(file) Return to h_physics.f CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / Analyzer / HTRACKING

  1 cdaq  1.2       SUBROUTINE H_PHYSICS(ABORT,err)
  2 cdaq  1.1 *--------------------------------------------------------
  3           *-
  4           *-   Purpose and Methods : Do final HMS physics analysis on HMS only part of
  5           *-                            event.
  6           *-                              
  7           *-                                to decoded information 
  8           *-
  9           *-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_FOCAL_PLANE
 10           *-                               HMS_TARGET
 11           *-                               HMS_TRACK_TESTS
 12           *-
 13 cdaq  1.2 *-      Output BANKS             HMS_PHYSICS_R4
 14           *-                               HMS_PHYSICS_I4
 15 cdaq  1.1 *-
 16           *-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
 17           *-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
 18           *- 
 19           *-   Created 19-JAN-1994   D. F. Geesaman
 20           *-                           Dummy Shell routine
 21 cdaq  1.2 * $Log: h_physics.f,v $
 22 saw   1.18 * Revision 1.17  1996/04/30 12:46:06  saw
 23            * (JRA) Add pathlength and rf calculations
 24            *
 25 saw   1.17 * Revision 1.16  1996/01/24 15:58:38  saw
 26            * (JRA) Change cpbeam/cebeam to gpbeam/gebeam
 27            *
 28 saw   1.16 * Revision 1.15  1996/01/16 21:55:02  cdaq
 29            * (JRA) Calculate q, W for electrons
 30            *
 31 cdaq  1.15 * Revision 1.14  1995/10/09 20:22:15  cdaq
 32            * (JRA) Add call to h_dump_cal, change upper to lower case
 33            *
 34 cdaq  1.14 * Revision 1.13  1995/08/31 14:49:03  cdaq
 35            * (JRA) Add projection to cerenkov mirror pos, fill hdc_sing_res array
 36            *
 37 cdaq  1.13 * Revision 1.12  1995/07/19  20:53:26  cdaq
 38            * (SAW) Declare sind and tand for f2c compatibility
 39            *
 40 cdaq  1.12 * Revision 1.11  1995/05/22  19:39:15  cdaq
 41            * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
 42            *
 43 cdaq  1.11 * Revision 1.10  1995/05/11  17:15:07  cdaq
 44            * (SAW) Add additional kinematics variables
 45            *
 46 cdaq  1.10 * Revision 1.9  1995/03/22  16:23:27  cdaq
 47            * (SAW) Target track data is now slopes.
 48            *
 49 cdaq  1.9  * Revision 1.8  1995/02/23  13:37:31  cdaq
 50            * (SAW) Reformat and cleanup
 51            *
 52 cdaq  1.8  * Revision 1.7  1995/02/10  18:44:47  cdaq
 53            * (SAW) _tar values are now angles instead of slopes
 54            *
 55 cdaq  1.7  * Revision 1.6  1995/02/02  13:05:40  cdaq
 56            * (SAW) Moved best track selection code into H_SELECT_BEST_TRACK (new)
 57            *
 58 cdaq  1.6  * Revision 1.5  1995/01/27  20:24:14  cdaq
 59            * (JRA) Add some useful physics quantities
 60            *
 61 cdaq  1.5  * Revision 1.4  1995/01/18  16:29:26  cdaq
 62            * (SAW) Correct some trig and check for negative arg in elastic kin calculation
 63            *
 64 cdaq  1.4  * Revision 1.3  1994/09/13  19:51:03  cdaq
 65            * (JRA) Add HBETA_CHISQ
 66            *
 67 cdaq  1.3  * Revision 1.2  1994/06/14  03:49:49  cdaq
 68            * (DFG) Calculate physics quantities
 69            *
 70 cdaq  1.2  * Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:16:08  cdaq
 71            * Initial revision
 72            *
 73 cdaq  1.1  *-
 74            *-
 75            *--------------------------------------------------------
 76 cdaq  1.2        IMPLICIT NONE
 77                  SAVE
 78 cdaq  1.1  *
 79 cdaq  1.10       character*9 here
 80 cdaq  1.2        parameter (here= 'H_PHYSICS')
 81 cdaq  1.1  *
 82 cdaq  1.2        logical ABORT
 83                  character*(*) err
 84 cdaq  1.6        integer ierr
