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 1 cdaq  1.1       SUBROUTINE H_DC_EFF_SHUTDOWN(lunout,ABORT,errmsg)
 2           *--------------------------------------------------------
 3           *-
 4           *-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze and report drift chamber efficiencies.
 5           *-
 6           *-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_STATISTICS
 7           *-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
 8           *-
 9           *-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
10           *-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
11           *- 
12           * author: John Arrington
13           * created: 2/15/95
14           *
15           * h_dc_eff calculates efficiencies for the hodoscope.
16           * h_dc_eff_shutdown does some final manipulation of the numbers.
17           *
18 saw   1.2 * $Log: h_dc_eff_shutdown.f,v $
19           * Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 14:59:56  cdaq
20           * Initial revision
21           *
22 cdaq  1.1 *--------------------------------------------------------
23                 IMPLICIT NONE
24           *
25                 character*17 here
26                 parameter (here= 'H_DC_EFF_SHUTDOWN')
27           *
28                 logical ABORT
29                 character*(*) errmsg
30           *
31                 INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
32                 INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
33                 INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
34                 include 'hms_statistics.cmn'
35                 include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
37                 logical written_header
39                 integer*4 lunout
40                 integer*4 ind
41                 real*4 num         ! real version of #/events (aviod repeated floats)
42                 save
43 cdaq  1.1 
44                 written_header = .false.
46                 num = float(max(1,hdc_tot_events))
47                 do ind = 1 , hdc_num_planes
48                   hdc_plane_eff(ind) = float(hdc_events(ind))/num
49                   if (hdc_plane_eff(ind) .le. hdc_min_eff(ind) .and. num.ge.1000) then
50                     if (.not.written_header) then
51                       write(lunout,*)
52 saw   1.2             write(lunout,'(a,f6.3)') ' HMS DC planes with low raw hit (hits/trig) efficiencies'
53 cdaq  1.1             written_header = .true.
54                     endif
55                     write(lunout,'(5x,a,i2,a,f5.3,a,f5.3)') 'eff. for plane #',ind,' is ',
56                &       hdc_plane_eff(ind),',   warning level is ',hdc_min_eff(ind)
57                   endif
58                 enddo
60                 do ind = 1 , hdc_num_chambers
61                   hdc_cham_eff(ind) = float(hdc_cham_hits(ind))/num
62                 enddo
64                 return
65                 end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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