(file) Return to thGethit.c CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / Analyzer / CTP

  1 saw   1.1 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2            * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
  3            *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
  4            *
  5            * This software was developed under a United States Government license
  6            * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
  7            *
  8            * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
  9            * Email: saw@cebaf.gov  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
 10            *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 11            *
 12            * Description:
 13            *  Retrieve data from Hall C Engine hit lists (gen_datastructures.cmn).
 14            *    
 15            * Author: Stephen A. Wood, CEBAF, Hall C
 16            *
 17            * Revision History:
 18            *   $Log: thGethit.c,v $
 19 saw   1.2  *   Revision 1.6  1996/08/01 01:31:14  saw
 20            *   Change argument of thExecuteaGethitBlock from block pointer to a var
 21 saw   1.1  *
 22            * Revision 1.5  1995/04/10  15:52:52  saw
 23            * No defined gethit blocks is not an error in thExecuteGethits
 24            *
 25            * Revision 1.4  1995/01/13  16:26:01  saw
 26            * Add missing return(S_SUCCESS) calls to various routines
 27            *
 28            * Revision 1.3  1994/09/27  19:26:21  saw
 29            * Remove linux dependencies
 30            *
 31            * Revision 1.2  1994/08/26  12:30:23  saw
 32            * Register result and test variables as needed
 33            *
 34            * Revision 1.1  1994/07/21  18:48:12  saw
 35            * Initial revision
 36            *
 37            */
 38           /*
 39           Any gethit block can only operate on one "data structure".
 41           begin gethit wc
 42 saw   1.1 missing_value=-1 ! Value to give when hit not found
 43           hitcount=numhits ! Pointer to word holding hit count
 44           matchlist=plane  ! First array to match with
 45           matchlist=counter! Second array to match with
 46           valuelist=data   ! Default list containing data values
 48           xsin1,txsin1:,1,4 ! Use default array   !Makes hit.xscin1, and test.txsin1
 49           xsin2,txsin2:data2,1,5
 50           end gethist wc
 51           */
 52           #include <stdio.h>
 53           #include <string.h>
 54           #include "daVar.h"
 55           #include "th.h"
 56           #include "thInternal.h"
 57           #include "thUtils.h"
 58           #include "cfortran.h"
 60           struct thGethitList {
 61             struct thGethitList *next;
 62             daVarStruct *src;		/* Array to get data from when hit is found */
 63 saw   1.1   DAINT *coord;			/* Coordinate values to match*/
 64             daVarStruct *dest,*test;	/* Variable to put value of hit detector
 65           				   and a flag for hit found/not found */
 66             int destindex, testindex;
 67           };
 68           typedef struct thGethitList thGethitList;
 70           struct thGethitOpaque {
 71             DAINT *vnhits;		/* CTP variable with number of hits */
 72             int ncoord;			/* Number of coordinates that must match */
 73             DAINT **coord_array;		/* Point to list of arrays containing hit
 74           				   coordinates */
 75             thGethitList *hlisthead;	/* List of gethit definitions */
 76             daVarStruct *srcdefault;	/* Default data array */
 77             DADOUBLE default_real;	/* Default value to give when hit not found */
 78             DAINT default_int;		/* Int of default_real */
 79           };
 81           typedef struct thGethitOpaque thGethitOpaque;
 83           struct thGBlockList {
 84 saw   1.1   struct thGBlockList *next;
 85             char *blockname;		/* Block name without the block.gethit */
 86             daVarStruct *var;		/* Pointer to variable that describes block */
 87           };
 88           typedef struct thGBlockList thGBlockList;
 90           thGBlockList *thGBlockListP = NULL;
 91           char *hitsourceclasslist[]={EVENTSTR,0};
 93           /* Function prototypes */
 94           thStatus thGethitPreamble(char *line, thGethitOpaque *opqptr,int  *icoord);
 95           char *thGetline(char *lines,char **lcopy);
