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  1 cdaq  1.1       subroutine h_init_histid(Abort,err)
  2           *
  3           *     routine to get HBOOK histogram ID numbers for all hard coded
  4           *     histograms.
  5           *
  6           *     Author:	D. F. Geesaman
  7           *     Date:      9 April 1994
  8           *
  9           * $Log: h_init_histid.f,v $
 10 puckett * Revision  2009/03/31 20:33:27  puckett
 11                  * added some misc. FPP histos
 12                  *
 13 puckett * Revision  2008/12/15 18:46:08  puckett
 14                  * New and improved FPP tracking routines--(hopefully) thoroughly debugged. Documentation forthcoming (AJP)
 15                  *
 16 puckett * Revision  2007/10/30 00:28:27  cdaq
 17                  * added FPP geometric alignment checks
 18                  *
 19 cdaq * Revision  2007/10/22 18:39:10  cdaq
 20                  * adjusted HMS FPP histos
 21                  *
 22 cdaq * Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:30  frw
 23                  * added FPP
 24                  *
 25 frw * Revision 1.10  2006/06/22 frw
 26                  * added HMS FPP entries
 27                  *
 28                  * Revision 1.9  2002/12/20 21:53:33  jones
 29                  * Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
 30                  *
 31 jones   1.8      * Revision 1.8  2002/10/05 (Hamlet)
 32                  * Add HMS Aerogel
 33                  *
 34                  * Revision 1.7  1999/02/23 18:38:56  csa
 35                  * (JRA) Add pos/neg cal stuff
 36                  *
 37 csa     1.7      * Revision 1.6  1999/02/03 21:13:23  saw
 38                  * Code for new Shower counter tubes
 39                  *
 40 saw     1.6      * Revision 1.5  1996/08/30 19:55:09  saw
 41                  * (JRA) Get id for misc. TDC's
 42                  *
 43 saw     1.5      * Revision 1.4  1996/01/16 21:52:05  cdaq
 44                  * (JRA) Add hidcuttdc, hidscinalltimes, and hidscintimes
 45                  *
 46 cdaq    1.4      * Revision 1.3  1995/08/31 14:53:47  cdaq
 47                  * (JRA) Add dpos (pos. track - pos. hit) histograms
 48                  *
 49 cdaq    1.3      * Revision 1.2  1995/07/19  18:20:41  cdaq
 50                  * (JRA) Add per hit adc/tdc sums for hodo and calormeter
 51                  * (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility
 52                  *
 53 cdaq    1.2      * Revision 1.1  1995/05/22  18:33:05  cdaq
 54                  * Initial revision
 55                  *
 56 cdaq    1.1      * Revision 1.6  1995/05/12  12:23:22  cdaq
 57                  * (JRA) Modify/add user histograms
 58                  *
 59                  * Revision 1.5  1995/04/06  20:33:34  cdaq
 60                  * (SAW) Fix SOS wc plane names.  Add SOS residuals histogram id's
 61                  *
 62                  c Revision 1.4  1995/03/14  21:01:18  cdaq
 63                  c (SAW) Change ?scin_num_counters to ?num_scin_counters
 64                  c
 65                  c Revision 1.3  1994/08/18  03:13:51  cdaq
 66                  c (SAW) Use arrays of histids for residuals, new names for residuals histos
 67                  c
 68                  c Revision 1.2  1994/05/12  18:59:14  cdaq
 69                  c (DFG) Add hms_target and sos_target histid
 70                  c
 71                  c Revision 1.1  1994/05/12  18:56:22  cdaq
 72                  c Initial revision
 73                  c
 74                  * Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:00:57  cdaq
 75                  * Initial revision
 76                  *
 77 cdaq    1.1      *-
 78                  *--------------------------------------------------------
 79                        IMPLICIT NONE
 80                  *
 81                        character*13 here
 82                        parameter (here= 'h_init_histid')
 83                  *
 84                        logical ABORT
 85                        character*(*) err
 86                        external thgetid
 87                        integer*4 thgetid
 88                        integer*4 plane,counter
 89 frw       integer*4 set,chamber,layer
 90 cdaq    1.1      *
 91                        include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
 92                        include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
 93                        include 'hms_track_histid.cmn'          
 94                        include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
 95                        include 'hms_id_histid.cmn'   
 97                        character*32 histname
 98 cdaq    1.2      
 99 cdaq    1.1            character*8 wiremap
100 cdaq    1.2            character*10 drifttime
101                        character*9 driftdis
102                        character*9 wirecent
