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Diff for /Analyzer/HTRACKING/Attic/h_fpp_tracking_ajp.f between version 1.1 and

version 1.1, 2008/12/15 18:46:07 version, 2009/09/04 22:06:45
Line 0 
Line 1 
         subroutine h_fpp_tracking_ajp(dcset,abort,err)
         implicit none
         include 'gen_detectorids.par'
         include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
         INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
         INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
         INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
         INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
         INCLUDE 'hms_id_histid.cmn'
         character*14 here
         parameter (here= 'h_fpp_tracking')
         integer*4 DCset   ! set of FPP DCs we are working on
         logical ABORT
         character*(*) err
         logical*4 sufficient_hits, track_good, any_track, any_good, any_great
   c     define arrays for candidate tracks:
         integer*4 nhitsrequired
         integer*4 ngoodtracks
         integer*4 ncandidates,i,j,k,ichamber,ilayer
         integer*4 nplanestemp,icluster,bestcandidate,best6,best5
         integer*4 itrack,track,hit,ihit,wire
         integer*4 goodtracks(h_fpp_max_candidates)
         real*4 simpletracks(h_fpp_max_candidates,6)
         real*4 fulltracks(h_fpp_max_candidates,6)
         real*4 thetatracks(h_fpp_max_candidates) ! store track polar angle relative to HMS
         real*4 sclosetracks(h_fpp_max_candidates) ! store track distance of closest approach relative to HMS or FPP1
         real*4 zclosetracks(h_fpp_max_candidates) ! store track z of closest approach relative to HMS or FPP1
         real*4 phitracks(h_fpp_max_candidates)
         integer*4 conetesttracks(h_fpp_max_candidates) ! store cone test of tracks relative to HMS or FPP1
         integer*4 bestreftracks(h_fpp_max_candidates)
         logical greattrack(h_fpp_max_candidates)
         real*4 chi2, minchi2
   c      logical ambiguity(h_fpp_max_candidates)
         logical firsttheta,firstsclose
         logical firsttry,any6,anytheta ! at this stage of the tracking, apply a maximum theta cut on all candidate tracks
         logical any6theta ! any tracks with six planes AND passing theta cut?
         logical anyzclose,any6zclose ! any tracks with zclose passing prune tests?
         logical anyconetest,any6conetest
         integer*4 hitcombos(h_fpp_max_candidates,h_fpp_n_dcinset,h_fpp_n_dclayers)
         logical hitsintrack(h_fpp_max_candidates,h_fpp_n_dcinset,h_fpp_n_dclayers)
         logical ontrack(h_fpp_n_dcinset,h_fpp_n_dclayers) ! keep track of whether a cluster ends up on a track
         integer*4 candidate_nplanes(h_fpp_max_candidates)
         integer*4 candidate_nhits(h_fpp_max_candidates)
   c      integer*4 candidate_wires(h_fpp_max_candidates,h_fpp_max_fitpoints)
   c      real*4 candidate_drifts(h_fpp_max_candidates,h_fpp_max_fitpoints)
         real*4 SimpleTrack(6), FullTrack(7)
         integer*4 BestClusters(H_FPP_N_DCINSET,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS)
         real*4 HMStrack(4)
         real*4 FPPtrack(4),newFPPtrack(4)
         real*4 DCslopes(3),DCcoords(3), FPcoords(3), FPslopes(3)
         real*4 PI
         real*4 theta,mintheta,phi,sclose,minsclose,zclose
         real*4 criterion,mincriterion
         integer*4 conetest,bestref,jtrack
         integer*4 iteration
         logical zgood
         logical goodhms
         real*4 prob
         ABORT= .FALSE.
         err= ' '
         any_track = .false.
         any_good  = .false.
         any_great = .false.
         hfpp_n_tracks(dcset) = 0
         call h_fpp_tracking_freehitcount(dcset,sufficient_hits)
         iteration = 0
         goodhms = abs(hsxp_tar).le..08.and.abs(hsyp_tar).le..04.and.abs(hsy_tar)<5..and.
        $     abs(hsdelta)<10.
         do while (sufficient_hits .and. (HFPP_N_tracks(DCset).lt.H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS))
   c$$$         if(goodhms) then
   c$$$            write(*,*) 'FPP tracking: chamber = ',dcset,' iteration = ',iteration
   c$$$         endif
            iteration = iteration + 1
            ncandidates = 0
            any6 = .false.
            anytheta = .false.
            any6theta = .false.
            anyzclose = .false.
            any6zclose = .false.
            anyconetest = .false.
            any6conetest = .false.
            any_great = .false.
   c     the kind of loop we want here goes until we either run out of hit combos for a simple track, or
   c     until we exceed the maximum number of candidate tracks:
   c     initialize local tracking arrays:
            do i=1,h_fpp_max_candidates
               candidate_nplanes(i) = 0
               candidate_nhits(i) = 0
               goodtracks(i) = 0
               do ichamber=1,h_fpp_n_dcinset
                  do ilayer=1,h_fpp_n_dclayers
                     hitcombos(i,ichamber,ilayer) = 0
                     hitsintrack(i,ichamber,ilayer) = .false.
   c         write(*,*) 'Start of tracking, FPP,ntracks=',dcset,hfpp_n_tracks(dcset)
            nhitsrequired = 0
   c         write(*,*) 'before simple tracking, nhits required=',nhitsrequired
            call h_fpp_tracking_simple_ajp(dcset,hitcombos,simpletracks,ncandidates,nhitsrequired,abort,err)
            if (ABORT) then
               call g_add_path(here,err)
   c$$$         write(*,*) 'after simple tracking, nhits required,ncandidate=',
   c$$$     $        nhitsrequired,ncandidates
        $        hfpp_n_simple(dcset,1) = ncandidates
   c$$$         if(goodhms) then
   c$$$            write(*,*) 'number of candidates after simple tracking=',ncandidates
   c$$$         endif
   c$$$  if (.true.) then
   c$$$               if (int(SimpleTrack(6)).le.0) then
   c$$$                  if(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,6).gt.0) call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,6),0.,1.) !Nraw
   c$$$               else
   c$$$                  if(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,1).gt.0) call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,1),SimpleTrack(1),1.) !mx
   c$$$                  if(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,2).gt.0) call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,2),SimpleTrack(2),1.) !bx
   c$$$                  if(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,3).gt.0) call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,3),SimpleTrack(3),1.) !my
   c$$$                  if(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,4).gt.0) call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,4),SimpleTrack(4),1.) !by
   c$$$                  if(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,5).gt.0) call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,5),SimpleTrack(5),1.) !chi2
   c$$$                  if(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,6).gt.0) call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,6),SimpleTrack(6),1.) !Nraw
   c$$$               endif
   c$$$            endif
   *     * quit trying to make more tracks if we are out of hits
   *     * or if we couldnt make a good one now
   c            if (int(SimpleTrack(6)).le.0) exit
   c            if (int(SimpleTrack(5)).eq.H_FPP_BAD_CHI2) exit
   c            any_track = .true.