 96           thStatus thBookaGethit(char *line, thGethitOpaque *opqptr
 97           		       ,thGethitList **thGethitNext);
 98           thStatus thExecuteaGethitBlock(daVarStruct *var);
 99           thStatus thExecuteaGethit(thGBlockList *block);
101           thStatus thBookGethits(daVarStruct *var)
102           {
103             char *lines,*eol,*lcopy;
104             thGethitOpaque *opqptr;
105 saw   1.1   thGethitList **thGethitNext;
106             int ncoord,icoord;
107             int line_count,mode;
108             char *blockname;
110             blockname = var->name;	/* If name doesn't fit pattern, use whole */
111           /*  printf("Booking gethit block %s\n",blockname);*/
112             if(strcasestr(var->name,BLOCKSTR)==var->name){
113               int i;
114               i = strlen(BLOCKSTR) + 1;
115               if(strcasestr((var->name + i),GETHITSTR)==(var->name + i)){
116                 i += strlen(GETHITSTR);
117                 if(*(var->name + i) == '.'){
118           	blockname += i + 1;
119                 }
120               }
121             }
123             if(var->opaque == 0) {
124               opqptr = (thGethitOpaque *) malloc(sizeof(thGethitOpaque));
125               var->opaque = (void *) opqptr;
126 saw   1.1   } else {
127               daVarStructList *next,*this;
129               opqptr = (thGethitOpaque *) var->opaque;
130               free(opqptr->coord_array);
131               /* Walk down optptr->hlisthead freeing the individual gethit structures */
132             }
133             /* Initialize/Clear the Gethit structure */
134             opqptr->vnhits = (DAINT *) 0;
135             opqptr->ncoord = 0;
136             opqptr->coord_array = (DAINT **) 0;
137             opqptr->srcdefault = (daVarStruct *) 0;
138             opqptr->hlisthead = (thGethitList *) 0;
139             opqptr->default_real = opqptr->default_int = 0;
141             lines = var->title;
142             line_count = 0;
143             ncoord=0;
145             while(*lines) {		/* First Pass */
146           				/* Count the number of arrays to match */
147 saw   1.1 
148               line_count++;
149               lines = thGetline(lines,&lcopy);
150               if(!thCleanLine(lcopy)){
151                 if(strcasestr(lcopy,"matchlist") && strchr(lcopy,'=')) {
152           	ncoord++;
153                 }
154                 if(strchr(lcopy,':')) {	/* First gethit definition */
155           	break;
156                 }
157               }
158             }
159             opqptr->ncoord = ncoord;
160             opqptr->coord_array = (DAINT **) malloc(ncoord*sizeof(DAINT *));
162             mode = 0;			/* setup mode */
163             thGethitNext = (thGethitList **) &opqptr->hlisthead;
164             line_count = 0;
165             icoord = 0;
167             lines = var->title;
168 saw   1.1   while(*lines) {		/* Second Pass */
169               line_count++;
170               lines = thGetline(lines,&lcopy);
171               if(!thCleanLine(lcopy)){
172                 if(strchr(lcopy,':'))
173           	mode = 1;
174                 if(mode) {		/* Defining the individual gethits */
175           	if(thBookaGethit(lcopy,opqptr,thGethitNext)==S_SUCCESS){
176           	  thGethitNext = &((*thGethitNext)->next);
177           	} else {
178           	  fprintf(STDERR,"Gethit booking error in line %d\n",line_count);
179           	}
180                 } else {			/* Preamble */
181           	if(thGethitPreamble(lcopy,opqptr,&icoord)!=S_SUCCESS){
182           	  fprintf(STDERR,"Gethit booking error in line %d\n",line_count);
183           	}
184                 }
185               }
186             }
187             /* Update internal table of gethit blocks */
188             {
189 saw   1.1     thGBlockList *thisblock,*nextblock,**lastblockp;
190               nextblock = thGBlockListP;
191               lastblockp = &thGBlockListP;
192               thisblock = thGBlockListP;
193               while(thisblock){
194                 if((strcasecmp(thisblock->var->name,var->name)) == 0){
195           	/* Replacing a block with a new definition */
196           	fprintf(stderr,"Replacing %s with new definition\n",var->name);
197           	if(thisblock->var != var){
198           	  fprintf(stderr,"ERR: Same name, different var pointer\n");
199           	}
200           	break;
201                 }
202                 lastblockp = &thisblock->next;
203                 thisblock = thisblock->next;