103                        character*9 residual
104                        character*9 singres
105                        character*6 hdcplanename(hmax_num_dc_planes)
106                        character*1 hscinplanenum(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
107                        character*10 hscinplane
108                        character*7 hscinplanename(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
109                        character*6 posadc,negadc,postdc,negtdc
110                        character*7 hposadc,hnegadc,hpostdc,hnegtdc
112 cdaq    1.1            data wiremap/'_wiremap'/       
113                        data drifttime/'_drifttime'/
114                        data driftdis /'_driftdis'/
115                        data wirecent/'_wirecent'/
116                        data residual/'_residual'/
117                        data singres/'_sing_res'/
118                        data hdcplanename/'hdc1x1','hdc1y1','hdc1u1','hdc1v1','hdc1y2'
119                       $     ,'hdc1x2','hdc2x1','hdc2y1','hdc2u1','hdc2v1','hdc2y2','hdc2x2'/
120                        data hscinplanenum/'1','2','3','4'/
121                        data hscinplane /'hscinplane'/
122                        data hscinplanename/'hscin1x','hscin1y','hscin2x','hscin2y'/
123                        data posadc /'posadc'/
124                        data negadc /'negadc'/
125                        data postdc /'postdc'/
126                        data negtdc /'negtdc'/       
127                        data hposadc /'hposadc'/
128                        data hnegadc /'hnegadc'/
129                        data hpostdc /'hpostdc'/
130                        data hnegtdc /'hnegtdc'/
132                  *     
133 cdaq    1.1            SAVE
134                  *--------------------------------------------------------
135                  *     
136                        ABORT= .FALSE.
137                        err= ' '
138                  *     Histogram block hms_target
139                  *
140                        hidhx_tar = thgetid('hx_tar')
141                        hidhy_tar = thgetid('hy_tar')
142                        hidhz_tar = thgetid('hz_tar')
143                        hidhxp_tar = thgetid('hxp_tar')
144                        hidhyp_tar = thgetid('hyp_tar')
145                        hidhdelta_tar = thgetid('hdelta_tar')
146                        hidhp_tar = thgetid('hp_tar')   
148                  *     histogram block hms_focal_plane
149                  *
150                        hidhx_fp = thgetid('hx_fp')
151                        hidhy_fp = thgetid('hy_fp')
152                        hidhxp_fp = thgetid('hxp_fp')
153                        hidhyp_fp = thgetid('hyp_fp')
154 cdaq    1.1            hidhlogchi2_fp = thgetid('hlogchi2_fp')
155                        hidhnfree_fp = thgetid('hnfree_fp')
156                        hidhchi2perdeg_fp = thgetid('hchi2perdeg_fp')
158                  *     histogram block hms_decoded_dc
159                        hidrawtdc = thgetid('hdcrawtdc')
160 cdaq    1.4            hidcuttdc = thgetid('hdccuttdc')
161 cdaq    1.1            do plane = 1, hdc_num_planes
162                          histname = hdcplanename(plane)//wiremap
163                          hiddcwiremap(plane) = thgetid(histname)
164                          histname = hdcplanename(plane)//drifttime
165                          hiddcdrifttime(plane) = thgetid(histname)
166                          histname = hdcplanename(plane)//driftdis
167                          hiddcdriftdis(plane) = thgetid(histname)
168                          histname = hdcplanename(plane)//wirecent
169                          hiddcwirecent(plane) = thgetid(histname)
170                          histname = hdcplanename(plane)//residual
171                          hidres_fp(plane) = thgetid(histname)
172                          histname = hdcplanename(plane)//singres
173                          hidsingres_fp(plane) = thgetid(histname)
174                        enddo                             ! end loop over dc planes 
176                  *     histogram block hms_raw_sc
178                        hidscinrawtothits = thgetid('hscintothits')
179                        hidscinplane = thgetid('hscinplane')
180 cdaq    1.4            hidscinalltimes = thgetid('hscinalltimes')
181                        hidscintimes = thgetid('hscintimes')
182 cdaq    1.1            hnum_scin_counters(1) = hscin_1x_nr
183                        hnum_scin_counters(2) = hscin_1y_nr
184                        hnum_scin_counters(3) = hscin_2x_nr
185                        hnum_scin_counters(4) = hscin_2y_nr
187 cdaq    1.3            hiddcdposx = thgetid('hdcdposx')
188                        hiddcdposy = thgetid('hdcdposy')
189                        hiddcdposxp = thgetid('hdcdposxp')
190                        hiddcdposyp = thgetid('hdcdposyp')