            if(ncandidates.eq.0) exit
            ngoodtracks = 0
    134     do i=1,ncandidates
               FullTrack(1) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD ! mx
               FullTrack(2) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD ! bx
               FullTrack(3) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD ! my
               FullTrack(4) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD ! by
               FullTrack(5) = H_FPP_BAD_CHI2
               FullTrack(6) = 0. ! number of hits
               FullTrack(7) = 0. ! number of planes
   c            write(*,*) 'candidate ',i,' simple chi2=',simpletracks(i,5)
               do j=1,6
                  simpletrack(j) = simpletracks(i,j)
   c               write(*,*) 'i,simpletrack(i)=',j,simpletrack(j)
               do ichamber=1,h_fpp_n_dcinset
                  do ilayer=1,h_fpp_n_dclayers
                     bestclusters(ichamber,ilayer) = hitcombos(i,ichamber,ilayer)
   c                  write(*,*) 'chbr,pln,clstr=',ichamber,ilayer,bestclusters(ichamber,ilayer)
               call h_fpp_tracking_drifttrack_ajp(dcset,simpletrack,bestclusters,
        $           ontrack,track_good,fulltrack,nhitsrequired,1,abort,err)
   c            write(*,*) 'track_good = ',track_good
               if (ABORT) then
                  call g_add_path(here,err)
               if(track_good) then ! tracking with drift resulted in a reasonable track:
   *     calculate everything so we can check its quality/value against quantities other than just chi2:
   *     transform from FPP to focal plane coordinate system:
   *     slopes first:
                  dcslopes(1) = fulltrack(1)
                  dcslopes(2) = fulltrack(3)
                  dcslopes(3) = 1.0
                  call h_fpp_dc2fp(dcset,.true.,dcslopes,fpslopes)
   *     Next, transform coordinates from FPP to focal plane system:
                  dccoords(1) = fulltrack(2)
                  dccoords(2) = fulltrack(4)
                  dccoords(3) = 0.0
                  call h_fpp_dc2fp(dcset,.false.,dccoords,fpcoords)
                  fpcoords(1) = fpcoords(1) - fpslopes(1)*fpcoords(3)
                  fpcoords(2) = fpcoords(2) - fpslopes(2)*fpcoords(3)
                  fpptrack(1) = fpcoords(1)
                  fpptrack(2) = fpcoords(2)
                  fpptrack(3) = fpslopes(1)
                  fpptrack(4) = fpslopes(2)
                  call h_fpp_align(dcset,fpptrack,newfpptrack)
   *     initialize bestref to zero:
                  bestref = 0
   *     initialize "hmstrack" to the actual hms track:
                  hmstrack(1) = hsxp_fp
                  hmstrack(2) = hsx_fp
                  hmstrack(3) = hsyp_fp
                  hmstrack(4) = hsy_fp
   *     initialize "fpptrack" to the current track:
   c$$$               fpptrack(1) = fpslopes(1)
   c$$$               fpptrack(2) = fpcoords(1)
   c$$$               fpptrack(3) = fpslopes(2)
   c$$$               fpptrack(4) = fpcoords(2)
                  fpptrack(1) = newfpptrack(3) ! dx/dz
                  fpptrack(2) = newfpptrack(1) ! x
                  fpptrack(3) = newfpptrack(4) ! dy/dz
                  fpptrack(4) = newfpptrack(2) ! y
   *     calculate closest approach parameters relative to hms track:
                  call h_fpp_closest(hmstrack,fpptrack,sclose,zclose)
                  call h_fpp_relative_angles(hmstrack(1),hmstrack(3),fpptrack(1),fpptrack(3),theta,phi)
   *     in FPP2, we use the "best" track from FPP1 as a reference track:
                  mintheta = theta
                  bestref = 0
                  if(dcset.eq.2.and.hfpp_n_tracks(1).gt.0) then
                     do jtrack = 1, hfpp_n_tracks(1)
                        hmstrack(1) = hfpp_track_dx(1,jtrack)
                        hmstrack(2) = hfpp_track_x(1,jtrack)
                        hmstrack(3) = hfpp_track_dy(1,jtrack)
                        hmstrack(4) = hfpp_track_y(1,jtrack)
                        call h_fpp_closest(hmstrack,fpptrack,sclose,zclose)
                        call h_fpp_relative_angles(hmstrack(1),hmstrack(3),fpptrack(1),fpptrack(3),theta,phi)
                        if(theta.lt.mintheta) then
                           bestref = jtrack
                           bestreftracks(i) = bestref
                           mintheta = theta
   c     now, calculate everything one more time using bestref:
                     if(bestref.gt.0) then
                        hmstrack(1) = hfpp_track_dx(1,bestref)
                        hmstrack(2) = hfpp_track_x(1,bestref)
                        hmstrack(3) = hfpp_track_dy(1,bestref)
                        hmstrack(4) = hfpp_track_y(1,bestref)
                     else ! revert to HMS track:
                        hmstrack(1) = hsxp_fp
                        hmstrack(2) = hsx_fp
                        hmstrack(3) = hsyp_fp
                        hmstrack(4) = hsy_fp
                     call h_fpp_closest(hmstrack,fpptrack,sclose,zclose)
                     call h_fpp_relative_angles(hmstrack(1),hmstrack(3),fpptrack(1),fpptrack(3),theta,phi)
                  bestreftracks(i) = bestref
                  conetest = 1
                  call h_fpp_conetest(hmstrack,dcset,zclose,theta,conetest)
                  thetatracks(i) = theta
                  phitracks(i) = phi
                  sclosetracks(i) = sclose
                  zclosetracks(i) = zclose
                  conetesttracks(i) = conetest
        $              anytheta = .true.
                  do j=1,6
                     fulltracks(i,j) = fulltrack(j)
                  nplanestemp = int(fulltrack(7))
                  candidate_nplanes(i) = nplanestemp
                  candidate_nhits(i) = int(fulltrack(6))
                  ngoodtracks = ngoodtracks + 1
                  goodtracks(ngoodtracks) = i
                  greattrack(i) = ( conetest.eq.1.and.
        $              sclose.le.hfpp_prune_sclose(dcset)
        $              .and.zclose.ge.hfpp_prune_zclose(2*(dcset-1)+1)-
        $              hfpp_prune_zslop(dcset)/tan(theta).and.zclose.le.
