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  1 saw   1.1 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2            * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
  3            *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
  4            *
  5            * This software was developed under a United States Government license
  6            * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
  7            *
  8            * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
  9            * Email: saw@cebaf.gov  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
 10            *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 11            * 
 12            * Description:
 13            *  Book parameters
 14            *	
 15            * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
 16            *
 17            * Revision History:
 18            *   $Log: thParm.c,v $
 19 jones 1.5  *   Revision  2011/03/03 20:08:14  jones
 20            *   Used to be %li and %ld, but that makes 8 byte result stuffed into 4 byte lval .
 21            *
 22            *   Revision 1.4  2003/02/21 20:55:24  saw
 23            *   Clean up some types and casts to reduce compiler warnings.
 24            *
 25 saw   1.4  *   Revision 1.3  1999/11/04 20:34:06  saw
 26            *   Alpha compatibility.
 27            *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
 28            *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
 29            *
 30 saw   1.3  *   Revision 1.16  1999/08/16 16:31:10  saw
 31            *   Treat numbers that start with "0x" as hex.
 32 saw   1.2  *
 33 saw   1.1  *   Revision 1.15  1998/09/29 18:28:47  saw
 34            *   We shouldn't use thIDToken to identify whether the RHS of a parameter
 35            *   setting line is a simple constant or an expression.  So for now all RHS's
 36            *   will be evaluated.  Need some thought about setting the type of new
 37            *   variables that get created.  This eliminates the 1998 CTP bug.
 38            *
 39            *   Revision 1.14  1995/08/03 13:54:22  saw
 40            *   Add thpset function to single parameter setting lines from code
 41            *
 42            *	  Revision 1.13  1995/04/10  15:41:21  saw
 43            *	  Handle ctp file registration (#int, #real, ...)
 44            *
 45            *	  Revision 1.12  1995/01/09  15:26:09  saw
 46            *	  On fprintf, indicate block type and well as name
 47            *
 48            *	  Revision 1.11  1994/08/26  13:29:37  saw
 49            *	  Add DAVAR_REPOINTOK to created parameter.
 50            *
 51            *	  Revision 1.10  1994/07/21  20:35:44  saw
 52            *	  Don't prepend parm. when creating variables that have . in them.
 53            *
 54 saw   1.1  *	  Revision 1.9  1994/06/13  13:21:04  saw
 55            *	  Fix up handling of string type CTP variables.
 56            *
 57            *	  Revision 1.8  1994/06/03  18:49:54  saw
 58            *	  Replace stderr with STDERR
 59            *
 60            *	  Revision 1.7  1994/02/14  20:23:29  saw
 61            *	  Comment out debugging printf's
 62            *
 63            *	  Revision 1.6  1994/02/08  21:34:01  saw
 64            *	  Remove debugging statement
 65            *
 66            *	  Revision 1.5  1993/12/02  21:34:47  saw
 67            *	  Fully allow doubles on parm left or right hand sides
 68            *
 69            *	  Revision 1.4  1993/09/22  17:27:39  saw
 70            *	  Convert integer values with sscanf to allow for octal and hex.
 71            *
 72            *	  Revision 1.3  1993/09/13  20:52:34  saw
 73            *	  Dynamically allocated arrays allowed.  Dynamic params will automatically
 74            *	  float if needed.
 75 saw   1.1  *
 76            *	  Revision 1.2  1993/05/11  17:53:56  saw
 77            *	  Fix header
 78            *
 79            */
 81           /* What to do about unregistered variables?
 82              Register them as Int's now.  Later allow declaring of reals and arrays.
 84           */
 85           #include <stdio.h>
 86           #include <string.h>
 87           #include <math.h>
 88           #include "daVar.h"
 89           #include "th.h"
 90           #include "thInternal.h"
 91           #include "thUtils.h"
 92           #include "cfortran.h"
 94           #define MAXLINELENGTH 512
 95           /*#define NULL 0*/
 96 saw   1.1 
 97           /* Global variables */
 98           int thParmVarIndex;
 99           int thParmVarType;
100           int thParmVarALen;
101           int *thParmVarLP;
102           float *thParmVarFP;
103           double *thParmVarDP;
104           char *thParmVarSP;
105           char *thParmVarName;
106           daVarStruct *thParmVarVarp;
107           int thParmVarDynamic;
108           /**/
110           char *classlist[]={PARMSTR,0};	/* Class list for parameter names */
112           thStatus thParmLineSet(char *line);
113 saw   1.3 /*FCALLSCFUN1(INT,thLoadParameters,LOADPARM,loadparm,STRING)*/
114 saw   1.1 
115           thStatus thLoadParameters(daVarStruct *var)
116           /* Set the parameters as specified on the title line.
