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 1 cdaq  1.2       subroutine H_FCNCHISQ(npar,grad,fval,ray,iflag,dumarg)
 2 cdaq  1.1 *     This subroutine calculates chi**2 for MINUIT for HMS. The
 3           *     arguments are determined by MINUIT
 4           *
 5           *     d.f. geesaman             17 January 1994
 6 cdaq  1.2 * $Log: h_fcnchisq.f,v $
 7           * Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:14:15  cdaq
 8           * Initial revision
 9 cdaq  1.1 *
10 cdaq  1.2 *
11 cdaq  1.1       implicit none
12                 external H_DPSIFUN
13                 real*8 H_DPSIFUN
14                 include "gen_data_structures.cmn"
15                 include "hms_tracking.cmn"
16                 include "hms_geometry.cmn"
17           *
18           *     input
19 cdaq  1.2       real*8 ray(*),grad(*),dumarg
20 cdaq  1.1       integer*4 npar,iflag
21           *     output
22                 real*8 fval                              ! value of chi2
23           *
24           *     local variables
25                 real*8 diff
26                 integer*4 ihit
27                 integer*4 hitnum,planenum
29                 fval=0.0d0
30                 do ihit=1,HNTRACK_HITS(htrack_fit_num,1)
31                    hitnum=HNTRACK_HITS(htrack_fit_num,ihit+1)
32                    planenum=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hitnum)
33                    diff=(dble(HDC_WIRE_COORD(hitnum))-H_DPSIFUN(ray,planenum))
34                &        /dble(hdc_sigma(planenum))
35                    fval=fval+diff*diff
36                 enddo
37                 return
38                 end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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