 85 cdaq  1.1  *
 86 cdaq  1.11       include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
 87                  INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
 88 cdaq  1.2        INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
 89                  INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
 90                  INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
 91                  INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
 92 cdaq  1.5        INCLUDE 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
 93 cdaq  1.8        INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
 94 cdaq  1.10       INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
 95 cdaq  1.13       INCLUDE 'hms_cer_parms.cmn'
 96                  INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
 97 cdaq  1.15       INCLUDE 'hms_id_histid.cmn'
 98                  INCLUDE 'hms_track_histid.cmn'
 99                  include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
100 saw   1.17       include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
101 cdaq  1.1  *
102 cdaq  1.2  *     local variables 
103 cdaq  1.15       integer*4 i,ip,ihit
104                  integer*4 itrkfp
105 cdaq  1.6        real*4 cosgamma,tandelphi,sinhphi,coshstheta,sinhstheta
106                  real*4 t1,ta,p3,t3,hminv2
107 cdaq  1.10       real*4 coshsthetaq
108 cdaq  1.12       real*4 sind,tand                  ! For f2c
109 cdaq  1.14       real*4 p_nonzero
110 cdaq  1.15       real*4 xdist,ydist,dist(12),res(12)
111                  real*4 tmp,W2
112 saw   1.17       real*4 denom
113 cdaq  1.6  *
114 cdaq  1.1  *--------------------------------------------------------
115            *
116 saw   1.18       ierr=0
117 cdaq  1.15       hphi_lab=0.0
118 cdaq  1.14       if(hsnum_fptrack.gt.0) then       ! Good track has been selected
119 cdaq  1.15         itrkfp=hsnum_fptrack
120 cdaq  1.14         hsp = hp_tar(hsnum_tartrack)
121                    hsenergy = sqrt(hsp*hsp+hpartmass*hpartmass)
122 cdaq  1.2  *     Copy variables for ntuple so we can test on them
123 cdaq  1.14         hsdelta  = hdelta_tar(hsnum_tartrack)
124                    hsx_tar  = hx_tar(hsnum_tartrack)
125                    hsy_tar  = hy_tar(hsnum_tartrack)
126                    hsxp_tar  = hxp_tar(hsnum_tartrack) ! This is an angle (radians)
127                    hsyp_tar  = hyp_tar(hsnum_tartrack) ! This is an angle (radians)
128 cdaq  1.15         hsbeta   = hbeta(itrkfp)
129                    hsbeta_chisq = hbeta_chisq(itrkfp)
130                    hstime_at_fp   = htime_at_fp(itrkfp)
131 cdaq  1.14 
132 cdaq  1.15         hstrack_et   = htrack_et(itrkfp)
133                    hstrack_preshower_e   = htrack_preshower_e(itrkfp)
134 cdaq  1.14         p_nonzero = max(.0001,hsp)      !momentum (used to normalize calorim.)
135                    hscal_suma = hcal_e1/p_nonzero  !normalized cal. plane sums
136                    hscal_sumb = hcal_e2/p_nonzero
137                    hscal_sumc = hcal_e3/p_nonzero
138                    hscal_sumd = hcal_e4/p_nonzero
139                    hsprsum = hscal_suma
140                    hsshsum = hcal_et/p_nonzero
141                    hsprtrk = hstrack_preshower_e/p_nonzero
142                    hsshtrk = hstrack_et/p_nonzero
144 cdaq  1.15         hsx_sp1 = hx_sp1(itrkfp)
145                    hsy_sp1 = hy_sp1(itrkfp)
146                    hsxp_sp1= hxp_sp1(itrkfp)
147                    hsx_sp2 = hx_sp2(itrkfp)
148                    hsy_sp2 = hy_sp2(itrkfp)
149                    hsxp_sp2= hxp_sp2(itrkfp)
151                    do ihit=1,hnum_scin_hit(itrkfp)
152                      call hf1(hidscintimes,hscin_fptime(itrkfp,ihit),1.)
153                    enddo
155                    do ihit=1,hntrack_hits(itrkfp,1)
156                      call hf1(hidcuttdc,
157                 &       float(hdc_tdc(hntrack_hits(itrkfp,ihit+1))),1.)