117              When done, replace title line with the parameters without the values?? 
118              For now, we won't modify the lines. */
119           {
120             char *lines,*eol;
121             int line_count;
123             if(*((DAINT *)var->varptr) != 0) /* This block already booked */
124               return(S_SUCCESS);
125             *((DAINT *) var->varptr) = 1;
126             lines = var->title;
127             line_count = 0;
128             while(*lines){
129               char *lcopy;
131               line_count++;
132               eol = strchr(lines,'\n');
133               if(!eol) {
134                 fprintf(STDERR,"L %d: Last line of parm block %s has no newline\n"
135 saw   1.1 	      ,line_count,var->name);
136                 break;
137               }
138               if(*(eol+1)=='\0'){		/* This is the last line */
139                 if(strcasestr(lines,ENDSTR) == 0) {
140           	fprintf(STDERR,"L %d: Last line of parm block %s is not an END\n"
141           		,line_count,var->name);
142                 }
143                 break;
144               }
145               if(line_count == 1)
146                 if(strcasestr(lines,BEGINSTR) != 0){
147           	/*	printf("Is a begin\n");*/
148           	lines = eol + 1;
149           	continue;
150                 } else
151           	fprintf(STDERR,"First line of parm block %s is not a BEGIN\n",var->name);
152               /* Ready to book the line, Add continuation lines later */
153               lcopy = (char *) malloc(eol-lines+1);
154               strncpy(lcopy,lines,(eol-lines));
155               *(lcopy + (eol-lines)) = '\0';
156 saw   1.1 /*     printf("Passing|%s|\n",lcopy);*/
157               if(!thSpecial(lcopy,PARMSTR)) {
158                 if(thParmLineSet(lcopy)!=S_SUCCESS)
159           	fprintf(STDERR,"Error saving parameters on line %d\n",line_count);
160               }
161               free(lcopy);
162               lines = eol + 1;
163             }
164             return(S_SUCCESS);
165           }
166           thStatus thParmLineSet(char *line)
167                /* Process a line of a parameter CTP block */
168           {
169             thTokenType toktyp;
170             int vartyp;
171             int vardimen;
172             daVarStruct *varp;
173             int i;
174             char *varnam;
175             int nargs;
176             char *args[50];
177 saw   1.1   char *orgargs;		/* Unadulterated arguments line */
179             {				/* Needs to be fixed to handle strings */
180               char *s;
181               int blank;
182               char quotechar;
183               int instring;
185               s = line;
186               blank = 1;
187               instring = 0;
188               while(*s != 0){
189                 if(instring && *s == quotechar) {
190           	if(*(s+1) == quotechar) s++;
191           	else instring = 0;
192                 } else {
193           	if(*s == QUOTECHAR1 || *s== QUOTECHAR2) {
194           	  instring = 1;
195           	  quotechar = *s;
196           	  blank = 0;
197           	} else if(isspace(*s)) {
198 saw   1.1 	  *s = ' ';	/* Remove tabs, ... */
199           	} else if(*s == COMCHAR) {
200           	  *s = 0;
201           	  break;
202           	} else
203           	  blank = 0;
204                 }
205                 s++;
206               }
207               if(blank) return(S_SUCCESS);
208               /* Now look for = and figure out what kind of variable is on left.
209                  If more than one number is given, left must be array. */
211               s = line;
212               orgargs = 0;
213               if((s = strchr(s,'='))){
214                 *s++ = '\0';
215                 orgargs = (char *) malloc(strlen(s)+1);
216                 strcpy(orgargs,s);
217                 varnam = thSpaceStrip(line);
218               } else {
219 saw   1.1       s = line;
220                 varnam = 0;
221               }
222               nargs = thCommas(s,args);
223               for(i=0;i<nargs;i++){
224                 args[i] = thSpaceStrip(args[i]);/* Remove all space from the argument */
225                 /*      printf("%s ",args[i]);*/
226               }
227               if(nargs > 0)		/* If only white space after last comma, */
228                 if(args[nargs-1][0] == '\0') /* then don't count it as an argument */
229           	nargs--;
230             }
232             if(varnam){
233               toktyp = thIDToken(varnam);
234               if(toktyp != TOKVAR && toktyp != TOKARRAY){
235                 fprintf(STDERR,"Variable name %s can't be a number\n",varnam);
236                 if(orgargs) free(orgargs);
237                 return(S_FAILURE);
238               }
239               if(toktyp == TOKARRAY){
240 saw   1.1       char *p;
241                 p = thTokenArray(varnam,&thParmVarIndex);
242                 *p = 0;
243               } else
244                 thParmVarIndex = 0;
245               if(daVarLookupPWithClass(varnam,classlist,&varp) != S_SUCCESS) {
246                 /* Variable is not preregistered, we will automatically allocate it.