        $              hfpp_prune_zclose(2*(dcset-1)+2) +
        $              hfpp_prune_zslop(dcset)/tan(theta) .and.
        $              nplanestemp.eq.6 )
                  if(dcset.eq.2.and.bestref.gt.0) then
                     greattrack(i) = ( conetest.eq.1.and.
        $              sclose.le.hfpp_prune_sclose(1)
        $              .and.zclose.ge.hfpp_prune_zclose(2*(dcset-1)+1)-
        $              hfpp_prune_zslop(dcset)/tan(theta).and.zclose.le.
        $              hfpp_prune_zclose(2*(dcset-1)+2) +
        $              hfpp_prune_zslop(dcset)/tan(theta) .and.
        $              nplanestemp.eq.6 )
                  if(greattrack(i)) any_great = .true.
        $              any6 = .true.
                  if(conetest.eq.1) then
                     anyconetest = .true.
        $                 then
                        any6conetest = .true.
                  if(zclose.ge.hfpp_prune_zclose(2*(dcset-1)+1) -
        $              hfpp_prune_zslop(dcset)/tan(theta).and.
        $              zclose.le.hfpp_prune_zclose(2*(dcset-1)+2) +
        $              hfpp_prune_zslop(dcset)/tan(theta)) then
                     anyzclose = .true.
        $                 then
                        any6zclose = .true.
        $              .and.nplanestemp.eq.h_fpp_n_dcinset*h_fpp_n_dclayers)
        $              any6theta = .true.
                  do ichamber=1,h_fpp_n_dcinset
                     do ilayer = 1,h_fpp_n_dclayers
        $                    hitsintrack(i,ichamber,ilayer) = .true.
   c$$$  if(ngoodtracks.gt.hfpp_n_simple(dcset,2)) then
   c$$$            hfpp_n_simple(dcset,2) = ngoodtracks
   c$$$         endif
            if(iteration.eq.1) then
               hfpp_n_simple(dcset,2) = ngoodtracks
   c     if the left-right fixing routine is turned on and we don't prune on the number of planes
   c     on the track, then don't require six planes:
            if(hfpp_prune_nplanes.eq.0.and.hfppfixleftright.gt.0) then
               any6 = .false.
   c$$$         if(goodhms) then
   c$$$            write(*,*)
   c$$$     $           'number of good tracks after tracking with drift=',ngoodtracks
   c$$$         endif
   c         write(*,*) 'ngood drift tracks = ',ngoodtracks
            if(ngoodtracks.eq.0) then
               if(nhitsrequired.gt.hfpp_minsethits) then
                  nhitsrequired = nhitsrequired - 1
                  goto 134
            bestcandidate = 0
            firsttry = .true.
            firsttheta = .true.
            firstsclose = .true.
   *     get minimum chi2, sclose, and theta, always checking for existence of six-hit tracks first:
            do i=1,ngoodtracks
               chi2 = fulltracks(track,5)
               sclose = sclosetracks(track)
               theta = thetatracks(track)
               if(candidate_nplanes(track).eq.6.or..not.any6) then
                  if(firsttry) then
                     firsttry = .false.
                     mintheta = theta
                     minchi2 = chi2
                     minsclose = sclose
                     if(theta.lt.mintheta) mintheta = theta
                     if(chi2.lt.minchi2) minchi2 = chi2
                     if(sclose.lt.minsclose) minsclose = sclose
            firsttry = .true.
            do i=1,ngoodtracks     ! here is where we try to pick the best track:
               track = goodtracks(i)
               chi2 = fulltracks(track,5)
               sclose = sclosetracks(track)
               theta = thetatracks(track)
               zclose = zclosetracks(track)
               conetest = conetesttracks(track)
               bestref = bestreftracks(track)
               phi = phitracks(track)
   c            if(ngoodtracks.gt.1) then
   c            if(.not.any6.or.candidate_nplanes(track).eq.6) then
   c$$$               if(goodhms) then
   c$$$                  write(*,*) 'track ',track,' theta=',theta*180.0/PI,
   c$$$     $                 ' chi2=',chi2,
   c$$$     $                 ' sclose=',sclose,' zclose=',zclose,' phi=',phi*180.0/PI,
   c$$$     $                 ' nplanes=',candidate_nplanes(track),
   c$$$     $                 ' nhits=',candidate_nhits(track),
   c$$$     $                 ' conetest=',conetest
   c$$$                  if(dcset.eq.2) write(*,*) 'bestref=',bestref
   c$$$               endif
   c            endif
   c     try chi2 + sclose^2/sigmasclose^2
   c            criterion = chi2 + (sclose*hfpp_sclose_weight(dcset))**2
   c            criterion = chi2 + minchi2*(hfpp_sclose_weight(dcset)*(sclose/minsclose)**2 +
   c     $           hfpp_theta_weight(dcset)*prob(dcset,mintheta)/prob(dcset,theta))
   c            if(dcset.eq.2.and.bestref.gt.0) then
   c               criterion = chi2 + minchi2*(hfpp_sclose_weight(1)*(sclose/minsclose)**2 +
   c     $              hfpp_theta_weight(1)*prob(1,mintheta)/prob(1,theta))
   c            endif
               zgood = zclose.ge.hfpp_prune_zclose(2*(dcset-1)+1) -
        $           hfpp_prune_zslop(dcset)/tan(theta) .and.
        $           zclose.le.hfpp_prune_zclose(2*(dcset-1)+2) +
        $           hfpp_prune_zslop(dcset)/tan(theta)
   c     try picking smallest theta HERE instead:
               if(hselectfpptrackprune.eq.1) then
                  criterion = theta
                  any_great = .false.
               else if(hselectfpptrackprune.eq.2) then
                  criterion = chi2 + minchi2 * sclose**2
               else if(hselectfpptrackprune.eq.3) then
                  criterion = chi2
               else if(hselectfpptrackprune.eq.4) then
                  criterion = sclose
                  criterion = chi2
               any_great = .false.
   c            if(candidate_nplanes(track).eq.h_fpp_n_dcinset*
   c     $           h_fpp_n_dclayers.or..not.any6) then
               if( greattrack(track).or. .not. any_great) then
                  if(candidate_nplanes(track).eq.6.or..not.any6) then
                     if(firsttry.or.criterion.lt.mincriterion) then
                        mincriterion = criterion
                        firsttry = .false.
