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Current directory:[HallC] / Analyzer / HTRACKING
Current tag:aug0394
Files shown:60

File Rev. Age Author Last log entry
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(file) h_cal.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (DFG) Put in real code and change name of print routine.
(file) h_cer.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_chamnum.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_choose_single_hit.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_correct_cal.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_fill_dc_fp_hist.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_left_right.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_print_links.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_print_pr.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_print_raw_dc.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_prt_cal_tests.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_dpsifun.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (SAW) remove dfloat call since arg and result both real*8
(file) h_drift_dist_calc.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (DJM) map fractional area to distance. worked for the prototype chamber! (DFG) A...
(file) h_init_cal.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (DFG) make all parameters CTP, not hard wired
(file) h_link_stubs.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  Add switch to include single stub tracks
(file) h_sparsify_cal.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_drift_time_calc.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (DFG) Allow switch for monte carlo data
(file) h_physics_stat.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (DFG) Add scin plane efficiency
(file) h_print_tracks.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (DFG) print warning if hsingle_stub is set.
(file) h_clusters_cal.f (graph)   1.3  30 years  cdaq  (JRA) Catch some out of bounds problems
(file) h_fill_dc_dec_hist.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_fill_dc_target_hist.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_fill_scin_raw_hist.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_find_best_stub.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_generate_geometry.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_init_physics.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_print_decoded_dc.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_print_stubs.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_prt_cal_clusters.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_prt_cal_decoded.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_prt_cal_raw.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_prt_cal_sparsified.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_prt_cal_tracks.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_prt_tof.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_prt_track_tests.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_psifun.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_raw_dump_all.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_fcnchisq.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (SAW) Change name of dummy arg to dumarg
(file) h_physics.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (DFG) Calculate physics quantities
(file) h_print_tar_tracks.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (DFG) check for more than 0 tracks (SAW) cosmetic formatting changes to source c...
(file) h_prt_raw_scin.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (JRA) Fix variable names
(file) h_init_scin.f (graph)   1.3  30 years  cdaq  (DFG) remove hard wired numbers
(file) h_pattern_recognition.f (graph)   1.3  30 years  cdaq  (DFG) Place a limit on total nubmer of hits in each chamber Add filter to ...
(file) h_prt_dec_scin.f (graph)   1.3  30 years  cdaq  (JRA) Print out some additional information
(file) Makefile.Unix (graph)   1.6  30 years  cdaq  (SAW) Add rule for .dte files
(file) h_reconstruction.f (graph)   1.6  30 years  cdaq  (DFG) add h_recon_num and bypass switches
(file) h_register_param.f (graph)   1.7  30 years  cdaq  (KBB) Upgrade error reporting
(file) h_targ_trans_init.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_tracks_cal.f (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_strip_scin.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (JRA) Clear and set nscin_hits_per_plane array
(file) h_tof_init.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (SAW) Change declaration of err to *(*)
(file) h_track.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (DFG) Added histograming call (h_fill_dc_fp_hist)
(file) h_track_fit.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (SAW) Remove dfloat calls with floating args
(file) h_wire_center_calc.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (SAW) Remove FLOAT call on floating arg
(file) h_targ_trans.f (graph)   1.4  30 years  cdaq  (DFG) Add fill HLINK_TAR_FP 1 to 1
(file) h_tof_fit.f (graph)   1.5  30 years  cdaq  (SAW) Add abs around tmpdenom that I left out last update
(file) h_tof.f (graph)   1.6  30 years  cdaq  (JRA) Some hacks
(file) h_trans_cal.f (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (DFG) Change name of print routine
(file) h_trans_dc.f (graph)   1.5  30 years  cdaq  (DFG) Add upper and lower limit for valid TDC
(file) h_trans_scin.f (graph)   1.6  30 years  cdaq  (JRA) Remove outliers from start time calculation

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Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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