204               }
205               if(!thisblock){		/* Create entry for New block */
206                 *lastblockp = thisblock = (thGBlockList *) malloc(sizeof(thGBlockList));
207                 thisblock->var = var;
208                 thisblock->next = (thGBlockList *) NULL;
209                 thisblock->blockname = (char *) malloc(strlen(blockname) + 1);
210 saw   1.1       strcpy(thisblock->blockname,blockname);
211               }
212             }
213           /*  printf("Returning from booking Gethit's\n");*/
214             return(S_SUCCESS);
215           }
216           char *thGetline(char *lines,char **lcopy)
217           /* Pull out the characters from lines up to a newline and copy them into
218              a new array.  Return the pointer to that array.  If a line is missing
219              a newline, return an error. */
220           {
221             static char *line_copy=0;
222             static line_copy_size=0;
223             char *next;
224             int len;
225             char *eol;
227             eol = strchr(lines,'\n');
228             if(!eol) {
229               len = strlen(lines);
230               next = lines + len;
231 saw   1.1   } else {
232               len = (eol-lines);
233               next = eol+1;
234             }
235             if(!line_copy) {
236               line_copy = (char *) malloc(len+1);
237               line_copy_size = len+1;
238             } else {
239               if(len >= line_copy_size) {
240                 line_copy = (char *) realloc(line_copy,len+1);
241                 line_copy_size = len+1;
242               }
243             }
244             strncpy(line_copy,lines,len);
245             line_copy[len] = '\0';
246             *lcopy = line_copy;
247             return(next);
248           }
249           thStatus thGethitPreamble(char *line, thGethitOpaque *opqptr,int  *icoord){
250             char *equal;
251             char *arg;
252 saw   1.1 
253           /*  printf("Processing preamble line %x %s\n",line,line);*/
254             if(!(equal=strchr(line,'=')))
255               return(S_SUCCESS);
256             arg = equal + 1;
257             *equal = 0;
258             arg = thSpaceStrip(arg);
259           /*  printf("line=%s,arg=%s\n",line,arg); */
260             if(strcasestr(line,"missing_value")) {
261               opqptr->default_real = atof(arg);
262               opqptr->default_int = floatToLong(opqptr->default_real);
263             } else {
264               daVarStruct *varp;
265           /*    printf("line=%s,arg=%x %s\n",line,arg,arg);*/
266               if(daVarLookupPWithClass(arg,hitsourceclasslist,&varp)!=S_SUCCESS){
267                 fprintf(STDERR,"(thGethitPreamble )Variable %s not found\n",arg);
268                 return(S_FAILURE);	/* Variable not found */
269               }
270           /*    printf("line=%s,arg=%x %s\n",line,arg,arg);*/
271           /*    printf("Searching for keyword in %s\n",line);*/
272               if(strcasestr(line,"valuelist")) {
273 saw   1.1       opqptr->srcdefault = varp;
274               } else {
275                 if(varp->type != DAVARINT) {
276           	return(S_FAILURE);	/* Not an integer array */
277                 }
278                 if(strcasestr(line,"hitcount")) {
279           	opqptr->vnhits = (DAINT *) varp->varptr;
280           /*	printf("Setting vnhits to %s\n",varp->name);*/
281                 } else if(strcasestr(line,"matchlist")) {
282           /*	printf("Coordinate %d=%s\n",*icoord,varp->name);*/
283           	opqptr->coord_array[(*icoord)++] = (DAINT *) varp->varptr;
284                 } else {
285           	return(S_FAILURE);
286                 }
287               }
288             }
289             return(S_SUCCESS);
290           }
291           thStatus thBookaGethit(char *line, thGethitOpaque *opqptr, thGethitList **thGethitNext)
292           {
293             char *colon;
294 saw   1.1   int ndestarg;			/* Number of destination args */
295             char *destargs[20];
296             int nsrcarg;			/* Number of destination args */
297             char *srcargs[20];
298             daVarStruct *destp, *testp;
299             int destind,testind;		/* Indexes into destination and test arrays */
300             daVarStruct *source;
301             DAINT *coord;
302             int icoord;
303             thGethitList *Gethit;
304             thStatus status;
306             if(!(colon=strchr(line,':'))) {