                        bestcandidate = track
   c$$$         if(goodhms) then
   c$$$            write(*,*) 'chosen track=',bestcandidate
   c$$$         endif
            if(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,1).gt.0) call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,1),SimpleTracks(bestcandidate,1),1.) !mx
            if(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,2).gt.0) call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,2),SimpleTracks(bestcandidate,2),1.) !bx
            if(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,3).gt.0) call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,3),SimpleTracks(bestcandidate,3),1.) !my
            if(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,4).gt.0) call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,4),SimpleTracks(bestcandidate,4),1.) !by
            if(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,5).gt.0) call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,5),SimpleTracks(bestcandidate,5),1.) !chi2
            if(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,6).gt.0) call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,6),SimpleTracks(bestcandidate,6),1.) !Nraw
            if(hidFPP_roughchi2vsnhit(dcset).gt.0) call hf2(hidFPP_roughchi2vsnhit(dcset),simpletracks(bestcandidate,6),
        $        simpletracks(bestcandidate,5),1.)
            do i=1,ncandidates
               do ichamber=1,h_fpp_n_dcinset
                  do ilayer=1,h_fpp_n_dclayers
                     icluster = hitcombos(i,ichamber,ilayer)
                     if(icluster.gt.0) then ! mark all candidate hits as unused
                        hfpp_clusterintrack(dcset,ichamber,ilayer,icluster) = 0
   c     reset drift time and drift distance for all wire hits in the cluster:
   c     If they are not used in a track, do not store their drift time and distance:
                        do ihit=1,hfpp_nhitsincluster(dcset,ichamber,ilayer,icluster)
                           hit = hfpp_clusters(dcset,ichamber,ilayer,icluster,ihit)
                           wire = hfpp_raw_wire(hit)
                           hfpp_drift_time(dcset,ichamber,ilayer,wire) = h_fpp_bad_time
                           hfpp_drift_dist(dcset,ichamber,ilayer,wire) = h_fpp_bad_drift
   c         write(*,*) 'best candidate track, chi2=',bestcandidate,fulltracks(bestcandidate,5)
   c     write(*,*) 'nplanes,nhits=',candidate_nplanes(bestcandidate),
   c     $        candidate_nhits(bestcandidate)
   c$$$  do i=1,4
   c$$$  write(*,*) 'i,besttrack(i)=',i,fulltracks(bestcandidate,i)
   c$$$  enddo
            if(bestcandidate.eq.0) exit
   c     fit the track one more time to get the correct drift distance, as it may have changed:
   c     also, improve drift time/dist calculation using the full track:
            do j=1,6
               simpletrack(j) = simpletracks(bestcandidate,j)
   c     write(*,*) 'i,simpletrack(i)=',j,simpletrack(j)
            do ichamber=1,h_fpp_n_dcinset
               do ilayer=1,h_fpp_n_dclayers
                  bestclusters(ichamber,ilayer) = hitcombos(bestcandidate,ichamber,ilayer)
   c     write(*,*) 'chbr,pln,clstr=',ichamber,ilayer,bestclusters(ichamber,ilayer)
   c         write(*,*) 'before refitting, track=',(fulltracks(bestcandidate,j),j=1,6)
            call h_fpp_tracking_drifttrack_ajp(dcset,simpletrack,bestclusters,
        $        ontrack,track_good,fulltrack,nhitsrequired,1,abort,err)
            if(.not. track_good) exit
            do j=1,6
               fulltracks(bestcandidate,j) = fulltrack(j)
   c         write(*,*) 'after refitting, track=',(fulltracks(bestcandidate,j),j=1,6)
   c     Now that we have found the best candidate track, add it to the good track array:
            itrack = hfpp_n_tracks(dcset) + 1
            if(itrack.le.h_fpp_max_tracks) then
               hfpp_n_tracks(dcset) = itrack
               hfpp_track_nlayers(dcset,itrack) = candidate_nplanes(bestcandidate)
   c            hfpp_track_nlayers(dcset,itrack) =
               do j=1,4
                  hfpp_track_fine(dcset,itrack,j) = fulltracks(bestcandidate,j)
   c     Mark the hits in the best candidate track as used!
               do ichamber = 1,h_fpp_n_dcinset
                  do ilayer = 1,h_fpp_n_dclayers
                     icluster = hitcombos(bestcandidate,ichamber,ilayer)
        $                 hitsintrack(bestcandidate,ichamber,ilayer) ) then
                        hfpp_clusterintrack(dcset,ichamber,ilayer,icluster) = itrack
                     hfpp_trackcluster(dcset,ichamber,ilayer,itrack) = icluster
               hfpp_track_chi2(dcset,itrack) = fulltracks(bestcandidate,5)
               hfpp_track_nhits(dcset,itrack) = int(fulltracks(bestcandidate,6))
               do j=1,6
                  hfpp_track_rough(dcset,itrack,j) = simpletracks(bestcandidate,j)
               hfpp_track_uniq(dcset,itrack) = .true.
   *     transform slopes from local FPP coordinates to HMS fp coordinates:
               dccoords(1) = fulltracks(bestcandidate,1) ! dx/dz
               dccoords(2) = fulltracks(bestcandidate,3) ! dy/dz
               dccoords(3) = 1.0                         ! dz/dz
               call h_fpp_dc2fp(dcset,.true.,dccoords,fpcoords)
   c$$$            hfpp_track_dx(dcset,itrack) = fpcoords(1)
   c$$$            hfpp_track_dy(dcset,itrack) = fpcoords(2)
               fpptrack(3) = fpcoords(1) ! x' in fp coords
               fpptrack(4) = fpcoords(2) ! y' in fp coords
   *     now transform coordinates from local FPP system to HMS fp coords:
               dccoords(1) = fulltracks(bestcandidate,2) ! x
               dccoords(2) = fulltracks(bestcandidate,4) ! y
               dccoords(3) = 0.0
               call h_fpp_dc2fp(dcset,.false.,dccoords,fpcoords)
   c$$$            hfpp_track_x(dcset,itrack) = fpcoords(1) - fpcoords(3)*
   c$$$     $           hfpp_track_dx(dcset,itrack)
   c$$$            hfpp_track_y(dcset,itrack) = fpcoords(2) - fpcoords(3)*
   c$$$     $           hfpp_track_dy(dcset,itrack)
               fpptrack(1) = fpcoords(1) - fpcoords(3) * fpptrack(3) ! x in fp coords at z=0
               fpptrack(2) = fpcoords(2) - fpcoords(3) * fpptrack(4) ! y in fp coords at z=0
               call h_fpp_align(dcset,fpptrack,newfpptrack)
               hfpp_track_x(dcset,itrack) = newfpptrack(1)
               hfpp_track_y(dcset,itrack) = newfpptrack(2)
               hfpp_track_dx(dcset,itrack) = newfpptrack(3)
               hfpp_track_dy(dcset,itrack) = newfpptrack(4)
   *     calculate relative scattering angles theta and phi:
               call h_fpp_relative_angles(hsxp_fp,hsyp_fp,hfpp_track_dx(dcset,itrack),
        $           hfpp_track_dy(dcset,itrack),theta,phi)
               hfpp_track_theta(dcset,itrack) = theta
               hfpp_track_phi(dcset,itrack) = phi
   *     calculate closest approach parameters with respect to HMS, REGARDLESS of which FPP!
