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  1 cdaq  1.2 *=======================================================================
  2                 subroutine h_cal(abort,errmsg)
  3           *=======================================================================
  4 cdaq  1.1 *-
  5 cdaq  1.2 *-      Purpose: Computes the calorimeter particle ID quantities.
  6           *-               Corrects the energy depositions for impact point 
  7           *-               coordinate dependence.
  8 cdaq  1.1 *-
  9 cdaq  1.2 *-      Input Bank: HMS_TRACKS_CAL
 10 cdaq  1.1 *-
 11 cdaq  1.2 *-      Output Bank: HMS_TRACK_TESTS
 12 cdaq  1.1 *-
 13           *-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
 14           *-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
 15           *- 
 16 cdaq  1.2 *-      Created: 15 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
 17           *
 18           * $Log: h_cal.f,v $
 19 jones 1.11 * Revision 1.10  2002/09/26 14:31:56  jones
 20            *     the energy determination for planes A and B can use
 21            *     both pos and neg PMT depending on setting of hcal_num_neg_columns.
 22            *
 23 jones 1.10 * Revision 1.9  1999/06/10 16:46:58  csa
 24            * (JRA) Cosmetic changes
 25            *
 26 csa   1.9  * Revision 1.8  1999/02/25 20:10:48  saw
 27            * Vardan Tadevosyan shower code updates
 28            *
 29 saw   1.8  * Revision 1.7  1999/02/03 21:13:22  saw
 30            * Code for new Shower counter tubes
 31            *
 32 saw   1.7  * Revision 1.6  1999/01/21 21:40:13  saw
 33            * Extra shower counter tube modifications
 34            *
 35 saw   1.6  * Revision 1.5  1998/12/17 22:02:38  saw
 36            * Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
 37            *
 38 saw   1.5  * Revision 1.4  1995/05/22 19:39:04  cdaq
 39            * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
 40            *
 41 cdaq  1.4  * Revision 1.3  1994/09/13  19:39:14  cdaq
 42            * (JRA) Add preshower energy
 43            *
 44 cdaq  1.3  * Revision 1.2  1994/04/12  21:24:55  cdaq
 45            * (DFG) Put in real code and change name of print routine.
 46            *
 47 cdaq  1.2  * Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:12:35  cdaq
 48            * Initial revision
 49            *
 50 cdaq  1.1  *--------------------------------------------------------
 51 cdaq  1.2        implicit none
 52                  save
 53 csa   1.9  
 54 cdaq  1.2        logical abort
 55                  character*(*) errmsg
 56 jones 1.11 
 57 cdaq  1.2        character*5 here
 58                  parameter (here='H_CAL')
 59 csa   1.9  
 60 cdaq  1.2        integer*4 nt           !Detector track number
 61                  integer*4 nc           !Calorimeter cluster number
 62 saw   1.8        real*4 cor         !Correction factor for X,Y dependenc.   ! Single   PMT
 63 saw   1.6        real*4 cor_pos     !Correction factor for X,Y dependenc.   ! Single  "POS_PMT"
 64                  real*4 cor_neg     !Correction factor for X,Y dependenc.   ! Single  "NEG_PMT" 
 65 saw   1.8        real*4 h_correct_cal              !External function to compute "cor". 
 66 saw   1.6        real*4 h_correct_cal_pos          !External function to compute "cor_pos". 
 67                  real*4 h_correct_cal_neg          !External function to compute "cor_neg"   
 69 cdaq  1.4        include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
 70 cdaq  1.2        include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
 71 cdaq  1.1  *
 72 csa   1.9  *--------------------------------------------------------
 73            *
 74 cdaq  1.3        do nt=1,hntracks_fp
 75 jones 1.11          htrack_e1_pos(nt)=0.   !  Only pos_pmt for layer "A"
 76                     htrack_e1_neg(nt)=0.   !  Only_neg_pmt for layer "A"
 77                     htrack_e2_pos(nt)=0.   !  Only_pos_pmt for layer "B"  
 78                     htrack_e2_neg(nt)=0.   !  Only_neg_pmt for layer "B" 
 79 cdaq  1.2           htrack_e1(nt)=0.