191                        hidcaldpos = thgetid('hcaldpos')
193 cdaq    1.1            do plane = 1, HNUM_SCIN_PLANES
194                          histname = hscinplane//hscinplanenum(plane)
195                          hidscincounters(plane) = thgetid(histname)
196                          histname = hpostdc//hscinplanenum(plane)
197                          hidscinallpostdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
198                          histname = hnegtdc//hscinplanenum(plane)
199                          hidscinallnegtdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
200                          histname = hposadc//hscinplanenum(plane)
201                          hidscinallposadc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
202                          histname = hnegadc//hscinplanenum(plane)
203                          hidscinallnegadc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
204 cdaq    1.2      
205                          histname = "hsumpostdc"//hscinplanenum(plane)
206                          hidsumpostdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
207                          histname = "hsumnegtdc"//hscinplanenum(plane)
208                          hidsumnegtdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
209                          histname = "hsumposadc"//hscinplanenum(plane)
210                          hidsumposadc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
211                          histname = "hsumnegadc"//hscinplanenum(plane)
212                          hidsumnegadc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
213 cdaq    1.3      
214                          histname = "hscindpos"//hscinplanenum(plane)
215                          hidscindpos(plane) = thgetid(histname)
216 csa     1.7              histname = "hscindpos_pid"//hscinplanenum(plane)
217                          hidscindpos_pid(plane) = thgetid(histname)
218 cdaq    1.3      
219 cdaq    1.1              do counter = 1,hnum_scin_counters(plane)
220                  *     this is probably very awkward character manipulation
221                  *     
222                            if(counter.lt.10) then
223                              write(histname,'(a7,i1,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,posadc
224                            else
225                              write(histname,'(a7,i2,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,posadc
226                            endif
227                            hidscinposadc(plane,counter) = thgetid(histname)
228                            if(counter.lt.10) then
229                              write(histname,'(a7,i1,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,negadc
230                            else
231                              write(histname,'(a7,i2,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,negadc
232                            endif
233                            hidscinnegadc(plane,counter) = thgetid(histname)
234                            if(counter.lt.10) then
235                              write(histname,'(a7,i1,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,postdc
236                            else
237                              write(histname,'(a7,i2,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,postdc
238                            endif
239                            hidscinpostdc(plane,counter) = thgetid(histname)
240 cdaq    1.1                if(counter.lt.10) then
241                              write(histname,'(a7,i1,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,negtdc
242                            else
243                              write(histname,'(a7,i2,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,negtdc
244                            endif
245                            hidscinnegtdc(plane,counter) = thgetid(histname)     
246                          enddo                           ! end loop over scintillator counters
247                        enddo                             ! end loop over scintillator plane
249 jones   1.8      *
250 cdaq    1.1            hidcalplane = thgetid('hcalplane')
251 csa     1.7            hidcalposhits(1) = thgetid('hcalaposhits')
252                        hidcalposhits(2) = thgetid('hcalbposhits')
253                        hidcalposhits(3) = thgetid('hcalcposhits')
254                        hidcalposhits(4) = thgetid('hcaldposhits')
255                        hidcalneghits(1) = thgetid('hcalaneghits')
256                        hidcalneghits(2) = thgetid('hcalbneghits')
257                        hidcalneghits(3) = thgetid('hcalcneghits')
258                        hidcalneghits(4) = thgetid('hcaldneghits')
259 cdaq    1.2            hidcalsumadc = thgetid('hcalsumadc')
260 saw     1.5      
261                        hidmisctdcs = thgetid('hmisctdcs')
262 jones   1.8      