158                    enddo
160                    hsx_fp   = hx_fp(itrkfp)
161                    hsy_fp   = hy_fp(itrkfp)
162                    hsxp_fp   = hxp_fp(itrkfp) ! This is a slope (dx/dz)
163                    hsyp_fp   = hyp_fp(itrkfp) ! This is a slope (dy/dz)
164 cdaq  1.13         hsx_dc1 = hsx_fp + hsxp_fp * hdc_1_zpos
165                    hsy_dc1 = hsy_fp + hsyp_fp * hdc_1_zpos
166                    hsx_dc2 = hsx_fp + hsxp_fp * hdc_2_zpos
167                    hsy_dc2 = hsy_fp + hsyp_fp * hdc_2_zpos
168 cdaq  1.8          hsx_s1 = hsx_fp + hsxp_fp * hscin_1x_zpos
169                    hsy_s1 = hsy_fp + hsyp_fp * hscin_1x_zpos
170 cdaq  1.13         hsx_cer = hsx_fp + hsxp_fp * hcer_mirror_zpos
171                    hsy_cer = hsy_fp + hsyp_fp * hcer_mirror_zpos
172 cdaq  1.8          hsx_s2 = hsx_fp + hsxp_fp * hscin_2x_zpos
173                    hsy_s2 = hsy_fp + hsyp_fp * hscin_2x_zpos
174                    hsx_cal = hsx_fp + hsxp_fp * hcal_1pr_zpos
175                    hsy_cal = hsy_fp + hsyp_fp * hcal_1pr_zpos
176 cdaq  1.5  
177 saw   1.17         hsbeta_p = hsp/max(hsenergy,.00001)
178 saw   1.18 C old 'fit' value for pathlen correction
179            C        hspathlength = -1.47e-2*hsx_fp + 11.6*hsxp_fp - 36*hsxp_fp**2
180            C new 'modeled' value.
181                    hspathlength = 12.462*hsxp_fp + 0.1138*hsxp_fp*hsx_fp
182                 &                -0.0154*hsx_fp - 72.292*hsxp_fp**2
183                 &                -0.0000544*hsx_fp**2 - 116.52*hsyp_fp**2
185 saw   1.17         hspath_cor = hspathlength/hsbeta_p -
186                 &      hpathlength_central/speed_of_light*(1/max(.01,hsbeta_p) - 1)
188                    hsrftime = hmisc_dec_data(8,1)/9.46
189                 &           - (hstime_at_fp-hstart_time_center) - hspath_cor
190 cdaq  1.8          do ip=1,4
191                      hsscin_elem_hit(ip)=0
192                    enddo
193 cdaq  1.15         do i=1,hnum_scin_hit(itrkfp)
194                      ip=hscin_plane_num(hscin_hit(itrkfp,i))
195 cdaq  1.8            if (hsscin_elem_hit(ip).eq.0) then
196 cdaq  1.10             hsscin_elem_hit(ip)=hscin_counter_num(hscin_hit(
197 cdaq  1.15      $           itrkfp,i))
198                        hsdedx(ip)=hdedx(itrkfp,i)
199 cdaq  1.8            else                          ! more than 1 hit in plane
200                        hsscin_elem_hit(ip)=18
201 cdaq  1.15             hsdedx(ip)=sqrt(hsdedx(ip)*hdedx(itrkfp,i))
202 cdaq  1.8            endif
203                    enddo
204 cdaq  1.5  
205 cdaq  1.15         hsnum_scin_hit = hnum_scin_hit(itrkfp)
206                    hsnum_pmt_hit = hnum_pmt_hit(itrkfp)
208                    hschi2perdeg  = hchi2_fp(itrkfp)
209                 $       /float(hnfree_fp(itrkfp))
210                    hsnfree_fp = hnfree_fp(itrkfp)
211 cdaq  1.6  
212 cdaq  1.13         do ip = 1, hdc_num_planes
213 cdaq  1.15           hdc_sing_res(ip)=hdc_single_residual(itrkfp,ip)
214                      hsdc_track_coord(ip)=hdc_track_coord(itrkfp,ip)
215 cdaq  1.13         enddo
216 cdaq  1.15 
217                    if (hntrack_hits(itrkfp,1).eq.12 .and. hschi2perdeg.le.4) then
218                      xdist=hsx_dc1
219                      ydist=hsy_dc1
220                      do ip=1,12
221                        if (hdc_readout_x(ip)) then
222                          dist(ip) = ydist*hdc_readout_corr(ip)
223 saw   1.16             else                        !readout from top/bottom
224 cdaq  1.15               dist(ip) = xdist*hdc_readout_corr(ip)
225                        endif
226                        res(ip)=hdc_sing_res(ip)
227 saw   1.16             tmp = hdc_plane_wirecoord(itrkfp,ip)
228                 $           -hdc_plane_wirecenter(itrkfp,ip)
229                        if (tmp.eq.0) then          !drift dist = 0
230 cdaq  1.15               res(ip)=abs(res(ip))
231                        else
232 saw   1.16               res(ip)=res(ip) * (abs(tmp)/tmp) !convert +/- res to near/far res
233 cdaq  1.15             endif
234                      enddo
235            c           write(37,'(12f7.2,12f8.3,12f8.5)') (hsdc_track_coord(ip),ip=1,12),
236            c     &    (dist(ip),ip=1,12),(res(ip),ip=1,12)