 80                     htrack_e2(nt)=0.
 81                     htrack_e3(nt)=0.
 82                     htrack_e4(nt)=0.
 83                     htrack_et(nt)=0.
 84 cdaq  1.3           htrack_preshower_e(nt)=0.
 85 cdaq  1.2        enddo
 86 csa   1.9  
 87 cdaq  1.2        call h_clusters_cal(abort,errmsg)
 88                  if(abort) then
 89                     call g_add_path(here,errmsg)
 90                     return
 91                  endif
 92 csa   1.9  
 93 cdaq  1.2        call h_tracks_cal(abort,errmsg)
 94                  if(abort) then
 95                     call g_add_path(here,errmsg)
 96                     return
 97                  endif
 98 cdaq  1.1  *
 99 cdaq  1.2  *      Return if there are no tracks found or none of the found
100            *      tracks matches a cluster in the calorimeter.
101            *
102 jones 1.11       if(hntracks_fp .le.0) go to 100 !Return
103                  if(hntracks_cal.le.0) go to 100 !Return
104 csa   1.9  
105 cdaq  1.2        do nt =1,hntracks_fp
106 jones 1.11 
107 cdaq  1.2           nc=hcluster_track(nt)
108 saw   1.6  
109 cdaq  1.2           if(nc.gt.0) then
110 jones 1.11             cor    =h_correct_cal(htrack_xc(nt),htrack_yc(nt)) ! For single "pmt"
111                        cor_pos=h_correct_cal_pos(htrack_xc(nt),htrack_yc(nt)) ! For single "pos_pmt"
112                        cor_neg=h_correct_cal_neg(htrack_xc(nt),htrack_yc(nt)) ! For single "neg_pmt"
114                        hnblocks_cal(nt)=hcluster_size(nc)
115            *
116                        if(hcal_num_neg_columns.ge.1) then
117                           htrack_e1_pos(nt)=cor_pos*hcluster_e1_pos(nc) !  For "A" layer "POS_PMT"    
118                           htrack_e1_neg(nt)=cor_neg*hcluster_e1_neg(nc) !  For "A" layer "NEG_PMT"
119                           htrack_e1(nt)=htrack_e1_pos(nt)+htrack_e1_neg(nt) !  For "A" layer "POS"+"NEG_PMT"
120                        else
121                           htrack_e1(nt)=cor_pos*hcluster_e1(nc) !   IF ONLY "POS_PMT" in layer "A"                
122                        endif
124                        if(hcal_num_neg_columns.ge.2) then
125                           htrack_e2_pos(nt)=cor_pos*hcluster_e2_pos(nc) !  For "B" layer "POS_PMT"    
126                           htrack_e2_neg(nt)=cor_neg*hcluster_e2_neg(nc) !  For "B" layer "NEG_PMT"
127                           htrack_e2(nt)=htrack_e2_pos(nt)+htrack_e2_neg(nt) !  For "B" layer "POS"+"NEG_PMT"
128                        else
129                           htrack_e2(nt)=cor_pos*hcluster_e2(nc) !   IF ONLY "POS_PMT" in layer "B"
130                        endif
131 jones 1.11 
132                        if(hcal_num_neg_columns.ge.3) then
133                           print *,"Extra tubes on more than two layers not supported"
134                        endif
136                        htrack_e3(nt)=cor*hcluster_e3(nc)  
137                        htrack_e4(nt)=cor*hcluster_e4(nc)
139                        htrack_et(nt)=htrack_e1(nt)+htrack_e2(nt)+ htrack_e3(nt)
140                 &           +htrack_e4(nt) 
142                        htrack_preshower_e(nt)=htrack_e1(nt)
144                     endif                  !End ... if nc > 0
145 csa   1.9  
146 jones 1.11       enddo                     !End loop over detector tracks
147 csa   1.9  
148 jones 1.11  100  continue
149 cdaq  1.2        if(hdbg_tests_cal.gt.0) call h_prt_cal_tests
150 csa   1.9  
151 cdaq  1.2        return
152                  end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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