               hmstrack(1) = hsxp_fp
               hmstrack(2) = hsx_fp
               hmstrack(3) = hsyp_fp
               hmstrack(4) = hsy_fp
               fpptrack(1) = hfpp_track_dx(dcset,itrack)
               fpptrack(2) = hfpp_track_x(dcset,itrack)
               fpptrack(3) = hfpp_track_dy(dcset,itrack)
               fpptrack(4) = hfpp_track_y(dcset,itrack)
               call h_fpp_closest(hmstrack,fpptrack,sclose,zclose)
               hfpp_track_sclose(dcset,itrack) = sclose
               hfpp_track_zclose(dcset,itrack) = zclose
               conetest = 1
               call h_fpp_conetest(hmstrack,dcset,zclose,theta,conetest)
               hfpp_track_conetest(dcset,itrack) = conetest
               if(dcset.eq.2) then
   c               firsttry=.true.
                  bestref = 0
   c               mintheta = hfpp_track_theta(dcset,itrack)
   c               do jtrack=1,hfpp_n_tracks(1)
   c     how this works: always figure out the "best reference" track for this FPP2 track in FPP1:
   c     after that, make a subjective judgement, based on theta, of whether or not to compare this track
   c     to FPP1 or the HMS:
                  if(hfpp_n_tracks(1).gt.0) then
                     do jtrack = 1, hfpp_n_tracks(1)
                        call h_fpp_relative_angles(hfpp_track_dx(1,jtrack),
        $                    hfpp_track_dy(1,jtrack),
        $                    hfpp_track_dx(dcset,itrack),
        $                    hfpp_track_dy(dcset,itrack),
        $                    theta,phi)
                        if(jtrack.eq.1.or.theta.lt.mintheta) then
                           bestref = jtrack
                           mintheta = theta
                  if(bestref.gt.0) then
                     call h_fpp_relative_angles(hfpp_track_dx(1,bestref),
        $                 hfpp_track_dy(1,bestref),
        $                 hfpp_track_dx(dcset,itrack),
        $                 hfpp_track_dy(dcset,itrack),theta,phi)
                     hfpp_track_theta(dcset+1,itrack) = theta
                     hfpp_track_phi(dcset+1,itrack) = phi
                     hmstrack(1) = hfpp_track_dx(1,bestref)
                     hmstrack(2) = hfpp_track_x(1,bestref)
                     hmstrack(3) = hfpp_track_dy(1,bestref)
                     hmstrack(4) = hfpp_track_y(1,bestref)
                     fpptrack(1) = hfpp_track_dx(dcset,itrack)
                     fpptrack(2) = hfpp_track_x(dcset,itrack)
                     fpptrack(3) = hfpp_track_dy(dcset,itrack)
                     fpptrack(4) = hfpp_track_y(dcset,itrack)
                     call h_fpp_closest(hmstrack,fpptrack,sclose,zclose)
                     hfpp_track_sclose(dcset+1,itrack) = sclose
                     hfpp_track_zclose(dcset+1,itrack) = zclose
                     conetest = 1
                     call h_fpp_conetest(hmstrack,dcset,zclose,theta,conetest)
                     hfpp_track_conetest(dcset+1,itrack) = conetest
                  hfpp2_best_reference(itrack) = bestref
        $              hfpp_track_theta(dcset+1,itrack)) hfpp2_best_reference(itrack) = 0
        $           call h_fpp_check_leftright(dcset,itrack)
            endif                  ! end filling track common block variables
   c     NOW we need to call freehitcount and start over with the remaining free hits:
            call h_fpp_tracking_freehitcount(dcset,sufficient_hits)
         subroutine h_fpp_tracking_simple_ajp(dcset,hitcombos,simpletracks,
        $     ncandidates,nhitsrequired,abort,err)
         implicit none
         INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
         INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
         include 'gen_detectorids.par'
         include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
         INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
         INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
         character*21 here
         parameter (here= 'h_fpp_tracking_simple')
         integer*4 dcset
         integer*4 hitcombos(h_fpp_max_candidates,h_fpp_n_dcinset,h_fpp_n_dclayers)
         real*4 simpletracks(h_fpp_max_candidates,6)
         integer*4 HitCluster(H_FPP_N_DCINSET,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS)
         integer*4 ncandidates,npoints
         integer*4 nhitsrequired,iterations,ichamber,ilayer,i,j
         integer*4 nhitsintrack
         integer*4 n3hit,n2hit ! tabulate number of three-hit and two hit clusters.
         logical abort
         character*(*) err
         real*4 temptrack(5) ! not including hit count
         abort = .false.
         err= ' '
         do i=1,h_fpp_max_candidates
            do ichamber=1,h_fpp_n_dcinset
               do ilayer=1,h_fpp_n_dclayers
                  hitcombos(i,ichamber,ilayer) = 0
            do j=1,5
               simpletracks(i,j) = h_fpp_bad_coord
            simpletracks(i,6) = 0.0
         nhitsrequired = h_fpp_n_planes + 1
         iterations = 0
         do while(nhitsrequired .ge. hfpp_minsethits.and.ncandidates.lt.