237                    endif
239                    hstheta =htheta_lab*TT/180. - hsyp_tar
240                    HSP = hpcentral*(1 + hsdelta/100.)
241 cdaq  1.14         sinhstheta = sin(hstheta)
242 saw   1.18         coshstheta = cos(hstheta)
243 cdaq  1.9          tandelphi = hsxp_tar /
244                 &       ( sinhthetas - coshthetas*hsyp_tar)
245 saw   1.16         hsphi = hphi_lab + atan(tandelphi) ! hphi_lab MUST BE MULTIPLE OF
246 cdaq  1.14         sinhphi = sin(hsphi)            ! PI/2, OR ABOVE IS CRAP
247 saw   1.16         if(hpartmass .lt. 2*mass_electron) then ! Less than 1 MeV, HMS is elec
248                      if(gtarg_z(gtarg_num).gt.0.)then
249                        call total_eloss(1,.true.,gtarg_z(gtarg_num),
250                 $           gtarg_a(gtarg_num),gtarg_thick(gtarg_num),
251                 $           gtarg_dens(gtarg_num),
252                 $           hstheta,gtarg_theta,1.0,hseloss)
253 saw   1.18             hsenergy=hsenergy- hseloss
254 saw   1.16           else
255                        hseloss=0.
256                      endif
257 saw   1.18           hqx = -HSP*cos(HSxp_tar)*sinhstheta
258 saw   1.16           hqy = -HSP*sin(Hsxp_tar)
259 saw   1.18           hqz = gpbeam - HSP*cos(HSxp_tar)*coshstheta
260 saw   1.16           hqabs= sqrt(hqx**2+hqy**2+hqz**2)
261                      W2 = gtarg_mass(gtarg_num)**2 +
262                 $         2.*gtarg_mass(gtarg_num)*(gpbeam-hsp) - hqabs**2 +
263                 $         (gpbeam-hsp)**2
264                      if(W2.ge.0 ) then
265 saw   1.18             hinvmass = SQRT(W2)
266 saw   1.16           else
267 saw   1.18             hinvmass = 0.
268 saw   1.16           endif
269 cdaq  1.15         else
270 saw   1.16           if(gtarg_z(gtarg_num).gt.0.)then
271                        call total_eloss(1,.false.,gtarg_z(gtarg_num),
272                 $           gtarg_a(gtarg_num),
273                 $           gtarg_thick(gtarg_num),gtarg_dens(gtarg_num),
274                 $           hstheta,gtarg_theta,hsbeta,hseloss)
275 saw   1.18             hsenergy = hsenergy - hseloss
276 saw   1.16           else
277                        hseloss=0.
278                      endif
279 cdaq  1.15         endif
280 cdaq  1.2  *     Calculate elastic scattering kinematics
281 saw   1.16         t1  = 2.*hphysicsa*gpbeam*coshstheta      
282                    ta  = 4*gpbeam**2*coshstheta**2 - hphysicsb**2
283 cdaq  1.8  ccc   SAW 1/17/95.  Add the stuff after the or.
284 cdaq  1.14         if(ta.eq.0.0 .or. ( hphysicab2 + hphysicsm3b * ta).lt.0.0) then
285 cdaq  1.8            p3=0.       
286                    else
287 cdaq  1.14           t3  = ta-hphysicsb**2
288                      p3  = (T1 - sqrt( hphysicab2 + hphysicsm3b * ta)) / ta
289 cdaq  1.8          endif
290 cdaq  1.2  *     This is the difference in the momentum obtained by tracking
291            *     and the momentum from elastic kinematics
292 cdaq  1.14         hselas_cor = hsp - P3
293            *     invariant mass of the remaining particles
294 saw   1.16         hminv2 =   ( (gebeam+gtarg_mass(gtarg_num)-hsenergy)**2
295                 &       - (gpbeam - hsp * coshstheta)**2
296 cdaq  1.14      &       - ( hsp * sinhstheta)**2  )       
297 cdaq  1.8          if(hminv2.ge.0 ) then
298 cdaq  1.14           hsminv = sqrt(hminv2)
299 cdaq  1.8          else
300 cdaq  1.14           hsminv = 0.
