(file) Return to Makefile.Unix CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / Analyzer / HTRACKING

  1 cdaq  1.1 #
  2 saw   1.17 # $Log: Makefile.Unix,v $
  3 saw   1.19 # Revision 1.18  1996/09/04 14:25:57  saw
  4            # (SAW) Fixup some O. subdirectory errors
  5            #
  6 saw   1.18 # Revision 1.17  1996/04/29 18:29:23  saw
  7            # (SAW) New makefile style
  8            #
  9 saw   1.17 # Revision 1.16  1996/01/16 21:32:55  cdaq
 10            # (SAW) Use $(CP) instead of cp.  Add h_cer_eff, h_cer_eff_shutdown, h_init_cer,
 11            #       h_trans_cer, h_dc_eff, h_dc_eff_shutdown, h_dump_peds, h_dump_cal,
 12            #       h_report_bad_data, h_dc_trk_eff, h_dc_trk_eff_shutdown,
 13            #       h_find_easy_space_point, r_hms_cer_parms
 14            #
 15 cdaq  1.16 # Revision 1.15  1995/07/20  14:27:40  cdaq
 16            # (SAW) Add option to get source via softlink to read only source tree
 17            #
 18 cdaq  1.15 # Revision 1.14  1995/05/24  13:22:33  cdaq
 19            # Add h_trans_misc, h_fill_cal_hist, h_init_histid, r_hms_pedestals
 20            #
 21 cdaq  1.14 # Revision 1.13  1995/04/06  20:07:31  cdaq
 22            # (SAW) Add pedestal routines
 23            #
 24 cdaq  1.13 # Revision 1.12  1995/03/08  20:33:52  cdaq
 25            # (SAW) Add h_scin_eff, h_scin_eff_shutdown, h_cal_eff, and h_cal_eff_shutdown
 26            #
 27 cdaq  1.12 # Revision 1.11  1995/02/02  16:37:23  cdaq
 28            # (SAW) Add -f flag on copy of include files
 29            #
 30 cdaq  1.11 # Revision 1.10  1995/01/27  20:49:23  cdaq
 31            # (SAW) Remove RCS from include file rules
 32            #
 33 cdaq  1.10 # Revision 1.9  1994/11/23  15:36:37  cdaq
 34            # (SAW) Update list of sources
 35            #
 36 cdaq  1.9  # Revision 1.8  1994/10/11  18:32:09  cdaq
 37            # *** empty log message ***
 38            #
 39 cdaq  1.8  # Revision 1.7  1994/08/18  04:23:22  cdaq
 40            # (SAW) Call makereg generated routines to register variables
 41            #
 42 cdaq  1.7  # Revision 1.6  1994/08/04  03:50:37  cdaq
 43            # (SAW) Add rule for .dte files
 44            #
 45 cdaq  1.6  # Revision 1.5  1994/07/07  15:17:45  cdaq
 46            # (SAW) Fix a bug so that all sources not get compiled
 47            #
 48 cdaq  1.5  # Revision 1.4  1994/06/14  05:02:00  cdaq
 49            # (SAW) Add h_init_physics and h_physics_stat
 50            #
 51 cdaq  1.4  # Revision 1.3  1994/06/07  18:49:33  cdaq
 52            # Add register_bypass and register_statistics routines
 53            #
 54 cdaq  1.3  # Revision 1.2  1994/05/19  13:55:04  cdaq
 55            # Add new routines from DFG
 56            #
 57 cdaq  1.2  # Revision 1.1  1994/04/15  20:30:16  cdaq
 58            # Initial revision
 59            #
 60 saw   1.17 NEWSTYLE = 1
 61 cdaq  1.1  include $(Csoft)/etc/Makefile
 63 cdaq  1.5  osources = h_cal.f h_cer.f h_chamnum.f h_dpsifun.f \
 64 cdaq  1.1  	h_drift_dist_calc.f h_drift_time_calc.f h_fcnchisq.f \
 65            	h_find_best_stub.f h_generate_geometry.f h_left_right.f \
 66            	h_link_stubs.f h_pattern_recognition.f h_physics.f h_print_links.f \
 67            	h_print_pr.f h_print_stubs.f h_print_tar_tracks.f h_print_tracks.f \
 68            	h_psifun.f h_register_param.f h_reconstruction.f h_targ_trans.f \
 69 cdaq  1.9  	h_tof.f h_track.f h_track_fit.f \
 70 cdaq  1.1  	h_trans_cal.f h_trans_dc.f h_trans_scin.f h_wire_center_calc.f \
 71 cdaq  1.10 	h_print_decoded_dc.f h_print_raw_dc.f