        $     h_fpp_max_candidates)
            nhitsintrack = 0
   *     call next combo with large nhitsrequired to get the first useful combo as well as the max
   *     number of hits available
            ncandidates = 0
   c$$$         do ichamber=1,h_fpp_n_dcinset
   c$$$            do ilayer=1,h_fpp_n_dclayers
   c$$$               hitcluster(ichamber,ilayer) = 0
   c$$$            enddo
   c$$$         enddo
            call h_fpp_tracking_nexthitcombo(dcset,nhitsrequired,nhitsintrack,hitcluster)
   *     keep comparing permutations until all possibilities are tried:
            do while(nhitsintrack.gt.0.and.ncandidates.lt.h_fpp_max_candidates)
               iterations = iterations + 1
               if(iterations.gt.hfpp_maxcombos) then
                  write(*,*) 'WARNING: max FPP hit combos reached.'
                  write(*,*) 'consider raising the limit or using '
                  write(*,*) 'tighter raw timing cuts'
               call h_fpp_fit_simple(dcset,hitcluster,npoints,temptrack,abort,err)
               if (ABORT) then
                  call g_add_path(here,err)
               n2hit = 0
               n3hit = 0
               do ichamber=1,h_fpp_n_dcinset
                  do ilayer=1,h_fpp_n_dclayers
                     if(hitcluster(ichamber,ilayer).gt.0) then
        $                    hitcluster(ichamber,ilayer)).eq.2) n2hit = n2hit + 1
        $                    .eq.3) n3hit = n3hit + 1
   *     in contrast to Frank's algorithm, here we keep track of any hit combos which pass the "reasonable chi2"
   *     criterion, and we don't choose a track until we look at the drift based tracking.
   c$$$            if(temptrack(5).ge.0.0.and.
   c$$$     $           temptrack(5).le.hfpp_aok_chi2+
   c$$$     $           (12.*float(n2hit)+48.*float(n3hit))/float(nhitsrequired-4)/
   c$$$     $           float(nhitsrequired-4 + n2hit + 2*n3hit)
   c$$$     $           ) then           ! add a new candidate track to the array:
        $           then
                  ncandidates = ncandidates + 1
                  do ichamber=1,h_fpp_n_dcinset
                     do ilayer=1,h_fpp_n_dclayers
                        hitcombos(ncandidates,ichamber,ilayer) =
        $                    hitcluster(ichamber,ilayer)
                  do j=1,5
                     simpletracks(ncandidates,j) = temptrack(j)
                  simpletracks(ncandidates,6) = float(npoints)
               call h_fpp_tracking_nexthitcombo(dcset,nhitsrequired,nhitsintrack,hitcluster)
            if(iterations.gt.hfpp_maxcombos) then
               ncandidates = 0
            if(ncandidates.gt.0) exit
            nhitsrequired = nhitsrequired - 1
         real*4 function prob(chbr,angle)
         integer*4 chbr
         real*4 angle
   c     approximate cumulative probability that a track scatters in fpp with
   c     an angle theta < angle
   c      prob = min(1.0e-9,1.0 - .1662*angle**(-0.2202)*exp(-4.031*angle**0.981))
         if(chbr.eq.1) prob = exp(-2.946*angle)
         else prob = exp(-3.485*angle)
         subroutine h_fpp_check_leftright(ifpp,itrack)
         implicit none
         include 'gen_detectorids.par'
         include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
         include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
         INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
         INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
         INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
         INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
         INCLUDE 'hms_id_histid.cmn'
   c     fortunately, this is made easier by the fact that we know which clusters are on a track and
   c     we know which hits within a cluster are on a track from their drift distance variable, so
   c     we can revisit the left-right combo here:
         integer*4 nambig,ambigcombos(64)
         integer*4 sign,oldsign,j
         integer*4 npoints,ncombos,point,ipoint,icombo,combo
         integer*4 ifpp,itrack,track,jtrack
         integer*4 ichamber,ilayer,iwire,wire
         integer*4 icluster,cluster,ihit,hit
         integer*4 oldbestcombo,newbestcombo
         real*4 combochi2(64)
         real*4 combotheta(64)
         real*4 combophi(64)
         real*4 combosclose(64)
         real*4 combozclose(64)
         integer*4 comboconetest(64)
         logical ambig(64),anyambig,first
         real*4 chi2,theta,phi,sclose,zclose
         real*4 oldchi2,oldtheta,oldphi,oldsclose,oldzclose
         integer*4 oldconetest,conetest
         real*4 plusminustest(h_fpp_max_fitpoints)
         real*4 plusminusbest(h_fpp_max_fitpoints)
         integer*4 chambers(h_fpp_max_fitpoints)
         integer*4 layers(h_fpp_max_fitpoints)
         integer*4 wires(h_fpp_max_fitpoints)
         real*4 points(h_fpp_max_fitpoints,2) ! w and z
         real*4 drifts(h_fpp_max_fitpoints) ! drift distance
         real*4 projects(h_fpp_max_fitpoints,2) ! Px and Py coefficients
         real*4 sigma2s(h_fpp_max_fitpoints)  ! sigma^2 for chi2 calc.
         real*4 hitpos(h_fpp_max_fitpoints,2) ! arrays for track fitting routine
         real*4 dccoords(3),fpcoords(3)
         real*4 reftrack(4),fpptrack(4),hmstrack(4),newfpptrack(4)
         real*4 testtrack(5)
         real*4 minsclose,mintheta
         real*4 minstest,minthetatest,maxambig,maxdtheta,maxthetadiff
         real*4 wtrack,xtrack,ytrack,xptrack,yptrack,Px,Py,z
         real*4 zmin,zmax
         external jbit             ! cernlib bit routine
         external jibset
         integer*4 jbit
         integer*4 jibset          ! Declare to help f2c
         hfpp_track_nambig(ifpp,itrack) = 0
        $     hfpp_track_nhits(ifpp,itrack).ne.
        $     hfpp_track_nlayers(ifpp,itrack)) return
   *     initialize points on the track:
   c      write(*,*) 'event = ',gen_event_id_number
         npoints = 0
         oldbestcombo = 0
         xptrack = hfpp_track_fine(ifpp,itrack,1)
         xtrack = hfpp_track_fine(ifpp,itrack,2)
         yptrack = hfpp_track_fine(ifpp,itrack,3)
         ytrack = hfpp_track_fine(ifpp,itrack,4)
         do ichamber=1,h_fpp_n_dcinset
            do ilayer=1,h_fpp_n_dclayers
               icluster = hfpp_trackcluster(ifpp,ichamber,ilayer,itrack)
               if(icluster.gt.0) then
                  do ihit=1,hfpp_nhitsincluster(ifpp,ichamber,ilayer,icluster)
                     hit = hfpp_clusters(ifpp,ichamber,ilayer,icluster,ihit)
                     wire = hfpp_raw_wire(hit)
        $                 then     ! this hit is on the track:
                        npoints = npoints + 1
                        if(npoints.le.h_fpp_max_fitpoints) then
                           points(npoints,1) = hfpp_layeroffset(ifpp,ichamber,ilayer)
        $                       + hfpp_spacing(ifpp,ichamber,ilayer)*float(wire)
                           points(npoints,2) = hfpp_layerz(ifpp,ichamber,ilayer)
                           sigma2s(npoints) = hfpp_resolution(ifpp,ichamber,ilayer)
                           projects(npoints,1) = hfpp_direction(ifpp,ichamber,ilayer,1)
                           projects(npoints,2) = hfpp_direction(ifpp,ichamber,ilayer,2)
                           drifts(npoints) = abs(hfpp_drift_dist(ifpp,ichamber,ilayer,wire))
                           chambers(npoints) = ichamber
                           layers(npoints) = ilayer
                           wires(npoints) = wire
                           Px = projects(npoints,1)
                           Py = projects(npoints,2)
                           z = points(npoints,2)
                           wtrack = Px*(xtrack + xptrack*z) + Py*(ytrack + yptrack*z)
                           if(abs(wtrack - points(npoints,1) - drifts(npoints))
        $                       .le.abs(wtrack - points(npoints,1) + drifts(npoints)) )
        $                       then ! track crosses on + side of wire-->assume hit originally had a + sign!