301 cdaq  1.8          endif                           ! end test on positive arg of SQRT
302 cdaq  1.14 *     hszbeam is the intersection of the beam ray with the spectrometer
303 cdaq  1.2  *     as measured along the z axis.
304 cdaq  1.14         if( sinhstheta .eq. 0.) then
305                      hszbeam = 0.
306 cdaq  1.8          else
307 saw   1.16           hszbeam = sinhphi * ( -hsy_tar + gbeam_y * coshstheta) /
308 cdaq  1.14      $         sinhstheta 
309                    endif                           ! end test on sinhstheta=0
310 cdaq  1.10 *
311            *     More kinematics
312            *
313                    if(hsbeta.gt.0) then
314 saw   1.18           hsmass2 = (1/hsbeta**2 - 1)*hsp**2
315 cdaq  1.10         else
316 cdaq  1.14           hsmass2 = 1.0e10
317 cdaq  1.10         endif
319 saw   1.16         hst = (gebeam - hsenergy)**2
320                 $       - (gpbeam - hsp*coshstheta)**2 - (hsp*sinhstheta)**2
321                    hsu = (gtarg_mass(gtarg_num) - hsenergy)**2 - hsp**2
322                    if(hseloss.eq.0.)then
323                      hseloss = gebeam - hsenergy
324                    endif
325                    hsq3 = sqrt(gpbeam**2 + hsp**2 - 2*gpbeam*hsp*coshstheta)
326                    if(gpbeam.ne.0.and.hsq3.ne.0.)then
327                      coshsthetaq = (gpbeam**2 - gpbeam*hsp*coshstheta)/gpbeam/hsq3
328                    endif
329                    if(coshsthetaq.le.1.and.coshsthetaq.ge.-1.)then
330                      hsthetaq = acos(coshsthetaq)
331                    endif
332 cdaq  1.14         hsphiq = hsphi + tt
333 cdaq  1.10         hsbigq2 = -hst
334                    hsx = hsbigq2/(2*mass_nucleon*hseloss)
335 saw   1.16         hsy = hseloss/gebeam
336                    hsw2 = gtarg_mass(gtarg_num)**2 +
337                 $       2*gtarg_mass(gtarg_num)*hseloss - hsbigq2
338 cdaq  1.10         if(hsw2.ge.0.0) then
339                      hsw = sqrt(hsw2)
340                    else
341                      hsw = 0.0
342                    endif
344 saw   1.17 *     Calculate photon energy in GeV (E89-012):
345 saw   1.18         denom = hphoto_mtarget - hsenergy + hsp*coshstheta
346 saw   1.17         if (abs(denom).le.1.e-10) then
347                       hsegamma = -1000.0
348                    else
349                       hsegamma = ( hsenergy * hphoto_mtarget
350 saw   1.18      &       - 0.5*(hphoto_mtarget**2 + hpartmass**2
351 saw   1.17      &       - hphoto_mrecoil**2) ) / denom
352 saw   1.18         endif
354            *     Photon energy (assuming D2 target, Proton or Deut. detected).
355                    denom = 1.87561 - sqrt(hsp**2 + 0.93827**2) + hsp*coshstheta
356                    hsegamma_p= ( sqrt(hsp**2+0.93827**2) * 1.87561
357                 &       - 0.5*(1.87561**2 + 0.93827**2 - 0.93957**2) )/denom
359                    denom = 1.87561 - sqrt(hsp**2 + 1.87561**2) + hsp*coshstheta
360                    hsegamma_d= ( sqrt(hsp**2+1.87561**2) * 1.87561
361                 &       - 0.5*(1.87561**2 + 1.87561**2 - 0.13497**2) )/denom
363 saw   1.17 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
365 cdaq  1.15 *
366 cdaq  1.10 *     Write raw timing information for fitting.
367                    if(hdebugdumptof.ne.0) call h_dump_tof
368 cdaq  1.14         if(hdebugdumpcal.ne.0) call h_dump_cal
369 cdaq  1.10 *
370            *     Calculate physics statistics and wire chamber efficencies.
371 cdaq  1.8          call h_physics_stat(ABORT,err)
372                    ABORT= ierr.ne.0 .or. ABORT
373                    IF(ABORT) THEN
374                      call G_add_path(here,err)
375                    ENDIF
376 cdaq  1.2        endif                             ! end test on zero tracks
377 saw   1.16       return
378                  end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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