307               return(S_SUCCESS);
308             }
310             *colon = '\0';
311             colon++;
313             ndestarg = thCommas(line,destargs);
314             nsrcarg = thCommas(colon,srcargs);
315 saw   1.1 
316             /* Parse the source side first so that we know the data type of the
317                source in case we need to register the destination */
319             /*  printf("%s found as %s at %x\n",destargs[0],destp->name,destp->varptr);*/
320             if(nsrcarg < opqptr->ncoord+1) {
321               fprintf(STDERR,"Insufficient arguments after :\n");
322               return(S_FAILURE);
323             }
324             srcargs[0] = thSpaceStrip(srcargs[0]);
325             if(strlen(srcargs[0]) == 0) {
326               source = opqptr->srcdefault;
327             } else {
328               if(daVarLookupPWithClass(srcargs[0],hitsourceclasslist,*source)
329                  != S_SUCCESS) {
330                 fprintf(STDERR,"%s not registered\n",srcargs[0]);
331                 return(S_FAILURE);		/* Destination not registered */
332               }
333             }
335             destargs[0] = thSpaceStrip(destargs[0]);
336 saw   1.1   if((status=thVarResolve(destargs[0],&destp,&destind,2,source->type)) != S_SUCCESS){
337               return(S_FAILURE);
338               /* ASAP we must change this to register variables as they are needed */
339                 /* If the variable exists, then we also must check to make sure that
340           	 the requested index does not exceed the size of the array.
341           	 a new thVarResolve should also increase the size of the array if
342           	 it was created by CTP */
343             }
344             if(ndestarg > 1){
345               destargs[1] = thSpaceStrip(destargs[1]);
346               if(thVarResolve(destargs[1],&testp,&testind,3,DAVARINT) != S_SUCCESS){
347                 return(S_FAILURE);		/* Test flag not registered */
348                 /* ASAP we must change this to register variables as they are needed */
349                 /* If the variable exists, then we also must check to make sure that
350           	 the requested index does not exceed the size of the array.
351           	 a new thVarResolve should also increase the size of the array if
352           	 it was created by CTP */
354               }
355             } else {
356               testp = 0;
357 saw   1.1     testind = 0;
358             }
360             coord = (DAINT *) malloc(opqptr->ncoord*sizeof(DAINT));
361             for(icoord=0;icoord<opqptr->ncoord;icoord++) { 
362               srcargs[icoord+1] = thSpaceStrip(srcargs[icoord+1]);
363               if(thEvalImed(srcargs[icoord+1],0,&coord[icoord]) != S_SUCCESS) {
364                 fprintf(STDERR,"Error evaluating %s\n",srcargs[icoord+1]);
365                 free(coord);
366                 return(S_FAILURE);
367               }
368             }
369           /* Everything obtained from line now */
370             Gethit = *thGethitNext = (thGethitList *) malloc(sizeof(thGethitList));
371             Gethit->next = (thGethitList *) NULL;
372             Gethit->src = source;
373             Gethit->coord = coord;
374             Gethit->dest = destp;
375             Gethit->destindex = destind;
376             Gethit->test = testp;
377             Gethit->testindex = testind;
378 saw   1.1 
379             return(S_SUCCESS);
380           }
381           thStatus thExecuteGethits(char *block_name){
382             thGBlockList *thisblock;
385             if(block_name) if(*block_name=='\0') block_name = 0;
387             if(thGBlockListP == 0){
388               return(S_SUCCESS);		/* No gethits defined */
389             } else {
390               thisblock = thGBlockListP;
391               while(thisblock){
392                 if(block_name)
393           	if(strcasecmp(block_name,thisblock->blockname)!=0){
394           	  thisblock = thisblock->next;
395           	  continue;
396           	}
397                 thExecuteaGethitBlock(thisblock->var);
398                 (*((DAINT *)thisblock->var->varptr))++; /* Increment block counter */
399 saw   1.1       if(block_name)
400           	if(strcasecmp(block_name,thisblock->blockname)==0) return(S_SUCCESS);
401                 thisblock = thisblock->next;
402               }
403             }
404             return(S_SUCCESS);
405           }
407           thStatus thExecuteaGethitBlock(daVarStruct *var)