                              oldbestcombo = oldbestcombo + 2**(npoints-1)
         if(npoints.ne.hfpp_track_nhits(ifpp,itrack)) return
         if(npoints.lt.6) return
         oldchi2 = hfpp_track_chi2(ifpp,itrack)
         oldtheta = hfpp_track_theta(ifpp,itrack)
         oldphi = hfpp_track_phi(ifpp,itrack)
         oldsclose = hfpp_track_sclose(ifpp,itrack)
         oldzclose = hfpp_track_zclose(ifpp,itrack)
         oldconetest = hfpp_track_conetest(ifpp,itrack)
         reftrack(1) = hsxp_fp
         reftrack(2) = hsx_fp
         reftrack(3) = hsyp_fp
         reftrack(4) = hsy_fp
         if(ifpp.eq.2.and.hfpp2_best_reference(itrack).gt.0) then
            track = hfpp2_best_reference(itrack)
            oldtheta = hfpp_track_theta(ifpp+1,itrack)
            oldphi = hfpp_track_phi(ifpp+1,itrack)
            oldsclose = hfpp_track_sclose(ifpp+1,itrack)
            oldzclose = hfpp_track_zclose(ifpp+1,itrack)
            oldconetest = hfpp_track_conetest(ifpp+1,itrack)
            reftrack(1) = hfpp_track_dx(1,track)
            reftrack(2) = hfpp_track_x(1,track)
            reftrack(3) = hfpp_track_dy(1,track)
            reftrack(4) = hfpp_track_y(1,track)
   c     now we have baseline against which to compare other left-right combos.
         zmin = hfpp_prune_zclose(2*(ifpp-1)+1)
         zmax = hfpp_prune_zclose(2*(ifpp-1)+2)
         ncombos = 2**npoints
         first = .true.
         newbestcombo = -1
         maxthetadiff = 0.0
         minsclose = oldsclose
         mintheta = oldtheta
         nambig = 0
         do icombo=0,ncombos-1
            ambig(icombo+1) = .false.
            if(icombo.ne.oldbestcombo) then
               do ipoint=1,npoints
                  if(jbit(icombo,ipoint).eq.1) then
                     plusminustest(ipoint) = 1.0
                     plusminustest(ipoint) = -1.0
                  hitpos(ipoint,1) = points(ipoint,1) +
        $              drifts(ipoint)*plusminustest(ipoint)
                  hitpos(ipoint,2) = points(ipoint,2)
               call h_fpp_fit3d_ajp(npoints,hitpos,sigma2s,projects,testtrack)
               chi2 = testtrack(5)
               combochi2(icombo+1) = chi2
        $           .and.chi2/oldchi2.le.hfpp_ambig_chi2cut(2)) then ! "ambiguity"
   c     first check whether any hits on this combo which disagree with the best chi2 combo have
   c     "large" drift distances, i.e., big enough that changing the sign makes a non-trivial difference in track
   c     reconstruction:
                  anyambig = .false.
                  maxambig = 0.0
                  do ipoint=1,npoints
                     sign = jbit(icombo,ipoint)
                     oldsign = jbit(oldbestcombo,ipoint)
        $                 abs(drifts(ipoint)).ge.1.25*sqrt(sigma2s(ipoint)))
        $                 then
                        anyambig = .true.
                        if(2.0*drifts(ipoint).gt.maxambig) then
                           maxambig = 2.0*drifts(ipoint)
   c     maximum angular displacement of new track from old track is approximately equal to atan(maxambig/dz)
                  maxdtheta = atan(maxambig/abs(points(npoints,2)-points(1,2)) )
   c$$$               write(*,*)
   c$$$     $              'max. possible angular displacement this track=',maxdtheta
                  if(maxdtheta.gt.maxthetadiff) maxthetadiff = maxdtheta
                  if(anyambig) then
                     ambig(icombo+1) = .true.
   c     this combo is "ambiguous": similar chi2 to the best combo and differs in sign from the best
   c     combo in at least one "large" drift distance hit. Calculate theta,phi,sclose,and zclose:
   c     first, transform from dc to fp coords:
                     nambig = nambig + 1
                     ambigcombos(nambig) = icombo
                     dccoords(1) = testtrack(1) ! dx/dz
                     dccoords(2) = testtrack(3) ! dy/dz
                     dccoords(3) = 1.0          ! dz/dz
                     call h_fpp_dc2fp(ifpp,.true.,dccoords,fpcoords)
                     fpptrack(3) = fpcoords(1) ! dx/dz
                     fpptrack(4) = fpcoords(2) ! dy/dz
                     dccoords(1) = testtrack(2) ! x
                     dccoords(2) = testtrack(4) ! y
                     dccoords(3) = 0.0          ! z
                     call h_fpp_dc2fp(ifpp,.false.,dccoords,fpcoords)
                     fpptrack(1) = fpcoords(1) - fpcoords(3)*fpptrack(3) ! x - x'z
                     fpptrack(2) = fpcoords(2) - fpcoords(3)*fpptrack(4) ! y - y'z
                     call h_fpp_align(ifpp,fpptrack,newfpptrack)
                     fpptrack(1) = newfpptrack(3)
                     fpptrack(2) = newfpptrack(1)
                     fpptrack(3) = newfpptrack(4)
                     fpptrack(4) = newfpptrack(2)
                     call h_fpp_relative_angles(reftrack(1),reftrack(3),fpptrack(1),fpptrack(3),theta,phi)
                     call h_fpp_closest(reftrack,fpptrack,sclose,zclose)
                     conetest = 1
                     call h_fpp_conetest(reftrack,ifpp,zclose,theta,conetest)
                     if(theta.lt.mintheta) mintheta = theta
                     if(sclose.lt.minsclose) minsclose = sclose
                     combotheta(icombo+1) = theta
                     combophi(icombo+1) = phi
                     combosclose(icombo+1) = sclose
                     combozclose(icombo+1) = zclose
                     comboconetest(icombo+1) = conetest
        $     then
   c         hfpp_track_nambig(ifpp,itrack) = nambig
   c     reset minsclose and oldsclose:
            if(mintheta.le.hfpp_ambig_smallthetatest) then ! track consistent with theta=0:
   c     use smallest theta regardless of chi2,sclose,zclose:
               minthetatest = mintheta
               mintheta = oldtheta
               do icombo=1,nambig
                  combo = ambigcombos(icombo)+1
                  if(combotheta(combo).lt.mintheta) then
                     newbestcombo = combo-1
                     mintheta = combotheta(combo)
            else ! track not consistent with theta=0: use sclose instead:
               minstest = hfpp_ambig_sclosetest
               do icombo=1,nambig
                  combo = ambigcombos(icombo)+1
                  zmin = hfpp_prune_zclose(2*(ifpp-1)+1) - hfpp_prune_zslop(ifpp)/tan(combotheta(combo))
                  zmax = hfpp_prune_zclose(2*(ifpp-1)+2) + hfpp_prune_zslop(ifpp)/tan(combotheta(combo))
                  if( (combosclose(combo)/oldsclose)**2.lt.minstest .and.