 72 cdaq  1.1  newstuff = h_clusters_cal.f h_correct_cal.f \
 73            	h_fill_dc_dec_hist.f h_fill_dc_fp_hist.f h_init_cal.f \
 74            	h_init_scin.f h_prt_cal_clusters.f h_prt_cal_decoded.f \
 75            	h_prt_cal_raw.f h_prt_cal_sparsified.f h_prt_cal_tests.f \
 76            	h_prt_cal_tracks.f h_prt_dec_scin.f h_prt_raw_scin.f h_prt_tof.f \
 77            	h_prt_track_tests.f h_raw_dump_all.f h_sparsify_cal.f h_tof_fit.f \
 78            	h_tof_init.f h_tracks_cal.f h_fill_scin_raw_hist.f
 79 cdaq  1.13 newerstuff = h_fill_dc_target_hist.f h_targ_trans_init.f \
 80            	h_init_physics.f h_physics_stat.f \
 81 cdaq  1.11 	h_strip_scin.f h_choose_single_hit.f h_solve_3by3.f \
 82 cdaq  1.12 	h_dump_tof.f h_select_best_track.f h_scin_eff.f h_scin_eff_shutdown.f \
 83 cdaq  1.14 	h_cal_eff.f h_cal_eff_shutdown.f h_analyze_pedestal.f \
 84 cdaq  1.16 	h_calc_pedestal.f h_trans_misc.f h_fill_cal_hist.f h_init_histid.f \
 85            	h_cer_eff.f h_cer_eff_shutdown.f h_init_cer.f h_trans_cer.f \
 86            	h_dc_eff.f h_dc_eff_shutdown.f h_dump_peds.f h_dump_cal.f \
 87            	h_report_bad_data.f h_dc_trk_eff.f h_dc_trk_eff_shutdown.f \
 88 saw   1.18 	h_find_easy_space_point.f h_track_tests.f
 89 cdaq  1.7  makeregstuff =	r_hms_filenames.f r_hms_scin_parms.f r_hms_scin_tof.f \
 90            	r_hms_calorimeter.f r_hms_id_histid.f r_hms_tracking.f \
 91            	r_hms_geometry.f r_hms_track_histid.f r_hms_recon_elements.f \
 92 cdaq  1.14 	r_hms_physics_sing.f r_hms_bypass_switches.f r_hms_statistics.f \
 93 cdaq  1.16 	r_hms_pedestals.f r_hms_cer_parms.f
 94 cdaq  1.1  
 95 cdaq  1.7  
 96            sources = $(osources) $(newstuff) $(newerstuff) $(makeregstuff)
 97 saw   1.19 
 98            ifeq ($(ARCH),AIX)
 99            xsources := $(filter-out h_link_stubs.f h_track_tests.f ,$(sources))
100            sources = h_link_stubs_aix.f h_track_tests_aix.f $(xsources)
101            ../h_%_aix.f : ../h_%.f
102            	sed -e "s/access=.append./position='append'/"< $< > $@	
103            endif
105 cdaq  1.5  libsources = $(sources)
106 cdaq  1.1  
107            lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, libhtracking.a(%.o), $(libsources))
108            install-dirs := lib
109 saw   1.17 bin_targets =
110 cdaq  1.1  
111 cdaq  1.9  #default:
112            #	@echo "nothing to make"
113 cdaq  1.1  
114 saw   1.19 ifdef NFSDIRECTORY
115            ../%.f : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/HTRACKING/%.f
116            	ln -s $< $@
118            .PRECIOUS: ../%.f
119            else
120 cdaq  1.7  #
121            # Rule for making the register subroutines
122            #
123 saw   1.18 ../r_%.f : ../%.cmn $(MAKEREG)
124 saw   1.17 	(cd .. ; $(MAKEREG) $(<F) -o $(@F) -e /dev/null)
125 cdaq  1.7  
126 saw   1.18 .PRECIOUS: ../r_%.f
127 cdaq  1.15 endif
129 cdaq  1.1  #
130            # Get include files from INCLUDE directory
131            #
132 cdaq  1.14 
133 saw   1.17 %.cmn :: ../../INCLUDE/%.cmn
134 cdaq  1.16 	$(CP) $< $@
135 saw   1.17 	$(CP) $< ../$@
136 cdaq  1.1  
137 saw   1.17 %.dec :: ../../INCLUDE/%.dec
138 cdaq  1.16 	$(CP) $< $@
139 saw   1.17 	$(CP) $< ../$@
140 cdaq  1.1  
141 saw   1.17 %.par :: ../../INCLUDE/%.par
142 cdaq  1.16 	$(CP) $< $@
143 saw   1.17 	$(CP) $< ../$@
144 cdaq  1.6  
145 saw   1.17 %.dte :: ../../INCLUDE/%.dte
146 cdaq  1.16 	$(CP) $< $@
147 saw   1.17 	$(CP) $< ../$@
148 cdaq  1.1  
149            include $(sources:.f=.d)

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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