263                  c
264                  * HMS Aerogel
266                        hidhaero_adc_pos_hits = thgetid('haeroadcposhits')
267                        hidhaero_adc_neg_hits = thgetid('haeroadcneghits')
268                        hidhaero_tdc_pos_hits = thgetid('haerotdcposhits')
269                        hidhaero_tdc_neg_hits = thgetid('haerotdcneghits')
270                        hidhaero_adc_pos_pedsubtr = thgetid('haeroadcpospedsubtr')
271                        hidhaero_adc_neg_pedsubtr = thgetid('haeroadcnegpedsubtr')
272                  c
273 frw * HMS FPP
275                        hidFPP_tdcROC = thgetid('hfpp_tdcroc')
277                        do plane = 1,H_FPP_N_PLANES
278                          if(plane.lt.10) then
279                            write(histname,'(''hfpp_rawinclust'',i1)') plane
280                            hidFPP_rawinclust(plane) = thgetid(histname)
281                            write(histname,'(''hfpp_tdc'',i1)') plane
282                            hidFPP_tdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
283                            write(histname,'(''hfpp_Tall'',i1)') plane
284                            hidFPP_alltimes(plane) = thgetid(histname)
285                            write(histname,'(''hfpp_Tone'',i1)') plane
286                            hidFPP_time1(plane) = thgetid(histname)
287                            write(histname,'(''hfpp_T12_'',i1)') plane
288                            hidFPP_time12(plane) = thgetid(histname)
289                            write(histname,'(''hfpp_rate1_'',i1)') plane
290                            hidFPP_rate1(plane) = thgetid(histname)
291                            write(histname,'(''hfpp_time'',i1)') plane
292                            hidFPP_planetime(plane) = thgetid(histname)
293                          else
294 frw           write(histname,'(''hfpp_rawinclust'',i2)') plane
295                            hidFPP_rawinclust(plane) = thgetid(histname)
296                            write(histname,'(''hfpp_tdc'',i2)') plane
297                            hidFPP_tdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
298                            write(histname,'(''hfpp_Tall'',i2)') plane
299                            hidFPP_alltimes(plane) = thgetid(histname)
300                            write(histname,'(''hfpp_Tone'',i2)') plane
301                            hidFPP_time1(plane) = thgetid(histname)
302                            write(histname,'(''hfpp_T12_'',i2)') plane
303                            hidFPP_time12(plane) = thgetid(histname)
304                            write(histname,'(''hfpp_rate1_'',i2)') plane
305                            hidFPP_rate1(plane) = thgetid(histname)
306                            write(histname,'(''hfpp_time'',i2)') plane
307                            hidFPP_planetime(plane) = thgetid(histname)
308                          endif
309                        enddo
311                        do set=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
312                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_NickEff_'',i1)') set
313                  	hidFPP_NickEff(set) = thgetid(histname)
315 frw 	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''ntrk'')') set
316                  	hidFPP_Ntrk(set) = thgetid(histname)
317                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''trk_chi2'')') set
318                  	hidFPP_trk_chi2(set) = thgetid(histname)
319                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''trk_mx'')') set		! focal plane coords
320                  	hidFPP_trk_mx(set) = thgetid(histname)
321                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''trk_bx'')') set		! focal plane coords
322                  	hidFPP_trk_bx(set) = thgetid(histname)
323                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''trk_my'')') set		! focal plane coords
324                  	hidFPP_trk_my(set) = thgetid(histname)
325                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''trk_by'')') set		! focal plane coords
326                  	hidFPP_trk_by(set) = thgetid(histname)
327                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''ntrkhit'')') set
328                  	hidFPP_Nhitontrk(set) = thgetid(histname)
329                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''ntrkraw'')') set
330                  	hidFPP_Nrawontrk(set) = thgetid(histname)
331                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''rough_mx'')') set	! chamber coords
332                  	hidFPP_trkrough(set,1) = thgetid(histname)
333                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''rough_bx'')') set	! chamber coords
334                  	hidFPP_trkrough(set,2) = thgetid(histname)
335                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''rough_my'')') set	! chamber coords
