");
598               printf ("[-s subroutine name]\n");
599               printf ("                       [-c test | parm | event]\n");
600               exit (0);
601           }
603           int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
604             char buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
605             struct node first_register_node, first_common_node;
606             int i, j;
608 saw   1.1   first_register_node.next = NULL;
609             first_common_node.next = NULL;
610             register_start = &first_register_node;
611             common_start = &first_common_node;
613             for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
614               strcat (command_line, argv[i]);
615               strcat (command_line, " ");
616             }
618             current_calltype = CTPTEST;
619             error = stderr;
620             if (argc < 2) print_usage ();
621             strcpy (input_filename, argv[1]);
622             strcpy (output_filename, input_filename);
623             if ((strcmp (strrchr(output_filename, '.'), ".cmn")) == 0)
624               strcpy (strrchr(output_filename, '.'), ".f");
625             else strcat (output_filename, ".f");
626             i = 2;
627             while (i < argc) {
628               if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0) {
629 saw   1.1       if (argc > i+1) strcpy (output_filename, argv[i+1]);
630                 else print_usage ();
631               }
632               else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-e") == 0) {
633                 if (argc > i+1) strcpy (error_filename, argv[i+1]);
634                 else print_usage ();
635               }
636               else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0) {
637                 if (argc > i+1) {
638           	for (j=0; j<3; j++)
639           	  if (strcmp(argv[i+1], call_names[j]) == 0) current_calltype = j;
640                 }
641                 else print_usage ();
642               }
643               else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) {
644                 if (argc > i+1) strcpy (subroutine_name, argv[i+1]);
645                 else print_usage ();
646               }
647               i += 2;
648             }
649             input = fopen (input_filename, "r");
650 saw   1.1   if (input == NULL) {
651               printf ("Invalid filename: %s\n", input_filename);
652               print_usage ();
653             }
654             output = fopen (output_filename, "w");
655             if (output == NULL) {
656               printf ("Invalid filename: %s\n", output_filename);
657               print_usage ();
658             }
659             if (strlen(error_filename) != 0) {
660               error = fopen (error_filename, "w");
661               if (error == NULL) {
662                 printf ("Invalid filename: %s\n", error_filename);
663                 print_usage ();
664               }
665             }
666             if (strlen(subroutine_name) == 0) {
667               strcpy (subroutine_name, output_filename);
668               if (strrchr(subroutine_name, '.') != NULL)
669                 *strrchr(subroutine_name, '.') = '\0';
670             }
671 saw   1.1 
672             write_fortran_header ();
673             current_line = 1;
674             while (fgets (buffer, BUFFER_LEN, input) != NULL) {
675               set_call_type (buffer);
676               if (strncmp(buffer, "*%%", 3) == 0)
677                 fprintf (output, "      %s", skip_blanks(skip_nonblanks(buffer)));
678               else if (current_calltype != CTPOFF) parse (buffer);
679               current_line++;
680             }
681             compare_lists ();
682             write_fortran_code ();
683             clear_list (register_start);
684             clear_list (common_start);
685             fclose (input);
686             fclose (output);
687             fclose (error);
688             return 0;
689           }

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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