        $              zmin.lt.combozclose(combo).and.
        $              zmax.gt.combozclose(combo) ) then
                     minstest = (combosclose(combo)/oldsclose)**2
                     newbestcombo = combo-1
         if(newbestcombo.ge.0) then
            hfpp_track_nambig(ifpp,itrack) = nambig
   c     refit the track using the "new best combo"
   c$$$         write(*,*) 'found new best combo FPP,itrack=',ifpp,itrack
   c$$$         write(*,*) 'nhits=',npoints
   c$$$         write(*,*) 'old combo, nambig = ',oldbestcombo,nambig
   c$$$         write(*,*) 'old chi2,sclose,zclose,theta,phi,conetest=',oldchi2,oldsclose,
   c$$$     $        oldzclose,oldtheta,oldphi,oldconetest
            do ipoint=1,npoints
               if(jbit(newbestcombo,ipoint).eq.1) then
                  plusminusbest(ipoint) = 1.0
                  plusminusbest(ipoint) = -1.0
               ichamber = chambers(ipoint)
               ilayer = layers(ipoint)
               iwire = wires(ipoint)
               hfpp_drift_dist(ifpp,ichamber,ilayer,iwire) =
        $           plusminusbest(ipoint)*drifts(ipoint)
               hitpos(ipoint,1) = points(ipoint,1) +
        $           plusminusbest(ipoint)*drifts(ipoint)
               hitpos(ipoint,2) = points(ipoint,2)
            call h_fpp_fit3d_ajp(npoints,hitpos,sigma2s,projects,testtrack)
   c     copy the chi2 of the new track to common block variables:
            hfpp_track_chi2(ifpp,itrack) = testtrack(5)
            do j=1,4
               hfpp_track_fine(ifpp,itrack,j) = testtrack(j)
   c     re-calculate everything that was modified by this routine:
            dccoords(1) = testtrack(1) ! dx/dz
            dccoords(2) = testtrack(3) ! dy/dz
            dccoords(3) = 1.0          ! dz/dz
            call h_fpp_dc2fp(ifpp,.true.,dccoords,fpcoords)
            fpptrack(3) = fpcoords(1)
            fpptrack(4) = fpcoords(2)
            dccoords(1) = testtrack(2) ! x
            dccoords(2) = testtrack(4) ! y
            dccoords(3) = 0.0          ! z
            call h_fpp_dc2fp(ifpp,.false.,dccoords,fpcoords)
            fpptrack(1) = fpcoords(1) - fpcoords(3)*fpptrack(3) ! x - x'z
            fpptrack(2) = fpcoords(2) - fpcoords(3)*fpptrack(4) ! y - y'z
            call h_fpp_align(ifpp,fpptrack,newfpptrack)
            fpptrack(1) = newfpptrack(3)
            fpptrack(2) = newfpptrack(1)
            fpptrack(3) = newfpptrack(4)
            fpptrack(4) = newfpptrack(2)
            hfpp_track_dx(ifpp,itrack) = fpptrack(1)
            hfpp_track_x(ifpp,itrack) = fpptrack(2)
            hfpp_track_dy(ifpp,itrack) = fpptrack(3)
            hfpp_track_y(ifpp,itrack) = fpptrack(4)
            hmstrack(1) = hsxp_fp
            hmstrack(2) = hsx_fp
            hmstrack(3) = hsyp_fp
            hmstrack(4) = hsy_fp
            call h_fpp_relative_angles(hmstrack(1),hmstrack(3),fpptrack(1),
        $        fpptrack(3),theta,phi)
            hfpp_track_theta(ifpp,itrack) = theta
            hfpp_track_phi(ifpp,itrack) = phi
            call h_fpp_closest(hmstrack,fpptrack,sclose,zclose)
            hfpp_track_sclose(ifpp,itrack) = sclose
            hfpp_track_zclose(ifpp,itrack) = zclose
            conetest = 1
            call h_fpp_conetest(hmstrack,ifpp,zclose,theta,conetest)
            hfpp_track_conetest(ifpp,itrack) = conetest
            if(ifpp.eq.2.and.hfpp2_best_reference(itrack).gt.0) then
   c     reftrack has already been initialized to the best track chosen from
   c     FPP1:
               reftrack(1) = hfpp_track_dx(1,hfpp2_best_reference(itrack))
               reftrack(2) = hfpp_track_x(1,hfpp2_best_reference(itrack))
               reftrack(3) = hfpp_track_dy(1,hfpp2_best_reference(itrack))
               reftrack(4) = hfpp_track_y(1,hfpp2_best_reference(itrack))
               call h_fpp_relative_angles(reftrack(1),reftrack(3),fpptrack(1),
        $           fpptrack(3),theta,phi)
               hfpp_track_theta(ifpp+1,itrack) = theta
               hfpp_track_phi(ifpp+1,itrack) = phi
               call h_fpp_closest(reftrack,fpptrack,sclose,zclose)
               hfpp_track_sclose(ifpp+1,itrack) = sclose
               hfpp_track_zclose(ifpp+1,itrack) = zclose
               conetest = 1
               call h_fpp_conetest(reftrack,ifpp,zclose,theta,conetest)
               hfpp_track_conetest(ifpp+1,itrack) = conetest
   c$$$         write(*,*) 'new combo=',newbestcombo
   c$$$         write(*,*) 'new chi2,sclose,zclose,theta,phi,conetest=',testtrack(5),sclose,zclose,theta,phi,conetest

Removed from v.1.1  
changed lines
  Added in v.

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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