247           	 Later, a flag for the block will be added which will disallow
248           	 auto allocation.  We will allocate here an integer array of length
249           	 thParmVarIndex plus the number of arguments on the line.  If there
250           	 are subsequent lines, the array will automatically be extended below
251           	 since the code will see the DAVAR_DYNAMIC_PAR flag.  If floating
252           	 point values are found on the lines below, the array will
253           	 automatically be changed to floating.  (Perhaps we should just always
254           	 make the variables floating point.)
255           	 The noauto flag will  eventually be implimented to disable automatic
256           	 variable createion. */
257                 daVarStruct var;
258                 if(strchr(varnam,'.')) {	/* Don't prepend parm., if varname has '.'s */
259           	var.name = (char *) malloc(strlen(varnam)+1);
260           	strcpy(var.name,varnam);
261 saw   1.1       } else {
262           	var.name = (char *) malloc(strlen(classlist[0])
263           				   +strlen(varnam)+2);
264           	strcpy(var.name,classlist[0]);
265           	strcat(var.name,".");
266           	strcat(var.name,varnam);
267                 }
268                 var.size = thParmVarIndex + nargs;
269                 var.varptr = (void *) malloc(var.size*sizeof(DAINT));
270                 var.opaque = 0;
271 saw   1.4       var.rhook = 0;
272                 var.whook = 0;
273 saw   1.1       var.type = DAVARINT;
274                 var.flag = DAVAR_REPOINTOK | DAVAR_READONLY | DAVAR_DYNAMIC_PAR;
275                 var.title = 0;
276                 daVarRegister((int) 0,&var); /* parameter */
277                 daVarLookupP(var.name,&varp);
278                 free(var.name);
279                 fprintf(STDERR,"%s not registered, registering as int\n",varnam);
280               }
281               /*    vardimen = varp->dimension;
282           	  if(vardimen==0 && toktyp == TOKARRAY) {
283           	  fprintf(STDERR,"Variable %s not registered as an array\n",varnam);
284           	  return(S_FAILURE);
285           	  }
286           	  */
287               vartyp = varp->type;
288               thParmVarType = vartyp;
289               thParmVarName = varp->name;
290               thParmVarVarp = varp;
291               thParmVarDynamic = (varp->flag & DAVAR_DYNAMIC_PAR);
292               thParmVarALen = varp->size;
293               switch(vartyp)
294 saw   1.1       {
295                 case DAVARINT:
296           	thParmVarLP = (int *) varp->varptr;
297           	break;
298                 case DAVARFLOAT:
299           	thParmVarFP = (float *) varp->varptr;
300           	break;
301                 case DAVARDOUBLE:
302           	thParmVarDP = (double *) varp->varptr;
303           	break;
304                 case DAVARSTRING:
305                 case DAVARFSTRING:
306           	thParmVarSP = (char *) varp->varptr;
307           	break;
308                 }
309             }
310             if(thParmVarType == DAVARINT || thParmVarType == DAVARFLOAT 
311                || thParmVarType == DAVARDOUBLE) {
312               for(i=0;i<nargs;i++){
313                 int lval;
314                 double dval;
315 saw   1.1       toktyp = thIDToken(args[i]);
316                 if(thParmVarIndex>=thParmVarALen){
317           	if(thParmVarDynamic) {	/* Automatically up size for dynamic pars */
318           /*	  printf("i=%d, thParmVarIndex=%d, thParmVarALen=%d\n",i,thParmVarIndex
319           		 ,thParmVarALen);
320           	  printf("thParmVarType=%d\n",thParmVarType);*/
321           	  if(thParmVarType == DAVARINT){
322           	    int j;
323           	    int *TMPP;
325           	    thParmVarVarp->size = (thParmVarIndex + (nargs-i));
326           	    TMPP = (int *) malloc(thParmVarVarp->size*sizeof(DAINT));
327           	    for(j=0;j<thParmVarALen;j++)
328           	      TMPP[j] = thParmVarLP[j];
329           	    free(thParmVarLP);
330           	    thParmVarLP = TMPP;
331           	    thParmVarVarp->varptr = thParmVarLP;
332           	  } else { /*if(thParmVarType == DAVARFLOAT)*/
333           	    int j;	
334           	    float *TMPP;
336 saw   1.1 	    thParmVarVarp->size = (thParmVarIndex + (nargs-i));
337           	    TMPP = (float *) malloc(thParmVarVarp->size*sizeof(DAFLOAT));
338           	    for(j=0;j<thParmVarALen;j++)
339           	      TMPP[j] = thParmVarFP[j];
340           	    free(thParmVarFP);
341           	    thParmVarFP = TMPP;
342           	    thParmVarVarp->varptr = thParmVarFP;
343           	  }
344           	  thParmVarALen = thParmVarVarp->size;
345           	} else {