336 frw 	hidFPP_trkrough(set,3) = thgetid(histname)
337                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''rough_by'')') set	! chamber coords
338                  	hidFPP_trkrough(set,4) = thgetid(histname)
339                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''rough_chi2'')') set
340                  	hidFPP_trkrough(set,5) = thgetid(histname)
341                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''rough_nraw'')') set
342                  	hidFPP_trkrough(set,6) = thgetid(histname)
343                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''fine_mx'')') set	! chamber coords
344                  	hidFPP_fine_mx(set) = thgetid(histname)
345                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''fine_my'')') set	! chamber coords
346                  	hidFPP_fine_my(set) = thgetid(histname)
347                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''fine_bx'')') set	! chamber coords
348                  	hidFPP_fine_bx(set) = thgetid(histname)
349                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''fine_by'')') set	! chamber coords
350                  	hidFPP_fine_by(set) = thgetid(histname)
352                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''sclose'')') set		! closest approach
353                  	hidFPP_sclose(set) = thgetid(histname)
354                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''zclose'')') set		! z at closets
355                  	hidFPP_zclose(set) = thgetid(histname)
356                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''theta'')') set		! polar theta
357 frw 	hidFPP_thetapol(set) = thgetid(histname)
358                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''phi'')') set		! polar phi
359                  	hidFPP_phipol(set) = thgetid(histname)
361                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''distance'')') set	! track--wire dist
362                  	hidFPP_dist(set) = thgetid(histname)
363                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''linresol'')') set	! lin track resol
364                  	hidFPP_resol_lin(set) = thgetid(histname)
365                  	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''angresol'')') set	! angular trk res
366                  	hidFPP_resol_ang(set) = thgetid(histname)
367                        enddo
368 puckett 
369 puckett       hidFPP_Nsimp(1,1) = thgetid('hfpp_1nsimple')
370                        hidFPP_Nsimp(2,1) = thgetid('hfpp_2nsimple')
372                        hidFPP_Nsimp(1,2) = thgetid('hfpp_1ngooddrift')
373                        hidFPP_Nsimp(2,2) = thgetid('hfpp_2ngooddrift')
374 puckett 
375 puckett       hidFPP_nambig(1) = thgetid('hfpp_1nambig')
376                        hidfpp_nambig(2) = thgetid('hfpp_2nambig')
378 puckett       hidFPP_resid(1) = thgetid('hfpp_1resid')
379                        hidFPP_resid(2) = thgetid('hfpp_2resid')
380 puckett       hidFPP_resid6(1) = thgetid('hfpp_1resid6')
381                        hidFPP_resid6(2) = thgetid('hfpp_2resid6')
382                        hidFPP_resid5(1) = thgetid('hfpp_1resid5')
383                        hidFPP_resid5(2) = thgetid('hfpp_2resid5')
385                        hidFPP_roughchi2vsnhit(1) = thgetid('hfpp_1roughchi2vsnhit')
386                        hidFPP_roughchi2vsnhit(2) = thgetid('hfpp_2roughchi2vsnhit')
387 frw 
388                        do set=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
389                         do chamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
390                          do layer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
391                  	  write(histname,'(''hfpp_driftT_'',3i1)') set, chamber, layer
392                  	  hidFPP_driftT(set,chamber,layer) = thgetid(histname)
393                  	  write(histname,'(''hfpp_driftX_'',3i1)') set, chamber, layer
394                  	  hidFPP_driftX(set,chamber,layer) = thgetid(histname)
395                  	  write(histname,'(''hfpp_shouldhit_'',3i1)') set, chamber, layer
396                  	  hidFPP_should(set,chamber,layer) = thgetid(histname)
397                  	  write(histname,'(''hfpp_didhit_'',3i1)') set, chamber, layer
398                  	  hidFPP_did(set,chamber,layer) = thgetid(histname)
399 cdaq 	  write(histname,'(''hfpp_hmswire_'',3i1)') set, chamber, layer
400                  	  hid_HMSwire(set,chamber,layer) = thgetid(histname)
401 frw 	enddo
402                         enddo
403                        enddo
404 cdaq    1.1      
405 cdaq       hid_rawROC(13) = thgetid('rawROC13')
406                        hid_rawROC(14) = thgetid('rawROC14')
408 cdaq    1.1            RETURN
409                        END

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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