408                /* Execute a gethit block */
409           {
410             thGethitOpaque *opqptr;
411             thGethitList *thisgethit;
412             int nhits;
413             int ihit;
414             int icoord,ncoord;
415             DAINT **coord_array;
416             double dval;
417             int ival;
419           /*  opqptr = block->var->opaque;*/	/* Structure that describes the gethits */
420 saw   1.1   opqptr = var->opaque;
421           /*  printf("opqptr=%x\n",opqptr);*/
422             nhits = *(opqptr->vnhits);
423             ncoord = opqptr->ncoord;
424             coord_array = opqptr->coord_array;
426             thisgethit = opqptr->hlisthead;
427           /*  printf("%d hits this event\n",nhits);*/
428             while(thisgethit){		/* Inefficient algorithm */
429           /*    printf("Getting %s\n",thisgethit->dest->name);*/
430               if(thisgethit->test) {
431                 /* Assume that test is integer */
432                 *((DAINT *) thisgethit->test->varptr + thisgethit->testindex) = FALSE;
433               }
434               for(ihit=0;ihit<nhits;ihit++){
435                 for(icoord=0;icoord<ncoord;icoord++){
436           /*	printf("Hit=%d, Coord=%d %d %d\n",ihit,icoord
437           	       ,coord_array[icoord][ihit],thisgethit->coord[icoord]);*/
438           	if((coord_array[icoord])[ihit] != thisgethit->coord[icoord]) break;
439                 }
440                 if(icoord >= ncoord){	/* All coordinates matched */
441 saw   1.1 	int srctype;
442           /*	printf("Matched at hit %d, %d %d\n",ihit,icoord,ncoord);*/
443           	if(thisgethit->test) 
444           	  *((DAINT *) thisgethit->test->varptr + thisgethit->testindex) = TRUE;
445           	/* Need to grab the data value, stuff it into variable */
446           	srctype = thisgethit->src->type;
447           	switch(srctype)
448           	  {
449           	  case DAVARINT:
450           	    ival = ((DAINT *)thisgethit->src->varptr)[ihit];
451           	    switch(thisgethit->dest->type)
452           	      {
453           	      case DAVARINT:
454           		((DAINT *)thisgethit->dest->varptr)[thisgethit->destindex] = 
455           		  ival;
456           		break;
457           	      case DAVARFLOAT:
458           		((DAFLOAT *)thisgethit->dest->varptr)[thisgethit->destindex] = 
459           		  ival;
460           		break;
461           	      case DAVARDOUBLE:
462 saw   1.1 		((DADOUBLE *)thisgethit->dest->varptr)[thisgethit->destindex]
463           		  = ival;
464           		break;
465           	      }
466           	    break;
467           	  case DAVARFLOAT:
468           	  case DAVARDOUBLE:
469           	    if(srctype == DAVARFLOAT)
470           	      dval = ((DAFLOAT *)thisgethit->src->varptr)[ihit];
471           	    else 
472           	      dval = ((DADOUBLE *)thisgethit->src->varptr)[ihit];
473           	    switch(thisgethit->dest->type)
474           	      {
475           	      case DAVARINT:
476           		((DAINT *)thisgethit->dest->varptr)[thisgethit->destindex] = 
477           		  floatToLong(dval);
478           		break;
479           	      case DAVARFLOAT:
480           		((DAFLOAT *)thisgethit->dest->varptr)[thisgethit->destindex] = 
481           		  dval;
482           		break;
483 saw   1.1 	      case DAVARDOUBLE:
484           		((DADOUBLE *)thisgethit->dest->varptr)[thisgethit->destindex]
485           		  = dval;
486           		break;
487           	      }
488           	    break;
489           	  }
490           	break;			/* Only match one hit for now */
491                 }
492               }
493               thisgethit = thisgethit->next;
494             }
495             return(S_SUCCESS);
496           }
497 saw   1.2 int thgethit_()
498 saw   1.1 {
499 saw   1.2   int A0;
500 saw   1.1   A0 = thExecuteGethits(0);
501             return A0;
502           }
503 saw   1.2 int thgethitb_(char *A1,unsigned C1)
504 saw   1.1 {
505 saw   1.2   int A0;
506 saw   1.1   char *B1;
507             A0 = thExecuteGethits((!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:
508           		      (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'
509           		       ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')));
510             if(B1) free(B1);
511             return A0;
512           }

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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ViewCVS 0.9.2-cvsgraph-1.4.0