346           	  fprintf(STDERR,"Tried to fill past end of array %s\n",thParmVarName);
347           	  if(orgargs) free(orgargs);
348           	  return(S_FAILURE);
349           	}
350                 }
351           #define ALWAYSEVAL
352           #ifndef ALWAYSEVAL
353                 switch(toktyp)
354           	{
355           	case TOKINT:
356 jones 1.5 	  /* Used to be %li and %ld, but that makes 8 byte result
357           	     stuffed into 4 byte lval */
358 saw   1.2 	  if(args[i][0] == '0' && (args[i][1] == 'x' || args[i][1] == 'X')) {
359 jones 1.5 	    sscanf(args[i],"%i",&lval); /* Treat as Hex */
360 saw   1.2 	  } else {
361 jones 1.5 	    sscanf(args[i],"%d",&lval); /* Treat as decimal */
362 saw   1.2 	  }
363 saw   1.1 	  dval = lval;
364           	  break;
365           	case TOKFLOAT:
366           	  dval = atof(args[i]);
367           	  lval = floatToLong(dval);
368           	  break;
369           	default:
370           #endif
371           	  if(thEvalImed(args[i],&dval,&lval) != S_SUCCESS)
372           	    fprintf(STDERR,"Parm: Error interpreting %s\n");
373           #ifndef ALWAYSEVAL
374           	  break;
375           	}
376           #endif
377                 switch(thParmVarType)
378           	{
379           	case DAVARINT:	
380           	  if(thParmVarDynamic) {
381           	    /* User must be careful, if an expression evaluated with thEvalImed ends up
382           	       as integer, then the type of the variable will stay as integer. */
383           	    if(toktyp == TOKFLOAT || (toktyp != TOKINT && dval != lval)) {
384 saw   1.1 	      /* Floating point arg found */
385           	      int j;		/* Copy integer arry to float array */
386           	      thParmVarFP = (float *) malloc(thParmVarALen*sizeof(DAFLOAT));
387           	      for(j=0;j<thParmVarALen;j++)
388           		thParmVarFP[j] = thParmVarLP[j];
389           	      free(thParmVarLP);
390           	      thParmVarVarp->varptr = thParmVarFP;
391           	      thParmVarVarp->type = DAVARFLOAT;
392           	      thParmVarFP[thParmVarIndex++] = dval;
393           	      thParmVarType = DAVARFLOAT;
394           	      break;
395           	    }
396           	  }
397           	  thParmVarLP[thParmVarIndex++] = lval;
398           	  break;
399           	case DAVARFLOAT:
400           	  thParmVarFP[thParmVarIndex++] = dval;
401           	  break;
402           	case DAVARDOUBLE:
403           	  thParmVarDP[thParmVarIndex++] = dval;
404           	  break;
405 saw   1.1 	}
406                 /*    printf("Saved args[%d] %s %d %f\n",i,args[i],lval,dval);*/
407               }
408             } else if(thParmVarType == DAVARSTRING || thParmVarType == DAVARFSTRING) {
409               int maxlen, arglen;
410               char *argptr; char *s;
412               maxlen = thParmVarALen - ((thParmVarType == DAVARSTRING) ? 1 : 0);
413               /* Find first non blank character after the = */
414               argptr = orgargs;
416               while(isspace(*argptr)) argptr++;
417               if(argptr[0] == QUOTECHAR1 || argptr[0] == QUOTECHAR2){
418                 s = argptr+1;
419                 while(*s && *s != argptr[0]) s++;       /* Search for nul or matching qu
420           e */
421                 *s = 0;
422                 argptr++;                       /* Move to char after quote */
423               }
424               arglen = strlen(argptr);
425               if(arglen > maxlen) arglen = maxlen;
426 saw   1.1     strncpy(thParmVarSP, argptr, arglen);
427               if(thParmVarType == DAVARFSTRING) {
428                 while(arglen < maxlen)
429           	thParmVarSP[arglen++] = ' ';    /* Blank pad fortran strings */
430               } else {
431                 thParmVarSP[arglen] = 0;
432               }
433             }
434             if(orgargs) free(orgargs);
435             return(S_SUCCESS);
436           }
437           /* Fortran routine to evaluate a line of the form parm = value */  
438           #ifdef NOF77extname
439 saw   1.3 int thpset
440 saw   1.1 #else
441 saw   1.3 int thpset_
442 saw   1.1 #endif
443           (char *A1,unsigned C1)
444           {
445 saw   1.3   int A0;
446 saw   1.1   char *B1;
447             thStatus status;
449             status = thParmLineSet((!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:
450           		      (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'
451           		       ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')));
452             if(B1) free(B1);
453             return status;
454           }

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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